Sunday, 2 March 2008



Ah there’s nothing like a good old U.S. “election” to increase the entertainment value of television. The current cabaret is not disappointing, however it needs to be asked...what time are the dancing bears? And those guys in the tiny cars? That’s what I paid to see.

The night before Hillary announced she would run for the presidency, I dreamt I saw Chelsea’s face floating in front of the White House, then awoke hearing Chelsea Morning by Joni Mitchell. Under the circumstances I wouldn’t have expected to be hearing any other song but. However, I didn’t know until after the dream she was reportedly named after that exact song, albeit the Judy Collins rendition. In such a prestigious and prominent family I would have thought the offspring came pre-named based on genealogy, not popular songs of the 60’s. Whether this means Hillary will be the next chosen one is anybody’s guess but I got the feeling upon waking that Chelsea would be living in the white house again some day. I’m wavering now on the idea that ol’ GW will cause a global catastrophe allowing him to take his rightful place in the hallowed hall of dictators. Maybe even he’s gone too far for the puppet masters, although I didn’t think that possible. But plans get altered all the time, maybe there’s been a change. What’s really got me thinking about all this are two things, the number 1026 and/or date October 26, and Purpleaura’s dream from February 1st:

In the dream I seem to be taking part in something. It starts off in a church and it looks like a woman is pregnant (you know that thing where I’m playing the part but also aware on the other level as well). Apparently I’m pregnant with a boy and suddenly a priest say says “You are carrying the AC”.

There appears to be 2 beings (I presume they are demons), and the priest is giving me something to send these creatures back, however they wanted to talk to me. By the time they got around to doing that, one of the creatures had already been sent back. I asked the other creature why he came here and he said, "You don’t carry a boy child, you carry a female baby and this girl baby will be far more dangerous than the male baby mentioned”. I then had a weird vision, it seems the established order or hierarchy on the other side is being replaced. The creatures were trying to warn me that while we waited for a male child to be born and bring the so-called chaos, in fact there will be a girl child born, far more dangerous and far more chaotic than anything we have ever seen.

There will be major world upheavals, death and destruction. They are warning us and probably trying to stop it. I don’t know why the creatures would warn me of this, but I gather it was because they feared this would be the worst and final destruction brought by a girl child and not by the male child.

By this time the second creature had been sent back but not before I heard a voice say, "When you want our help you can call us".
Wow that one gave me chills. So fairly obviously is the message that our worst fears, the return of the AC, is not even close to our worst fears. Also fairly obvious is the message the vatican is not to be trusted, but that pretty much goes without saying. Two clearly benevolent creatures come to warn Purpleaura of what may happen to our planet in the future, and offer their assistance in preventing the ensuing turmoil, and the priest is trying to send them away. Yessirree, that is their MO in a nutshell.

So maybe this girl baby represents the birth of a new era with a female even wickeder than the AC running the show? And while we’re on that subject, WTF was up with that flag with the upside-down stars? Are they not even trying to hide their satanic ways anymore?

The pentagram has long been associated with the planet Venus, and the worship of the goddess Venus, or her equivalent. It is also associated with the Roman word lucifer, which was a term used for Venus as the Morning Star, associated with the bringer of light and knowledge. It is most likely to have originated from the observations of prehistoric astronomers. When viewed from Earth, successive inferior conjunctions of Venus plot a nearly perfect pentagram shape around the zodiac every eight years.

No wonder there’s so much shame in not being a two-termer. You gotta be able to make it from pentagram to pentagram. If not then you’ve been bested by a woman, couldn’t complete the cycle. I’ll bet the boys in the locker room have a good laugh over that. I’ll bet there’s even a Girly Man trophy.

Then there’s the question of Hillary’s birthday, October 26th. Which also happens to be my birthday, or so I’m told, but that’s a whole other story. I don’t like that this is my birthday, I’ve never felt good about those numbers or that date or whatever it’s supposed to represent. Since the first recollection of learning why that date was to be ingrained in my memory I’ve had a disturbing vibe about it. It’s the same situation where you hear a word or name for the first time and know it means something but you’re not sure what.

A lot of bad stuff has happened on or very near that date, anywhere between the October 23rd and 26th as a rule. Stuff I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. Stuff that has changed the course of history. Stuff that makes my birthday nothing but a miserable pathetic list of “On this day….”

