Monday, 23 April 2007

Off With Their Heads!

Originally Posted April 21, 2007
Purpleaura’s Dream ~ April 18, 2007

I was in a field with other women and they were planting seeds, I am told to get off the field as they were going to grow pretty quick. I climb on what appears to be a concrete base looking over the field. As I am watching I can only describe what I saw as broccoli heads of all colors, greens, purples, yellows etc. sprouting, and then they suddenly start to turn into men. Now it gets weirder, this seems to be a game. There were 19 women in the group and we had to chainsaw the head off the men who had come from broccoli and each woman had to kill (chainsaw) 3 men each. I am thinking 19 times 3 broccoli men means 57 men to chainsaw. I'm thinking that’s wrong cause it looks like there are hundreds of men planted in the ground and to chainsaw all the heads off is going to be more than 3 men for each woman.

I remember standing back and watching and some women were pretty excited about chain sawing the men. The broccoli men were planted in the ground and they could fight the women but their legs were glued to the ground in 1 spot. As I was watching I wanted no part of this game. I think I remember something to the effect that I thought it was wrong that they had done this, growing broccoli men from the ground, then had fun in killing them, so I stood back. That’s when I woke up. I think in the dream I felt why did they do it in the first place and then the cut them down for sport? It wasn’t right.

And prior to the dream I kept on seeing a symbol I can only describe as looking like the letter "M" but one side has a longer side then the other.

The initial feelings Purpleaura had were:

(1) The seeds are planted. I haven’t a clue why they look like broccoli in different colors or why they turn into men

(2) It seem the women were having fun chain sawing the men’s heads off, knowing for a fact they the men were unable to move from the spot where they were planted.

(3) I can only describe it as lab rat feeling. You breed them then you kill them for experiments or for fun. I didn’t want to be and said I was not part of this. If they are going to die then give them a fighting chance. I think if the men were able to do this how many would have the courage when the women are immobile?

(4) The number 19. 19 women to kill 3 men each = 57 men, but the numbers in the field were in the 100's.

LOL I think I’m losing it in the dream, but I wasn’t taking part in the game. Maybe I was seeing things on that level or maybe I was being tested. But the result was I didn’t like what the women were doing and some enjoyed doing it. I think I was looking at them and thinking, “Ok they are killing more than 3 men and they love doing it”.

I sat here thinking and I think the reason for the dream is men are planted here in the ground, yet when we sow and plant in the dream some of the women become the people we don’t want to be. They enjoy inflicting pain on men. The men couldn’t move, they could only fight with their arms. So yeah maybe we have the upper hand and men are set in the ground. I personally won’t take part in killing innocent broccoli men without at least giving them a chance to fight back. Everything deserves a chance. I knew there were 19 in the group but I don’t know whether that included me or whether I as there as an observer but I wasn’t getting involved in the games.

The first thing I Googled was 19 which came back interesting on the symbol side:

The Number 19 - Physical Manifestation

The Number 19 is the Hexagon in the Hexagon/Star pair 19/37 which appears in the heart of Genesis 1.1 - the Creation Holograph:

It forms the six fold double-hexagonal core of the Logos Star.

The Number 19 is the basis of the Grace Manifest Holograph. It relates to the ideas of Physical Manifestation and the Flesh and plays a central role in the course of World History with the rise of Materialism in the Nineteenth Century.

The link to All of this is amplified in this pair of identities:
This naturally integrates with the universal concept of "Mother Earth" and the feminine nature of physical manifestation (because of its receptivity and passivity). This is amplified in the identity:

The Number 190 is the 19th Triangular Number, which integrates the word Rib with the value of Eve.

Here then are the primary identities based on the Number 19:
The 4th Centered Triangular Number=19

The sum of all the Vertices, Edges and Faces of the 5 Platonic Solids totals 190=19x10.

The 5 Platonic Solid + the 13 Archimedean Solids + the surrounding sphere=19.

The total number of Vertices of all the platonic and Archimedean Solids=608=19x32.

The total number of edges + the total number of faces of all the platonic and Archimedean Solids=1482=19x78.
This magic star is composed of the numbers 1 to 19. It adds to 64 along every line. Each circle+ the center also=64.

This magic star is composed of the numbers 1 to 19. It adds to 46 along every line.

There are 81 stable Chemical Elements. They naturally divide into four groups of 19+1. Plus one element which doesn’t fit into any of the four groups: element number 19.

My investigations indicate that there are exactly 19 ratios between the number of stable isotopes an element has and its outer electron number. However this is not fully verified.

The Chemical Element Potassium has an atomic number of 19.

The Chemical Element Fluorine has one Stable Isotope. It has 19 neutrons.

There is only one numerically linear magic hexagon. It consists of the numbers 1-19 so arranged that they add to 38(ie 19x2) in every direction.

Actually I have discovered another magic hexagon: Magic Hexagon of the 19 Tao Imbued Permutations

There are 20 naturally occurring amino acids: 19 left handed + 1 which is neither left nor right handed.

The Metonic cycle used to calculate the date of Easter is 19 years long.

Hangeul (the Korean alphabet) has 19 consonants.

0f the 81 permutations exactly 19 cancel out to neutral/tao.

Of the 27 permutations of yin, yang and tao over 3 places exactly 19 contain at least one tao line.

The early Norse calendar is based upon a cycle of 19 days, or Golden Numbers.

The centerpiece of Bahá'í community life is the 19-Day Feast. The Bahá'í calendar is made up of 19 months of 19 days each. Note that the period of Ayyam-i-Ha (Intercalary Days) adjust the Bahá'í year to the solar cycle.

The flower of life symbol consists of 19 interlocking circles.

The "astral" body is said to be composed of 19 elements: intelligence; ego; feeling; mind(sense consciousness) 5 instruments of knowledge; the subtle counterparts of the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch; five instruments of action, the mental correspondence for the executive abilities to procreate, excrete, talk, walk, and exercise manual skill; and five instruments of life force, those empowered to perform the crystallizing, assimilating, eliminating, metabolizing, and circulating functions of the body. This subtle astral encasement of nineteen elements survives the death of the physical body. Quoted from "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda: Available here.

It is said that there are actually 19 main chakra levels: The base chakra been the 7th and the crown chakra being the 13th. So there are 3 sets of 7 which share chakras 7 and 13 so that the 21 is in reality 19. The 3 levels correspond with the 3 Gunas.

The holy Koran has the number 19 encoded right through it and says explicitly "Over it is 19".(sura 74:30) Check out this link for an in depth

The board of the ancient game of "GO" has 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines.

Film: K-19: The Widowmaker.

In the year 19 AD Germanicus, Roman general died.
Purpleaura ~ I just Googled broccoli, I didn’t know it originally came from Italy. LOL you learn something new every day. But its interesting broccoli is Latin:

The word broccoli comes from the Latin brachium and Italian braccio meaning "arm."

Kinda funny they were cutting off the heads of men and broccoli means arms. Either way the heads coming off the men is the same as the arms. I think I like a fair fight LOL.

All I get from the number 57 is a Heinz link, I thought this part was funny though:

The Heinz "57 Varieties" slogan, was chosen for occult reasons

In the film The Manchurian Candidate, the character of Johnny Iselin gets the number of "confirmed Communists in the State Department" from the back of a Heinz 57 bottle.
My brain went in a more conspiratorial direction. Big surprise. The first thing I was reminded of after reading this dream was the movie Caligula. I saw it shortly after its release which is going on 30 years now, but one and only one scene ever remained in my head from that movie. I recall it disturbing me for some time, obviously since I can still remember it and I don’t remember what I had for supper 2 nights ago.

The scene showed a nice Sunday afternoon in the Coliseum, women and men filled the seats, some had picnic lunches. In the arena were men buried up to their necks awaiting the gigantic blades that swirled around the arena chopping off their heads, much to the delight of the crowd. It troubled me that there were women in the audience and maybe even children. We’re used to men being barbarians but the women in the crowd left me very unsettled.
Tag Lines for Caligula:

What would you have done if you had been given absolute power of life and death over everybody else in the whole world?

The most controversial film of the twentieth century has just become the most controversial film of the twenty first century.

Plot summary for Caligula (1979)

The rise and fall of the notorious Roman Emperor Caligula, showing the violent methods that he employs to gain the throne, and the subsequent insanity of his reign - he gives his horse political office and humiliates and executes anyone who even slightly displeases him. He also sleeps with his sister, organises elaborate orgies and embarks on a fruitless invasion of England before meeting an appropriate end. There are various versions of the film, ranging from the heavily- truncated 90-minute version to the legendary 160-minute hardcore version which leaves nothing to the imagination (though the hardcore scenes were inserted later and do not involve the main cast members).

Written by Michael Brooke

The perversion behind imperial Rome, the epic story of Rome's mad Emperor. All the details of his cruel, bizarre reign are revealed right here: His unholy sexual passion for his sister, his marriage to Rome's most infamous prostitute, his fiendishly inventive means of disposing those who would oppose him, and more.

Written by Shawn Ashley
Sounds a lot like the personality and aspirations of a certain leader of the free world.
As far as the arms go, the first thing I think of when I hear that word is weapons.
I am very concerned of late by the behaviour of many women the world over. There’s always been and always will be evil women to be sure, however some of the women in positions of power at the moment are downright scary. It’s irrelevant how far she makes it in the corporate world or political forum, she always has compassion. They can be the nastiest bitches to work for or with, but at the end of the day when they hug their children they are transformed right back into those mama bears, protective and compassionate. They don’t take pleasure in watching men’s heads being chopped off. Even if a woman chooses not to have children or can’t have children, the instinct to heal and protect mankind will never ever disappear naturally.

Unnaturally? Perhaps. More on that later.
Okay I don’t know what’s up with Purpleaura and the comic books but if you’ve read the TomKat blog it was a Marvel Comic that first came up when she met Derek Hoffman and that’s not the first nor do I suspect the last time that will happen.

