Saturday, 14 April 2007


Originally Posted January 27, 2007

The logical progression to the Maria story would be the Tesla story. There appears to be a connection.

Ok, I grew up 20 minutes away from Niagara Falls. I’m having a real hard time convincing myself I had never heard of Nikola Tesla until a few years ago when I watched The Philadelphia Experiment for the first time. However that is my first conscious recollection of his name.

Now that I’ve delved rather deeply into his life, it may just be possible he was not on the required learning agenda in school and I may very well have not have heard of him. Sir Adam Beck and his generating station got all the airplay if I recall correctly. A quick read into Tesla’s life will explain how he was deprived of his rightful place in history over and over again.

The car accident I was involved in happened directly in front of the power generating station housing Tesla’s genius. The newspaper used it as a reference. I’m still not at all clear what happened that night, but Mr. Tesla and/or his inventions have been showing up in the alternate universe we call dreams for quite some time.

This is the generating station; I think the branch in the foreground on the left is part of the tree we collided with.

Those big steel power transmission poles scare the crap out of me now, and have scared the crap out of me always. I could be merrily driving down the road following a herd of bunnies, when up around the next bend looms a transmission tower, and I am completely and utterly mesmerized by it. I cannot take my eyes from it and am filled with anxiety and fear. I stare at them wondering what it is that fills me with so much dread.

It could very well be the actual electrical field surrounding them, that’s been proven to have some weird effects on people. And I would go right along with that explanation if not for the dreams.

I’ve always had dreams of an array of towers resembling those roadside power lines. They all begin the same, I’m wandering through dense coniferous trees when I hit a clearing and there stands the dreaded array. In the dreams the dread is far worse. I don’t know what I do there or why I am being shown the facility, but there is an air of mystery and intrigue surrounding the adventure.

In 2003 these dreams began repeating at an alarming rate. I will admit they took up a great deal of my thoughts. As with many who follow their dreams, once mine come to realization or I recognize its message, they tend to cease. These became more and more frequent.
In 2004 I became desperate to unravel this mystery. That’s when I happened upon the internet world of conspiracies and their theorists. That’s when I was made aware of HAARP. Now I know why I am frightened.

Another recurring dream that began around the same time the array dreams intensified, were the big pink tubes. Again they begin emerging from the forest, only this time the trees were different, more of a mix of coniferous and deciduous. Always in the back of my mind I heard Black Forest. In the background are majestic snow-capped mountains similar to the Rockies.

The tube was huge. Half of it was below ground level, but I would estimate it was at least 5 feet in diameter and many miles long. And pink. A light metallic or glowing pink. In these dreams hubby and I are hovering over the tube, I don’t know why, then we’re flying just above the tube in a prone position, belly down, zooming along the surface an alarming speed. And that’s it. End of dream.

In early April 2004, I was in line at the grocery store in front of a display of Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons. I don’t normally read novels and had never heard of Dan Brown. The storyline proved to be far too intriguing to pass up. I swear this was the first I had heard of the Illuminati or CERN or anything else behind the book’s plot. Particle accelerators? Super conductors? I picture a super efficient passenger train employee.

However, without any conscious knowledge of any of this, I was dreaming about these exact people and places. Angels and Demons opened my eyes to a whole new world of answers, thank you Mr. Brown.

The following is an aerial photo of the location of the particle accelerator at CERN, as outlined by the red circle.

This is the outline of the particle accelerator known as Hera at the DESY facility in Germany:

And this is inside CERN


I believe what I was seeing in these dreams was a combination of both facilities, the Swiss Alps and the Black Forest.

A little side note on Hera. At exactly the same time I was investigating particle accelerators, and came across the DESY facility, another person on the forum posted this:

Date: September 02, 2004 at 18:40:37
From: missy,
Subject: next dream

few weeks back some of you may recall i entered this forum and posted a dream i had where i was just given the word hera.

I responded to Missy on that forum about what I had found, but she never answered. I assumed she either didn’t see my post or didn’t think it related to her dream.

Oddly enough she and I connected on another subject, Oak Island, months earlier as she mentioned having a blog about it. I’m confused as to why in this post she said she just entered this forum, because I have original records of having spoken to her on this same forum about Oak Island in July.

Anyhoo, I didn’t really check out her blog at the time she first mentioned it, but a few months later, when she posted about Hera, I found her Oak Island link while cleaning up my computer, so I checked it out. I saw she had posted her Hera dream there as well, so I also replied to her there.

The next day when I went back to it, her dream and my post were gone. Shortly after that so was her blog. Not sure what to think about all that.

Also at exactly the same time, and totally unrelated, somebody else posted a picture of this crop circle:

I was more than a little taken aback at the similarity to this pattern and the one showing Hera at DESY, right down to the smaller circles showing north, south, east and west on the Hera photo.