1) Hillary’s Birthday

2) Patriot Act signed into law

3) Invasion of Grenada (October 25th)

# 3 holds particularly vivid memories as I was in the hospital at the time wondering when they were going to let me have my baby. With all the other crises related to that, the last thing I wanted to hear was the US had invaded yet another nation.

4) Cuban Missile Crisis, specifically the most pivotal moment in the whole escapade:
We had to send a U-2 over to gain reconnaissance information on whether the Soviet missiles were becoming operational. We believed that if the U-2 was shot down that—the Cubans didn't have capabilities to shoot it down, the Soviets did—we believed if it was shot down, it would be shot down by a Soviet surface-to-air-missile unit, and that it would represent a decision by the Soviets to escalate the conflict. And therefore, before we sent the U-2 out, we agreed that if it was shot down we wouldn't meet, we'd simply attack. It was shot down on Friday [...]. Fortunately, we changed our mind, we thought "Well, it might have been an accident, we won't attack." Later we learned Khrushchev reasoned just as we did: we send over the U-2, if it was shot down, he reasoned we would believe it was an intentional escalation. And therefore, he issued orders to Pliyev, the Soviet commander in Cuba, to instruct all of his batteries not to shoot down the U-2.
Note that Robert McNamara dates, from memory, the shooting down of the U-2 to Friday, October 26th.[26]

5) Erie Canal opening

This perhaps was not necessarily a pivotal point in history, at least not one so criminal as the Patriot Act, but having grown up around there it held a personal fascination. Lafayette is another one of those familiar words and while looking into that, came across this:

LaFayette, the Erie Canal, and Grand Island -- all in 1825

The drama of the "William Morgan Affair" began about a year after western New York hosted visiting French General and Revolutionary War hero the Marquis de LaFayette in 1825. La Fayette arrived by lake packet in Buffalo on June 4th and received a hero's welcome. A couple of days later the Marquis was escorted to Lockport, where he entered the nearly-completed Erie Canal and began a leisurely trip to Rochester and points east. Newly re-elected Governor DeWitt Clinton arrived in Buffalo for the dedication of the Erie Canal four months later. The waterway dedication festivities were begun at Buffalo on Oct. 26, 1825

You can read more about the William Morgan Affair in the Tecumseh blog, Morgan was yet another familiar name. I didn’t recall until re-reading that passage just now that the Governor of New York at the time was also a Clinton. Interesting.

On October 23rd in history:

1929 - Great Depression: After a steady decline in stock market prices since a peak in September, the New York Stock Exchange begins to show signs of panic.

1946 - United Nations General Assembly convened for the first time, at an auditorium in Flushing, Queens, New York City.

1973 - The Watergate Scandal: US President Richard M. Nixon agrees to turn over subpoenaed audio tapes of his Oval Office conversations about the scandal.

October 24th :

1929 - "Black Thursday" stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange.

1945 - Founding of the United Nations

1954 - Dwight D. Eisenhower pledges United States support to South Vietnam

1998 - Launch of Deep Space 1 comet/asteroid mission

I really could go on and on. I don’t know about anybody else but I’m seeing a pattern emerge. Stock market crash, depression, war, presidents & scandals, comets & asteroids and the founding of one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, rumoured to be instrumental in the launch of the N.W.O. From the blog Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA:

George H.W. Bush has been promoting the New World Order for a very long time. He has also been pushing the United Nations as the NECESSARY solution for all the nation's ills.

It's time for those still laboring under profound ignorance of what the U.N. REALLY IS to wake up and smell the coffee!

Following are several quotes from G.H.W. Bush, extolling the virtues of the U.N. and his vision of the New World Order.

~Televised address, September 11, 1990:

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective --a New World Order-- can emerge....We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders."

~Interview in the U.S. News and World Report, January 7, 1991:

"I think that what's at stake here is the New World Order. What's at stake here is whether we can have disputes peacefully resolved in the future by a reinvigorated United Nations."

~Press conference, January 9, 1991:

The Gulf crisis has to do with the New World Order. And that New World Order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United Nations proves to be effective".

~Televised address, January 16, 1991:

"When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders."

~National Security Strategy of the United States issued by the White House and personally signed by George Bush, August 1991:

"In the Gulf, we saw the United Nations playing the role dreamed of by its founders....I hope history will record that the Gulf crisis was the crucible of the New World Order."
I think it’s safe to say there’s a lot of reasons to be afraid of Hillary’s birthday. I guess we wait and see. Interestingly I came across another person out there who’s also been haunted by this date for some time.

