Our mission, as we have chosen to accept it,
is to unravel the meaning of life's mysteries
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Originally Posted January 31, 2007
With all there is to write about, I had a bit of a block on what the next subject should be. So much has transpired between us in 3+ years, and as I mentioned earlier, there’s a few thousand emails. A person can easily forget the details of each situation. I decided, or rather somebody decided for me, what the next topic would be. I searched the archives for the number 59432 as it has been mystifying us for some time.
What I am finding as I write this are yet more synchronicities, one of them being Purpleaura doesn’t know I’m writing about this, but you will see as the story progresses, her correspondence today is quite timely with what I have been recalling as I read these old emails.
We both have dreams, sometimes many years old, that continue to haunt us. This is one of Purpleaura’s:
Date: June 19, 2004 at 11:27:14 From: Purpleaura Subject: Fire, Water, Soldiers, Geppetto, etc.
In the the dream there seems to be many things happening on many levels. I'm at home in my backyard (my real life backyard {at the time of this dream that was Los Angeles}). It jumps and I’m aware of wild fires all around in the distance, then I look up and see a big, black mushroom cloud also in the distance. I knew someone had detonated it.
The next minute I see truckloads of soldiers coming towards us. Some are dressed in black uniforms and were carrying machine guns. They were rounding people up and putting them into box cars.
I gathered my kids up and managed to get away and headed in the opposite direction from them. I felt we were heading nearer the sea. Then all of sudden I heard a voice saying, “You should be going in the opposite direction. There is a tsunami coming and you have to be 30 miles inland”.
Well I start to turn and for some reason I knew that the soldiers were taking them in, and for some reason, felt like it was the desert they were going to. I knew I had to go on the river, the quickest way there. There were others on the river but I didn’t have any transport for myself and kids to travel on. Next I find large steel oxygen canisters. I tied them all together and we were riding the waves on the river. Then all of sudden we were riding quad bikes on the water, although they only had 3 wheels.
We get to a quiet town and there is water rising (flooding), touching the steps of people’s homes. We carried on and went to another town; these buildings reminded me of old Deep South white wooden homes, with back porches. There was an old man fishing quietly and happily in the water, but the water is rising so we decide to leave and end up in a big city.
. It reminded me of space age city, and they were unaware of the tsunami about to hit. It was weird, hubby was writing to my father, telling him we were in Italy, but in fact we were already in another city.
It switches and I am the child and I am listening to a mother saying she would like to see her dad. He was Geppetto who made Pinocchio. She is worried that when people find out what was about to happen, there would be so much panic that the city would be gridlocked and we wouldn’t be able to leave before the tsunami hit.
It jumps again and now we decide to stay and see mother’s father, Geppetto, and we reserve a room. (It kept switching places of me being mother and child). It felt like a hotel, on the top floors where the waters wouldn’t reach would be safe. My number looked like 59432 on the room key I had reserved. I was happy because when everyone knew what was going on, there would be a mad scramble to reserve a room on the top floors. I was happy and left to see Geppetto, then I awoke from the dream.
Lots of symbolism in that one. As Purpleaura’s dreams can be both prophetic and symbolic simultaneously, a couple of things I see in hindsight are the Boxing Day Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.
Many thoughts struck me immediately upon reading this, and keep in mind we did not know each other yet. First it triggered another Maria Moment. Maria explained to me that Geppetto was the same as Joseph in another language. She then made me see that Geppetto carved puppets and toys from wood, and Joseph, father of Jesus, was a carpenter. She said it was like Geppetto was Joseph and Pinocchio was like Jesus. That sort of fits in with my “Jesus Was the First Test Tube Baby” theory. Both Geppetto and Joseph were involved with creating or trying to create, the perfect child. I for one think the world would be a much better place if our noses grew when we lie.
The idea certainly made sense to me at the time, as I got older, I didn’t wonder about what she told me so much, but why she told me. To this day I have not yet seen the movie Pinocchio. After Purpleaura’s dream, another mystery was solved. Now that I know why Maria told me that, now I’m wondering what it all means. One answer always seems to lead to another question.
Another notion that was rekindled with this dream was the alleged rumour about Disney and subliminal messages in their movies. I researched that topic and came across this:
Was Snow White's eating of the poison apple an allusion to the Fall in the Garden of Eden? When the puppet maker Geppetto was swallowed by a whale, was that a veiled reference to Jonah in Hebrew Scriptures? Were Jiminy Cricket's initials in "Pinocchio" a hidden reference to Jesus Christ?
