Mother Earth ~ Kostadin Kostov
Why I’m Concerned about the Water
Mostly because I’ve always been concerned about the water. Ever since Maria told me of another Hiroshima I have been troubled by a re-enactment of that to be sure, but due to something else she said, that we would run out of drinking water before there was a nuclear war, I am equally troubled by our water supply being tampered with. This is not a new idea, it’s been rambling around in my head for a long time and many others I’m sure. Suspicious characters have been rumoured to have been spotted in and around various water treatment plants plenty over the years. I think it’s important we be on the lookout for that kind of thing vigilantly and consistently.
THE RECIPE FOR RICIN, Part II: The legend flourishes from the Dept. of Justice to the Senate Intelligence Committee
The legend that ricin can be made from a recipe on the Internet using only household chemicals will probably never die. A big reason for this is its regular vetting by authority figures and government agencies.
The best example of this can be seen in how the "al Qaeda training manual" is regarded. Discovered in a search of an al Qaeda member's home in England and entered into the public record in the January 2001 trial of the embassy bombings in Africa, the manual includes a page devoted to explaining how to purify ricin from castor beans. With minor changes, it is the discredited formula that was common in "anarchy files" uploaded to private bulletin boards and the web over the past decade. In other words, it's the same useless lye and acetone procedure that has long been in residence on the Temple of the Screaming Electron web site. (See National Security Notes 02/20/2004.)
So since the nuke thing the water thing has made a reappearance, they kind of go hand in hand in my brain. And now lots of other people are talking about the water, that means something’s up.
The following dream was one of those that haunts you to the core. It stayed with me for days after and has never really gone away. No matter how many times I twist and turn it around and look for clues it appears literal. Nothing hidden here. I don’t remember the exact date of the dream but have narrowed it down to some time in early 1999. I know it was before the WTC disaster because terrorism didn’t seem a big concern at the time. After the disaster it became even more frightening. I posted it on a forum in March of 2004:
I was riding on a bus with two friends across a reservoir which is the drinking water supply for the city I live in. I was very agitated and trying to get my friends to believe me that impending doom was on its way. I knew terrorists were going to poison the drinking water but I couldn't get anybody to believe me. To prove it to them, I pulled a vial out of my nose that contained the power to save the water, apparently my father had inserted this vial in my head as a small child. Just then the water in the reservoir turned the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen and I knew it was too late. The damage had been done.
I know it doesn’t sound all that scary, you really had to be there to feel the panic and subsequent dread of knowing all the water in the world was toxic forever more.
What I didn’t elaborate on was the vial. It was glass and contained what looked like small transistors at each end connected by wires. The two friends are sisters and I have recently come to the realization they’re actually Purpleaura and I, they show up in a lot of dreams. I came to that conclusion August 27 and that’s when I started wondering about the dream and the water again, then the nukes went off course August 30 intensifying the creepy vibes even more. And somewhere in between I read this on GLP:
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 282045
8/27/2007 2:45 PM
**********BUSH /PARAGUAY/WATER**********
Guaraní Aquifer
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The Guaraní Aquifer, located beneath the surface of the original four Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay), is one of the world's largest aquifer systems and an important source of fresh water for its people. Named after the Guaraní tribe, it covers 1,200,000 km², with a volume of about 40,000 km³, a thickness of between 50 m and 800 m and a maximum depth of about 1,800 m. It is estimated to contain about 37,000 km³ of water (arguably the largest single body of groundwater in the world), with a total recharge rate of about 166 km³/year from precipitation. It is said that that this vast underground reservoir could supply fresh drinking water to the world for 200 years. Due to an expected shortage of fresh water on a global scale, which environmentalists suggest will become critical in under 20 years, this important natural resource is rapidly becoming politicized, and the control of the resource becomes ever more controversial.
Concerns of U.S. strategic presence
The Argentine film called Sed, Invasión Gota a Gota ("Thirst, Invasion Drop by Drop"), directed by Mausi Martínez, portrays the military of the United States as slowly but steadily increasing its presence in the Triple Frontera (Triple Frontier, the area around the common borders of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil). The overt reason for the increasing presence of U.S. troops and joint exercises, mainly with Paraguay, is to monitor the large Arab population which resides in the area. However, Martínez alleges that it is the water which brings the Americans to the area, and she fears a subtle takeover before the local governments even realize what is going on.
Well that sure explains a lot. I guess as long as somebody responsible has control over this water source we’ll all be okay. Right? Yeah we’ll be fine.
Some time in the late 60’s or early 70’s I read in the Guinness Book of World Records of the most lethal toxin in the world, so lethal a teaspoon in the water supply of New York City would instantly kill anybody who drank it. I had a hard time wrapping my head around that one, wow that was a frightening thought. Thankfully Guinness removed that entry and other others like it for fear of certain information ending up in the wrong hands, which made me a bit less nervous but not much. This was long before the internet so that kind of knowledge wasn’t as readily attained as it is today. I wouldn’t even try to guess what the poison was, I don’t think it even had a name, just a bunch of mixed up letters and numbers.