I'm building up my home reserves once again. Lots of batteries, water, canned goods... you know the drill. I want to have a decent stash by the time Autumn is in full colour up here.

This does not come from any sort of intel.

I am more convinced than ever that an abrupt series of potent events will kick off between late October and late December. This pertains--but is not limited--to the following coastal regions: New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles, San Francisco. Because of the involvement of both coasts, I am assuming this to be a manmade series of events, rather than some sort of natural catastrophe. To extrapolate further along the same lines; it may be reasonable to assume that shipping ports will be involved, and that containers may be used in some deceitful and tragic way.

The two key dates are Oct. 26th and Dec. 26th. Some of you may recall that I have mentioned the date 10/26 previously. I originally thought that this must refer to the month of October, but experience and etymology would seem to dictate otherwise:


Additionally, each of the past two occurrences of Dec. 26th have been especially deadly:

Dec. 26th, 2004 - The Asian Tsunami (240,000+ d)
Dec. 26th, 2003 - The Bam Earthquake (80,000+ d)

The final count of the dead from the tsunami will probably never be known. The cost may have been as high as 400,000 souls. Such a day (Dec. 26th) could be seen as a day of immense power.

Some might accuse me of thinking too far outside the box, but I've been harping consistently on the 10/26 theme for several years now... and as many as one half million souls have perished on that calendar day. And speaking of boxes outside of which one might think: It's Boxing Day.

Don't bet on this because I've said it. I've been wrong before. But don't bet against it by being unaware and unprepared.

(The link no longer exists).
I for one don’t think he should throw away any of the former notions just yet.



There’s a bit of catching up to do hence this hodgepodge of subjects. The picture nor the song have anything to do with anything, they’re just favourites. The song is Weighty Ghost from the album Welcome to the Night Sky by Canadian band Wintersleep (yes they’ll always be albums to me).

On September 11th I posted a blog voicing my concerns over the possibility of a water supply being tampered with, specifically with ricin. That came up partly due to a dream Purpleaura had about castor oil, and partly because of a dream I had of the local water supply being poisoned. That dream involved me pulling a vial out of my nose containing the antidote.

I’m sure by now everybody's familiar with the story of ricin being found in a hotel room in Vegas on Friday. It was reported the hotel was very near a water treatment plant. What I didn’t know until this morning is the ricin was contained in vials. I would suppose that makes perfect sense but it wasn’t anything I was thinking about so it sure caught my attention.

Vials linked to man test positive for ricin

LAS VEGAS Vials found in the motel room of a man hospitalized in critical condition tested positive for the deadly toxin ricin, authorities said yesterday.,0,7671231.story

Purpleaura did a little more digging on ricin and found a few interesting things, one concerning the patent on the deadly substance, held by the U.S. army:

Ricin Patent Removed from PTO Database?

Security expert Bruce Schneier has written to blogger and Mercury News technology columnist Dan Gillmor about a patent that seems to be missing from the online US database ('Dangerous' Patent Removed from Database?). He quotes Schneier:

In October 1962, the U.S. Patent Office granted patent 3,060,165 regarding the use of ricin as a biological weapon. Published patents are, of course, publicly available. That's the point.

All US patents are available from the USPTO website: "full-text since 1976, full-page images since 1790." However, for some reason, this particular patent is no longer in the database:

Clicking on "Images" only produces a "Patent not found" image.

The patent is still available in foreign databases, so it seems like a rather futile exercise if the removal was due to concerns about knowledge of WMDs.

I’m afraid I just don’t believe in terrorists anymore. At least not what we’ve been led to believe, like who the terrorists are and their objectives. This latest incident could certainly be construed as a terrorist act, but more likely it was staged for other reasons by the real threat on this planet. Every single time an incident such as this occurs, another loss of freedom act gets passed or introduced, which is the same thing as passed these days.
February 28, 2008

WASHINGTON — Using some of his toughest language in weeks, President Bush prodded Congress on Thursday to pass his preferred version of surveillance legislation, asserting that every day of delay could put the country in danger.