I didn’t know what we might uncover searching for “Broccoli Men”, not really expecting anything more than maybe a goofy cartoon or something. Certainly we were not expecting this:

The Broccoli Men are the foot soldiers of the Beyond Corporation© in Marvel Comic's Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.. They are robots made partially from slabs of genetically modified kelp with motor oil blood with Doombot bodies wrapped in off the rack business suits. Their combat AI is the Beyond Corp's FightPersona XP™, an apparently ineffective package judging by the number of them that are killed by the Nextwave squad. Their speech abilities appear to be on average quite limited as well.

The Beyond Corporation© is a fictional multinational corporation that appears in the comic books published by Marvel Comics. The corporation acts as a recurring antagonist in the Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. series, appearing in every story arc.

The corporation is controlled by robotic C.E.O. Number None and is based on a massive "floating terror factory", State 51, concealed high above Nevada.

Beyond Corporation© is always written with a © to help emphasize its corporate inhumanity and overzealous copyright lawyers.

Fictional organisation history What is now the Beyond Corporation© was once a high-tech terrorist cell known as S.I.L.E.N.T. (the acronym of which has not as of yet been explained). At some point before the beginning of the Nextwave series, S.I.L.E.N.T. legitimized itself into the Beyond Corporation©, yet did not abandon their ulterior motive-the location, activation, distribution and testing of various Unusual Weapons of Mass Destruction at various points throughout the United States of America. Also, through "faith-based bidding," the Beyond Corporation© became the sole financial backer of the Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort, providing them with extremely advanced technology, at the cost of needing to ignore the Beyond Corporation©'s actions; a deal that does not bother H.A.T.E. leader Dirk Anger at all.

The human resources department of Beyond Corporation© is staffed primarily by Broccoli Men, automatons made of genetically modified broccoli with software that barely passes as personality.

The Beyond Corporation© is led by Number None, an entity who bears a resemblance to the Broccoli Men, aside for two main reasons - one, he has a greater
capacity for rational thought, and a snappy white tuxedo.

The Beyond Corporation© employs its own private army of previously unseen super-teams, including The Surgery, the Vestry, the New Paramounts, and, though yet to be seen, The Homosexuality. Most if not all of these superhumans are actually enhanced versions of the Broccoli Men.

I can assure you Purpleaura does not sit around reading comic books all day, and if she did, I doubt they’d be they’d be about Broccoli Men. This was definitely new to both of us.
Heinz reminded me of Teresa Heinz Kerry and that just leads back to scary women.
And maybe broccoli is next on the recall list?
To be continued…

A Wednesday in Your Garden ~ The Guess Who

As I crawl through your garden
You stand and laugh
You stand and laugh

I tried to beg for your pardon
You stand and laugh
You stand and laugh

It's a long way coming down
The ladders in your eye
For a Wednesday in your garden
I think that I would die

I tried to stand in your garden
But you're too tall
You're much too tall
You win the hand, I throw my cards in
You watched me fall
You watched me fall

It's a long way coming down
The ladders in your eye
For a Wednesday in your garden
I think that I would die

I tried to fly in your garden
But you shot me down
Mama you shot me down on the ground
I watched the sky above me harden
And your black gown your long back funeral gown

It's a long way coming down
The ladders in your eye
For a Wednesday in your garden
I think that I would die

Virginia Tech

Originally Posted April 19, 2007

Well there is certainly much to talk about, the tragedy and subsequent weirdness at Virginia Tech being the biggest news this week. My heart goes out to all those affected.

Thankfully Purpleaura’s been keeping a close eye on the story since I haven’t had a lot of computer time this week. And part of the reason she’s been keeping such a close eye is the fact they had narrowed down 2 colleges for one of their kids to attend and one of the colleges was Virginia Tech.

When I first heard the news I was certain the gunman’s name would be David Moranis. I searched for Cho Seung-Hui + Moranis and nothing came up but I did find it odd Rick Moranis’ birthday was yesterday as was Suri Cruise’s.

This is a recap of Purpleaura’s stalker dream that hasn’t been moved to this site yet:

Purpleaura’s Dream ~ March 27, 2007

The dream is set in a public place with many people around. I seem to be someone else and I’m sitting on a wooden bench or chair talking to a man who I apparently am involved with. He tells me his name is David Moranis.

I'm talking to him through rose tinted glasses, full of love and oblivious to who he truly is. As I’m watching, suddenly 2 men pass by and one of them says, “That’s David Moranis, he’s the murderer that killed 2 little girls”. He mentioned one of the girl’s names which I can’t remember. Then the man said, “Why the hell has he been let out of prison?” They walk past and David Moranis, said, “I’m innocent, I didn’t do it”.

Suddenly there appears shop workers in uniforms, (the only way I can think to describe them), and they ask him to stand up while they check him over. David says to me, “They have to do a body search over a certain amount of hours". So I’m talking and say, "We have to measure him to see how much he needs to lose". The people body-searching him said to him, “you need to at least lose 65”. David is getting pissed at me for asking them to measure him. To gently calm him, I tell him, “Don’t worry, I need to lose weight as well, we’ll both do it”.

So the people disappear and it’s just David and me. He is acting a bit weird and the person who I seem to be playing is starting to get a bit scared. I tell David that I need to go home (I didn’t want to let him know where I lived). He gets up and sits somewhere else. It’s at the stage I feel like I’m dealing with an irrational person. I could feel the anger and resentment and the air was weird. He appeared to have a dangerous and split personality. So I say, “I am off home", he is mad and says "right".

I start off home and suddenly I notice him stalking me. I pretended to turn around and he says he is going into the "fish and chip shop", it’s on his way. But it also happens to be where I am walking. So again I carry on walking, but I notice he didn’t have the food he was supposed to have gotten, he was empty handed.

I managed to elude him and carry on walking and whilst I’m walking my nerves are on edge. I’m on high alert, I know this guy is dangerous. I know the rose tinted glasses I’ve been wearing have disappeared and now I realise just how dangerous he is.

On the way home I remembered I had a brother. I called his office and I spoke to a guy who recognised me and they put me through to my brother. It’s at this stage in the dream I am aware that my brother is in fact a detective on the police force. I ask him about David Moranis and he finds me the information.

It jumps and it feels like I’m watching over my brother’s shoulder staring down at a photo of a crime scene. There were 3 bodies lying in one room all placed along 3 walls of the room. I presumed 2 of the bodies were children, but one was definitely an adult, all murdered. Suddenly I woke up (figuratively, not literally) and realised he is not innocent. He committed the murders and he is still dangerous. I figured that he was emmo. He gets involved, then when he feels like something is wrong, his rage and anger causes him to turn on them. I felt this is how he did it before. In the end he started to follow and stalk them and when the time was right he would murder them. This guy is definitely dangerous.

It’s at this stage I woke up and heard the humming noise. I was on high alert, feeling like the person involved in the dream is nearby. In the dream I am in fact someone else, so it makes sense that I am feeling her fears about him.

Miss Scarlet ~ I can find little evidence of anybody named Dave Moranis other than a link to a broadcast on NPR. The preview of the link refers to David Moranis as being a presidential biographer.

SCOTT SIMON, HOST: Hope gets you nowhere in the Bill Clinton story, according to presidential biographer David Moranis (ph). Mr. ... - Supplemental Result –

Rick Moranis however is a different situation. His movies include L.A. Story (1991), My Blue Heaven (1990), Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989), Parenthood (1989), Spaceballs (1987), Club Paradise (1986), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), Brewster's Millions (1985), Ghostbusters (1984) and Strange Brew (1983).

Purpleaura saw 3 bodies and we couldn’t help but notice the 3’s in the Virginia Tech tragedy. Each victim had a minimum of 3 bullet wounds and the first report I heard said 33 people were killed.

Much more needs to be said about this as the story gets stranger by the minute. I need some time to digest it all.

Miss Scarlet

The Show That Never Ends


Originally Posted April 18, 2007

I hate to speak poorly of our gracious hosts for the last 4 months so I won’t. It’s not necessarily Yahoo’s fault they attract more freaks than Barnum & Baily. Makes me wonder why they chose the name Yahoo. And I suppose we’re right up there on somebody else’s yahoo freak list. In any case, there's weird vibes and now weird shit is happening so here we are.


Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!
There behind a glass is a real blade of grass
be careful as you pass.
Move along! Move along!

Come inside, the show's about to start
guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
The greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth.
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll ....

Right before your eyes we pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries then he dies then he dies
Come inside the shows about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart

You gotta see the show
It's a dynamo
You gotta see the show
It's rock and roll

Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline
Will perform on guillotine
What a scene! What a scene!
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand
to Alexander's Ragtime Band
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!

Performing on a stool we've a sight to make you drool
Seven virgins and a mule
Keep it cool. Keep it cool.
We would like it to be known the exhibits that were shown
were exclusively our own,
All our own. All our own.
Come and see the show! Come and see the show! Come and see the show!
See the show!

Closer to the Heart


This song has nothing to do with any particular dream or occurrence,
it’s just been stuck in my head all week.

Closer to the Heart ~ Rush

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones to start
To mould a new reality
Closer to the heart
The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
Forge their creativity
Closer to the heart
Philosophers and ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the heart
You can be the captain
I will draw the chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the heart

Originally Posted April 14, 2007

It's Always the Math

Big Bang ~ Bad Religion

This isn't another new fashion
Or a new wave plastic trend
Everybody's searching for something
But in the mean time let's all just pretend
I've got this feeling
And I don't know what it is
This room is overcrowded, man,
And I need air to breath

Big bang, big crunch
You know there's no free lunch
Kneel down and pray
Here comes your judgment day
Big crunch, you know
It's going to be quite a show
What goes around always comes around

A million hopeless faces
Dwell within protected walls
All waiting for a moment in their lives
When they can heed the clarion call
And it's all so oppressive
My mind feels like a sieve
This city is overcrowded, man,
And I need room to live

I think of the countless shadows
That have all come and gone
All suffering in the notion of better things to come
If you share these beliefs
You know I wish you well
'Cause there's no room left in heaven
And there's sure no room in hell!

Originally Posted April 14, 2007

Okay, just my opinion but if you can’t do the math right maybe you shouldn’t be screwing around with particle accelerators.

