This goes out to all the simple-minded ill-mannered morons on the planet, who by some freak of nature or gross disservice to mankind, found themselves in a position of “authority”. You know the type, they bullied and terrorized every kid in the playground in a pathetic attempt to quench some perverse thirst. Don’t be fooled by the fact the calendar says they should have matured by now and maybe grabbed a few droplets of grey matter along the way. Regrettably they’re still the same insignificant pieces of shit they were in grade 5. How a person can sleep at night after repeatedly crushing the self esteem of a 5-year-old is beyond me. Only pedophiles are more twisted than that.
In my opinion, these entities exist completely devoid of a soul. All the compassion and forgiveness in the world will not help nor stop them. They feed on that. It’s an addiction. You can’t grow a soul, you either have one or you don’t. The closest they can get to having a soul is the appearance of having a soul. How they achieve that is by extracting the spirit, or portions thereof, belonging to those in their immediate proximity. And they do that by stirring up emotions, preferably the negative ones. They taunt and insult and berate until you are literally drained. In a group atmosphere they will stop at nothing to take centre stage. This is known as a smorgasbord. Whether you are angered by their performance or embarrassed or uncomfortable, they succeeded at stimulating a less than positive emotion from many people in a short period of time. They can now sit back, loosen their belts and bask in the illusion of substance, however brief.
Purpleaura and TabithaToo had an unbelievably wretched visit at the doctor’s office today. I won’t get into any details other than to say the harm one allegedly caring and compassionate “health care worker” managed to inflict on two perfectly wonderful beings in the span of 10 minutes was nothing less than criminal. I was literally sickened by the incident in general, the behaviour of the individual specifically, and the aftermath of her destruction primarily.
In conclusion,
Where’s my bat?