Sunday, 30 September 2007

Vector 5

A plague to mass eradicate a good portion of the human race is not a new subject, it was written in the bible after all. Not that I think the bible is a reliable source of information, but it has been around a while. However, just like I and scores of others are certain a massive earthquake will someday occur (also written in the bible), changing life as we know it drastically, Purpleaura has the same frightening feelings about a plague. She’s had more than one dream concerning plagues (see Plague, Nuclear Blast blog)

and they consistently come back to haunt her. With all that’s in the news recently regarding the avian flu and the mysterious meteor in Peru causing an equally mysterious illness, among other oddities, it seems a timely topic. To the best of my recollection it all started with Vector 5.
Purpleaura ~ May 30, 2005, 12:12pm

I had a weird dream of man in a blue government uniform with medals on his chest. I can’t seem to remember his name but it had something to do with Chicago or San Francisco and vector 5. Vector 5 keeps on coming up and I haven’t a clue what the frig vector 5 is.

1. Pathology. An organism, such as a mosquito or tick that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another.
Miss Scarlet ~ September 1, 2006

Vector 5 is another one that's been on the middle burner for some time. When you first heard it I wasn't sure what a vector was other than having to do with math. Remember how surprised I was to learn it also had something to do with diseases and viruses?

You also had a few plague dreams and then I had the dream about the nose worm and a dream about a microscope.

Miss Scarlet ~ September 25, 2005, 9:11am

(I began writing this on September 25, 2007 so that kind of creeped me out)

I was standing on some wooden steps, it looked like a boardwalk, and pulled a big worm out of my nose. I didn't realize it was alive at first, I just thought it was a massive amount of mucous. When I threw it to the ground and it started moving I just freaked! At first it was tubular then all of sudden it became flat, it kind of looked like an anchovy. It was perfectly rectangular and about a half an inch wide. As it was crawling around on these steps I was deciding if I should kill it or call MUFON and that was the end of the dream.

I also had a dream about an orange microscope. I was at work and the boss had set up a microscope to look at something and I thought "Awesome, I didn't know we had a microscope" and wanted to look at my finger. I knocked the microscope and the viewing scope was crooked. I tried to fix it and all of a sudden the microscope is a black box. I was trying to adjust it and got it back to its original state and figured I better leave it alone before I broke it. That was it.

I wonder if the orange and black are a reference to Halloween?

Where this is all leading to is a post I just read. Have you heard of Morgellons or fibre disease? I've just heard of it recently, it seems to be coming up a lot. I have a hard time reading about it because it just creeps me out too much, but I keep feeling compelled to read about it anyway. The pictures are even worse. I had a dream about 20 years ago about having a bug stuck in the heel of my foot. It looked like a beetle and when I tried to pull it out it broke in half, and half of it stayed in my foot. I'll never forget how grossed out I was by that dream. The thought of things like that crawling out of your body really, really freaks me out.

Here's the post, I highlighted certain words because as I was reading it that's how I saw it. All I saw was vector, vector, vector with a bunch of worms and the odd plague thrown in.


First, Some background:

Many participants here are aware of the emerging and so called "fiber or Morgellon's" disease. But, I believe that it is neither. Instead, it is something much more than the sum of it's parts.

In the pursuit of answers, I have been led inexorably by the logic of research and observation to a destination that I would never have dreamed existed when I began this journey.

I myself, for three years, have fought a slowly losing battle against this disease's ravages. In that time I have intensely studied it's methods and preferences.

Some months back, an accidental observation lead me in a new and alarming direction. It is this direction that I now take the reader.

I realize that what I have to say below is fraught with implications of danger.

If, as I suspect, the full truth of the matter were to out, the result would be large political, social, and economic destabilization and flux.

Be that as it may. The origin of this plague remains a mystery. The vector for it is becoming less of one. But as in all such things, a door once opened often leads to a hall of many more yet to be keyed.

My conclusions are backed with numerous physical samples and observational proofs. These are observations that can easily be made as well by the reader.

Rest assured, I assume only that I have discovered one of this creature's vectors. Albeit a vector that, in and of itself, is one that is curiously well suited enought that it would suffice to infect nearly every living human being on the planet within a space of a decade.

Many other vectors likely exist.

It is my hope that someday what I have found will enable someone else to discover the "WHY" of this curse, I believe that in the meantime, we are now about to open the door on the "HOW" it was that the fiber disease came to infect us.