The Sunday Times
April 8, 2007

Big Bang at the atomic lab after scientists get their maths wrong

Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

A £2 billion project to answer some of the biggest mysteries of the universe has been delayed by months after scientists building it made basic errors in their mathematical calculations.

The mistakes led to an explosion deep in the tunnel at the Cern particle accelerator complex near Geneva in Switzerland. It lifted a 20-ton magnet off its mountings, filling a tunnel with helium gas and forcing an evacuation.

It means that 24 magnets located all around the 17-mile circular accelerator must now be stripped down and repaired or upgraded. The failure is a huge embarrassment for Fermilab, the American national physics laboratory that built the magnets and the anchor system that secured them to the machine.

It appears Fermilab made elementary mistakes in the design of the magnets and their anchors that made them insecure once the system was operational.

Last week an apparently furious and embarrassed Pier Oddone, director of Fermilab, wrote to his staff saying they had caused “a pratfall on the world stage”. He said: “We are dumb-founded that we missed some very simple balance of forces. Not only was it missed in the engineering design but also in the four engineering reviews carried out between 1998 and 2002 before launching the construction of the magnets.”

More at link:
This was the entire plot outline in Angels and Demons and of course with novels you never really know what’s true or not. Through the entire book the heroes were racing against the clock trying to disarm this little big bang experiment at CERN. So I guess that part was true.

According to the book the scientists were hoping to explain the origins of the universe through this smashing of atoms. I personally don’t think the math being wrong was an accident. This has The Tower of Babel written all over it. Some higher source doesn’t want these guys doing what they’re doing.

I know of Mathamagicians and these…are not.

Robed Man

Pools of Serenity ~ Thomas Kinkade

Originally Posted April 11, 2007

Purpleaura’s Dream ~ April 10, 2007

I had a weird night, something is going on. Last night I saw what I can only describe as a being in a Santa robe but in red and gold. In dream someone in this robe seems to be marking people’s foreheads. In their foreheads seems to be the only way I can describe as a cross (LOL you know me and religion, but it looked like a cross). And the strangest feeling was that both you and I, and I knew others were involved, were being brought out. Then I saw a spiral of light blue light as well coming down. The 3rd eye in the forehead was being opened up again for battle. There was a since of peace, connection and raring to get into battle. I don’t know but I'm expecting something, feeling it as well. This morning I woke up to calm and the front and top of my head open and light.

Interesting thing again the last 2 days I’ve had snippets and dream bits of going back to my cottage where the roses grow in the garden. And my bedroom had French doors that led out to the garden, and it was nice, with a slight breeze.

OK I have to rephrase that. Part of the robe and why it reminded me of Santa is I just remembered that I used to have a Santa decoration and he was dressed in red with a gold patterned imprinted on the garment. I think the importance was the fact that red and gold was the garment worn, that was important. I have to do some looking but I never knew who did the imprinting on the foreheads but knew whoever wore this garment was doing it.
Purpleaura had quite a run on house dreams for a while and still does occasionally. Either somebody is showing her houses or she is showing other people houses. I’ve come to think of her as the astral real estate lady. Your Century 22 representative.

This is Purpleaura’s dream house:

Purpleaura’s Dream ~ March 1, 2005

I don’t know what’s up with this, It looks like I’m looking for new house in dreams. All I can remember is looking for a one bedroom house, don’t remember kids or hubby or anyone else being there. I remember a lady showing me these houses with 1 bedroom only, and then she showed me a cottage I fell in love with. It was very serene and the bedroom had French doors that led out into garden. I could see directly outside into the garden and it was beautiful. It had roses at the window and I fell in love with it. It was at this time I woke up bummer.

I haven’t a clue why I’m dreaming about looking for homes or moving and why there always seems to be a lady showing me or telling me where to go. At this rate I will be having a collection of houses to my name. The 1 bedroom made me laugh, and why I didn’t see any hubby or kids in tow, I was quite happy looking for a one-bedroom only.

Well I sure don’t know any mothers who don’t feel that way on occasion.

The first thing I wondered regarding Purpleaura’s latest dream was if the blue was Dream Spiral Blue?

There is definitely something in the air, what we’re not exactly sure of, but I’m going to paint the living room today and the fumes always induce lots of visions so maybe we can get some of the missing pieces of the puzzle.

For no reason I can ascertain, the other night I emailed Purpleaura about the painting she did and asked if she minded me calling her Madonna or did she have another name for her. She responded that her painting was a copy of a famous painting she could no longer recall the name of. Later in the day she came across this thread on the earthboppin forum and sent an email titled “Are you sure somebody’s not reading our emails?”

No, I’m not sure of anything.

Date: April 10, 2007 at 10:00:43
From: Bonnie
Subject: Male icon vision this AM

I had a male icon vision last night. which appeared to look like a traditional messiah painting. It was so close at first I could only see the robe and then I stepped back and looked up and could see who it was. The male icons usually precede large losses of life due to man-made or natural events. I expect this to be within the week because the figure was so close
Date: April 10, 2007 at 12:45:45
From: catjo
Subject: Re: Male icon vision this AM

Forgot about the 2 visions I had the day before the predawn dream. First vision was in the morning: Two icon heads, profile. One was male Pharaoh or Egyptian type. The other was I thought a king or queen type (crowned) Englishish, but it could have been a crowned Madonna.

Later I was praying for vision to help a friend solve a missing person case and I got these fast images:

a saddle
a horse head
Jimmy Hendrix's head
a cake
a couple kissing

Just that and nothing more. Weird bunch of images.

Feedback welcome. >^..^<
Date: April 10, 2007 at 10:45:18
From: Hannah
Subject: Forgive my ignorance

but is the passover still near or in process? I had a waking vision that west coast somewhere between HI and here would be experiencing a large event close to a religious event and an anniversery of/celebration of it. Good Friday came and went (1964 Alaska quake)so I thought we'd be in the clear.
Date: April 10, 2007 at 15:36:20
From: Stardanya
Subject: Re: Forgive my ignorance

It was on the full moon, on the 2nd.
I was also reminded of a dream I had a while back about some clouds changing from Santa to God and back to Santa again. I posted that dream on a forum and a man named Joe Mason responded with this story:


The following story was inspired by real dreams.

by Joseph E. Mason

"Mom! Mom!" Johnny exclaimed, "the other kids are saying there's no Santa Claus! Come! Come! Tell 'em quick that they're wrong!"

"Now, Johnny, don't get so excited," Mom said calmly, "come over here and sit down. Let's talk it over."

Johnny's Mom tried to gather her thoughts. She knew this moment would come, and had rehearsed the future conversation in her mind. It was a challenging task to explain to a child why his parents, indeed a whole society, had been telling lies to all the children for years and years. She did the best she could do to explain it to her boy, feeling all the while that she had been put into an uncomfortable position by the whole thing. After all, lies break down trust, and that is not good. And yet, Christmas celebrations are wonderful too, and the children enjoy it so much.

Gently, she tried to explain things so he could understand this rather odd tradition. The task became formidable, as she felt the fall into chaos. She could not resolve the issue in her own mind, let alone expalin it to a child. There seemed to be no good justification in telling untruths to a child.

Johnny went off to bed, in a state of feeling stunned, dazed. His brain was simply not mature enough to put all of this into a context. Confusion reigned, as questions of trust and truth seem shattered. Johnny cried and cried, feelig like an island cut off from everyone and everything.

Energy expended, draining his body, the exhausted Johnny drifted into sleep. Red triangles shot out of a central point in all directions, then blue ones did the same. An incredibly bright, pure white light began to shine from a single point and expand from the center of the triangles. The shadow of a human form took shape before the light. It looked like man, then like a child. Then the form transformed into a beautiful woman dressed in pearls that emitted lights of many colors.

With a face full of concern, she spoke. "My darling, you seem troubled."

"Oh, yes," Johnny answered. "I learned today that Santa Claus isn't real."

"I see," she answered, "But Santa is real, Johnny. He is just not understood."

"Whaddaya mean?"

"My dear, you are much too young to comprehend such concepts in your daily reality as a youthful person. But you are fully capable of understanding on this dream level. You already know it, actually; I am simply here to remind you, to awaken your memories."

The radiant woman moved closer to the boy. "All things on your plane of existence carry a symbolic meaning. When humans figure this out, they will understand the meaning of life. The story of Santa Claus represents a dream visitation."

Johnny's sleep-face frowned. "I still don't get it. What does this have to do with Santa Claus?"

"Well, just recall some of your other dreams. Remember the dreams where animals and humans appeared on the porch, patio, yard, or roof of your house?"

"Yeh, I remember some of 'em."

"We were trying to inform you that your house, or other types of buildings, often represent your reality. The areas outside the house represent realities outside of your normal perceptions, like the dream and spiritual realms."

Johnny did not understand the words spoken by the beautiful woman, but he knew the meaning. The woman could see that a strong angel with pink feathered wings knelt beside the child, holding glowing spheres in his hands. Rings of energy were pulsating from the spheres, creating holographic interference patterns across the child's brain. Precisely controlled, these patterns simulated physical perceptions and communicated thoughts telepathically.

Johnny's face brightened. "Oh, I get it...Santa is a spirit person who visits our house."

"That's right!" the woman said, as the colorful lights shot out in rainbows form the sparkling pearls of her apparel. The angel smiled.

A thought suddenly came to Johnny. "And the reindeer fly, because they're spirits too."

"Yes! And they have other symbolic meanings. Remember the dream where the bison rolled and a plant spring up from the ground?"


"We often use a horned animal to show the triangle that creates life. You can see this triangle in the face of the animal. The horns are like antennae which receive and send energy signals. They correspond to the Father and Mother in the spirit realm. The antlers of the reindeer are like trees. Do you recall the dream where a tree grew out of the top of your head?"

"Yup! It was bare at first and some of the branches were rotten. A little bird came and hopped around in the tree, and green leafs appeared on each spot where he landed. Someone cut off the rotten branches. Then all the leafs became butterflies."

"We were showing you that trees often represent your knowledge, or beliefs. They are like a tree, you know. People have two trees, just like the reindeer, but most people use just one of them almost exclusively, the rational one."

