Oh, mercy mercy me
Oh, things ain't what they used to be
No, no
Where did all the blue sky go?
Poison is the wind that blows
From the north, east, south, and sea
Oh, mercy mercy me
Oh, things ain't what they used to be
No, no
Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas
Fish full of mercury
Oh, mercy mercy me
Oh, things ain't what they used to be
No, no
Radiation in the ground and in the sky
Animals and birds who live nearby are dying
Oh, mercy mercy me
Oh, things ain't what they used to be
What about this overcrowded land?
How much more abuse from man can you stand?
Something I completely overlooked with the Smarties dream until Purpleaura brought it to my attention was the possibility of chocolate being tainted. We’ve both had more than one dream leading to contaminated food in the past so it could be a possibility.
I seem to be at a gathering of couples. We are sitting around a kitchen island or an event with a dessert chef making a dessert for everyone at the table. I was watching the chef as he would take cling film and put chocolate on it, then he did some twisting and turning it inside out, and it came out as a small chocolate dessert bowl, then he filled it with what appeared to be chocolate mousse. The chef then asked hubby whether he would like to taste the chocolate. All the time the other couples at the table were being treated well.
The chef again takes the cling film, turns it inside out and it looked like a bowl but then he snapped out part of it and it looked like a chocolate rose petal. Hubby tasted it and was loving it and so were the other people at our table.
I was getting annoyed as I was being overlooked and the chef never asked me whether I would like some. I was getting pissed at this, like I didn’t exist. No one asked me, not even hubby, whether I would like to try some, I felt like I was being pushed out.
I remember having a flash or picture of me with a carrot in my mouth and I could hear myself saying to everyone, “You know I can eat that, I don’t always eat carrots”. I was pissed that they thought that just because they saw me eating a carrot they never even acknowledged or asked whether I would like to try some. Even the chef didn’t ask me, everyone just presumed. Then I woke. I was pissed with hubby when I woke up. Very strange. I remember there being about 4 other couples at the table.
Carrots made an appearance In the Eggo Shell dream on September 16th as did potatoes. Potatoes were referenced twice in that dream and a few others since. A couple of days after that dream I checked out a dream forum, not searching for potato or carrot dreams but just to see what was up.
Date: September 16, 2006 at 19:23:19
From: MCYoung/Tx, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Regarding the Tainted Spinach
…each car contained one single very huge, giant vegetable. "Giant" means each vegetable covered the entire car. One car contained a giant ear of corn without the shuck and appeared to have been partially eaten. The rest of it was rotting.
Another car held a giant potato that had some form of blight upon it. A third car contained a giant rotting carrot and a fourth was carring a giant rotting cabbage or lettuce…
Three weeks later…
Toxic carrot juice paralyzes 2 in Toronto
Last Updated: Monday, October 9, 2006 1:43 PM ET
Two Toronto residents are paralyzed after drinking carrot juice that tested positive for a botulism toxin, according to the city's public health department.
"There are two adults who are severely ill in hospital and they had a history of drinking the exact same juice that's been part of the carrot juice recall," Dr. Elizabeth Rea, an associate medical officer of health, told the Toronto Star on Sunday.
The juice, produced by Bolthouse Farms in Bakersfield, Calif., was ordered off North American store shelves late last month after four cases of botulism in the United States were linked to toxic carrot juice.
A Florida woman has been in hospital, unresponsive, since mid-September. Three people in Georgia suffered respiratory failure and are on ventilators since drinking carrot juice a month ago.
Botulism is rare, but it can be fatal and must be treated quickly. Symptoms can include blurred vision, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing and paralysis, Toronto Public Health said.
Miss Scarlet ~ December 18, 2005
I had a yucky dream last night. I was at my mom's, I think it was Christmas dinner, the whole family was there. For some reason I brought some mashed potatoes but they looked more like turnips, orange in colour but not quite as orange as turnips. Mom also had a pot of potatoes on the stove but they were in a shiny stainless steel pot and when I opened the lid they looked like they came from a commercial, they were perfectly swirled.
We went to eat and mom says we're not having potatoes, there was a rat in the pot. I wanted to know which pot, and why we couldn't eat the other pot of potatoes. I also wanted to know when this happened because I had just looked in one of the pots and saw no rat. It ended up being her pot of potatoes that had the rat and I assumed it must have crawled in after I looked at them and wondered how it did that because it would have had to take the lid off. That was all.