There is an evil loose on the land. It is a creation of the darkest order and a monument to the foolishness of man.

It is here now, among us all.

As I type these words, and ... as you read them, this black evil shares and monitors the moment. It is uninvited, invisible and ubiquitous. Even now, it robs you and I. It steals the life force and fluids from your body giving in return nothing but despair, depression, chronic fatigue, and a broken immune defense system.

Welcome to the world of the Fiber Disease.

Some know it as Morgellons, but it is NOT the classic Morgellons disease of another time and place. (That affliction is one so mistakenly addressed at other sites.)

This is a new and more terrible curse.

Do not be so foolish as to think that you have escaped. You and the ones you love are even now at risk.

In the indigo mind of it's creator, the knowledge that, though completely submerged, even a drowning man must eventually gasp for air, has been advantaged. This "stroke of black genius" has sealed yours and my fate, and has guaranteed that we will drown, submersed in a flood of unseen affliction.

It is the proverbial worm in the apple, but this time, it is even more insidious.

Say hello to the worm in the cotton.

Now comes the Devil:

Cotton is our companion from the cradle to the grave. It is ubiquitous in the lives of nearly every human on the planet. There is no escape from cotton.

To infect the world's cotton supply with a parasitic simbiote worm/pathogen nexus would provide a matrix of unparalleled efficiency and invisibility.

From Q-tips to Kotex, T-shirts to Vitamin bottles, the flesh eating worm has proliferated.

It is a complex organism that often works in conjunction with a variety of pathogens such as Lyme disease.

It is opportunistic and often uses the body's own defenses against itself.

It is a shape-shifter and mimics body fluids and skin. It can mask it's own signature in ways that confound the most astute laboratory technicians.

And so it is that this organism functions on a variety of levels as well as in a variety of mediums.

Yet, there comes a stage, when,(once securely entrenched in it's victim) it becomes blatant in it's own arrogance.

It appears that the organism uses the body's own mucus defense system to encase itself and thereby gain carte blanche.

That function serves a variety of additional purposes, including secondary external vectoring.

In more than one stage of it's metamorphosis, it is extant not only in the olfactory, auditory and digestive and lower tract systems, but also in the blood.

Several of it's half dozen or so stages are advertised by the production of "fibers." These come in a wealth of varieties. The larger "hair-like" fibers, (generally black or dark brown in color) are a product that is generated by something smaller that appears to be accessing and creating lesions from within the body.

These larger fibers also will often invade a normal hair follicle and sometimes can be seen growing side by side with the regular hair. They then replace the normal hair by killing it.

The incredible speed with which these "hair fibers" can grow is a wonder to behold. However, it appears that vigilant removal will eventually allow any lesion or wound to heal.

Otherwise the healing process remains blocked and the lesion or wound will remain open for months on end.

The smaller red, blue, green, and purple, fibers are also ubiquitous. They can be found in all locations. Besides in body fluids, I have trapped them outside in sticky traps and found them in some kinds of spider webs. They infest dusty corners of all locations and are easy to spot with a 10 or 20 power jewelers loop.

The micro hair-like snake, "Cotton" worm form is somewhat rarer. It is found both in the body and in it's vector of choice, Cotton.

It is also (for the most part) the only overtly active, (moving) fiber. It can be seen to undulate and twist like a snake when held in a pair of tweezers. It is heat sensitive and will often turn toward a finger or flesh held near to it.

If you want to know what it looks like and how it behaves, (and if you want to give yourself one HELL of a good scare) take a half dozen swabs or Q-tips and take a few minuets to watch the stranded filaments extruding from the Q-tip. Use a good magnifying glass. Hence, you will discover the 4th manifestation of this plague. (
I wonder what the 5th manifestation is ?)


The "fiber" parasite, besides being a simbiote and/or an opportunist in conjunction with microbiological pathogens, exhibits 3 or even 4 different stages of metamorphosis. One of the most active of these is in the form of a thin white or nearly clear micro fiber. I am not talking about the red, blue or black micro fibers, or the larger hair like fibers, but a long thin strand like fiber that looks exactly like a single strand of cotton fiber. The only difference is that this fiber is alive. When stimulated, It moves, twists and undulates in a manner that reminds one of a hooded cobra. Many times it needs no external stimulation at all. It lives both in the body of warm blooded and cold blooded animals, as well as being found in it's vector of choice, cotton.