The other item that leapt off the page was 59432. About ten years ago, when the need for a password in the everyday world became a necessity, but before they needed to be a 24 character alpha-numeric sequence only Einstein could remember, mine was 59632. Pretty freaking close if you ask me.
59432 doesn’t seem to have any one particular meaning, but many. With these types of occurrences, dates and numbers repeating, one way I tend to look at them is, as a sign we’re on the right track. For instance, if we’re researching a dream and keep coming across these numbers in places we don’t expect, I feel the research is going in the right direction or a particular piece of information was the answer we were looking for.
You can imagine we’ve looked just about everywhere and come up with oodles of possibilities. Zip codes, map co-ordinates, dates, bible verses, numerology…..
I was looking into 59432/59423 and thought maybe it was a zip code and one came back as Christina Montana. I thought of this out of nowhere today. Now that wouldn’t mean anything except for the dream of Blood, Women and War. Three ladies said I was to stand and stay and watch the city, and one of the ladies names was Christine.
What’s weird about that is, for one I can’t believe it took us that long to check out where the zip codes belonged. We do that a lot. When we figure out something and realize it’s been right in our faces the whole time, we wonder why it took so long. You could say we’re a little dense sometimes, or the way we like to think is, it wasn’t time for us to know yet.
And we’re a little dense sometimes.
Weirder yet was one of 2 emails from Purpleaura today:
Purpleaura ~ January 29, 2007
Hmmm for some reason I’ve been drawn back to this dream from April last year. It made me think when I read the part about the women’s names, Jane, Christina and Joan. Wasn’t one of the people demonstrating against the war Jane Fonda? It makes me wonder whether there was a Joan and Christina involved. I don’t know but whatever this is, something is tying in.
Here’s that dream:
Purpleaura ~ April 15, 2005
I suddenly was in group of people, but nearly all the people were men and it felt like I was waiting in line to go on a bus. The buses for some reason were small and reminded me of prison buses like I have seen on TV. The men couldn't wait to get on the buses to fight, but before they were allowed on the buses, there were doctors or someone similar to a doctor-type, which seemed to be taking droplets of blood from each person that was in line waiting to board the bus.
They pricked each person's fingers and the droplets of blood were collected/fell on what seem to be some kind of blotting paper. If the blood changed on the paper to one color, they were allowed to board the bus to go off to fight a war. I remember it was my turn to have my blood test. They did it, and the people doing it said to me, “You can’t come on the bus to fight because you do not have this particular type of blood to be allowed to fight”. (I can’t for the life of me remember which blood type was allowed to board).
It jumped in the dream and suddenly I appeared to be in a small town. Everywhere I looked there were women and children and absolutely no men left in town, they had all left on the bus to fight. I'm thinking, “This is very strange that every man that is going to fight had this particular type of blood”, yet I had a feeling that all the women and children were left at home.
Again the dream jumps and I’m in a hall. There’s a man, (don't know where he sprang from), reading from a bible, like a sermon. Now I am not religious, but as I listened he spoke about the true blood, the true people who will fight, that they carried the Holy Grail within their blood. I thought, “That's my blood type”. And suddenly it hit me. They had sent in the wrong people with the wrong blood type to fight the war. The true people who should have been sent to fight were the ones who carried the Holy Grail within their blood. I thought, “They’ve got it all wrong; we have to save the people who were sent in”.
Again it jumps and I saw myself standing in front of huge crowd. I told them about the men and the true blood. I heard myself telling everyone they have got it wrong. Suddenly all the women were preparing to go to war. I remember going to 3 meetings and standing in front of the women and telling them. And I remember the entire gathering was women and they were preparing to set off to fight. I remember telling 3 women named Christine, Joan and Jane to stay in the town and look after the children. There were women who couldn't because they were pregnant and women who had babies or very young children with them who couldn't come.
Then it jumped again and I remember vaguely being in a war. A group of us were surrounding a single storey grey building with windows in it. And we were quietly surrounding the building. The weirdest part I vaguely remember is that each woman had what appeared to be silver metal body armor that covered our chests, it reminded me of Roman chest armor. It’s interesting, I remember thinking in the dream that they couldn't see us surrounding the building because we carried the Holy Grail within our blood. Then I awoke from the dream.