Miss Scarlet ~ November 15, 2006
I seem to have this potato thing on the go, I had another potato dream last weekend. I was cleaning a machine that looked like a cotton candy making machine. It was a huge steel drum, very shiny. I had this red plastic thing in my hand that was used to clean it. It was some sort of handle with a space between it, hard to describe. So I was cleaning away and all of a sudden something jammed up. I flipped the red plastic thing over and there was a potato stuck in it. I thought, “Now how the heck did that get in there”? There was nothing in this drum, I'm not even sure why I was cleaning it, so I had no idea where this potato came from. It was peeled and fresh looking. That was it.
I’m still not sure what to make of the potato dreams because they really could be leading to so many things besides tainted food. There are hot potatoes and couch potatoes and who can forget Dan Quayle’s famous potatoe blunder?
Six years out of office with two failed presidential bids now behind him, ex Vice President Quayle still ranks as America’s favorite dumb politician because of what happened in Trenton on June 15, 1992.
That’s the day, you probably recall, a Trenton sixth grader had to teach the Vice President of the United States that potato is not spelled with an e on the end.
In his 1994 memoir, Quayle devotes a whole chapter to the events in a classroom at Trenton’s Munoz Rivera School — and the impact of them on his career.
"It was a defining moment of the worst kind imaginable,’’ Quayle wrote in the autobiography.”Politicians live and die by the symbolic sound bite.’’
Less than five months after the incident, Quayle and President Bush were voted out of office, replaced by Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Ever since, the ex VP has been a straight-faced political joke.
Back in one of the beginning blogs I mentioned a person named P Sadie. Luckily it didn’t take me long to realize how disturbed she was and to this day I am still a little foggy on her intentions. What she wanted of me is to give up my husband, country, family, job and friends to relocate to a trailer in her back yard in Arkansas, so that we may channel Ashtar from the Galactic Federation any time we needed. She was under the impression I had the ability to do this and more importantly thought I would want to do this.
Not knowing anything about channeling at the time I agreed to speak to her by telephone and see what happened. I saw Ashtar all right and he looked like Darth Vader hovering over the earth just waiting to pounce. She claimed I was misled and was seeing the wrong Ashtar, there was a fake out there and he likes to trick people. I disagreed and thus ended that relationship. But not right away. Like I said I need that sure thing, a sign I was correct in my assumptions. I could easily explain away the desire to have me move to Arkansas as being nothing more than the wishes of a lonely old woman in dire need of company. But this Galactic Federation thing was a bit too weird even for me.
A short time later I dreamt I saw P Sadie hovering in space with all her parts floating around beside her. I wasn’t going to bother to try and find that original email but it came up anyway to add just a bit more weirdness. I just searched my files for an old email regarding a movie Ron Howard produced and starred in because it pertains to the next subject, milk. I found the reference I was looking for but was a little freaked when I read the first sentence:
Miss Scarlet ~ January 13, 2005, 11:11
P Sadie I just saw something else. Those things in the box with you were your parts, it's like you were Mrs Potato Head and your parts, gifts, whatever they were...were scattered all around you. They weren't gone, they just weren't in the right places.
And what do I hear on the radio the very next day?
PAWTUCKET, RI, January 14, 2005 – Falling to the temptations of the evil Emperor, MR. POTATO HEAD is adopting a new look and heading over to the dark side of The Force! To build on the excitement of the Star Wars fantasy, Hasbro, Inc.’s (NYSE:HAS) PLAYSKOOL division is launching a new MR. POTATO HEAD figure, Darth Tater. Available at stores nationwide in February, kids will be able to have all kinds of mix 'n match, MR. POTATO HEAD fun with this wacky spud dressed as the infamous Star Wars saga villain, Darth Vader.
So maybe potatoes aren’t going to be tainted, maybe they have another meaning. I believe there are certain articles on this planet not indigenous to this planet. Corn and chocolate are two of those things. Maybe potatoes are another?
In any case I sure hope nobody finds Mrs Potato Head and decides to put her together. Yikes!
Purpleaura ~ September 28, 2006
I had dream where I was watching young lad about 8 or 9 years old go to the fridge and grab some milk and begin drinking it. Suddenly he ended up with a jippy tummie. I went to have a look at the milk and heard someone say, "They have put something in the milk that is making everyone ill". I went to the fridge and checked the milk to make sure it wasn’t out of date to cause the illness, but when I looked it was still in date. I remember getting rid of the box and replacing it with another one just in case. A towel came to mind but I can’t remember what color etc. it was.
