Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Plague, Nuclear Blast

Originally Posted January 21, 2007


Waiting for the Worms ~ Pink Floyd, 1979

Oooo you cannot reach me now,
Oooo no matter how you try
Goodbye cruel world, its over
Walk on by

Sitting in a bunker
Here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
In perfect isolation
Here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
Waiting, to cut out the deadwood
Waiting, to clean up the city
Waiting, to follow the worms
Waiting, to put on a black shirt
Waiting, to weed out the weaklings
Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors
Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain
Waiting, to follow the worms
Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens
Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the reds and the Jews
Waiting, to follow the worms

Would you like to see Britannia
Rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms
Would you like to send our colored cousins
Home again, my friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms


I will have to save the story and dreams of Tesla for another day, suffice to say we are among the many of his fans and followers.

In the 30 years hubby and I have known each other, I can count on less than 2 hands the number of dreams he’s recalled. This was his dream from last night:


January 21, 2007

He and I were walking home from a fair grounds along a road known as 17 Avenue. All of a sudden he saw a mushroom cloud in the west. Prior to this he didn’t recall seeing any other people, but after the bomb hit, people were scrambling everywhere, and chaos was all around. One thing that stood out to him was a man stealing a car, giving him the feeling nothing else mattered, this was a fight for your life situation. Suddenly we were home, only our home was now made of concrete, still above ground but thick concrete walls, like a bunker. End of dream.


He woke up and turned on the TV to a show about nuclear and other advanced weapons. They spoke of the first test in Nevada and the Tunguska incident.

We got up, I checked my email to find some rather interesting links from Purpleaura regarding Tesla and the latest talk of George H. being the son of Tesla’s accountant, a Nazi. And Purpleaura’s dream from last night. This is not the first dream she’s had of a plague.


Purpleaura’s Dream ~ January 21, 2007

Again in this dream I am seeing and watching what is happening at the same time. I am aware that for a long time there has been a battle between mankind on earth and aliens, (people have battled with them a long time, so they are known but I don’t see any aliens in the dream).

The aliens who came here said I had an almost unbelievable sense of emotions that we were far inferior to them. They wanted us removed or eliminated from the earth altogether. I think our place on the chain were as being just like dumb animals. But it seems the people of earth are a hardy bunch. Even though they consider us inferior at every turn, we have fought hard and won the battles up to now. I remember hearing one of the aliens say, “The people on earth will rejoice that we have left the earth, but what they don’t know is, us leaving the earth is all an illusion. In reality our plan is to release a great destruction on earth, a plague”.

It’s at this time I see what appears to be weird deadly insects of some sort which I can’t explain (a satan bug perhaps?). They mentioned releasing another plague with it, but that part I can’t recall. The male voice goes on to say that by the time the plague has hit, it will have decimated most of the earth’s people. Then they will return and finish the job themselves. I think at this point the alien seemed to be enjoying the prospect of finally eliminating the people of earth.

It jumps in the dream and I’m in a building, it looks like a building from the early 1900's. It had light brick walls with almost a band of sandy colored bricks. It wasn’t a high rise glass building or too modern. The weirdest part is, it seems to be a place of learning, like a high school or college. I’m in classroom and I am aware of what is about to happen with the plagues about to be released and I’m telling people. People are excited because they think they have won, that the aliens have left the earth when in fact they are waiting for the plagues to hit, then they’ll come back and “Finish the job". I’m trying to tell people "It’s an illusion, they are going to release a plague of what appeared to be deadly insects”. I am trying to climb up and close the air conditioning vents in the room I was in. The next room had a high ceiling and I was getting frustrated at not being able to close the air conditioning vents.

Another room had ceilings too high, and one room was connected to the corridor and was facing a room with a bathroom door, which left loads of places for insects to get in. I am closing the vents and telling everyone “Close the windows, doors etc., anything to stop them from coming in… PLEASE”. People (peers were looking out).

The next minute I looked down and I notice a lady who looked like she was dressed in WWII brown army clothes, she looked like a WAC or something. I hear her say “You must fight for your country, join the army”, and there were leaflets with peoples faces on them looking down at her and few men dressed in uniforms. I’m thinking “You haven’t got time for this. What you need to do is go indoors and close everything you can think of that can come into your home. They are about to release the biggest plague on earth”. In the dream the plague didn’t seem to last very long. I think I was trying to get everyone in the home so that when the plague finishes, and the aliens believe that most of mankind is eliminated, they are going to have a bloody shock when they are confronted with people of earth. We may be dumb animals but we are a bloody thorn in their sides.