Another recurring dream showed a group of men huddled over yet another tube, this time bright yellow. They appeared to be working on it whatever it was. The building was similar to an automotive shop; I was either hovering over the contraption being worked on or standing in the shadows beside a man whose face I could not clearly see. But I did see his eyes. He was very sad.

The following photo shows an exposed view of what is known as the Tesla Supercollider at DESY:

This was the picture that connected the many dreams. Tesla again. CERN, DESY, HAARP, it’s all his. Magnets and electricity, that’s what he was all about.

On to yet the next recurring dream that also was occurring at the same time. In this one, I am walking up what I think is a driveway, but it’s really just 2 worn down ruts through the grass. Up ahead on my right I see a red brick building surrounded by barbed wire. I can’t see inside but I know something peculiar is going on. In almost every dream a man walks out of the building, always a different man, as I approach the property to ensure I don’t go near the shop. The yard around it is full of old rusty broken down equipment.

To my left is entirely the opposite feel. There are women dressed in attire from the turn of the century, long flowery dresses topped with lacy aprons and petticoats peaking below the hemline. There’s a white house with a porch surrounded by trees. The women are carrying food from the house to the table outside.

In between the house and the shop are two massive willow trees hundreds of feet tall. Slightly visible behind the trees is what I thought were the tops of 2 aluminum grain silos. They are gleaming in the sun and difficult to look at without being blinded. Then it ends.

This is the lab at Wardenclyffe:

This is the house at Wardenclyffe

This is the tower at Wardenclyffe

And this is the type of grain silo I saw peeking out from behind the trees

I figured I better look a little deeper into this Tesla guy. When I saw this picture of him, and the look in his eyes, I knew it was the man in the dreams.

Another connection between Maria and Tesla is the flying machine. From a link:

Few people have ever heard of Nikola Tesla. Those that have heard of him remember him for inventing the AC motor and the Tesla Coil. Nobody remembers Nikola Tesla for his greatest invention, the flying saucer. However, Tesla himself openly admitted that the flying saucer was his life's work. In his autobiography, Tesla writes:

As stated on a previous occasion, when I was a student at college I conceived a flying machine quite unlike the present ones. The underlying principle was sound, but could not be carried into practice for want of a prime-mover of sufficiently great activity. In recent years, I have successfully solved this problem and am now planning aerial machines *devoid of sustaining planes, ailerons, propellers, and other external* attachments, which will be capable of immense speeds and are very likely to furnish powerful arguments for peace in the near future. Such a machine, sustained and propelled *entirely by reaction*, is shown on one of the pages of my lectures, and is supposed to be controlled either mechanically, or by wireless energy. By installing proper plants, it will be practicable to *project a missile of this kind into the air and drop it* almost on the very spot designated, which may be thousands of miles away.

Why am I being shown his technology? My interest and/or knowledge in science falls way below average. I learned about Marconi and the radio sometime in elementary school. When I can understand that technology, perhaps I’ll delve a little deeper into physics, magnets and electricity. Fax machines? Truly magic to me and far beyond my scope of comprehension. If anybody’s waiting for me to invent some sort of magic machine, they’ll be waiting for a long time. So that blows that theory out the window.

Maybe his inventions will be our demise? Perhaps that’s why he looked so sad? The irony of his genius was, almost everything he thought of had useful purposes and equally destructive purposes. Are we to rescue his inventions from the minds of the evil?

Now here’s something really cool we just found out. Purpleaura and I are both big on birthdays and dates in general. How neither of us clued into the fact until recently that her hubby shares a birthday with Tesla is beyond us. That seems to be a very important little tidbit and yet one more connection in the tapestry.

To be continued…


Tesla (the band) ~ Caught in a Dream ~ 2004

If you can imagine this
The whole world sharin' one big kiss
These are thoughts all through my brain
That I daydream every day
I'm alive and well
Right now I'm alive, I'm feelin' well
It's my life to live my way
So I'll keep daydreaming anyway
Who knows, maybe someday it will all come true
And I will get my way
And we will live as one
I'm caught up in a dream
I'm gonna wish for it all
No one is gonna tell me how
No way, this is my dream now
I'm caught up in what seems
Simply impossible
I ain't gonna change a thing
No way, it's my dream
What cannot will be done
For every living thing under the sun
Foggy color foggy race
Just be one big happy face
Among the sea of people
Live among God's creatures sharing love
That was sent down from above
Here to share with another
Father, brother, sister, mother
Everybody share a love
Share a love
I close my eyes
And everything will be alright
Here in my fantasy
Living in harmony
Make my dream come alive
If you can imagine this
The whole world sharin' one big kiss
Take away the pain and hurt
Make like heaven here on earth
Without reason to die
Givin' everlasting life to all