Miss Scarlet ~ September 28, 2006
Okay that milk dream really freaked me out. Two weeks ago BWB and I decided not to use cream in our coffee anymore but milk. We eat way too much cheese and butter. I said to him from what I've been reading about milk lately I'm thinking of giving that up too. I never really did like milk, I have to drink it with chocolate or I can't drink it at all.
Miss Scarlet ~ October 16, 2006
I think there's something to your milk dream. I bought some cream not too long ago and it was curdling in the coffee. It didn't taste or smell sour, but it was gross all the same. Last week JC was bummed out for the whole day because he went to eat his cereal for breakfast and opened a brand new carton of milk that he bought the night before. The best before date was not for days but it came out lumpy. That would ruin my day too. Today I was riding the elevator with Bob and he had a carton of milk for his tea, he said he had to replace it because the other carton he just bought was sour. One incident I could see, maybe the store didn't store it properly or something, but not 3 different people who shop at different stores, especially after your dream.
Okay so no more potatoes or milk or carrots or spinach or lettuce. We had better evolve into beings who don't need food real soon or we're going to be in deep shit.
Then the Ron Howard movie Bitter Harvest came back again. I first saw that movie when it aired on TV in 1981. It scared the crap out of me and stayed with me for a long time. Actually I don’t think it’s ever left. The plot concerned a dairy farmer whose herd was poisoned by PBB’s. What terrified me the most is how fast the contamination spread throughout the country and the world. The baby’s drinking the milk was a huge deal either in the movie or my head, don’t recall which or it could have been both. The whole concept of the plot was a truly horrifying thought.
I just looked on the IMDB to see what they had to say about it and was quite surprised to learn it was based on a true story.
This was actually based on a true story, 3 February 2006
Author: rem1010 from Anaheim, California
I was amazed at this film. The story takes place in a fictional area, but I know for a fact that it was in Michigan during the mid-late 60's My relatives were on farms affected by the poison in this movie and the events actually occurred. Some of my relatives died as a result of the tainted food supply and others came down with horrible cancer growths. To this day, the farmers are not to speak of this event and the government covered up this story very well. I have to give Ron Howard a lot of credit to bring this information to the public, even though most will not know the true story. I do not want to give away the plot, but you must see this for yourself and then see if you can actually believe that it really happened. By the way, do some more research on the foundry sands of Detroit and see what they did there! There is not a movie about that part yet.
Looks like we’re going to have to keep an eye on milk. As far as I’m concerned, any government endorsed food council that keeps pushing certain foods at us, and more importantly at children, has got nothing but ominous written all over it.
And the final and ultimate source of authority on everything, Homer Simpson:
Mayored to the Mob (#AABF05 / SI-1005) 20 Dec 1998
When Homer rescues Mark Hamill and Mayor Quimby from a rowdy mob of sci-fi fanatics, he is appointed the mayor's new bodyguard. But after convincing Quimby that he needs to stop Fat Tony's mob from selling rat's milk to the town's schools, the mayor's life is placed in jeopardy.
Hmmm, wasn’t Mark Hamill in Star Wars and wasn’t his father Darth Vader?
Miss Scarlet ~ November 27, 2006
In this dream I was lawn bowling with cantaloupes. Not sure what I was aiming at, and the lawn wasn't really a lawn but more of an old country road with 2 ruts for car tires and overgrown grass down the middle. That was all.
Miss Scarlet ~ February 11, 2007
I don't know if these things are related or not, but this just blew me away. When I was at the grocery store the other day, there was a cantaloupe sitting beside the scale. The cashier asked me if I wanted it because the customer who brought it up didn't want to buy it. I asked what was wrong with it and she said nothing, other than it costs $12. This melon was no bigger than 5-pin bowling ball. Needless to say I didn’t buy it either.
6 days later…
Tainted Cantaloupe, Baby Food Recalled
02.17.07, 12:00 AM ET
SATURDAY, Feb. 17 (HealthDay News) -- The tainted-food scare widened Saturday with the recall of fresh cantaloupe and selected jars of organic baby food.
Dole Fresh Fruit Co. recalled several thousand cartons of imported cantaloupes after the fruit tested positive for salmonella, the bacteria involved in the nationwide peanut butter recall earlier this week.