I think they had been trying to take over the earth and tried on numerous occasions to kill earth’s people, but this is the biggest threat to mankind they have ever released. As I am watching the woman in uniform, at the same time on the horizon I saw a huge dark shadow cover the sun. It was going dark on the horizon, and people were watching in horror, panic and disbelief. Something horrid was coming. It’s at this time I woke up sweating thinking shit, I’ve got to close off the vents. It feel like I’ve gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. My general feelings are this.

A war on earth has been going on for ages. It’s not like aliens landed on lawns but more like people seem to be aware of a silent war going on. It seems there have been many battles with these aliens or whatever you call them.

This is man biggest threat ever, the threat of total elimination from earth.

It will be a great illusion when mankind thinks they have won the war when in reality a plan is being put in place to eliminate mankind.

There seems to be 2 plagues around at the same time, but the major one will be airborne, (don’t know whether it’s insects but it will be deadly).

The plague that is coming will not last long, its job is to eliminate as many people on earth as possible, before they come back to finish the job.

People think that we have won the war when in reality the war is only the beginning and it’s a war where we live or die.

I have no clue why a WWII-uniformed woman and man would appear before the release of the plague, unless it’s a suggestion of what is going on with the war in Iraq. I have no idea what the reference might be in connection with the era or something happening in that time frame.


Miss Scarlet’s Dream – January 21, 2007

I had a short snippet that I don’t fully recall, but something was happening with the moon. Many people were gathered all over the world looking up at the sky watching the show. I get the feeling the moon was breaking apart, it was very bright and equally bright chunks of it were flying off.


After Purpleaura sent me her dream, she went to a favorite website to find this:

Rogue Alien Species About To Mass Eradicate The illuminati?

"I saved this old post from a poster whom I think was on glp....

interesting to say the least, it really seems as though the illuminati is sure taking their time doesn’t it, makes you wonder if THEY know something or someone is watching their every move and ready to strike at a moments notice

to add more to the mystery to the story the ex gov whistleblower who broke the story is now missing

"I would guess this rogue alien race is benevolent but not aligned with the so called 'galactic federation' as the GF does not believe in interfering

Changes are going on behind the scenes. It’s a stealth mission. The 'family' (intergenerational cultists) that run this planet are being covertly removed from earth. Here are notes from previous threads that attempted to explain the situation, if it seems confusing it's because you're reading quotes from various posters and forum threads..

He talked about it at the conference and he talks about it in the Greenstar Dialogue on his site. He has tried to scan them but they are blocking anyone from scanning them. So he doesn’t know their intentions for coming here. He said they could be coming here to rid the planet of the Illuminati and the reptilians and move them to alternative reality they created for them. However they might not care about us and want to destroy the whole planet in order to insure that they get the Illuminati. Like the Illuminati will kill a whole plane load of innocent people to insure they 2 people on board. The way he talks makes it sound like we should be seeing a real alien invasion soon. He said half of the counsel wants to destroy all of us and start over again and the other half wants to spare us. So I guess well have to wait and see how this turns out

It appears we have a 50% chance of living on this planet without the illuminati, and a 100% chance of the illuminati being eradicated.

I have been feeling for a long time that there could be a Real Alien Invasion and in the Mayan Prophecies through the Tzolkin [Great Cycle], the Maya discuss in detail the return of the Star Nations to Earth where there could be mass destruction. This apparently was planned to happen before the end of 2010.

Also the Illumined Ones with their Secret Government NASA String Of Pearls Technology will not be allowed to go into Outer Space because they are an extremely unnatural genetic creation being 50 percent Reptilian DNA and 50 percent Mammalian DNA.

No Star Nation will allow those madmen to spread such genetics across the Universe as the Pleiajare, Tau Cetians and Alderbaranians plus many other Star Nations have fought against the Greys and Reptilians for centuries and know full well the consequences of their hybrid projects on many planets already. With this 'Unknown Star Nation', it would seem they are outside the type of remit the Galactic Federation would follow.

