Sunday, 15 April 2007

Dinosaurs, Volcanoes, Bears and Babies

Originally Posted February 17, 2007
Purpleaura and I each had dreams last night with some similarities, and also which lead us to believe there may be a plot in the works.
Purpleaura’s Dream ~ February 17, 2007

The dream starts out with a group of us, all women, in some sort of singing group. We are coming back on plane and we land and get off. Suddenly out of the blue, the other members of our group had secretly organized a new singing group without us. It wasn’t only me, seems you were there as well Miss Scarlet, and maybe 1 or 3 others. I am confused as to why they would do this. It jumps and I seem to get an answer. The reason why the other members in the group decide to organize another group is because they were jealous of all the attention we were getting with the public. We were doing our job as a group, nothing more, and thought we were all friends. They had different ideas so they organized a secret group. I think I was pissed when they told us.
It sort of jumps in dream, we were doing ok; the singing group they organized was getting great attention with public. I’m looking at our ex-friends and they were dressed in what appeared to be loud colours, with metallic silver mini-skirts, almost like a space age costumes.

We decide to figure out where they parked, and we find a volcano and that’s where they parked, in the volcano. Part of their act was to drive a big, square bright yellow truck, for some reason an ice cream truck came to mind into the volcano. This truck was a big part of their act. So I’m thinking I was glad for them for doing well.

By this time, I think we were wandering around the area near and in the volcano. This is where it gets double layered because we seem to have 2 things going on at the same time. Suddenly we come across what appeared to be a huge ancient live dinosaur, and we knew it was gentle. It looked like a rat on 2 legs and had a large snout (it looked like the movie "Witches" where the witches want to take over the world by turning all the children into rats).

We get closer to him and I knew he was in pain from his hips and knees, and he was bleeding. We got something to clean out his wounds but we knew we had to get him out of the volcano and vicinity to get him some treatment for his hips. The dinosaur was walking very slowly.

It jumps again and 2 men, who we are friends with, are at first surprised but then went to tend to him. It jumps again as I get a volcano expert in to look at the volcano where the truck is parked. The expert was an Asian looking, I think Chinese, male. We are walking and I am saying “The truck is parked here”. He turns around to me and he says, "I will give you 3 reasons, no 13 reasons, as to why they cannot park their truck in the volcano, because this volcano is due to explode and it’s going to be like an explosion of TNT when it happens".

It jumps again and it seems I have bought the land with the volcano that sits on it as well as other volcanoes. I’m thinking I have to tell the group, they have to move. By buying the land they had no choice but to move. I’m thinking on one hand I’m pissed at them because of what they did to us, and on the other hand I’m trying to save them from themselves by making sure they were not there when it erupts.

So again it jumps and we are back with our 2 men friends and they have fixed the ancient dinosaur. I remember saying, “We have to take him back to the volcano”. One of the men lifted the dinosaur on his shoulders and was running with us back to the volcano to put him back where we found him, all fixed up and pain free. At this time I woke up. Darn!
Miss Scarlet’s Dream ~ February 17, 2007

This dream was jumping all over the place and I don't know where it started for sure, but was I ever mad at BWB. He had the day off and didn't do the dishes and I just lost it. He knew I was mad but didn't seem to care at all so that was making me even madder. I kept bouncing between being at work and home and other places.

Being mad at BWB and his attitude were making me really frustrated and angry, so I kept on going for walks. I walked and walked all over a neighborhood I don't know, I was walking along an old highway with some people I don't know, I was walking in the forest…walking, walking, walking. But my frustration was not going away and that was making me even more frustrated. Then I remembered this happened to me before and it was from taking too much medication (not in real life, just in the dream). I realized I would get over this anger as soon as it worked its way through my body. Then I started feeling really bad for getting so mad at everybody over something so stupid. I saw a man walking towards me who I thought was BWB, so I made my way towards him with my arms outstretched ready to give him a big hug and tell him I was sorry. When he got closer I realized it wasn't BWB, but a guy who I worked with at Beck. I hugged him anyway because I had been really rude to everybody, and said I was sorry.

