Well I figured out the roller coaster dream, it’s been one helleva ride the last couple of weeks. The main topics of concern are the nukes gone astray and Australia. I’ve got some worries concerning the water too.
I searched the archives and 97 files came up regarding Australia. We’ve discussed everything from mythical dragons, Pine Gap, Ayer’s Rock and all else in between. I’m not going to go through every email, let’s just say it comes up a lot and we’ve not yet figured out exactly why. One of Purpleaura’s dreams popped into my head immediately after reading the news regarding the APEC meeting and one theme in that dream specifically.
Purpleaura ~ June 4, 2006
I had a dream this morning where I’m in a house and there are other houses around what appears to be a huge running track. The Australian team has decided to use this track for private sessions. The team seems to have an air about them, like an Olympic team, where only the best people were taking part. I gathered all press and “ordinary” people were being kept out of this running site, only the local people whose homes were based around the track were allowed sit and watch. Most of the local people were already staring out of their homes through the shutters. As a good deed the Australian team decided that they would only allow us to view.
So we were all on the bleachers watching the Australian team work out, and at the end the head trainer / coach of the Australian team came up and said, “The Australian team would like to invite you to a dance”. The coach was a woman and very stern.
Again it moves on in the dream and the coach turns around and says, “Everyone on this end will be in a draw to see who will partner an Australian team member to the dance, and on this end you don’t need to bother, we’ll think of chores for you to do.
Now it so happens I had sat down on the end with the people she had just pointed out to do the chores and I was pissed! I’m thinking she has said this because she thinks we are too geeky or too old, she wanted her team to be seen with a younger group. You know me, I couldn’t help myself. The coach and her team were entering through an overhead walkway that looked like a glass tunnel, and I turned around and shouted to her, "You know what you are, don’t you?" They all looked around and I said, “You’re a racist. Unless people conform to how you think they should look they are classed as too old, too geeky or too ugly. You are a racist".
Suddenly I heard someone that sounded like a male whisper, "Oooh she hates that, she believes she isn’t one and then you pointed it out”. The coach turns around suddenly and says, “I’m not one. Everyone in the group I told would be doing chores instead of attending the dance, shall come to the dance now”.
It jumps a bit and we’re walking up the tunnel, the locals and the Australian team. I was walking with 2 males and they begin talking to me. They said they were all happy someone had stood up to her, I gathered no one had done this before. It seems that everyone knew the coach’s beliefs on not being a racist but in fact by dividing the group up because of how they looked she was guilty of it. They were happy.
It jumps again and there is another woman sitting on a chair, she was an older teacher of the Australian team. She is wearing a red dress and has dark hair. I gathered for this dance every partner had been given a gold coin. I remember telling the lady to really shake up the gold on the table, they looked like chocolate gold coins. She said she would pull out the coins as she knew which of the Australian team would partner with the locals to dance, she had insider info, so we were laughing about that. She pulls out 2 coins, 1 local and 1 Australian and this went on and it seems the partners were cool. I remember couples that other people believed were not right because of how they looked and in fact got along great, all lovey dovey. On one of the draws a local woman was partnered with an Australian team woman, you could imagine what everyone was like. Oh yeah, 2 females partnering, someone said, “Well you could have a good conversation, f*** and cook”. Everyone knew it was a joke. The people that were being pulled out were a perfect match for each other, it didn’t matter who, why or what they looked like, they knew each other.
So I’m laughing to the lady teacher pulling the coins, saying “No I’m too old”. When she pulls out my coin I’m thinking I hope she pulls out a coin for one of the coaches or teachers, at least I’m the same age as them. All the Australian team seem to be younger either on spiritual or age level if that makes sense, but again I’m thinking he’s nice, (one of the male trainers). She pulls out the Australian coin and says a name and the crowd moves, and then he approaches me. Everyone is excited, it turns out the coin she had picked out was the captain of the Australian team. So I’m talking to him and I apologized to him, I felt like I was too old (but wasn’t). He turns around and says, “You aren’t old whatsoever and you know what? I’ve always liked you”. So we were talking and darn I woke up! He had dark hair, mid to late 20's maybe 30's, and was wearing his track suit like the rest of the Australian team.
There is something happening with the Australian team, something the press is being kept out of, and the local people are the only ones allowed in on the event taking place in private.
The fact this was a private event appears to have been emphasized, just as the fireworks display in Sidney has been:
Fireworks - but not for you
August 25, 2007 - 1:07PM
Fireworks over Sydney Harbour will mark the closure of APEC but the public have been told not to attend.
Tall ships also will grace the harbour for the display named "River of Fire" but organisers moved today to ensure that it was staged for VIP eyes only, citing the security crackdown.
I wonder how many countries feel they’re being held with a boot to the head by one coach who feels superior to all the others? So arrogant she attempts to select the perfect union between members of what she believes to be the ultimate race. Based on nothing but fluff. A coach so tyrannical the entire team is afraid to stand up to her. Isn’t that what every dictator longs for?
My first thoughts on this is that all the self-appointed important people have gathered in Australia to escape or initiate whatever it is they intend to sow. They’ve collected what they believe to be those of pure blood (who’s we’re not exactly sure) and will sit back and watch the fireworks. There are way too many people out there having dreams of nuclear explosions and other horrors along with feelings of great destruction, for there not to be something going on. Along with the daily headlines. And add to that Saturday morning (September 1) I woke up with “Land Down Under” playing rather loudly in my head although I forgot about it shortly after which was making me nuts. However something told me it would come back as it was important. Luckily that night I dreamt Purpleaura lived in a place called Kings Springs so when I Googled that I found out they’re a type of automotive suspension and Australia is the leading manufacturer and specialist.