The Illumined Ones are idiots because their arrogance makes them edit their Reality to see no mistakes they have made, which are endless

I always thought the Galactic Federation would never interfere in Earth because of that type of Real Alien Invasion actually disrupting the Soul Journey of each Human Being, who is here to work through their Victim Mind Patterns.

I guess with this 'Unknown Star Nation', in terms of 'Cosmic Politics' things are changing these days.

I didn’t say the Galactic Federation is involved in this. It sounds like the unknown aliens are acting on the own.

The unknown group hates the reptilians and the Illuminati. He thinks that they might not even care about us because we are hybrids and not pure humans. They may want to destroy the whole planet. So I wouldn’t get my hopes up for anyone saving us. Well just have to wait and see how all this will plays out.

I just finished reading the new Greenstar dialogues and it sounds like the plan is to remove the Illuminati and the reptilians to an alternate reality. Aria said they are already bringing prisoners to the alternate reality. It’s starting to sound like threes something to hope for after all.

It is good to know that outside the Galactic Federation there are Humanoid Star Nations who will not tolerate the sick NWO and the Illumined Ones and Reptilians behind all this mess on Earth"

Yes, the NWO will collapse and i am so very happy it will do so.

Millions upon millions of Human Beings are waking up worldwide. If the Illumined Ones think they can obliterate 1.6 billion Muslims across Earth then they are madder than i first thought. Muslims actually, are one of the fasted groups on Earth waking up and their Collective Unconscious is making waves to really hinder the NWO these days!

The Ruling Elites are the Illumined Ones and therefore this Star Nation will obviously not just appear on the White House Lawn for CNN and Fox News.

So how this will play out is going to be interesting. quote I imagine there will be a war in space before they land here. The Illuminati has defense system that they will have to get by first.

I feel that as this Human Star Nation has been amassing for some years now, in the Outer Solar System, and their forces are vast, that they are fully aware of the defense systems the Illumined Ones have built which compared to their technology are not going to be so advanced anyway.

The Illumined Ones are arrogant and disliked by all the Reptilians and Mammalians in the Solar System and across the Milky Way Galaxy

The arrogant extremist nature of the illuminati(reptilian/mammalian hybrid freaks) is looked down upon by all off earth races, they'll not be allowed to expand their empire throughout the universe.

Seems they pissed the wrong people off, thousands of ships are incoming, they have the power to deal with the 40 million reptilians behind the moon and other weapons the illuminati has in place.

They’re planning on destroying the illuminati, if they have to destroy we the people and the planet, so be it. We need a new beginning. It's one thing they're debating at the moment, are we worth saving?? I'm not so sure.

Do you think the Draconian Reptilian Second Moon hiding behind the Earths Moon, will become involved in any conflict between the Illumined Ones and the Human Star Nation currently residing in our Outer Solar System?

The Second Moon reminds me of the Death Star in the Star Wars films and knowing how warlike the Draconian Reptilians are, probably has a lot of very advanced weaponry at their disposal.

There again, the Human Star Nation, who may or may not be the Blue Andromedans from the Andromeda Galaxy, have amassed thousands and thousands of spaceships in the Kuiper Asteroid Belt for a very long time now. This Star Nation would not have come all this way to attacked Earth and remove the Illumined Ones and the Reptilians unless they were certain they could actually get rid of them all once and for all.

I feel perhaps, this may not be just a chaotic, renegade response, and that a hierarchy is at work here. It would be awful and horrendous if the NWO and Illumined Ones managed to get into Outer Space and started to colonize planets with their Reptilian Hybrids and Androids.

No Star Nation, or the Galactic Federation and probably not the Draconian Reptilian Orion Confederation would tolerate such an intrusion and the Illumined Ones one way or another would be dealt with anyway.

I hope this Blue Andromedan or Human Star Nation currently residing in the Kuiper Asteroid Belt do invade Earth and soon. This planet is in a really bad way and billions of Human Beings are currently dumbed down because we are being sprayed like bugs from the Chemtrails coming out of NATO and USAF planes and Commercial Airliners as well with Polymers and DNA Mutagenic Compounds.

You combine that with the HAARP System and ELF Transmissions and Human Beings have become sleepy and switched off from what is really going on.