"I like Rudolf best...but I like Cupid, Donnar, Blitzen...all of 'em really."

"The name of the reindeer have meaning too. Cupid means love, which is the answer to...well, ...everything. It radiates, you know. Donnar and Blitzen mean thunder and lightening. We usually use those symbols to show the great power and energy from our realm to yours."

"How come Santa climbs down the chimney? The door would be easier...and cleaner too."

"Remember the dream where the little lion came down the chimney? The chimney symbolically represents the pathway between the realities . . . you know, the tunnel."

"You mean the tunnel I came through just before I was born? The one that seemed so familiar?"

"Yes Johnny. That's the one." The woman sat down on the bed next to Johnny. His spirit body was sitting up now, looking into her face. Her beautiful eyes glistened and sparkled with pure love. "Remember the dream where the giant bull's horns were mounted above the fireplace?"

"Oh yeh...there was a bull's skull too...and a little broom beside the fireplace."

"Like many symbols, the fireplace has a dual meaning. The burning of wood represents the light kindled by ideas and thoughts. As long as one light burns, the universe can never be dark. Wood comes from a tree, which is symbolic of the Tree of Knowledge. The role of the human species is to burn this wood, that is, to consume the ideas by manifesting them into a reality. This creates a light in the world, but the ideas are consumed in the process. You see, the ideas are not static and unchanging, but are in a constant flux. The fire provides light, but the old wood is consumed. It shows a spiritual evolution."

"I'm getting it...Santa brings ideas from the other world while we are sleeping. When we are sleeping, we are Santa is the one who brings us the dreams...right?"

"Right! And the dreams help you evolve spiritually. Why don't we have a snack, then we'll talk more about Santa Claus."

Suddenly, the pair were in the kitchen. The woman took a cup of apple yogurt from the refrigerator.

"Mom bought that for herself and my twin sister, Sophie. I don't like it much."

"I'm sure they won't mind, my dear. Try is very special yogurt."

Johnny and the woman ate about half a cup. "That is good," said the boy. Suddenly they were back in the bedroom, as before.

Johnny noticed the rose in her hair as she leaned forward. "What does Santa bring you?"

"Why, presents naturally. Everyone knows that."

"And where does he put the presents."

"Under the tree...oh boy! I bet you're gong to say it is the Tree of Knowledge."

"Yes, and the Tree of Life."

"You mean..."

"The Tree of Knowledge becomes the Tree of Life. This is a symbolic way of showing how ideas and beliefs become the reality. What do you suppose the presents signify?"

"Ummm...let's see. You get things from the dreams that make you happy?"

"Well, that's part of it. Remember the dream where you saw a big ball of string and felt confused?"

"Yeh! I was confused for a long time...then I found the end of the string and pulled. The string unraveled, and a little toy was inside...a velvet heart."

"Can you see how this is related to Christmas presents?"

"No! Not really...wait a minute...when you unwrap the pretty packages, the gifts are inside. So you have to unravel the packages to get the gift."

"Yes! But the gift, like the other parts of the story, has a symbolic meaning. Can you guess what it is?"

Johnny's features bunched up in a thoughtful frown. "Uh...well...nope. You got me on that one."

"When do you open the presents?"

"On Christmas morning," Johnny said, his eyebrows rising.

"When you awake in the morning and remember a dream, what kinds of things do you remember?"

Let's see...I don't know...just a bunch of crazy stuff...could be anything...Wow! Those things are the gifts! Am I right?"

"Right again!"

The boy slapped his knees in delight, as the woman continued.

"You see, you must unravel these dream gifts by interpreting them. That means to figure out what they really mean. Otherwise they seem meaningless, and you forget them. It's important to do this yourself. Other people can help, because many of their dreams are similar, but we spiritual beings bring very special messages to each person. Only that one person can understand all of the meaning. The symbols are the language we use in communicating with human beings."

"Gosh!...Seems complicated. Why not just tell us straight out what you mean? Why make it so hard?"

"That's a long story. Let's save it for another night. But I will tell you...human beings have agreed, on a higher spiritual level, to do it this way for a long time. It's part of an agreement, a sort of contract or covenant that all of us agreed upon a very long time ago. We knew that it would be a difficult challenge, but we also knew that much learning and growth would come of it. So we decided to be separated apart for awhile. But we kept this one major link, dreams, and a few other ways of communicating, like visions and inspirations. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for humans to change their ways of things and being. And that would be awfully boring."

"I just thought of something. Santa's elves make the gifts. So, they are spirit helpers who make the symbols."

"Very good! They are part of the Elohim, entities concerned with earth matters. It's very complicated."

"Does Rudolf have a meaning too?"

"Remember the dream where you smelled perfume?"

"You mean the one where the sweet smell led me to the pretty yellow flower?"

"Yes, that's the dream. Remember, it was raining hard at the beginning of that dream?"

"Oh yeh! But it became sunny when I found the flower."

"A flower symbolizes the soul, which has many aspects, like the petals of a flower. We were showing you that the nose represents the sixth sense...You know, the kinds of things you know but can't see or hear or touch, or even explain how you know them."

" that's why Rudolf's nose glows so bright! He has lots of sixth sense. Is that what you are saying?"

The woman laughed and nodded her head to indicate that Johnny was right. "Do you recall the dream where the cowboy, John Wayne, told you to take the Indian pony?"

"Uh-hunh. I went with a tribe of Indians. Then I was alone in a forest on my white pony. I couldn't see anything but fog. Then I crossed the stream and the fog parted. I saw a really big tree that sparkled and shined...Ooooh...okay. The whole world is foggy when Santa askes Rudolf to lead the way.!"

"What do you supposed the fog means?"

"You can't see can't think clearly...the road ahead is unclear...Okay! Okay!...Rudolf's nose provides the light so that Santa can find his way!"

"Yes! Johnny. Rudolf shows that major new ideas are brought to people in their time of need. This is not only on an individual level, but for the larger societies of people as well. The date we celebrate Christmas has a similar meaning."

"How's that?"

"Christmas is on a day close to the winter solstice, where the position of the earth in relation to the sun causes the shortest day and the longest night. it is a very cold night. Symbolically, this is the darkest hour, your time of need. Cold represents a lack of love. The most important dream gifts are brought to you at that time. From that moment forward, your days become longer and the nights shorter. The world warms up, until it is time for the next round of learning."

"How come the other reindeer laugh at Rudolf and call him names? That's not nice."

"When really new ideas are brought into your world, they are often condemned and ridiculed in the beginning. They seem backwards from the way people have been thinking. It takes time before they are accepted. We try to communicate to people that it is important to respect others who are different."

"That makes sense. These dream symbols do seem to unravel into a meaning, once you get ahold of the string. I like this. It's fun...sorta like putting a puzzle together...But wait a Jesus was born on Christmas day. What's that got to do with Santa Claus?"

"Well, Johnny! That's a complex issue that we will pick up on another night. The little heart and the little lion were messages about some of the meaning. You will understand it better when you grow up. You see, all people have a Christ-self within them. The lion part of themselves helps them to find it at their own heart's center. In your path ahead, you will run into many kind people who will help you. They will share their own dream gifts and you will use their tree's strength. But that last mile, you must walk alone. You will become One Who Serves, and many people will use the strength of your tree to uplift themselves. Someday, perhaps soon, a great change will occur. The two trees will stand up, and all of earth's people will find their heart's center, and then they will learn to live like us in a place we call the New Jerusalem. The lion-kings of the earth will bring their light and glory into it."

Suddenly Johnny saw Santa Claus sitting there beside the woman.

Ho! Ho! Ho!," laughed Santa, his tummy jiggling. "I knew what you were thinking, Johnny. I came to show you that I am real. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I am as real as your dream-mother here and the angel behind you. I am as real as your dreams."
Johnny's dream body stirred, and he mumbled aloud. "Oh! Santa! Oh! Santa!" A joyful tear ran down his cheek.

The angel shifted his position. The great muscles of his forearms rippled as he gripped the glowing spheres with a more powerful intensity. Johny had been in a deep level of sleep. That level cannot be remembered directly. It was time for the rapid eye movement stage, as Johnny progressed toward wakefulness.

The hologramatic wave forms induced images that danced in Johnny's head. His eyes began to dart back and forth under the lids. He saw a sick boy laying in a cold, night-lit street. A giant eagle came down next to the boy. It had very strange eyes, turned to the infrared. The big bird lifted the boy and hugged him, and the boy hugged the bird. Suddenly, he was in the kitchen with his mother eating yogurt. A little fuzzy toy lion was sitting near the sink. It had a little heart on it's chest.

Johnny's eyes sprang open. Beams of sunlight pierced through the window, as a rooster crowed in the distance. He squinted his eyes and heard noise out in the kitchen. He went in to investigate. Mom was cleaning up, as usual.

"Good morning Johnny," Mom spoke brightly. "Looks like you're feeling better."

"Yeh!" He walked to the kitchen counter, and put his arms around her waist.

"Will you take out the garbage please? And here, take this too." Mom threw the half-eaten cup of apple yogurt into the trash. "I guess Sophie ate this late last night."

A vague remembrance came into Johnny's mind, as he heard a song come on the radio. It was Gene Autry singing, "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

"Oh No! You and I ate the yogurt, don't you remember?"

"Ha Ha!" Mom laughed. "I don't think so. You don't even like yogurt, remember?"

"But we did...and you know what? I think you're wrong about Santa Claus. He is real."

"Don't be silly Johnny. Maybe you were just dreaming."

"Yeh! I guess so...But aren't dreams real?"
As far as my feelings go, I had a very creepy day yesterday. The vibes were thick and uncomfortable. But like Purpleaura yesterday, I awoke this morning feeling rejuvenated and calm. I vaguely recall seeing an army in a dream last night dressed in armour and have been experiencing snippets of other dreams of battles.

Let’s see what else the paint fumes bring.