If you have a 10 or 20 power jewelers loop, and are so inclined, I would like to ask my readers to examine a dozen or so swabs or Q-tips, or cosmetic cotton balls.

Concentrate on watching the filaments that are sticking out randomly from the rest of the wound cotton. Give each one a min. or two of examination. Let us know if you see anything that appears to be acting in a rather "uncommon" cotton fiber manner.

Place the cotton beneath a jar if air movements are a problem.

Not all cotton appears to be infected, but much of it is. Of the last 5 boxes of Q-tips I bought and examined, 4 of them were full of these parasites.

On some of the individual swabs I found as many as 3 or 4 parasites.

I believe that another way these things are being vectored is in cotton socks and underwear that has not been sufficently sterilized during manufacture.

Sufficent sterilization may be a challenge. These organisms are highly resistant to both heat and cold. There are few household chemicals that affect them. I have seen them swimming in rubbing alcohol before! I usually dispatch them with either lacquer thinner or ammonia. Even then they can appear to function briefly while fully submerged in a vial of acetone or other thinners.

They are tough customers!

Interestingly enough, They can swim in petrol but they seem to have a violent and negative reaction to high salt concentrations. Sweat is a constant source of activation for the organisim. Any physical activity will usually bring many to the suface of the skin. It also apparently stimulates production of the hard black pepperlike" pods.

They are also not fond of amonnia. It not only kills them, but prior to being terminated, it tends to irritate them to no end.

One final note. The initial sign of infection is usually a rash that itches intensely. This rash will bleed at once when scratched. It can last from a few days to a few weeks. Nothing will seem to remedy it. It is often mistaken for scabies or poison oak. No known medicine will soothe it. It will then suddenly disappear as quickly as it appeared. Upon occasion the rash may return briefly for a period usually shorter than the initial rash. This can happen any time within a year of the first outbreak.

Following the rash, a period of incubation occurs in the body of the host. This can take anywhere from 3 months to up to 3 years. Then, the worm emerges and the production of fibers begins. The worm lives on body fluids such as blood and spinal fluids. Chronic fatigue, open lesions and depression, and an impaired immune system leading to other complications, (in the same manner as AIDS works as a facilitator) are some of the higher visibility manifestations in this progressive state of the disease.

More to follow on the Cotton Connection in future posts.


This got me thinking about the seven seals and a plague so I searched "5th Plague" and this came up:

The Fifth Plague – a counter-terrorism simulation

The Frederick K. Cox International Law Center Symposium

Cosponsored by:
Institute for Global Security Law and Policy The Law-Medicine Center

VIEW ARCHIVED WEBCAST (from March 31, 2006 event)

The Fifth Plague is a unique simulation-based bioterrorism conference. Participants, who include local, state, national and international officials, will be asked to "role play" their response to an agricultural-based attack. Issues that will be addressed include: legal questions of authority and powers of various agencies; cooperation among different branches of the government and between the U.S. and Canada; and responses to an actual attack. Attorneys who attend the event will learn about the law and procedures related to responding to a terrorist crisis in Ohio, specifically involving the food supply, enabling them to advise clients in the agriculture and transportation sectors and to prepare for potential litigation in this area. More information.

Besides the general revulsion of this ailment something else caught my eye and that was the cotton. The following comes from an email to P Sadie, I was a little shocked to see it was sent August 24, 2004 since I had already included Purpleaura’s dream below, or more accurately that dream started all this so anything I searched for was after this blog of that dream began.

Fabrics have been bothering me for some time, I posted something on the forum but I guess nobody else felt the same. Anything man-made just gives me the willies, especially when it's wet taking it from the washer to the dryer. Some things I can barely even touch, I have to grab something else like a cotton towel to grab the man-made fabric out of the washer.
I don’t know what’s up with that but the problem has not gone away. I think everybody would agree cotton definitely feels much better against the skin than say, polyester or rayon. I sure hope they haven’t messed with cotton ‘cause that would really piss me off.
Purpleaura ~ August 24, 2005

I couldn’t tell whether I was part of the dream itself, I seem to be aware from many different levels. It starts out where I’m on a farm hearing voices having a discussion about whether the black bull had the plague. They said they would have to kill the bull just like all the other animals they would have to destroy, and bury it. It jumps and suddenly they’re showing how they would do this. They stripped the grass on the ground, almost like the red carpet treatment in Hollywood, but instead of the red carpet they had placed a black plastic sheet and what appears to be a yellow plastic sheet on top of it. They said they had to wrap the dead animal in this sheeting before they buried in the ground. I was aware at this time that the plague had happened before, the people were very nervous.