I just googled 59423 and came across a movie with Keanu Reeves called The Watcher. I didn’t realize he was born in Beirut.
(59432 was the catalogue number for a poster).
Now this might not seem strange either except for all the Keanu Reeves stuff that comes up. And again that’s a story for another time. Why I mention it now is, this is email 2 of 2 from Purpleaura today:
January 29, 2007
Last week I thought it was funny, I had Keanu Reeves on the brain all week. You wouldn’t believe it, 5 times last week, every time I switched the TV to a different channel, there was Keanu in "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure", the film about time travel. Also the film "Constantine" showed up 4 times last week.
Okay, now it’s the next day from when I began trying to put this puzzle together, Purpleaura still doesn’t know this is what I’m writing about, and I received two more emails from her today regarding the number 59432 and myths surrounding 432.
The following are but a few of the many fascinations to surface surrounding 59432. Purpleaura split the number up, and found 59 to mean nothing but fire and brimstone according to this website.
In The Inner Reaches Of Outer Space, Joseph Campbell discusses the similarity between the Babylonian and Genesis flood stories. In the Babylonian story, there were ten kings who lived very long lives from the creation to the time of the flood -- a period of time given as 432,000 years. Zecharia Sitchin reckons the time frame to be 445,000 years ago, with the flood pegged at 13,000 years ago. [1] (Do the math.)
In the Biblical account, there were ten patriarchs between Adam and Noah (aka The Adam's Family), who also lived long lives. The total years -- adjusting for the massive overlap in their lives, add up to 1,656. In that number of years, there are 86,400 weeks, or exactly twice 43,200. Curiously, the number of seconds in a 24 hour day is 86,400.
To reconcile taking half of 86,400 to obtain 43,200, one should note the ancient tradition of seeing a cycle as one half waning and one half waxing (as in the lunar cycle). The day thus has 24 hours, or 2 sets of 12 hours -- 12 hours of a waxing sun, followed by 12 hours of a waning sun. 12 is, in fact, considered the celestial holy number (7 being the down-to-earth holy number). Additionally, in Revelation 12, the woman with child has a crown of 12 stars. The New Jerusalem has 12 gates, angels and pearls. And the symbol of the Heart chakra is a 12-petal Lotus Flower . John Mitchell, author of City Of Revelation, shows a diagram of the New Jerusalem Plan, based on St. John’s vision. It has 12 circles in a ring, with a 12-pointed star inside, formed by four overlapping triangles. (The Zodiac is often depicted in a similar way). If you take the circles to be 360 degrees each, and multiplies by the number of circles, the total equals 4,320.
Campbell points out a number of other strange things about the numbers. Viking eddas were found in Iceland that told the story of the Day of Ragnorook, the Doomsday of the Gods. At that time, 800 Divine Warriors were to come out of each of the 540 Doors of Valhalla. And as it turns out, 800 x 540 = 432,000.
The Kali-Yuga time cycle of the Eastern religions, is also 432,000 years, while the other three ages of the Grand Cycle are multiples of 432,000 years -- with the total of all four cycles being 4,320,000 years. (see Annals of Earth -- Episode 3.)
The earth’s axis wobble that causes the precession of the equinoxes is given as 25,920 years. Divided by the ancient “soss”, 60, which was used in calculations, results in 432. The 60 is also relevant as the ratio of the distance to the Moon from Earth and Earth’s radius (see Nines), the number of seconds in a minute, and minutes in an hour, and half the hundred and twenty years of man [Genesis 6:3].
A manufacturer of golf balls once did a test to find the ideal number of dimples to put on golf balls. It turned out that balls with 432 dimples went farther than the rest.
432 is also a fundamental part of a Gematrian numbering system, which seems to be based on adding the number 36. Two of the resulting numbers are 1656 and 25920. Others are 144 or 144,000, and 1260, which also appear in Revelation. Each number had a meaning. 432, for example, means, “Consecration”.
Some believe these numbers were placed in the Bible to transmit messages across time itself. Carl Munck has shown that these numbers were part of a very ancient system for positioning ancient sites around the world. James Furia has shown that the musical scale is also related, i.e. the centering note is “A” at 432 cps, rather than the standard 440.