Mr. Bush said again that renewing the surveillance legislation is “a very urgent priority,”

Quite a nosy bastard I must say. How about we the people install surveillance cameras in the oval office? Wow wouldn’t that be a hoot. It’ll be the new wave…Unreality TV.
On top of that water concern, you have to wonder why NASA's sending a couple of spacecraft on a collision course with the moon to mine for water:
By Jeremy Hsu
updated 3:02 p.m. MT, Wed., Feb. 27, 2008

Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.

The Earth-on-moon violence may raise eyebrows, but NASA's history shows that such missions can yield extremely useful scientific observations.
Another thing that’s kept in vials are vaccines. While it’s no secret the military has been injecting soldiers with unknown substances since syringes were invented, this was another big story in the news the same day the ricin was discovered:

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer Fri Feb 29, 3:59 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon can require its troops be vaccinated against anthrax, a federal judge said Friday.

Judge Rosemary M. Collyer said the Food and Drug Administration acted appropriately when it found the vaccine to be safe and approved its use. She dismissed a lawsuit by military officials who argued the drug is unproven and the scientific data unsound.

The dispute has languished in the court system for years. A federal judge suspended the vaccination program in 2004 after faulting the FDA's process for approving the drug. After the FDA redid the process and again found it to be safe, the military announced plans to reinstate mandatory vaccinations.

That prompted a look into a ricin vaccine:

Ricin is poisonous if inhaled, injected, or ingested, acting as a toxin by the inhibition of protein synthesis. Ricin is 6000 times more toxic than cyanide and 12000 times more poisonous than rattlesnake venom by weight.

While there is no known antidote, the US military has developed a vaccine.

Of course they have. So now the soldiers have yet another mandatory mystery injection to look forward to. They’ve been telling us for years about the needle and the damage done, it’s becoming quite apparent that heroin and crack are the least of our concerns.
And So It Begins

February 10th I dreamt of receiving an email from Purpleaura stating the internet was going down in some places in Florida and hers would be gone soon. This was happening on purpose by the government. She posted the information to GLP and somebody replied “And so it begins here”. End of dream.

A few days later I was looking around on GLP and noticed “And so it begins” was being said a lot. I did search for the phrase to try and recall where I first saw it and found a whole thread about it. I felt compelled to reply to that thread and thankfully, the person whose post was the first one I’d seen, included a link and that saved a lot of time searching. This was the post:

Iran To Launch Oil And Gas Exchange On February 27!

TEHRAN, February 13 (RIA Novosti) - Iran will launch a commodities exchange for oil, petrochemicals and natural gas on February 27, the Islamic Republic's oil minister said on Wednesday.

[link to]

And So It Begins....

February 26th Florida experienced mass power outages affecting millions of people, Purpleaura included. It has since been reported human error was at fault and of course the official version reeks of suspicion:

By JESSICA GRESKO, Associated Press Writer Sat Mar 1, 1:53 AM ET

MIAMI - A power failure that plunged large parts of Florida into the dark this week was caused primarily by human error, the state's largest electric company said Friday.

Florida Power & Light issued a preliminary report saying that a field engineer was to blame for Tuesday's failure, which affected more than 584,000 customers, or the equivalent of more than 1 million people.

The engineer was investigating a malfunctioning switch at one of the power company's substations in west Miami when he disabled two levels of protection for the system, officials said.

"We don't know, still, why that particular employee took it upon himself to disable both sets of relays," FPL president Armando Olivera told reporters.

The employee, who had "significant tenure," has been put on paid leave during an investigation, Olivera said. It would have been appropriate for the employee to disable one, but not two, levels of protection while making measurements, he said.

Yes Mr. Engineer, why indeed.
Risky Business

In the North to Alaska blog I was speculating on what might be a good excuse to launch the North American Union to us regular folks:

Either a war between the two nations will have to rise up “on its own” or we will have to be threatened and/or attacked and admit we need the U.S. to protect us.

Way to go Harpo.

In a ceremony that received virtually no attention in the American media, the United States and Canada signed a military agreement Feb. 14 allowing the armed forces from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a domestic civil emergency, even one that does not involve a cross-border crisis.

U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of USNORTHCOM, signs agreement Feb. 14, 2008, with Canadian Air Force Lt. Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command (USNORTHCOM photo)

The agreement, defined as a Civil Assistance Plan, was not submitted to Congress for approval, nor did Congress pass any law or treaty specifically authorizing this military agreement to combine the operations of the armed forces of the United States and Canada in the event of a wide range of domestic civil disturbances ranging from violent storms, to health epidemics, to civil riots or terrorist attacks.