I wanted to make sure the bull did indeed have the plague and this is the weird part, the reason they thought the bull had the plague was because the bull’s sexual performance has suddenly stopped (LOL don’t ask). For some reason this was one of the first signs of having the plague. I wasn’t sure the bull had the plague and as I approached it, which happened to be next to a car, I heard someone say, "Be careful the bull is dangerous". I said, “Don’t worry he wont hurt me, he’s my friend".

It jumps again and suddenly I got a vision that the black bull did not have the plague but in fact was only going through a period where he was just off. This is a little embarrassing but I saw the bulls private parts suddenly start working again.

All of a sudden a person opens the door of the car and gets in and I can see another person sitting inside. I wasn’t sure what happened but I heard little girls singing a song which I couldn’t quite catch but I was woken up abruptly with what sounded like "Gabby" in my ear. I heard a voice whispering and thought it was my daughter but I checked and she was fast asleep.
Purpleaura discovered later in the day an interesting fact about the Black Death of which neither of us were aware.

These tumours were mainly in the groin area and were the precursor of death within 24 hours in 99 percent of cases. The epidemic was also known as "the poor plague" because of the frequent first occurrence in the poorer parts of town
September 15, 2005 this story hit the news:

Mice infected with deadly plague are missing in N.J.


NEWARK, N.J. - Authorities are searching for three mice infected with bubonic plague that disappeared from a research laboratory about two weeks ago.

May 26, 2006 Purpleaura saw the Omega symbol in a dream and the first thing that entered my mind was the movie Omega Man. Neither of us has seen this movie, I was only aware of its title so reading the plot summary was a little disturbing:

Plot Synopsis: Robert Neville, a doctor, due to an experimental vaccine, is the only survivor of an apocalyptic war waged with biological weapons. The plague caused by the war has killed everyone else except for a few hundred deformed, nocturnal people calling themselves "The Family". The plague has caused them to become sensitive to light, as well as homicidally psychotic. They believe science and technology to be the cause of the war and their punishment, and Neville, as the last symbol of science, the old world, and a "user of the wheel", must die. Neville, using electricity, machinery, and science attempts to hold them at bay.
This seems like a good time to recap Purpleaura’s Plague dream from the Plague, Nuclear Blast blog:

January 21, 2007

Again in this dream I am seeing and watching what is happening at the same time. I am aware that for a long time there has been a battle between mankind on earth and aliens, (people have battled with them a long time, so they are known but I don’t see any aliens in the dream).

The aliens who came here said I had an almost unbelievable sense of emotions that we were far inferior to them. They wanted us removed or eliminated from the earth altogether. I think our place on the chain were as being just like dumb animals. But it seems the people of earth are a hardy bunch. Even though they consider us inferior at every turn, we have fought hard and won the battles up to now. I remember hearing one of the aliens say, “The people on earth will rejoice that we have left the earth, but what they don’t know is, us leaving the earth is all an illusion. In reality our plan is to release a great destruction on earth, a plague”.

It’s at this time I see what appears to be weird deadly insects of some sort which I can’t explain (a satan bug perhaps?). They mentioned releasing another plague with it, but that part I can’t recall. The male voice goes on to say that by the time the plague has hit, it will have decimated most of the earth’s people. Then they will return and finish the job themselves. I think at this point the alien seemed to be enjoying the prospect of finally eliminating the people of earth.

It jumps in the dream and I’m in a building, it looks like a building from the early 1900's. It had light brick walls with almost a band of sandy coloured bricks. It wasn’t a high rise glass building or too modern. The weirdest part is, it seems to be a place of learning, like a high school or college. I’m in classroom and I am aware of what is about to happen with the plagues about to be released and I’m telling people. People are excited because they think they have won, that the aliens have left the earth when in fact they are waiting for the plagues to hit, then they’ll come back and “Finish the job". I’m trying to tell people "It’s an illusion, they are going to release a plague of what appeared to be deadly insects”. I am trying to climb up and close the air conditioning vents in the room I was in. The next room had a high ceiling and I was getting frustrated at not being able to close the air conditioning vents.

