Happy Birthday to Vera Lynn!
Dame Vera Lynn, DBE (born March 20, 1917) is a British singer whose career flourished during World War II, when she was nicknamed "The Forces' Sweetheart". She is best known for the popular songs "We'll Meet Again", written by Ross Parker and Hughie Charles, and "The White Cliffs of Dover", words by Nat Burton, music by Walter Kent. She is one of the last surviving major entertainers of the war years.
From Weather, Sirens and Aliens:
Purpleaura ~ I heard sirens going off and they were loud. I could also hear what sounded like a male newscaster saying something about one of Al-Qaeda’s leader being young and was killed. In the dream I’m thinking the shit is going to hit the fan.
Years ago some co-workers and I were having coffee. We often misheard each other and what we misheard was usually a lot more entertaining than the actual comment. On one occasion it was stated “It sure is nice to be young”. Somebody else heard “It sure is nice to be hung”. Yeah we had a lot of fun with that one. Why I mention this is Purpleaura’s dream the other night where she heard an Al Queida member was killed and was young. This morning one of Saddam’s henchmen was hung:
Saddam Hussein Deputy Hanged in Iraq
By Qassim Abdul-Zahra
March 20, 2007
CBNNews.com - BAGHDAD (AP) -- Saddam Hussein's former deputy was hanged before dawn Tuesday, the fourth man to be executed in the killings of 148 Shiites following a 1982 assassination attempt against the former leader in the town of Dujail.
Taha Yassin Ramadan, who was Saddam's vice president when the regime was ousted, went to the gallows on the fourth anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq.
More at link
I haven’t heard from Purpleaura for a day or so, hope she didn’t get beamed up
The Donald
From the Branson, Trump blog
Purpleaura's Dream - January 13, 2007, 6:49pm
In this dream it seems both you and I and some other women are sitting at a round table. It felt like a restaurant table, the setting was weird; it was a major skyscraper with reflective glass windows. We were doing some giggling and gossiping and generally talking. Soon we were eating and I seem to be trying to eat a hamburger. While attempting to do this, and this is the weird part, there’s a man that’s trying to widen the walls of room in the corner which were made of the reflective glass.
I was trying to eat and this guy for some reason starts to move the corner wall, I could see the metal bracing of the wall and floor. He stops and we start talking. For some reason I’m not sure whether I am me or someone else.
I said "not everyone knows this, but I know what goes on and how he is, I was married to Donald Trump, it was done quietly so nobody really knows”. Again this man comes 2 more times and tries to move the corner of the wall and widens it, and again I can see more metal bracing and the frame. I thought if he carries on, my hamburger is going to fly out of the window, or someone is going to get hurt. There was a BIG gap.
Suddenly, and this is a confusing part, I can’t tell whether the hamburger fell or what, because the next minute one of the girls is saying something about the doll falling out of the building and don’t worry, we know someone that sells dolls. So I looked around and find the doll. It was different and expensive. It looked like the doll was made from material like tights you wear and you could see what the doll is made of, which looked like either newspaper/paper or money stuffed inside it. But the doll looked very different. I remember showing it at the table, and one of the woman said it was very nice. I said I preferred my doll, even though they recommended the guy, saying he sold nice dolls, his were very expensive. Then I woke up.
With the release of the following video, I'm wondering if Donald's world may indeed begin coming apart. I hope he wasn't the guy Purpleaura saw getting thrown off the balcony too.