As with the Mayan Prophecies however, there is a massive Global Consciousness change occurring right now and the Illumined Ones are very worried about that.

This Earth needs a Real Alien Invasion as part of the change in Human Consciousness and the Illumined Ones in their arrogance and super egos think they will be around forever as if they were 'Gods' or something. How wrong and silly they really are.

There are billions of EBE Star Nations out there who are not Reptilians, and could be Mammalian, Insectalian or Avian and so on. So once enough Human Beings change their Victim Mentalities and Mind Patterns, then First Contact of the CE4 type will occur on Earth and Humanity will start to evolve into Divine Love once again, out of the fear and pain at long last

This is high speculation but i have been wondering what will happen if there is a Real Alien Invasionby this Human Star Nation or the Blue Andromedans or even another Mammalian Star Nation.

Because on Earth as you all know the Viertel Reich exists in Neuschwabenland in Antarktische and as they are Pure Mammalian Aryans, will this Human Star Nation ally with them against the Lemurian Reptilians, Draconian Reptilians and the Reptilian Illumined Ones?

I guess we will have to wait and see what happens in August of this year.

I hope they will not forget satanist electromagnetic attack agents that they kill people and destroy beautiful minds. Very hurtful punishment to them!!"

Well i am not sure on that because who or whatever this Star Nation is, they are specifically after the Illumined Ones and the Lemurian Reptilians.

They want a Mammalian planet again so we will have to wait and see what happens


Yesterday I posted on a forum how freaked I was about the recent weather around the world. This morning after I digested hubby and Purpleaura’s dreams and links, I proceeded to one of my favorite websites to see what went on in the world last night. I came across this post from Whitley Streiber.

Whitley Strieber: Superstorms, Aliens and the Bomb

Friday January 19th, 2007

[By Whitley Strieber]

As I write this, there is a phenomenal story on Unknowncountry.com that discusses the terrible weather presently sweeping the whole western world, literally from California to Poland. This is the closest we have ever come to a superstorm, and it comes a few weeks after a disturbing event involving the Gulf Stream. (To read the story, click here.) Quite plainly, the world's system of currents is changing, possibly collapsing, and it is possible that there is an as yet undocumented connection between the unusually harsh weather and current changes.

At the same time, the world is closer to nuclear war than it has been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Israel must prevent Iran from producing U-235, and they could go online with this in a matter of months. If they do produce it, they will be able to export fissionable material to terrorist groups like Hamas, in order to enable them to create dirty bombs.

The fact that the detonation of such bombs in Israel will also destroy the Palestinian people is considered an acceptable loss. Their lives are not as important as the ruin of Israel, so the fact that they must die in order to kill the Jewish state is not thought by Iran, Syria, Hamas or other concerned entities to be too great a price. In effect, all the Palestinians are to be considered suicide bombers, if the result is that Israel is eradicated.

Because US intelligence has failed in Iran, there is no adequate intelligence about a single, crucial element that might have saved us from the use of nuclear weapons in the effort to prevent Iran from manufacturing U-235. Specifically, western intelligence does not possess information about the location of air intakes and vents that would enable highly accurate American 'bunker busters' to penetrate into buried Iranian nuclear facilities and destroy them.

This means that there is only one way to insure that the centrifuges that are essential to the production of U-235, and are buried deeper than US bunker busters can penetrate without going down airshafts, can be destroyed: neutron bombs will have to be used.

It is likely that the bombs will come from Israel, and also possible that nobody, not Iran, not the US, not Israel, will say that they have been used. A neutron bomb does not leave a radiation signature. It would be observed as a very large explosion. The sheet of devastatingly destructive neutrons that it emitted would kill every living thing for miles around, and would overload every electrical and electronic circuit it reached. But it would not persist. There would be no fallout. There would be no irradiated areas on the ground.

It is possible that such a bomb has already been detonated in the Iranian desert. There was a large explosion in the area a few days ago, reported on Unknowncountry.com but entirely ignored by western media. It was briefly reported in the Iranian press, then it disappeared.

However, the greater possibility is that no attack has taken place yet, and that the explosion is somehow connected with what is now a literally fantastic amount of UFO activity unfolding over Iran.