Hoppy Easter

It just wouldn't be easter without this classic cartoon

Originally Posted April 8, 2007

Cleveland Rocks

if you build it they will come


Originally Posted April 8, 2007

As I stated in the Maria blog, one of the places she showed me as a child was Cleveland. I spent many nights as a teenager on the shores of Lake Erie and often looked across at the lights. Until a short time ago I didn’t even realize it was Maria who showed me the city, again I thought it was my mother. However, when I recalled the moment again, I remembered we were never on the beach at night. My mother is not a water person (odd for an Aquarian) and has never been on the beach with me after dark. Once or twice a year we went to get sand for the sandbox and even then we didn’t go to the actual beach but further back near a trail that led to the lake.

Another reason I became captivated with Cleveland was my father’s apparent fascination with the city. As a youngster he didn’t travel. I don’t recall him ever going anywhere other than one weekend fishing trip. I asked my mother if he traveled before they were married, she responded only once as far as she knew when he went to Cleveland for a football game.

A bit about dad. He didn’t say much but when he did, you made sure to listen. It was difficult to have a conversation of any length with him, he was always preoccupied with matters much bigger than those going on around him in the everyday world. He was big and tall and stern and very intimidating. The fact he was a cop and carried a sidearm did not help minimize the intimidation factor.

On the other hand, he had a heart of gold as big as a truck. I can’t even count how many people he brought home to stay. People down on their luck with nowhere else to go or whatever their circumstance may have been. Out of five children, at least two of us had a friend for supper every night. He fed half the town it seemed and never complained once.

He was a huge NFL fan to be sure and the Browns were his team. As were the Indians. I didn’t even know he liked baseball until the year the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened (September 2, 1995). That’s when I made my first (so far) journey to Cleveland. Dad was engrossed at the time in the World Series hoping for his team to win the pennant. It was then I really started wondering about his attraction to Cleveland. What happened to him while visiting there?

Judging by his choice of travel destinations in later years, I would say something deep and profound happened to him. Never in a million years would I have guessed he even believed in UFO’s, let alone make a 2700 kilometer trek to Roswell just to look around. Shortly before his death he related a story of having seen something on that trip he thought may have been a stealth. The way the story trailed off into nothingness and the blank look in his eyes makes me think he saw something more than an airplane.

A few years ago I did a little research into Cleveland and Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls has been mesmerizing me since the first time I saw it. I could literally stand at the edge for days staring into its magnificence. This is what I found out regarding Cleveland and Niagara Falls:

My great, great grandfather was born an Iroquois Indian Chief, in upstate New York, on September 10, 1865, very close to the falls.

In a formal naming ceremony at Niagara Falls in the spring of 1866, my great, great grandfather was named Oghema Niagara. Oghema meaning "chief" and Niagara meaning "thundering waters".

"Grandpa Chief" as he was known to my family spent most of his adult life in Cleveland, Ohio. He died in 1950, six years before I was born. But I'll never forget the many stories told by family members about Chief Thunderwater.

Oghema Niagara always maintained an open door policy for his people. His home was always a place of camaraderie and safe haven.

My mom says he was a good hearted man, but very stern and intimidating. Chief Thunderwater was laid to rest in the Erie Street Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. Right across the street from Jacobs Field, the home of the Cleveland Indians.

Rumor has it that Niagara may be the model after which Chief Wahoo (Cleveland Indians logo) was designed. Although, many Native Americans find the caricature distasteful, his family finds it only entertaining. He was a great patriot and baseball fan who often attended games.
This might not be all that weird except for the fact that I have been mistaken for a Native over and over again. Even other Natives have mistaken me as one of their own. So that could be one explanation for the Cleveland obsession, maybe it’s in my blood. It might explain my father’s fascination at least.

And that’s what I went on thinking about that. Until Purpleaura inadvertently introduced me to Michael Lee Hill. But before I get to that, a few other things first.

Being a proud Canadian, any fellow Canadian who makes a good name for themselves is a hero in my books. The Tragically Hip and Dan Aykroyd are among some of our finest treasures in my opinion. As a teenager through the 70’s, Saturday Night Live was a must-see. It didn’t matter where you were or what you were doing, you had be somewhere to watch Saturday Night Live. It wasn’t just a TV show, it was a way of life.

After Dan Aykroyd left the show as a regular, he continued to make appearances in various sketches or as guest host. One of the returns that sticks in my mind was the night The Tragically Hip were the musical guests. Knowing both Dan and the members of the Tragically Hip all hailed from the same place, Kingston, Ontario, I wondered if they were back stage reminiscing about high school days or other local memories. And as dumb as this sounds, it felt like something very important was happening on that stage that night.
The band is immensely popular in Canada. They have never found mainstream success in the United States, but neither have they specifically sought it. Their most-seen appearance in the United States was on March 25, 1995, when they appeared on Saturday Night Live with fellow Canadian and friend Dan Aykroyd guest starring, and with John Goodman hosting.
Now flip forward a decade and the songs of this band are alerting me to future tragedies. What’s up with that? To make things even more peculiar, BWB has won exactly three things from radio contests and all three things had to do with The Hip.

I promise, this will all tie together eventually.

In late September of 2006 I came across this article. Again I can’t believe I grew up around there and never heard about this. I really must have been under one mother of a rock.
The Bermuda Triangle is not the only zone of mystery on the Earth. The Great Lakes have an even higher concentration of unexplainable ship disappearances than anywhere else in the world.

Near the end of a cool May, in 1889, several tall masted ships sailed out of Kingston harbor, at the eastern end of Lake Ontario, to search for a missing vessel. There had been a storm over the lake. Not uncommon in these waters. And the Bavaria, the missing ship, had failed to make port.

Her absence had raised concern among the ship's owners and relatives of the crewmen. There was good reason for this concern, for, although Lake Ontario is not the largest in the Great Lakes chain, it has one rather weird, if not deadly, anomaly that none of the others possess. It has the Marysburgh Vortex. This vortex, like the famed Bermuda Triangle, is a strip of water in the eastern end of the lake that has a long history of bizarre circumstances that have caused the loss of numerous ships and their crews. According to marine insurance records, the Great Lakes have a higher concentration; of shipping accidents than any comparable area elsewhere. And it has held this unenviable position for over a hundred years.

In its variety of mysterious events this region outranks anything found in the Bermuda Triangle, the Hoodoo Sea, or any of the other so-called zones of mystery in other parts of the world.

More important, this end of Lake Ontario appears to be the focus of an unknown, invisible vortex of forces that not only erupts intermittently throughout these waters but, at times, spews out an invisible cloak to encompass and cause disasters in other parts of the Great Lakes, the regions surrounding them, and even the skies above.

With this in mind, it was an act of courage that led the captain and crew of one of the rescue vessels, the Armenia, to sail directly into these waters to search for the missing ship Bavaria.

When the Armenia was nine miles south of the Main Duck Islands and well inside this zone of mystery, her crew sighted the Bavaria sitting upright and grounded on a small desolate shoal known as Galloo Island. When they were within hailing distance, the crew of the Armenia called out, but there was no reply to their eager shouts, no figures appeared on the deck. The only sound that came from the strangely silent ship was the uneasy creaking of her timbers as the long swells from the lake nudged her to and fro, swaying her masts like giant crosses.

The Armenia's captain and a few of his crew rowed across and boarded the Bavaria. From the time they stepped aboard, they sensed something drastically wrong. And after they had searched the ship from end to end, their suspicions were confirmed. There was absolutely no trace of the Bavaria's crew. The empty vessel gave up only strange dues to an even deeper mystery, one that has confounded investigators of Great Lakes mysteries to this day.

Aside from a small amount of water in her hold, the ship was completely seaworthy. In fact she was sailed back to Kingston once she had been freed from the shoal. There was certainly nothing wrong with the vessel that would cause her crew to abandon her. Nor was there a single clue to show where the crew had gone.

In the captain's cabin they found all his papers and a large sum of money collected from cargo that had been delivered to American ports. In the galley oven they found a batch of freshly baked bread. But the strangest thing of all was a small repair job lying on the deck. It was only a minor repair job and it appeared to have been set aside momentarily when the seaman had been interrupted in his work, intending to return. But for some reason he never came back to finish the task. He, along with the captain and the rest of the crew, had vanished from the Bavaria never to be seen again. The only living thing on the ship was a canary still chirping in its cage in one of the cabins.

The captain and the crew of the Armenia left Galloo Island to report their find, pondering the puzzle of why all aboard the Bavaria had left a perfectly seaworthy ship. Where had they gone that money and food no longer had any value? The bread in the oven, the money, the important papers, and the small unfinished task on the deck were evidence that the departure of the captain and crew had been sudden. But why?

When the Armenia reached port and the news of the discovery was announced, the circumstances found aboard the Bavaria set off wild speculation. It also reopened old questions of what had become of others that had sailed out across these strange waters and had never been seen or heard from again.

While this speculation raged, others less imaginative remained silent, expecting that at least one of the crew of the Bavaria would turn up to tell his tale of ordeal on the lake. But as time passed, it became obvious to all that not even the bodies of the captain or crew would return to shore. They had all mysteriously vanished as if whisked from the face of the Earth. They were victims of the Marysburgh Vortex.

Even before the discovery of the Bavaria and the unexplained fate of her crew, investigators had tried unsuccessfully to solve the riddle of this enigma of Lake Ontario. In the end they all failed.

In the case of the Bavaria, some investigators claimed that the evidence found aboard the ship pointed to something bizarre and unnatural that had overtaken the vessel. Some believed that an invisible force had invaded the ship and had driven all aboard her insane, causing them to seek an escape, even suicide.

The fact that her single lifeboat was missing led others to conclude that the captain and crew had succeeded in escaping from the ship. But this did not explain what had happened to them or why they needed to abandon their vessel since it was seaworthy.

Others suggested that those aboard the Bavaria were the victims of the storm, that they believed the ship was sinking and abandoned her. If so, what about the money and papers left in the captain's cabin? Also, what about the bread in the galley oven and the unfinished repair job? These are not the sorts of tasks seamen engage in during a storm that threatens to sink their ship.