I though maybe a drive would help, so all of a sudden I'm in my old Rx7 thinking how much fun it was to drive and how much I missed it. Then I had to go up a big hill and the car started making funny noises and was swelling up underneath. It felt like it was expanding under my legs and butt into a big bulb. I was worried somebody had sabotaged it and put a bomb under it, or the gas tank was ready to explode. I was a little freaked. Then I took my foot off the gas and the swelling went down, so I assumed it was the exhaust system for some reason. Then I remembered why I got rid of it, because it was always breaking down

Now I'm back at work and wanting to go home. Apparently there was some sort of games going on, every office I walked by had a different thing set up. I think it was golf and every office was a different hole. One room looked like a jungle. I was suddenly in a big room that was sloped. It had tiles on the floor, those old fashioned 12 x 12 plain white asbestos tiles. The room sloped towards a wall that was huge plate glass windows, and I think on the other side was a parking garage. This obstacle course was rows of cars parked one behind the other, and my car was one of the cars they were using. I had to get it out of the game in order to drive it home, as I was sneaking out early and not participating, so this was going to be a chore. All of a sudden a friend, Randy, was there and I said "How am I going to get my car out of there?" and he said I couldn't, all the people would be coming soon. All of a sudden the room started to fill with employees to start the games. Randy said, "This car doesn't work anyway, why don't you use your other one?" I asked where did I have another car and he said out in the parking lot. All of a sudden we're in the parking lot and I have a white Honda-type car and it was parked in a way that would be no problem to get it out. Beside the parking lot was a grassy area with a pond that I've been to many times in dreams, where I was also trying to walk off my frustrations.

Now I’m at some old friends (Lorrie and family) in my home town, in their back yard, only it doesn't look like it did in real life. I came around the side of the house and saw Lorrie; she had a camera and was taking pictures. It was winter; there was a lot of snow everywhere. I came up behind her to see what she was taking a picture of and the view was breathtaking. To the left was a really old barn but in pristine condition. To the right was their house, and in between, off in the distance was a polar bear. There were big beautiful trees all over and the sun was shining through them. As soon as Lorrie took the picture, the bear heard the click of the camera, noticed her and started charging at her. I took off around the house trying to get away, I knew when he was done with her he would come after me. Along the sidewalk was a hill, and because so much snow had been piled up there were huge snow banks, at least 10 feet tall. I stood with my back against the wall the snow had made, knowing the bear couldn't see me there. Then I started thinking, "Wait a minute, this is a white bear, he's not going to hurt me", then I decided I better go talk to him and see if Lorrie was okay (she was).

Next thing I'm in their house again and we're looking out the kitchen window and see a brown bear in the tree in front of their house. I thought this was strange, Ridgeway does not have bears, why were there so many all of a sudden? Me and two men, I think maybe BWB and Randy, had to go somewhere and were walking through a forest. We heard a rustle in the bushes and then this other brown bear came charging out. We thought we were goners for sure but he charged right past us, like he didn't even see us, and off somewhere else. We decided we better get back to the house. So now there's a bunch of us looking out the window and there's two men where the bear was in the tree. They had killed the bear and all that was left was his fur, only now its grey, more like a raccoon. I was super pissed that they killed the bear.

I ended up going around the town telling everybody to stay indoors; there were a bunch of bears in town. I was telling somebody about how I had been walking all over the place and was surprised that I didn't run into any of the bears sooner. But because I could talk to them, it wasn't a problem for me to be out and about.

Now I'm somewhere completely different, in a store I think, again with big plate glass windows. For some reason it felt like San Francisco, I think because the road was such a big hill. I looked out the window and see a dead little boy lying on the road. He was in a state of rigor mortis, his arms and hands and feet were bent up all weird, and his skin was a horrible black colour. People seemed to be walking past him not even noticing. I wondered how long he had been there, or if somebody put him there. I went out to investigate further and here were 3 kids, all dead, all lying in a row. First was the boy, and going downhill, beside him, was a baby on a tiny snow sled it looked like, and beside that baby, another baby laying on the road. I got the impression somebody was trying to send a message, the way these babies were laid out meant something. I'm not sure of the sexes but I think the baby on the sled was wrapped in a blue blanket and the other baby was in pink. The boy was older, maybe 7, and was wearing only shorts.