Then around 1998 I read Bitter Harvest by Ann rule, a true crime drama of a woman gone nuts who tried to kill her husband with ricin which was easily obtained through her local garden supply centre by way of castor beans. Again I was freaked at the ease in which the general public could acquire such a deadly and relatively untraceable substance. And this is not to be confused with the movie Bitter Harvest, one of Ron Howard’s first. It’s about the dairy supply being contaminated and how easily such a contamination can spread, and was equally chilling.
The short version is it seems this nuclear-water thing has been on my mind for some time.
On September 2, 2007 Purpleaura had the following dream:
I had a dream this morning where I seem to be studying for a test and it was an outline of a person on paper. Someone said I could borrow their work as practise and for some reason I had written castor oil. The oil stayed in the head area and that I was writing in the body area. It seems also there were other labels written inside the body. I got fed up with writing so I asked someone “Why are we writing this when we can photocopy the body and labels and practice for the test that way”.
I didn’t even connect the castor oil and castor bean and ricin, but Purpleaura did a little snooping around and found some intriguing information:
The Taming of the Bean
Nancy McGuire
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
People of a certain age remember castor beans as the source of the vile-tasting castor oil, a much-dreaded laxative home remedy. More recently, castor beans have gained notoriety as the source of the protein ricin, the potent toxin that was found in U.S. Senator Bill Frist's office in February.
Castor plants have not been farmed on a commercial scale in the United States since the early 1970s; most of us have never tasted (or would like to forget the taste of) castor oil; and finding toxins in your mail is distressing, to say the least. So good riddance to castor plants, right? Wrong.
Sebacic acid, obtained from the caustic oxidation of castor oil, is one of the "strategic materials" stored in the National Defense Stockpile maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense. These materials "would be needed to supply the military, industrial, and essential civilian needs of the United States during a national emergency and are not found or produced in the United States in sufficient quantities to meet such need".
This article first appeared on March 1, 2004. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After seeing ricin again my brain got jiggled into thinking I had chatted about it with Purpleaura somewhere in the distant past. As it turns out I didn’t, it was another one of those theories I started and never got around to finishing. I searched my files for ricin and one hit turned up called Ricin & Hiroshima. It’s important to note that sometimes when I go back to old thoughts I don’t even know where half the stuff I wrote came from. This seems to be one of those situations because all that’s in the file is a post from the Syzygy forums in 2005 and I have no idea why I would have saved it in the first place or why I named the file Ricin & Hiroshima. The link no longer works.
Date: July 31, 2005 at 16:12:28
From: (!!),
Subject: China will invade India
soon, not America. Recent vision
Another piece in this puzzle thus far is the post on GLP the same day as Purpleaura’s dream, the discovery of the mysterious file and all the other peculiarities:
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 160058
9/2/2007 8:54 PM
Revelation The Seventh Seal, A Serious Question
[link to]
Has it started?
The First Trumpet (Revelation 8:7), a third of the earth is burned.
The Second Trumpet (Revelation 8:8-9), a third of sea life is destroyed.
The Third Trumpet (Revelation 8:10-11), a third of the water is poisoned
Is THIS not already in process?
What is the Revelation timeline? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It could very well be Maria was trying to warn me of what we as a global community would eventually do to the water or it could be other reasons altogether such as this article:
Posted By: FarSight3
Date: Tuesday, 11 September 2007, 4:56 a.m.
Centuries of polluting our water resources are asking for a "final cheque" now. Femal hormones and other - nondecomposting materials, mostly originating from the pharmaceutical industries - end in the water.
That's one point.
The other is the strategical control over the waterways as means of transportation. If you read Mackinder (later brushed-up by Brezinsky's "Global Chess") you will recognize that there is commencing a millenias old competition between LAND and SEA-nations. Or TRADERS and PRODUCERS. Any LAND-nation has been using water ways since TRADING became the 2nd leg of economy. The other is called AGRICULTURE or PRODUCTION.
The Kosovo is important because of great resources in div.minerals - and - as you see it correctly - the control of the Danube as the largest continental waterway of Europe which connects to the "Kosovo-problem" as this region is the strategic backland for Serbia - with a connection towards the Mediterranian Sea.
The imminent alliance of the socalled "Danube-countries" always has been a thorn in the NWO concept of EU-ROPE. The ongoing tendencies of meddling between Austria, Hungary, Slowakia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania with Russia as a possible Superpower behind has been crucical of all strategic planning ever done since by the EU-"central-bureau" as well as their American, French and British counterparts.
See the connected: NWO'S MEDDLING IN RUSSIA'S SOUTH! OILWARS COMMENCING! MYSTERIOUS AIR-ACCIDENT.. FarSight3 -- Sunday, 12 August 2007, 8:55 p.m.
The whole thing will start off further when the old Italian families and their global power structures will emerge again from behind the shadows of history.
War on 'error, Part 1914: "Umbra et Blanca Nobilitates - So Ra Yevo" Far Sight 3
Whatever it is I've got some hinky vibes about all this.