Another room had ceilings too high, and one room was connected to the corridor and was facing a room with a bathroom door, which left loads of places for insects to get in. I am closing the vents and telling everyone “Close the windows, doors etc., anything to stop them from coming in… PLEASE”. People (peers were looking out).

The next minute I looked down and I notice a lady who looked like she was dressed in WWII brown army clothes, she looked like a WAC or something. I hear her say “You must fight for your country, join the army”, and there were leaflets with peoples faces on them looking down at her and few men dressed in uniforms. I’m thinking “You haven’t got time for this. What you need to do is go indoors and close everything you can think of that can come into your home. They are about to release the biggest plague on earth”. In the dream the plague didn’t seem to last very long. I think I was trying to get everyone in the home so that when the plague finishes, and the aliens believe that most of mankind is eliminated, they are going to have a bloody shock when they are confronted with people of earth. We may be dumb animals but we are a bloody thorn in their sides.

I think they had been trying to take over the earth and tried on numerous occasions to kill earth’s people, but this is the biggest threat to mankind they have ever released. As I am watching the woman in uniform, at the same time on the horizon I saw a huge dark shadow cover the sun. It was going dark on the horizon, and people were watching in horror, panic and disbelief. Something horrid was coming. It’s at this time I woke up sweating thinking shit, I’ve got to close off the vents. It feel like I’ve gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. My general feelings are this:

~A war on earth has been going on for ages. It’s not like aliens landed on lawns but more like people seem to be aware of a silent war going on. It seems there have been many battles with these aliens or whatever you call them.

~This is man’s biggest threat ever, the threat of total elimination from earth.

~It will be a great illusion when mankind thinks they have won the war when in reality a plan is being put in place to eliminate mankind.

~There seems to be 2 plagues around at the same time, but the major one will be airborne, (don’t know whether it’s insects but it will be deadly).

~The plague that is coming will not last long, its job is to eliminate as many people on earth as possible, before they come back to finish the job.

~People think that we have won the war when in reality the war is only the beginning and it’s a war where we live or die.

~I have no clue why a WWII-uniformed woman and man would appear before the release of the plague, unless it’s a suggestion of what is going on with the war in Iraq. I have no idea what the reference might be in connection with the era or something happening in that time frame.
Purpleaura ~ July 5, 2007

Now this is freaky. I was just telling my mum on Tuesday about all the scientists who have died, we were talking about the NHS doctors who did the terrorist thing. I said mark my words, a biological weapon is coming. Later I went to GLP and what do you think somebody posted about, all 88 scientist who have died.

Now 88 Dead Scientists And Microbiologists

Compiled By Mark J. Harper

Updated June 16, 2005
The list is extensive, as is this blog, so I’m not including the other 20 pages required for the post which no longer exists or I would include a link. It was comprised of a detailed roster with verifiable sources and I trust its accuracy. It’s rather interesting the person who kindly took the time to compile the list is named Harper.
Purpleaura ~ July 10, 2007

In this dream I felt like I was a servant and I was moving around a big mansion (it had a white house feeling to it with big white columns). I’m not sure whether I had a memory loss but I was looking in drawers and came across some pictures. Suddenly I felt like something wasn’t right, that people were covering something up. I started putting the pieces together and found out I wasn’t the servant of a powerful family, I was the wife and had 2 boys, older children.

I was trying hard to figure out why I couldn’t remember anything about my life, then it came to me that my husband was a state governor. I heard someone say, “Remember the name David Duchovny”. I woke up wondering what the heck that was all about and what do David Duchovny and a governor have to do with anything.

I looked up David Duchovny and governor and found out he starred in a film called Evolution, then I saw another name that rang a bell, Dan Aykroyd. He plays Governor Lewis

Aliens. The Pentagon. A secret conspiracy involving a military cover-up. David Duchovny. Evolution's various elements read like a script treatment for the next X-Files movie.

…the movie tells the story of a small Arizona town whose inhabitants are menaced by alien critters after a life-bearing meteor crashes into the nearby desert. Two professors from the local community college, Ira Kane and geology teacher Harry Block (Orlando Jones), investigate the crash site, taking samples that reveal the presence of cellular alien organisms, reproducing and evolving at an amazing rate. Despite the pair's attempts to hide the discovery from government officials (Duchovny, in a familiar turn, doesn't trust them), it's not long before the microscopic aliens are evolving into worms, then insects, amphibians, reptiles, and so on, until a computer-generated dinosaur is flying through the local mall, terrorizing shoppers.