It goes on and on... And of course, every single one of the numbers reduces to 9
Miss Scarlet’s Dream ~ May 2, 2006: (note: both Purpleaura & I have heard May 2 in our dreams)
This morning right before I woke up I saw a grid containing the numbers 59432. It was a 3 x 3 square and was either floating in the air or hanging on the wall. I think I was trying to find patterns in it, and that's when I saw the numbers 59432 and said, "Hey, Purpleaura's numbers are in here. Cool". It may have been inspired by the link you sent last night and the pic I saw there, but I'm not going to toss it aside because those just-before-you-wake-up dreams always feel important.
The link Purpleaura sent the previous evening displayed a picture of a magic number square. I didn’t recall seeing one of those since elementary school. The teachers always said we would use what they taught us some day. And here I was skeptical.
Did I have the dream because of Purpleaura’s link? Or did she send the link because I was going to have that dream? Had she not sent that link, I would still be wondering what it was all about. Not that I’m 100% certain now, but we had some fun playing with the numbers.
This was the composition of the Magic Number Square shown in the dream:
Given my rudimentary math skills, I’ve come up with a few simple equations that feature the numbers 2, 3 and 12 repeatedly. For example, the addition of each row, column and diagonal reveals this pattern, when read from left to right:
12 ~ 9 ~ 12 ~ 24 ~ 12 ~ 15 ~ 12 ~ 18
Purpleaura thought these numbers may represent the Twin Flames, the Trinity and the Twelve Tribes. Sounds good to me. Another evening while researching this number, a DNA website came up time after time. Even after I stopped looking for this number and began looking for other things completely unrelated, the same site showed up again and again. Perhaps it’s a genetic code. Or maybe somebody out there has forgotten the combination to the wall safe and this is it.
Last night I was looking around on Google Earth and the thing went crazy. It started moving around by itself way faster than I could ever make it move with the mouse. I now call it Ouija Google. It stopped near Lake Athabasca which spans northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. I happened to look down at the co-ordinates and the latitude was 59° 42’ 3” north.
This location did prove to be a most interesting find and the answer to yet another mystery. And another story for another day.
I was doing some thinking on 59423 and keep on coming up with Unna in Germany which was originally mentioned in a dream in WW3 Prophecies
"One battle will take place at the birch tree between Unna, Hamm and Werl. There nations from half over the world will face each other. Only a few Russians will get back home to tell of their defeat.... First the Polish will come over, then they will fight against their suppressors and finally get a king”.
I was looking at a big collection of purple amoebas. They were all different shapes and each one had little tiny lights, like a marquis, surrounding each one. I think each one of them had a symbol on it as well and in the dream I was wondering if this is some sort of weird alphabet. Now that I'm awake (sort of) it seems like we were growing something in a lab or watching an experiment of some kind.
I was just looking at pictures from the Hubble Telescope. One in particular caught my eye and it’s called the Cartwheel Galaxy. Look at the galaxy compared to the purple amoeba I drew after that dream.
A little more snooping around showed the declination of the Cartwheel Galaxy to be -33° 42' 59". . That’s all for now! . Happy Dreams . Miss Scarlet . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
On the Road to Find Out ~ Cat Stevens ~ 1970
Well I left my happy home to see what I could find out
I left my folk and friends with the aim to clear my mind out
Well I hit the rowdy road and many kinds I met there
Many stories told me of the way to get there
So on and on I go, the seconds tick the time out
There’s so much left to know, and I’m on the road to find out
Well in the end I’ll know, but on the way I wonder
Through descending snow, and through the frost and thunder
Well, I listen to the wind come howl, telling me I have to hurry
I listen to the robins song saying not to worry
So on and on I go, the seconds tick the time out
There’s so much left to know, and I’m on the road to find out
Then I found myself alone, hopin someone would miss me
Thinking about my home, and the last woman to kiss me, kiss me
But sometimes you have to moan when nothing seems to suit yer
But nevertheless you know you’re locked towards the future
So on and on you go, the seconds tick the time out
There’s so much left to know, and I’m on the road to find out
Then I found my head one day when I wasn’t even trying
And here I have to say, cause there is no use in lying, lying
Yes the answer lies within, so why not take a look now?
Kick out the devils sin, pick up, pick up a good book now