Dole late Friday said the recall covered roughly 6,104 cartons of Costa Rican cantaloupes distributed to wholesalers in the eastern United States and Quebec between Feb. 5 and Feb. 8, the Associated Press reported. There were no reports of illness.
I don’t even know where to begin with chocolate. If TPTB are purposely contaminating our food, don’t they realize what messing with chocolate will do? Are they nuts? Men do you agree? Do we really want a world full of women PMSing without chocolate? Do they understand the ramifications? Purpleaura woke up pissed at her hubby and she only dreamt he wouldn’t give her any chocolate.
Miss Scarlet ~ September 16, 2004
I had a dream the other night where everything was made of chocolate, which was pretty funny until I woke up and heard Hershey Pennsylvania. Wonder what's up there?
Purpleaura ~ November 25, 2004
I had weird dream last night. I dreamt I was in a posh hotel and suddenly I have what looks like a credit card. It started out silver then it changed to platinum and I’m thinking WOW I'm rich. Then I’m looking at all the counters and seeing people loading up on the fresh chocolates being made. They are buying loads of them. I'm thinking well now that I am rich I can at least buy a few. It seems everyone has a set package of milk chocolates. I told the lady I wanted to pick out my own and it was mostly white chocolate. There were about 5 or 6 chocolates in the basket. All of sudden I see in the basket are strawberries covered in chocolate and underneath the milk chocolate was the white chocolate.
It jumps and a man behind the hotel reception desk says, “We will order a long limousine”. This long metallic silver limousine turns up and I hand him my card which keeps changing from silver to platinum. The gentleman behind the hotel desk opens the limousine door and I get inside. Its huge, I’ve never been in a limousine. Then he comes back and he says, “I hope you don’t mind but can I put a family in with you?” I said, “Sure no problem?”
I move to the corner of car, there was 6 in the family so including me there were 7 total in the limousine and it was getting crammed. A lady got in next to me and started chatting, she looked to be about in her 40's with greying hair. She had a son who looked like he was in his late teens. Mind you I had a sense or feeling they had other children, but all the children seem to be not below teen years. The father I did not see. Where I was going in the limousine I don’t know, but that there was 7 of us. Then I awoke.
Very weird dream I almost believed I had some strawberries. I guess I was picky at choosing my own chocolates but I got a banana covered one and fruit chocolates but everyone else just bought a package deal where they just got milk chocolate and didn’t decide on which.
This looks to me like maybe the masses were okay with what somebody else was choosing for them, which ironically was milk chocolate. But Purpleaura was not. There’s a whole lot more thinking to do on this one still. Bloodlines and all sorts of things come into my head.
Miss Scarlet ~ July 9, 2005
I had another dream about Ray from the TV show last night. We were in a big field, green rolling hills as far as the eye could see. No buildings, no people, no roads, just green. Right in the middle of the field was a drinking fountain, like the ones they had in school. There was a little boy there, about 8 years old and very sick. I got the feeling he was dying. He was in a wheelchair all bundled up in a blanket and he had a tube coming from his mouth for a breathing apparatus of some sort. Ray was telling him to drink from the fountain. I was just watching all this and I don't even know if they saw me and that was all of that one.
Purpleaura ~ July 9, 2005
Ok shoot what a freaky deaky 2 nights we are having. I was going to email the last 2 nights, I’ve been having weird names coming to me a lot and quick dreams and I couldn’t remember much apart from waking up and hearing either the name Ray or Richard 2 nights ago, then you emailed me about this. I wasn’t sure whether to email about it because it was only a name and I couldn’t remember anything else. And it was funny I was thinking about that last night and thought, “Ok I wonder why I would remember that name and nothing else?”
Last night I can’t remember much apart from waking up and recall seeing what looked like a drinking tap, but it either was made of cherries or covered in cherry, and I also had feeling chocolate was involved as well which I thought was funny. Then you email this morning about a drinking fountain and the boy.
I have to explain I am not so engrossed in TV that I have incorporated that world into waking world to the point it ends up in dream world. I rarely watch TV and when I do it’s one of 5 shows, all sitcoms, mostly the Simpson’s and Seinfeld. I’m not a fan of the show Everybody Loves Raymond and although I have nothing against Ray Romano, he doesn’t stand out in my mind for any reason. The only reason I can figure out why this happens, which could also pertain to what I was talking about when you see people in dreams you haven’t seen for a while, is simply the name. There’s somebody out there who goes by Ray, don’t have a clue who he is, and since Ray Romano was the most recent Ray in my life in a long time, so to speak, I associated Ray Romano with this other Ray.