The plot may also remind viewers of another film in which a small group of misfits and scientists must save the world from a plague of superimposed monsters: Ghostbusters. Also directed by Ivan Reitman (Evolution's release date - June 8th -- is, in fact, the seventeenth anniversary of the release of Ghostbusters)

Also featuring Dan Aykroyd. The Cleveland Rocks blog will explain the weirdness going on with Dan Aykroyd.
Recently in the news

NORTHCOM hosts Canada, Mexico at Pandemic Influenza Conference

By Sgt. 1st Class Gail Braymen, Public Affairs Office of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command

Sep 9, 2007 - 5:45:27 PM

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. - Representatives from American, Canadian and Mexican military and government agencies came to U.S. Northern Command headquarters here this week to discuss their plans and preparedness for a possible influenza pandemic.

About 80 officials are attending NORTHCOM's first Tri-National Pandemic Influenza Conference.


Bubonic plague in Flagstaff Linked to Dead Prairie Dogs

The Associated Press

Tucson, Arizona

Published: 08.12.2007

FLAGSTAFF - Health officials in Coconino County are warning the public to avoid contact with wild animals and to treat their pets for fleas after the discoveryof bubonic plague in a Flagstaff suburb. Two prairie dogs were found dead last month in Doney Park northeast of the city, prompting officials to test for plague in the area. After collecting fleas from the animals' burrows, testing at a lab at Northern Arizona University confirmed the presence of the disease.


September 19, 2007

Hundreds of people in Peru have needed treatment after an object from space - said to be a meteorite - plummeted to Earth in a remote area, officials say.

They say the object left a deep crater after crashing down over the weekend near the town of Carancas in the Andes.

People who visited the scene have been complaining of headaches, vomiting and nausea after inhaling gases.

Further tests after bluetongue disease detected in Suffolk

by Phil Hazlewood Sun Sep 23, 9:54 AM ET

LONDON (AFP) - Britain's first-ever case of bluetongue infection in farm animals is the same strain as that found in Europe over the last year, the government's deputy chief vet said Sunday.

Fred Landeg said the virus identified Saturday in a cow on a cattle and sheep farm near Ipswich, Suffolk, was the BT serotype 8 strain.

The environment ministry said the affected animal -- believed to be a Highland cow -- would be slaughtered as a precaution while other animals on the farm, which houses rare breeds, would be tested.

The most likely cause of the August cases was leaks from a nearby government-run animal disease testing laboratory and a privately run vaccine firm on the same site, public health officials have said.

…the disease name stems from the fact that affected sheep begin to develop a mucopurulent nasal discharge after the first few days

…the virus can also be transmitted sexually in infected semen and transplacentally from dam to offspring.

The reproductive portion of the disease varies greatly. Signs include abortions, stillbirths, and weak "dummy lamb" live births. Early embryonic loss and decreased reproductive efficiency is a more frequently seen manifestation of the disease in cattle and can be devastating to their calf/milk production.

-by Lisa McDill, Class of 2002

-edited by Dr. Theresa Boulineau, ADDL Graduate
Mystery illness hits Jetstar flight

Steve Creedy, Aviation writer September 26, 2007

JETSTAR and Melbourne Airport were last night trying to determine the source of a mystery illness that struck down 10 passengers with nausea and diarrhoea on a flight to Hawaii.,25197,22483801-23289,00.html

Mystery illness evacuates school

Web-posted Sep 27, 2007

By SHAUN BYRON Of The Oakland Press

BLOOMFIELD HILLS Classes will not be taught today at St. Hugo of the Hills School, which was evacuated Wednesday after two children were hospitalized and others became sick for an unknown reason.

Bloomfield Hills Department of Public Safety officials said the area had been cleared late Wednesday, but they were unable to determine what caused the children to become ill.

Illness at Midlands Math and Business Academy remains a mystery

Sep 28, 2007 06:35 PM MDT

RICHLAND COUNTY, SC (WIS) - Many students are back in class at the Midlands Math and Business Academy.