At some point somebody was looking for a job and I suggested they work on the border at customs, and there was a truck involved somewhere. That’s all I remember.
Here’s what we’ve come up with so far. Some of the similarities:

1) We’re both super pissed, but then decide to let bygones be bygones and either make amends or help the people who caused our anger

2) We both fear a vehicle is going to blow up

3) We were both worried about how the vehicles were parked and that we had to get them out
4) We both felt somebody doing something behind our backs

5) We both dreamt about a truck

6) We were both with 2 men
Some other stuff came up, like while I was typing this dream to Purpleaura, and before I read her dream, some friends dropped by and told this story which I had not yet heard and neither had Purpleaura:

February 16, 2007

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Customs agents have seized fossilized dinosaur eggs believed to have been smuggled illegally from China and auctioned for $420,000, officials said Thursday. The 22 eggs, each 65 million years old, were so well-preserved that embryonic raptors are visible inside 19 of them. They were seized late last week from the Bonhams & Butterfields auction house in Los Angeles.

The eggs were auctioned in December to an undisclosed buyer, but the transaction was scrubbed before money changed hands after concerns were raised about the legality of their export.

"That sale was canceled and the property turned over to the U.S. government," said Levi Morgan, a spokesman for the auction house in San Francisco.
So that story contained 4 different facets of our dreams. Dinosaurs, China, customs and San Francisco. And Purpleaura used to live in L.A. I don’t know what all that means, but it seems peculiar.
The girl who told me the story said there wasn’t much money offered or many takers, which she found strange, especially in Los Angeles. I replied that you would think Steven Spielberg or Michael Jackson would want them for sure.

Remember this was before I read Purpleaura’s dream, and the dinosaur she saw looked like a rat. Her dream conjured up images of both the movies Ben, which had the theme song Ben, performed by Michael Jackson, and of course Jurassic Park.

I don’t know what that means either.
The scariest part of Purpleaura’s dream for me was the yellow truck. I recalled the Ryder truck used in the Murrah Building explosion...and the daycare. When that incident happened, I remarked to BWB whether Ryder’s business would drop because of it. I know those yellow trucks stuck out like a sore thumb to me, and probably millions of others. They painted all their trucks white shortly after that.
Another ancient memory popped into my head while I was contemplating the dead children and why the baby was on a sled. It wasn’t snowing in that part of the dream. The road they were on was black asphalt.

My brother took radio and television arts in college and Citizen Kane was a movie they studied in depth. The morning after he saw it for the first time (as usual, I have never seen it), he came out of his room to the kitchen where the rest of the family was eating breakfast, and shouted out, “Rosebud was the sled”. I wondered WTF he was talking abut and WTF was he smoking so early in the day. He tried to explain it all to me but I wasn't much interested.

I’m not sure what that means either, all we can ascertain at the moment is, the movie was based on William Randolph Hearst, who was born in San Francisco and who’s company still publishes the San Francisco Chronicle. And the Hearst Castle is in San Simeon, not far from San Francisco.
I used to work at a company called Beck. I dream of that company often, especially since I’ve left. When Tesla showed me the bad men building the bomb, it was in Beck’s shop. Every time I dream of that company it has to do with something evil going on. I was baffled by these dreams for a long time, until one day Purpleaura sent me a link about the company Bechtel. The story began with this line:

Bechtel (pronounced Beck-tul)

I’m fairly certain when I dream of Beck or anybody from Beck, Bechtel is up to something.
What I am fearing here is another explosion with a truck. One of the biggest factors in Timothy McVeigh getting the death penalty was the children in the daycare. I’ll never forget the image of the boy I saw last night. It was very disturbing.

I won’t get into all the conspiracies surrounding McVeigh or the bombing. A quick search can give you all the information you would ever need.

As far as the 3 and 13 go, the first thing I thought of was the fact that L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday is March 13th, which once again brings us back to Tom Cruise and scientologists. Or maybe something is being planned for that date this year. These dreams will require a lot more thinking.
Happy Dreams (happier than the dreams we've had recently at least)

Miss Scarlet