Both Purpleaura and I saw a fountain at the same time and a man named Ray. The fountain I observed was almost definitely a healing fountain which leads us to believe chocolate and cherries have healing properties. Maybe the Germans were onto something with Black Forest Cake?
I don’t know enough about natural remedies to know about cherries, but I have done a fair bit of research into chocolate and it’s quite well known for its healing properties. Maybe it’s the combination of fruit and chocolate that makes for an even better therapy? Also the fact Purpleaura chose white chocolate makes me think that represented the purity of it. Pure cocoa is the key, not the FDA’s version of chocolate:
White Chocolate
White chocolate originates from the cocoa (cacao) plant, but it is not 'chocolate.' According to the FDA, to be called 'chocolate' a product must contain chocolate liquor, which is what gives it the biter intense chocolate flavor (and color) to dark and milk chocolates.
Miss Scarlet ~ August 20, 2005
In this dream I was looking for a pen. There was a woman here I don't know and she needed to write something down but I couldn't find a pen. I have a tin that I think cookies came in that I now keep pens in, but it's in a drawer somewhere and I haven't seen it for a while. The lady was telling me I had to get the tin.
OK so I just went and got the tin, it was buried deep. I found it interesting that it’s exactly the same colours as the mural you just painted for Miss Kitty.
This is what it says on the side of the tin:
On Rue Chocolat (the name of the chocolate shop on the tin) everyone enjoys Belgian chocolate.
In the late 1800's, chocolate was a favorite of wealthy Europeans, who believed it to be a health food - they purchased it at pharmacies!
Realizing the appeal of chocolate, a Belgian pharmacist named Monsieur Delacre, changed careers and opened one of Europe's first chocolate shops.
His fabulous Belgian chocolate biscuits are still popular today, and the quaint beauty of his chocolate shop lives on "Rue Chocolat" ("Chocolate Street")
These collector tins pay homage to Mr. Delacre and to the pure Belgian chocolate treats that made him so famous.
Bon Appetit!
Miss Scarlet ~ November 15, 2006
I've got chocolate on the brain again...still. Last week we were watching TV and there were several chocolate commercials in a row. BWB says, "What's up with the chocolate all of a sudden and why does it seem like they're pushing it on us?" The next day I see this post on GLP:
History of Chocolate, another cover up, why?
Another lie, the Egyptians had chocolate that was delivered by Phoenicians in ancient times. Why try to hide this fact?
Chocolate Through the Years
The story of chocolate, as far back as we know it, begins with the discovery of America. Until 1492, the Old World knew nothing at all about the delicious and stimulating flavor that was to become the favorite of millions.
The Court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella got its first look at the principal ingredient of chocolate when Columbus returned in triumph from America and laid before the Spanish throne a treasure trove of many strange and wonderful things. Among these were a few dark brown beans that looked like almonds and seemed most unpromising. There were cocoa beans, today's source of all our chocolate and cocoa.
The King and Queen never dreamed how important cocoa beans could be, and it remained for Hernando Cortez, the great Spanish explorer, to grasp the commercial possibilities of the New World offerings.
Then a couple of days after that, this Hershey's salmonella thing hits the news:
Salmonella scare sparks Hershey recall
Last Updated: Sunday, November 12, 2006 9:17 AM ET
CBC News
Hershey Canada has recalled many chocolate bars and baking products — including Hershey bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Oh Henry! bars — because they may be tainted with salmonella.
A person could literally go on and on about chocolate so if I don’t stop soon this blog will end up being full of nothing but recipes and yummy pictures. We have 70-something emails just about chocolate. I think I need to go get some.
We’ve been given mixed messages about chocolate forever... It’s bad for your skin, it’s good for your heart, it’s bad for your teeth, it’s good to fight cancer…
Do they want us eating it or not? Because I tend to do the opposite of what “they” think I should be doing. Seems safer that way. I’m gonna go with “they” don’t want us eating it and no matter what they’ve done to try and destroy it by all the other crap they put into it, chocolate continues to maintain its mystical properties and allure.
So what’s next? I’m serious, they don’t want to mess with chocolate.
Lots of talk about bees lately. This post in particular disturbed me:
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 214755
3/27/2007 12:16 AM
Albert Einstein speculated that "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left."