Iran has always been a UFO hotspot. The September, 1976 UFO chase over Tehran remains one of the best documented UFO cases of all time, and the October 22, 2005 interview I did with General Parviz Jafari on Dreamland, who actually flew the chase plane, was one of the most fantastic experiences of my life.

Over the past few months, the number of UFO events in Iran has reached a completely unprecedented level. There have been a few UFO flaps as intense: the Scandinavian "Ghost Rocket" incidents in 1946, the great American UFO wave from the July 1947 Roswell Incident to the July, 1952 Washington overflights, the Belgian events of 1989-1990 are other equally intense flaps.

UFOs began to appear in numbers after the end of World War II, when atomic weapons came into use. It is possible that the danger of nuclear war in Iran has attracted them to that area, as well.

I am long past questioning whether or not the visitors exist. They do exist, and the United States Government has been lying about them from the beginning, and still does--as the FAA did just this past November, when it claimed that a sighting at O'Hare Airport in Chicago by United pilots and other personnel was an unusual cloud.

But the United States Government is a failed institution. It has drowned its credibility beneath a torrent of lies on virtually every important issue that the world faces, over the past fifty catastrophic years. The American people support the Constitution and the institutions it created, not the parasites who have come to infect those institutions since secrecy became the center of state power with the passage of the catastrophic National Security Act of 1947.

This ruined the American republic, and it is going to take a generation of wise, firm and compassionate leadership to restore it. Hopefully, that will come from one day, but right now, I don't see it.

It is time to face the fact that the US government as it is now constituted is worthless junk, and to abandon its obsessive, cancerous secrecy and its endless lies.

Although I am quite certain that the visitors are real, the many years I have spent in contact with them, thinking about them, talking to others in contact, reading their stories and examining my own life and feelings about them, I must state clearly and frankly that I do not know what they are.

However, I have been observing them for a long time, and I feel that they are concerned with our environment, it is my belief that they are making a record of human DNA against the possibility that the species may go extinct, and that they have attempted to hybridize human beings in some way, but my observation of this in my own life has not suggested that there has been success.

In fact, I think that they have had a lot of failure here that they do not fully understand, and that they think that people who enter into leadership in human society are motivated by a profound death wish, and that, for the most part, they work to impede the chances of the species to survive, and that our populations support them.

They do not understand what about us that we so hate, that we would be marching like this toward extinction.

When I was younger and in somewhat more direct communication with them at times, they indicated to me that they would make themselves known in the context of environmental collapse. As that is happening now, they could emerge now.

However, what happens may be very different. Let me tell you why.

I got the impression that they take a long view of history. They are interested in the state of mankind not only this year or in a hundred years, but in a million years and a billion years. The evolution of intelligence is important to them, and they are here to help it through a difficult time on earth, so that it can, in time, reach a state where it offers some sort of value to others.

I am pretty sure that intelligent life is extremely rare, and that there is a sort of choir of consciousness, and that there is a desire that our voices be joined to it, in the interest of the new.

I am trying to get used to thinking about the larger issues that face the thin web of conscious species that are spread across the cosmos, and I think people need to think about such things, too. When they do, the actions of the visitors will become more understandable.

The reason I say this is that they may be taking sides in the present conflict between the west and Islam, and it is not obvious to me, if they do, that they will take the side of the west. The reason is simple. They want the species to survive, and encouraging the west might be the least effective way to accomplish that objective.

The United States is by far the world's largest polluter, followed by Europe, then China and India, who are catching up fast. The problem is that the United States has willfully ignored the problem, despite the overwhelming evidence that it needs to be addressed. At present, even such outrageous violators as the Exxon Corporation are beginning to realize the peril and respond, but it may well be too late, and the visitors may consider that we've waited too long.

If Islam should win the current world-historical conflict, the entire planet will be plunged into a period of economic stagnation and scientific decline that could last a very long time. The result of this would be that mankind will survive longer, and therefore have a greater chance to make the breakthroughs that it needs to join the choir of consciousness that so needs new voices.

I do not think that the combination of ominous environmental strains, the possibility of nuclear war, and the sudden appearance of the visitors all over the world, and especially at the nexus of the possible nuclear conflict is an accident.

They are part of our lives and part of our world, and my sense of it is that governments who pretend otherwise, at this point, do so at their peril.

[link to www.unknowncountry.com]