Considering this evidence, it would seem that the Bavaria had weathered the storm and that things had returned to normal and regular duties were being attended to. Then something out of the ordinary occurred on board the ship. Whatever it was, that something was so threatening and vehement that all of those aboard attempted to flee the vessel, possibly in the single lifeboat. But none escaped whatever horror it was that had invaded their ship. In the end it claimed them all.

There are some final and confusing facts surrounding this story. A few days after she had been found sitting aground on Galloo Shoal, a strange report came to light. The captain of another vessel, which had been in the same area as the Bavaria during the storm, told how his crew had sighted a lifeboat on the lake with two motionless figures at the oars. The captain had made repeated attempts to get his ship close enough to rescue the two men, but each attempt had been frustrated as the lifeboat was drawn away. No matter how he maneuvered the vessel, the lifeboat was impossible to reach. In the end the rescuers had to give up in defeat and stand by helplessly as the lifeboat disappeared into a thick fog and was never seen again.

At no time during the rescue attempt did the two men at the oars make any effort to save themselves. Instead, they sat as if hypnotized, staring blankly as each attempt failed. When last seen they were sitting immobile at the oars as they were drawn to their doom.

Around the same time a lighthouse keeper in the same area reported that he, too, had tried to rescue two men in a lifeboat but had failed each time he almost had them in his grasp. He also claimed that the men had made no effort to assist in their own rescue.

Almost 100 years have passed since this strange fate overtook the Bavaria and her crew. Those who have tried to puzzle out these mysterious events have come no closer to the solution than did the stunned seamen who witnessed the event or examined the clues at firsthand.

While the mystery surrounding the Bavaria may have stunned many at the time, it was by no means an isolated incident in this region. Six years earlier, one fall morning in 1883, the vessel Quinlan had sailed out of Oswego harbor on the south side of Lake Ontario with a full load of coal for delivery to the north shore. The route her captain had chosen was a direct line across the lake, one that would take her right through the middle of the Marysburgh Vortex. The ship never completed the voyage. Those who witnessed the violent events and survived to tell the tale revealed that the eastern end of the lake was inhabited by unknown forces - forces that still inhabit the region today.

The first sign that the Quinlan was destined for a bizarre fate occurred shortly after the vessel had cleared the American shore and sailed into a fog bank. Such conditions are not too unusual in these waters during the late fall. But the seamen themselves admitted that this was an unusually thick fog, which shrouded the vessel in a wet gray blanket. With this came a rapid drop in temperature and snow crystals began to form, quickly coating the decks and hatches with a thick layer of white. The snow accumulated with unbelievable rapidity and the crew went to work with shovels to clear the ship of the burden that was making her top-heavy. Although the crew struggled frantically to get rid of the mounting snow, there seemed to be no end to the strange fall. As fast as it was removed, more piled up.

As it turned out, this was to be the least of the problems that plagued the crew of the Quinlan. Waves began to rise around the vessel and their battering became a savage fury few had ever witnessed. The exhausted crew were forced to abandon their efforts to save the ship. All they could do was cling tightly to railings or riggings to keep from being swept overboard as the ship was tossed about.

Thunderous waves continued to smash her hull and drive her on before the fury of the storm, and there was no telling in which direction the Quinlan was headed, for her compass had suddenly ceased to function, its needle turning lazily in its case. But even with it, navigation would have been impossible. The vessel was now under the control of other forces, which refused to release their grip. Lashed from all directions, the ship plummeted on, her route totally out of the control of human hands.

Shortly before noon the Quinlan slammed into the Marysburgh shore. Her masts had been snapped off, and her hull was split as violent waves pounded her to pieces on the rocks. Powerless to stop the destruction, the crew hung on to what was left of the ship while witnesses gathered on the shore frantically trying to rescue the exhausted seamen from the wreckage. They managed to reach only a few; the rest were sucked from the tangled mass of timbers and rigging and pulled into the lake that had just cast them out. They were never seen again.

The few who survived were carried to nearby homes and given the warmth and care they had never expected to experience again. When they were finally able to tell their story they all agreed on one thing: The ship had been gripped by "some odd attraction!"

Since that time no one has ever been able to discover just what that "odd attraction" was or what caused it to grip the Quinlan. The same applies to the "frost fogs" or whatever strange force rendered the compass useless.

In recent times there have been others who have encountered strange fogs in this region of the continent, and they have fared no better than the seamen of early times. In 1966, an experienced pilot was flying his light aircraft on a well-established route along the south shore of Lake Erie, southwest of Lake Ontario, when he encountered a fog that enveloped his plane and blotted out all visual contact with the Earth. Within minutes he was isolated in a white sea of nothingness, unable to tell up from down. He shouted into his microphone to the stunned controllers at the Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center, saying that he did not know what was the matter, that he was spinning, that he was falling. His radio transmission ended abruptly at the same time that his blip disappeared from the radar screens of Air Traffic Control.

The United States Coast Guard launched an immediate search over the land and water in the area where the plane was last reported. The search lasted several days but not a trace of the missing aircraft was ever found. It had entered the fog and had silently passed into oblivion.

According to the Toronto newspapers, visibility was poor on Nov. 8, 1977, when Tom Walker, a veteran pilot with nine years' flying experience, took off from Toronto's Island Airport for a flight to his home at Owen Sound, a short 80 miles north of Lake Ontario. Walker never arrived. Two days later he was found hobbling down a main highway in a well-settled area just outside metropolitan Toronto and was rushed to a local hospital. After being treated for a broken ankle and multiple injuries, he told his wife that the last thing he remembered was flying into a cloud or fog. He had no idea where he was when he was found on the highway, nor could he tell where his aircraft was located.

While this was going on in the hospital, Canadian Government search and rescue investigators were in communication with the relatives of two other men whose aircraft had failed to reach the airport at Maple, just north of Toronto, after a flight from the head of the lakes. No trace had been found of this pair or their aircraft and the missing men's relatives had employed a psychic to aid in the search. After weeks of fruitless searching and with costs totaling thousands of dollars, the search was abandoned. No trace was ever found of the missing men and their aircraft.

The strange forces at work in this part of the continent are no different from the forces at work in the other zones of mystery around the world. It would seem natural to expect the authorities in government or science to demonstrate an interest in these mysteries and set about trying to determine their true cause. But throughout the history of the Marysburgh Vortex and the Bermuda Triangle, next to nothing has been done to initiate a thorough study of the phenomena encountered here. As a result, these areas have become the domain of the Fortean writers and investigators who reveal the mysteries but never arrive at a final solution.

An example of one of the oddities that might have a bearing on the unexplained events occurring in the Lake Ontario region is the number of magnetic anomalies found here. There are no fewer than 14 of these magnetic anomalies - areas of strong local magnetic disturbance - plainly marked on present-day navigation charts issued for Lake Ontario. The majority of these locations are clustered in the eastern end of the lake. If these are no more than strong local magnetic disturbances, then at best they could only cause a careless navigator to sail off course.

The question is, do these anomalies represent something else? Possibly a source of undiscovered forces emerging from the Earth? Whatever it is, something in the eastern end of Lake Ontario is reaping a harvest of destruction. According to Willis Metcalfe in his book, Canvas & Steam on Quinte Waters, two thirds of all shipping losses in this part of the Great Lakes occurs in the eastern end of Lake Ontario. In 1883, for example, 40 vessels and 673 lives were lost in Lake Ontario, the greater majority in the eastern end!

In 1950, in a joint venture between the United States Navy and the Canadian National Research Council, a study was begun on magnetic anomalies and other such phenomena. As part of this project, surveys were made around Lake Ontario. This led to further investigations by a Canadian team of scientists under Wilbert B. Smith of the Canadian Department of Transport. They discovered areas of "reduced binding" in the atmosphere near the shore of the lake. In one report these areas were described as pillar-like columns-some almost 1,000 feet across and reaching thousands of feet up into the atmosphere-which were invisible and detectable only by sensitive equipment. Inside these columns some peculiarities were noted in gravity and magnetism and what appeared to be a reduction in the nuclear binding forces holding matter together. It was also discovered that some of these "columns" were mobile and never remained in one location for any length of time. Such an unusual discovery should have created some interest within the scientific community. Evidently it did not. Investigations of these areas were dropped and nothing further on the subject has been released.

For the present there is no way of determining whether one of these zones of reduced binding - a sort of gravity or magnetic hole - had anything to do with the sudden disappearance of the ship Picton as she approached the Marysburgh Vortex in 1900. But whatever it was that caused this vessel to vanish made it look as if the vessel had sailed into another dimension. And it happened in front of a number of astounded witnesses!

There were two vessels following along behind the Picton on that clear June morning as she sailed toward the Marysburgh Vortex. The ships Minnes and the Acacia had both left port with the Picton and they had her in plain sight. One minute the Picton was there and the next she was gone. It was as quick as that, according to the witnesses.

At first the crews of the Minnes and Acacia did not believe their eyes and scanned the surface of the lake before the shock of what had happened gripped them. Then they quickly offered prayers to heaven and sailed directly into the area where the Picton had been seen minutes before. For the next few hours the two ships crisscrossed the area while their crews hung over the rails, their faces grim as they searched the water for some trace of the people or the wreckage that they were certain should be there. But there was no trace of the vanished Picton then or after.

An uncomfortable mood came over the crews of both ships as they finally abandoned the search and resumed their course to the northeast. When they reached port on the Canadian shore and told of the almost impossible event that they had just witnessed, the news was received with skepticism and disbelief. After the initial shock had passed, word was spread to other ports around the lake and a watch was kept for evidence that might surface with the passage of time.

As among all seafaring people, speculation grew among the lakeshore inhabitants, but none of the proposed theories helped to solve the sudden disappearance of this vessel. Nor was the saga of the Picton about to fade away. Several days after the event at Sackets Harbor, a few miles northeast of the point where the ship vanished, another strange chapter unfolded that was destined to make the mystery even deeper.

In this small port a fisherman's son had watched a bottle float in and out of the harbor repeatedly over a period of two days. His curiosity aroused, the boy borrowed his father's skiff and rowed out to retrieve the bottle. Inside the bottle he found a note from Captain Jack Sidley, master of the Picton.