Avian flu closes farm

Poultry operation north of Regina under quarantine


From Friday's Globe and Mail

September 28, 2007 at 6:04 AM EDT

WINNIPEG — A strain of avian influenza that led officials to order the killing of 17 million birds in British Columbia three years ago is tearing through a poultry farm in Saskatchewan.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency said the chickens are infected with a highly pathogenic H7N3 form of the virus, which is deadly for poultry but unlikely to cause serious illness in humans.

The problem was first reported on Sunday, when an unusual number of chickens fell ill and died, but not publicly disclosed until yesterday when a laboratory was able to confirm the pathogen.

A three-kilometre perimeter has been established around the affected farm, located about 80 kilometres north of Regina, and any poultry operation within 10 kilometres will be closely monitored. All 50,000 chickens on the farm will be killed by carbon dioxide gas, the CFIA said, and the farm will remain under quarantine.

Dozens in Mexican city ill with suspected avian flu raises concerns over international implications of epidemic

September 28, 2007

© 2007

Dozens of people in a Mexican city are gravely ill with what is being treated as a possible outbreak of avian flu, according to a new report from a Spanish-language website.

According to El Universal, authorities in a neighborhood in Guanajuato say 45 patients have been given medical attention at the area's hospital after they reported symptoms including extreme headaches, stomachaches, vomiting and diarrhea.

The cases have developed over the last two weeks and "feel [like] death," according to Silvia Villalobos, one of the victims who spoke to El Universal correspondent Xochitl Alvarez in Spanish.

Back to Purpleaura’s Black Bull Plague dream, I was first intrigued by the sheets used to bury the animals should they fall ill. Yellow and black always remind me of bees.

Freemasonry & Bees

The bee and the hive have long been symbols of industry and regeneration, wisdom and obedience, with a place in Egyptian, Roman and Christian symbolism. The hive is often seen in Masonic illustrations of the 18th and 19th century and both Clovis and Napoleon adopted the bee as their symbol. Although "the bee was among the Egyptians the symbol of an obedient people, because, says Horapollo, 'of all insects, the bee alone had a king. its use in Freemasonry was secondary to any number of other symbols based on the working tools of a stone mason.

On the other hand, what just occurred to me today was the fact the nuclear symbol is also yellow and black. So if two of Purpleaura’s plague dream contained or led to nuclear overtones, what exactly does that mean?

What if there isn’t going to be a nuke dropped? Maybe all the nuclear stuff people are picking up on is in reality a bomb of a different sort, a bomb crammed with a deadly pathogen. Silent, invisible, lethal.

Maybe since the worst possible catastrophe we can imagine is nuclear, that’s what we think we’re seeing? We’ve never witnessed “first hand” the effects of a wide spread plague. We’ve seen it in the movies but we’ve also seen real live footage of a nuclear blast, which the mind evaluates much differently.

Lets hope what we’re all seeing is C) None of the above. Let’s hope these images were planted in an attempt to create a reality through mass consciousness. If that’s the case, create this assholes. Oops, was that out loud? What I meant was, create a different reality. Diffuse the bad bombs and jam them full of whatever super happy fun thing you want them to be full of.

Speaking of Kodiak

Missile fired from Kodiak shot down by interceptor missile

September 28, 2007

Kodiak - A test missle was fired from Kodiak, Alaska Friday and was successfully shot down by an interceptor missile over the Pacific Ocean, according to officials at the Pentagon.

The $85 million test of the national missile defense system was conduced with the help of a tracking radar from Juneau.

“This was a very operationally realistic test,” said Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the Missile Defense Agency.

The test was a rerun of one that was supposed to have taken place in May but was scrubbed when the target misfired.

The Missile Defense Agency said in a statement it completed a test "involving a successful intercept by a ground-based interceptor missile designed to protect the United States against a limited long-range ballistic missile attack."

A target missile was launched from Kodiak, simulating a hostile incoming missile aimed for the United States. Moments later an interceptor missile was fired from a base on the California coast.

Pentagon officials said the test objectives included demonstrating the ability of the Upgraded Early Warning Radar at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., to acquire, track and report incoming missiles.

The multibillion-dollar missile defense project has had mixed success over the years. Friday's ground-based missile test marked six successful tests out of 10 attempts, Missile Defense officials said.

The Bush administration proposes a missile defense system of 40 interceptors at Fort Greely, Alaska, along with 4 at Vandenberg and 10 to be located in Poland. The ground-based interceptors would be guided by a series of radar sites, including one proposed for the Czech Republic.

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