In Canada, the agreement paving the way for the militaries of the U.S. and Canada to cross each other's borders to fight domestic emergencies was not announced either by the Harper government or the Canadian military, prompting sharp protest.

From the same blog:
Reminds me of the Risk game, just stick with me and we’ll take these bastards down together. And when you aren’t looking we’ll take you down too.

Mr. Harper this is not a game of Risk…

Makes me wonder what might be up their collective sleeves to provoke such a need.
On the subject of dreams that we haven’t quite figured out or could simply be literal:

Amputee Chef

Purpleaura ~ February 25th, 2008

This is another dream where I seem to be watching and participating at the same time. It starts out with me sitting at a table watching a chef discuss recipes. In the dream I know I am not a chef but an observer of the discussion. There’s a male chef at the table trying to get my attention, he’s quite a big man, dark hair and appears to have a crush on me. I’m trying to ignore him because he’s with the group of chefs, but at the same time I can feel he's a lonely man.

It jumps and now I’m in a hospital, again as a spectator and not partaking in the goings- on. The chef decided to have his stomach stapled to lose weight. There’s a woman with him and I’m not sure if this is the woman I played around the table or a different one, but she’s holding his hand. The chef was on the table ready to be wheeled away when I saw the woman collapse. I watch as they hooked her up to an IV, then I see the hospital staff running down the corridor. The woman’s IV bag had filled with blood.

Suddenly it jumps again and the porters wheel the woman and the chef side-by-side together on the bed. She says to man, “I’m glad it’s worked out, you look good”. The man said, “It kinda worked out.” Just then, as the woman is looking at him, he lifts up the covers and both his legs have been amputated. I start wondering “How the F*** did his legs get amputated when he went in to have his stomach stapled?” I then realized the woman had either a blood disorder or something wrong with her that warranted blood, and it was considered more life-threatening but she hadn’t told the man this. I then woke up thinking this is a bit cuckoo of dream.
The Ice Man Cometh

Miss Scarlet ~ February 16th, 2008

I saw a store of some sort (it looked like a five and dime, lots of different things displayed in the window like pots and pans and electronic equipment), with a banner across the window that said Ice-something in big red letters. I think it was Ice Man Cometh or at least that's what I had in my head when I woke up. Beside the banner was a little shed with a door attached to the building, much like a mudroom. Over the door it said “Emergency Entrance”, which I thought was weird because most times it's emergency exit. Just as I was looking at the building I saw a man but couldn't make out any details in his appearance. He read the sign on the window then entered the door and that was it. I've never seen the movie and have no idea what it's about, I guess put that one on the list too. I liked this descriptor though:

The play contains many allusions to political topics, particularly anarchism and socialism. Hugo, Larry and Don are former members of an anarchist movement.
Upside-Down Map

Also February 16th, 2008

I was looking at a map, I think a weather map, and Calgary was much further north than it is and Edmonton was south of Calgary and in Saskatchewan. That was all.

If you go to Google Earth and flip the earth in a clockwise direction by approximately 140 degrees that would be exactly what I saw.

UFO’s & The Red Book

Miss Scarlet ~ February 17th, 2008

I had a couple of dreams last night, in one you and I were in a tall building that had a glass roof. We could see in the distance some sort of flying object that had two huge search lights for headlights that could move independently from one another. I "heard" this was a pilot vehicle to escort the other vehicle in. So we're watching this thing when all of a sudden this shadow starts to appear over the glass roof and just then a huge spaceship passed over us very slowly. That was it.

In another one I was walking down the street behind a man who appeared to be homeless, he had long grey hair that was really mussed up and knotted, and his clothes were very dishevelled and dirty. I got the impression he thought I was following him but I wasn't, we just happened to be going in the same direction. We got to my mother's house and he sat down at the kitchen table with some other people I don't know and he was holding on to a red book. I looked over towards the table trying to see something else but the homeless man thought I was trying to see what his book was called, so he wrapped his arms around it to hide the title. I still looked over that way because I hadn't been able to figure out whatever it was I was trying to see, when he held up his book and started yelling at me, saying "You really want to see this book? You really need to see what it's called?" and then he held up the book. It was red leather with gold writing and had a frame around the writing comprised of a double gold line (that part seemed important). I didn't understand the writing because it was either symbols or a language I don't know which is everything besides English. That was all of that one.

I think that’s it for now.