News of the discovery spread around the lake like wildfire. Relatives identified the handwriting as Captain Sidley's, but there was more to the find than just the note. When the bottle was found, it had been tightly stoppered and its top fastened with wire! Also, in Sidley's last communication with the outside world he had written that he had lashed himself to his son so that they would both be found together.

These two facts make it clear that, although the Picton had abruptly vanished, its captain was very much alive for some time after the event. But where was the captain when he wrote the note?

Historians and researchers have spent many hours trying to puzzle this one out and have gotten nowhere. The clues seem to defy solution. Most have agreed that if the ship had instantly sunk to the bottom of the lake without leaving a trace of material evidence to float over the spot and mark the location for the searchers, then Captain Sidley certainly had no time to write a note, much less find a bottle to put it in and a piece of wire to secure the top.

The note suggests that the captain knew he did not have long to live. From this we can assume that he had found himself in a hostile environment from which he saw no escape. This might suggest that he was trapped inside his ship on the bottom of the lake. The cargo of coal that the Picton was carrying would have been sufficient to take the ship to the bottom if the hold had somehow filled with water. At this location the lake slopes sharply from 200 feet to a depth of 500 feet-enough to cause the trapped air to burst the hull and send debris to the surface along with a foaming fountain of air and water. But searchers who had remained in the area for several hours stated they had found nothing.

In an effort to provide a solution to this mystery, present-day writers have suggested that, like other zones of mystery around the world, the Marysburgh Vortex harbors a doorway into another dimension, an invisible gateway into some realm outside our reality. As bizarre as this sounds, it is certainly no more so than the instant disappearance of the Picton.

Further, if there is such a doorway to a mysterious realm, then it operates only intermittently, because right after the Picton had vanished, both the Minnes and the Acacia sailed directly into the same area and neither of them were suddenly transported out of this world.

Ever since Vincent Gaddis wrote his original article in 1964, bringing public attention to the Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious events occurring there, many other writers have probed this enigma of the Atlantic. Countless books and articles have been written on the subject, adding to the unexplained things that have taken place in that region of the Atlantic over the years.

Among the speculated causes of these strange occurrences are suggestions that the Bermuda Triangle is under the control of UFO entities - aliens from another planet who have turned the area into a base of operations for their excursions to this planet: sort of a way station for intergalactic explorers.

Other writers and reporters investigating these events attribute the cause of the mystery to strange rays of energy being generated and beamed to the surface by a huge crystal column on the ocean floor, said to be a relic of an ancient civilization of Atlanteans who used the crystal as a power source.

This column, topped with a specially faceted cap to collect the sun's energy, was said to have been used by the ancient Atlanteans to power their ships, submarines, and aircraft. It was also supposed to be capable of emitting rays that helped cure ailments of the Atlantans. It is believed to have been originally located in one of their temples, and this, along with the continent these people inhabited, sank to the bottom of the Atlantic thousands of years ago when earthquakes and other disturbances shattered the Earth and brought about massive geographical changes.

This solution, though unique, seems improbable because the amount of sunlight penetrating to the bottom of the ocean is rather small, therefore the energies produced by such a mechanism would tend to be weak. Furthermore, according to the records, most of the strange events occurring here take place during the night hours or during periods when thick fog blankets the area, and at these times the sunlight would not be available to power the crystal device.

However, it is still a fact that the so-called Bermuda Triangle is a region of mystery that will not go away because of bland indifference on the part of established science and high officialdom.

The Bermuda Triangle is by no means the only such region on this Earth. In 1972, Ivan T. Sanderson set about to examine and record many of the other zones around the world. His research brought to light many other little-known triangles of mystery scattered across the globe, some located hundreds of miles from any water.

While researching material for historical articles on the Great Lakes region I noticed a similarity between many of the strange events that occurred in this region and those which Vincent Gaddis and others reported.

But something more important began to emerge from this research, something that was lacking in all the other zones of mystery. This was the strong evidence that zeroed in on the eastern end of Lake Ontario as the focus for the mysterious forces at work in this region.

In an article for SAGA magazine, in November 1975, I outlined some of the strange events that have plagued this region over the years and pinpointed the Marysburgh area as the center of activity. Since that time, further research has revealed unexplained events in that area that are even more puzzling than anything encountered in the Bermuda Triangle.

Further, these other events indicate a wider spectrum of mystery, which appears to have its roots in the strange forces and energies erupting from the Earth. At times these forces expand outward to include other portions of the Great Lakes chain, even erupting into the skies above them or the lands bordering these waters.

Amazingly, the power appears to stem from clusters of invisible volcano-like fountains that spiral up from activity taking place deep in the Earth. While these eruptions seem to be electrical in nature, they are not listed in any scientific text. Yet they seem to have been known to the priests and leaders of ancient civilizations. Also, if we are to believe the ancient writings and the evidence coming to light today, these forces and energies can affect not only material matter but also the human mind.

In the area of the Marysburgh Vortex, the shores of Lake Ontario narrow in toward the St. Lawrence River, creating a funnel-like enclosure. Through this the waters gathered from the expanse of the 300,000-square-mile Great Lakes Watershed must flow. Geographically and geologically this region is a strange mixture of curious features. It sits on the edge of the Precambrian shield and has been subjected to volcanic and seismic events that have left it a topographical oddity rounded off by glacial activity in the past. Its shores are rugged, knifed by bays and coves, its surface dotted with islands, reefs, and shoals, its bottom shattered by silt-filled fissures and faults.

This area also takes in the deepest point in the lake - an icy well of blackness almost 850 feet deep, from which nothing returns.

Like inland waters in any other part of the world, navigation here calls for a certain amount of caution. This is where the shores narrow in toward Wolfe Island; navigation here can be a mariner's nightmare. As one seaman put it, "This end of the lake can be a one-way ticket to oblivion!"

Both the United States and Canada share this expanse of water, just as they share the unexplained events that occur in this area. Yet government authorities on both sides of the border view these mysteries as wordplay and imagination. They are quick to point out the records, which show that many ships have passed through this region and, at worst, have suffered only minor damage from storms.

All this is true. However, when the toll of losses is examined and the common accidents and the usual mishaps due to foul weather are accounted for, there remains a number of "accidents" for which no logical explanation exists. The reason for this is simple enough: The forces causing these unexplained "accidents" are beyond present-day understanding. They are forces which have never been explored scientifically.

They cannot be ignored any longer!


Chrissie Hynde rocks too


Miss Scarlet ~ November 5, 2006

I had a couple of dreams last weekend I still haven't told you about. They would have been Saturday night / Sunday morning. In one you and me were flying all over the place, you behind and above me, showing me all these different rock formations, kind of like the ones at Easter Island or Stonehenge. Only these didn't look like any I’ve seen before, although that doesn't mean much. We were zipping all over the place and we'd zoom in and you would show me a formation and tell me something about it, then we'd zip off again to the next one.

The one I remember the most was a formation of several of the same type of rocks that were shaped like Coneheads. If you're not familiar with them, they were a recurring skit on Saturday Night Live in the 70's and were hilarious. They were aliens.

So these rock formations were the same shape as the heads only they had a mouth and two eyes cut into them. I can't remember how many there were but they formed a pattern, I think a circle, and were all facing different directions. That was all of that one.
Miss Scarlet ~ November 10, 2006

Holy crap, I swear I never knew anything about where the idea for Coneheads came from and just read this as long ago as it took me to see Easter Island and go EEEEKKK and then email you.

The Coneheads was originally a sketch on Saturday Night Live which starred Dan Aykroyd as father Beldar, Jane Curtin as mother Prymaat and Laraine Newman as daughter Conjaab ("Connie").

Aside from their obvious physical differences, the Coneheads also had a very nasal, monotone speech, and seemed to have much larger appetites than average humans. They would eat massive amounts of food during meals, (which they referred to as "consuming mass quantities"), drink entire six packs of beer at once, and smoke whole packs of cigarettes at a time. Despite their distinctions, they were never suspected as being aliens (even when accidentally referring to their neighbors as "Earthlings") by anyone who encountered them.

Much humor derived from the Coneheads' use of over-technical dialogue, such as referring to food as "consumables", and saying "I summon you" to ask to speak to another person. The somewhat popular term "parental unit" also came from the sketches. They engaged in strange behaviors, such as rubbing their cones together as a sign of affection, at which point a bizarre, theremin-like noise is emitted, presumably from the cones themselves. There is also a game they play involving tossing rings over each others' cones, which is somehow sexual in nature, and is considered taboo for the underaged Connie to play.

Dan Aykroyd said he developed the idea for the Coneheads based on the Moai, the mysterious and ancient stone statues of Easter Island, which had similarly conical heads.

The concept was turned into a movie, Coneheads, in 1993, with Aykroyd and Curtin reprising their roles. Michelle Burke played Connie this time out.
So the same place where Dan Aykroyd and the members of the Tragically Hip spent their youth just happens to be a place with more mysteries than the Bermuda Triangle. Interesting. I’ll bet they weren’t talking about high school that night back stage.

Okay, zip forward a bit more when somebody on GLP posts a link to Google Video from back in the old days (6 months ago) when you could still download videos. This one was about UFO’s and the host was Dan Aykroyd. I again was gobsmacked. I truly had no idea he was THAT interested in the subject that he actually hosted a documentary about it. Something like that could ruin the career of a person in the public eye so obviously this was important to him. I couldn’t watch it immediately and downloaded it to view at a later date. I can no longer find the video on YouTube mostly because I don’t remember what it was called. I can no longer find it in my computer either and that has me a little creeped out and a little irked, I never did get a chance to watch it.
The beginning of January Purpleaura and I were talking a lot about all the mysterious and unusual happenings in the sky. Then out of the blue Purpleaura comes across the name David Sereda.

Purpleaura ~ January 5, 2007

How I found this guy I don’t know but I thought he was interesting but I don’t know why.

David Sereda, born August 21, 1961 in Edmonton, Canada, has gained notability in the field of UFOlogy and space science research.

After seeing a UFO at the age of 7 years old, it has been David's ambition to fly to space.