Sunday morning (September 2) I dreamt of Purpleaura and I busy doing something in the Grand Canyon. Park benches were involved and that’s all I remember. Since the 5 nukes made the news all I’ve been able to think of is the dream of seeing 5 “A’s” located on a map of the U.S. When I woke up after the Grand Canyon dream I of course had Dolphins in the Colorado on my mind as well as the 5 “A’s”. I checked my email and Purpleaura had sent one titled “Could a bomb be used to open San Andreas Fault”. Well that sure got my attention as it’s been something I’ve thought about since the first Superman movie. I figured I better go back and read that dream again but couldn’t remember which blog it was. As it turns out it was Dolphins in the Colorado. Weird how that works.
Miss Scarlet ~ September 30, 2006
I also saw a map with 5 big "A"'s all over it. I woke up again right after that one too and had the word atomic in my head. There was one "A" around Washington state, one in California and it looked the other 3 were grouped together. I didn't know where they were grouped but just looked at a map and it was on the borders of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, right where the New Madrid fault is.
In the first Superman movie, Lex Luthor's plan was to use an atomic missile to cause an earthquake along the San Andreas so all his Arizona property would be beachfront and worth much more after California fell into the sea. I have often wondered if that's truly possible and somebody might actually try it."
Other dreams and factors are leading me to believe the 5 cities I saw on the map were Seattle, San Francisco, Kansas City, Memphis and Fort Worth. Somebody was yelling “Concord” to me in a dream a couple of months ago, not sure if it refers to the city near San Francisco, another Concord, the airplane or a grape.
This is from the article Purpleaura sent, it can be read in its entirety at the link following:
FarSight3 -- Wednesday, 14 September 2005, 12:40 p.m.
...and "coincidentally" it was published exactly on Sept.14.! See, what is planned for that date! ...
...U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Lucy Jones remembers attending an emergency training session in August 2001 with the FEMA that discussed the three most likely catastrophes to strike the United States.
First on the list was a terrorist attack in New York. Second was a super-strength hurricane hitting New Orleans. Third was a major earthquake on the San Andreas fault.
...A catastrophic temblor at the right spot along the San Andreas could significantly reduce energy and water supplies - at least temporarily, she and others said...
...Because the Los Angeles region is so much larger than the Louisiana city, it is difficult to conceive of a disaster - "sort of an A-bomb" - that would blanket the whole city, let alone the whole county, in ruin, said Lee Sapaden, a spokesman for Los Angeles County's Office of Emergency Management...
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=109392 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Although we’ve both had numerous nuclear dreams, this one was one of the more chilling for me and keeps coming back at us in various ways. It also fits in with the “blow up some fault lines” theory.
Purpleaura ~ September 24, 2005
In this dream I didn’t know where I was but felt near an ocean, off-coast either near a bridge or platform of some type. Everyone in the dream thinks that some people placed a nuclear device somewhere but they will not detonate it, they were just doing their everyday stuff.
It jumps and I seem to be leaving with a group of people and had my daughter with me. For some reason we all had to leave by foot but its unknown as to why. There were no cars, nothing would operate. We are all walking and had to climb up a hill as there were concrete tunnels that lead through the hills. As we were approaching the hill with the tunnels we suddenly look behind us and saw a massive explosion, they had set off the device. There was a common disbelief that they actually triggered this.
Now our main concern was that the huge explosion near the water had sent a huge, and I mean huge tidal wave from off the coast, we could see the water coming up the hills. Luckily all we had to do was get to the other side of the hill/mountain which was on higher ground, but we needed to get through the mountain quick. We were running and knew we couldn’t make it on foot. I found some sort of maintenance transport train, yellow with a black stripe. It reminded me of a bullet train and had a gripper attachment of some sort on the front of it. I climbed on board and started it off and at that exact moment we could hear the sound of water. As we made our way I could see the metal steel bending and snapping off. On one occasion we nearly didn’t make it and the gripper attachment grabbed hold of the track in front of us and we were able to continue.
We reached the end of the tunnel and I suddenly woke up. Exactly at that time I heard what sounded like someone was kicking my bedroom door in, it was that loud, and footsteps. I quickly went to the door and opened it and no one was there, so I went downstairs and asked everyone why they were trying to boot my bedroom door in. They all looked at me like I was crazy and my daughter was sound asleep in bed. The weirdest part was I heard a loud squeaky floorboard and the only floor board that squeaks is right next to the bedroom. Whatever this dream was there was a device that triggered something off a coast with possibly a bridge or platform near it and there’s a highway that goes through a mountain or hill. Cars were not working but the maintenance crew emergency transport bullet train was.
After lots of research Purpleaura felt the city in question was San Francisco.
So there’s the pieces as I see them so far. This puzzle could very well be looking like a Picasso right about now, but there are definitely some pieces connecting these dreams and occurrences, what others are feeling and the lunacy going on in the world as of late.
21 of the most influential world leaders (and I use that term loosely) are cozied up in Australia
Nukes have gone astray
New “Bin Laden” video emerges
Troops sent to D.C.
NORAD searching for civilian billionaire????
Military flights grounded September 14th
Missing army equipment being sent to South America
Martial Law Exercises in October
And on….