Species under threat: Honey, who shrunk the bee population?
Across America, millions of honey bees are abandoning their hives and flying off to die, leaving beekeepers facing ruin and US agriculture under threat. And to date, no one knows why. Michael McCarthy reports
[link to http://www.heyokamagazine.com/]
The following dream is from May 11, 2005 as I posted it to a forum:
I had a dream last night that I opened a book to read it and there was a big bumble bee dead and squished in it.
I am reading the Da Vinci Code right now and I'm fairly sure this was the book in my dream
Thanks to anybody who has any ideas about this
Date: May 12, 2005 at 07:06:29
From: hive,
I started out doing a google search on the symbolism of bees and the various symbols of The Vatican and its power---the results are many, and wordy...to the point that it was difficult to wade through it all. Let it suffice to say that bees are, and have been for millennia, powerful symbols---one of them being The Mother Goddess. Maybe the background research and tossing around of symbols in that 'not very well written, but readable book' unlocked some chain of symbols within you and led you to the dead bee.
Hive also directed me to this site:
Subject: the buzz on Bees
Posted By: UmbertoXXII - The Magnificent
Posted At: (10/29/02 14:26)
The symbolism of bees... several views.
The Masonic view:
The bee and the hive have long been symbols of industry and regeneration, wisdom and obedience, with a place in Egyptian, Roman and Christian symbolism. The hive is often seen in Masonic illustrations of the 18th and 19th century and both Clovis and Napoleon adopted the bee as their symbol. Although "the bee was among the Egyptians the symbol of an obedient people, because, says Horapollo, 'of all insects, the bee alone had a king. Its use in Freemasonry was secondary to any number of other symbols based on the working tools of a stone mason.
Purpleaura’s Dream ~ August 24, 2005
I couldn’t tell whether I was in the dream itself but i seem to be aware from many different levels. It starts out on a farm and I'm hearing voices discussing whether the black bull had the plague or not. They said they would have to kill the bull just like all the animals, they would have to destroy it and bury it.
It jumps and suddenly they show how they would do this. They stripped the grass on the ground, almost like the red carpet treatment in Hollywood, but instead of the red carpet they had placed a black plastic sheet and what appears to be a yellow plastic sheet on top of it. They said they have to wrap the dead animal in this sheeting before they buried in the ground. I was aware at this time, that the plague had happened before, the people were very nervous. I wanted to make sure the bull did have the plague and this is the weird part. The reason they thought the bull had the plague was because the bulls sexual performance has suddenly stopped (LOL don’t ask). This for some reason happened to be one of the first signs of having the plague. I wasn’t sure if the bull had plague or not and as I approached the black bull which, happened to be standing next to a car, i heard someone say, "Be careful the bull is dangerous". I remember saying, “Don’t worry he wont hurt me, he’s my friend".
It jumps again and suddenly I got a vision that the black bull did not have the plague but in fact was only having a period where it was just off. LOL It was embarrassing but I saw the bulls privates suddenly start working again.
It jumps again and suddenly a person opens the door of the car and I get in and see a person sitting there. I wasn’t sure what happened but I heard what sounded like a little girl singing a song which I couldn’t quite catch. Then I woke up suddenly with what sounded like "gabby" in my ear, I heard a voice whispering and thought it was Miss Kitty but I checked she was fast asleep.
The bull was lying on a black plastic sheet with a yellow plastic sheet covering it. Yellow and black immediately conjures up images of bumble bees for me and a cover-up’s a cover-up. In light of our dreams and the information from “Hive”, I can’t say for sure who’s behind the bumble bee disappearance, but I am reminded of a joke I just heard today.
A drunken man who smelled like beer sat down on a subway next to a priest.
The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.
He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked, "Say Father, what causes arthritis?"
The priest replies, "My Son, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, contempt for your fellow man, sleeping around with prostitutes and lack of a bath."
The drunk muttered in response, "Well, I'll be damned," Then returned to his paper.
The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?"
The drunk answered, "I don't have it, Father. I was just reading here that the Pope does."
Why is it everything I look up regarding this story keeps leading back to Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker?
From the Blog Kung Fu Monkey:
Pope Benedict XVI - the most huggable of Popes
"Your friends will fail, Young Skywalker. For this Papacy is not under construction (whirling chair around). It is a fully functioning DEATH VATICAN!"
Ratzinger? Rats in the potatoes? Hmmmmmm.