In 2003 David Sereda spoke in front of the US Congress House Committee on Appropriations on aneutronic fusion
I agreed, he definitely sounded interesting.

Miss Scarlet ~ January 6, 2007

David Sereda is very interesting and shares a birthday with BWB. I went to his blog and there's a petition to send him into space. It also lists a documentary he appears in that I just happened to have downloaded from YouTube to watch at a later date. I have exactly 4 movies and that’s one of them. Just been waiting to get speakers so I guess now is the time. The host is Dan Aykroyd, inventor of the Coneheads, so that's why I saved it.

The next day I checked out GLP and came across this thread:

Very Important UFO story unfolding
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 175184
1/7/2007 1:05 AM

I believe I have a huge UFO story unfolding here over Lake Erie. Let me give you a little back ground. I live in Eastlake, which is a suburb of Cleveland, I Live about a two good rock throw's from Lake Erie, about Four years ago, from my backyard, I seen a very close UFO, it was right over the closest edge of the lake, to this day it is the most amazing thing I have ever seen, I did not get that one on tape but it sparked my interest in trying to film them, but before i get into that, let me tell you what this craft looked like, I looked like a flat platform made of glowing Plasma (Red) you could make out the edges very well, they was not blurry. On top of this "Platform" sat what looked like a glowing sun, kinda like a ball of plasma that was around the size of a small plane, The ball was about 1/3 the length of the bottom part. just picture a line with a ball on top and that is what it looked like, the line part about ten feet Thick I would say.

I had a friend that was here and he seen it as well, after that, On every chance I get, I would go down to Lake Erie and take my Sony Camcorder with me, and a tripod, I would get everything set up and then would stay usually till 1 to 3:00 AM, I really liked just going and hanging out at the beach.

My UFO footage has been featured on the Art Bell Website,, Featured on CBS action 19 news and most recently four of my clips were featured on David Sereda's latest UFO film "UFO's unplugged with Dan Aykroyd"

Because of David using my footage, I became close friends with David and I shared the information I am going to share with you now, I am now co-producers with David Sereda in his new film called "From here to Andromeda" I am being interviewed in the Film and much of my UFO Cleveland Lake Erie footage will be shown.

Here is what David has had to say...

I digitized your footage and all the footage from the trip. The 2 UFOs is one of the best clips I have ever seen anywhere. Dan Aykroyd just called. I may get a cameo of him in January. He had a new sighting and wants to see Michael Lee Hill's footage.


As you just heard, Dan Aykroyd is going to make a cameo! That is cool.

Here is the thing, I began to look into UFO activity in this Area where I have grown up and where I have filmed all these UFO's, This area has been a hot bed of activity for a very long time, check out these stories, this is all going to be covered in Sereda's new movie but I believe this could be one of the biggest UFO stories ever! And I have the video to prove it!
I was compelled to respond to this poster and told him about Purpleaura coming across David Sereda and the Dan Aykroyd Conehead dream.

He responded to my post with this:

Wow, that is some strange divine communication there :-) That is what I believe synchronicity is....communication.

And when you pay attention, it grows until one night you have a very real dream, and in this Dream you meet GOD. God gives you a flower and tells you that your are LOVED and everything is going to be OK.

And in the morning when you awake, You find a real life Rose on your chest.

What Then?
Boy that got me thinking for a couple of reasons. Purpleaura and I have this rose thing going on for one, I was intrigued as to what the poster meant with the analogy. Secondly, that’s what it’s all about as far as I’m concerned, paying attention. Every little thing you see and hear has significance. Luckily he later revealed his name as Michael Lee Hill. Quite an interesting and talented fellow. The entire link above from his original post is very much worth a read.

I went to his website, found an email address and emailed him stating who I was and would he mind answering a question and allow me to go into more detail regarding my fascination with Cleveland. He didn’t mind in the least, this was part of the email I sent January 9, 2007:

This is going to be a long email, there’s so much I want to comment on, Cleveland being the first mystery.

I just had a recollection last night that may be a big part of the puzzle. The recall was of my mother showing me Cleveland as a very young child. We were on the beach at night and she pointed out the city to me. What came back to me was, my mother and I have never ever been on the beach at night or alone. She was not much of a beach person and I can recall maybe 3 times she took the entire family there for the day, but that was it. So it had to have been Maria that showed me Cleveland, and now I’m even more curious as to why. We also went to the beach to get sand for the sandbox, which brought back another memory. Maria came to me almost always while I was playing in the sandbox, so it's not just the lake, it's the sand too.

From the time Maria showed me Cleveland, I could see it like it was right in front of me and felt like I could reach out and touch the skyline. About 10 years ago my husband and I went back east, it was the first time there for him. I was excited to take him to the lake, as that’s where I spent every second I could, and we could barely see Cleveland. I was terribly confused and thought it must have been the drugs. Then I read this article, which didn’t really explain things, but at least I knew I wasn’t the only one who had seen this. I personally think there’s more to it than a mirage.

Scientists say Erie mirage could be real
AP - July 31, 2006 - Cleveland, Ohio

Scientists say it's a mirage, but others swear that when the weather is right, Clevelanders can see across Lake Erie and spot Canadian trees and buildings 50 miles away. Eyewitness accounts have long been part of the city's history. "The whole sweep of the Canadian shore stood out as if less than three miles away," a story in The Plain Dealer proclaimed in 1906.

"The distant points across the lake stood out for nearly an hour and then faded away. I can see how this could be possible," said Lawrence Krauss, chairman of the Physics Department at Case Western Reserve University. Krauss and Joe Prahl, chairman of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Case, said mirages can occur during an atmospheric inversion, in which a layer of cold air blankets the lake, topped by layers of increasingly warm air. When this happens, it can cause the light that filters through these layers from across the lake to bend, forming a lens that can create the illusion of distant objects. The scientists said the air has to be extremely calm for the mirage to appear. If the wind blows, it distorts or dissolves the image. Prahl and Krauss said such a mirage is rare.

Tom Schmidlin, a meteorologist in the Geography Department at Kent State University, said, "It's not terribly unusual. Sailors are always exposed to this kind of thing." Prahl, who regularly sails his 30-foot sloop Seabird from Cleveland to Canada, has never seen it.

Bob Boughner, a reporter for the Chatham Daily News in Ontario, said he's seen Cleveland from across Lake Erie twice, the first time four summers ago while driving along a road near the lake. He saw it again two summers ago while driving along the same road. All of a sudden, there was Cleveland, just off the Canadian shore, as if it were just across a river, he said. "I happened to look across the lake and, geez, I couldn't believe the sight," he said. "I could see the cars and the stoplights. I could even make out the different colors of the vehicles. It lasted a good two or three minutes." Boughner said he remembers his aunt Melba Bates, who lived all her life on Lake Erie and recently died in her late 90s, talking about being able to see Cleveland, but he didn't believe her. "I thought she was making up stories," he said. "But sure enough, I could see the same damned thing. When it shows up, it looks like you can touch it."

Another thing that stood out for me in your original post was your description of some of the objects you see, particularly the “Tiny Sun”. I was in the process of trying to write a book and this is a story, word for word, which I wrote 5 years ago.

“Tiny Sun”

BWB and I love the ambience and aroma of scented candles, consequently we melt quite a few. The night my father passed away (I was not yet aware of this, he being in Ontario), BWB woke me up at 2:30 in the AM and asked if I had a candle lit. I said, "No, you just woke me up, it’s’ 2:30 in the morning, why would I have a candle lit?"” BWB said, "Well, look at the lamp." I turned over to look at the lamp on the nightstand, and could clearly see why he would ask such a peculiar question at such a peculiar time of the day. There was a very bright glow behind it. This glow then moved from behind the lamp, and it appeared to resemble a “Tiny Sun”. The tiny sun hovered for a moment, and then in a flash it streaked across the wall and out the window. I have no explanation; I’m just telling you what I saw.
The part of that story I didn’t relate to Michael was an occurrence the day we were married. We didn’t know the people marrying us, I arranged the whole thing by email and fax. Our witness, Dawn, was the daughter of the marriage commissioner. Right after the ceremony a monarch butterfly flew right between the two of us and BWB said “there goes mom”. His mother passed away years ago and she said her only regret was that she would not able to attend his wedding. But he knew she would and he knew that was her.

We made mention of the tiny sun incident for some reason and Dawn looked at us like we were nuts. Or so we thought. After the ceremony she told us her best friend’s mother had just passed and the night it happened she also saw a tiny sun and a monarch butterfly emerged from it. I would strongly encourage a visit to Michael’s site, mostly to hear some of his music and partly to see his webpage and how nicely that fit in with everything.

He replied with an answer to my question:

Q - I guess my first question to you is, could you explain what you meant by the rose?

A - That would be about the biggest case of Synchronicity ever, You could shrug it off and say somebody must have just left a rose in hear, but you would know that is not the case because you just had the Vision where GOD handed you a flower. You pay attention to these weird coincidences and synchronicity, they then begin to grow until you have no doubt something is communicating with you.

Okay, that was super freaky because Purpleaura and I think it would be really cool to come back with something tangible from our visits elsewhere. This was an email and picture she sent me on January 6, 2007:

I forgot to add Miss Kitty came running in here this morning to me saying, “Come and see what I got, they left it for me”. So I followed her and she shows me these little plastic colored circles with metal around the outside. I asked her where she got them they and she said behind the shutter near the window in her room. Then she said again, "they left it there for me" OK creepy! Now I know for a fact that I cleaned the window sill couple of weeks ago and I don’t know where these came from and I have never seen them. I asked hubby and the other kids and they have never seen them and don’t even know what they’re for. Hmmmm

I suspect the stones are Purpleaura and Miss Kitty’s rose.

So there you have it, almost everything I ever learned about Cleveland. And now that we’ve ciphered why Maria showed it to me, what does it mean? Is there a portal to another dimension there? Is this where the so-called first contact will be? Will Michael be the one to arrange it? I for one am staying tuned, in the meantime, enjoy the following video Michael posted to YouTube. The other videos posted in the original blog are no longer available.