Sunday, 15 April 2007

Daytona 500

Originally Posted February 18, 2007

Well, here we go again, hinky vibes before a major sporting event.

Purpleaura sent a link a few days ago and it grabbed both our attention for different reasons. I seem to have a lot going on with February 18th. My father’s birthday was February 18th 1930, the discovery of Pluto was February 18th, 1930, and BWB’s dad’s birthday was also February 18th. My dad’s sister’s birthday is February 18th as is his sister-in-law’s. And Yoko Ono’s birthday is February 18th. I know a lot of people don’t like her, but I do. I quite admire her ability to have held her head high in some of the most adverse situations I can imagine. I’ve been in her shoes on a much, much smaller scale, so I can identify with some of what she went through.

February 18th is also Chinese New Year, the year of the boar, which is my Chinese astrological sign.
There are 2 generations of men in my immediate family, a brother and his son, who revere Dale Earnhardt specifically, and NASCAR in general. As does BWB. My father wasn’t much into racing, but he did share in his grandson’s passion, and gave him a few die cast Earnhardt cars, which are treasured as much as Dale himself.

Sunday February 18th, 2001, BWB awoke with nothing on his mind but the Daytona 500. I happen to call my brother that day because of our father’s birthday, as he had passed on two years before and the memories were still somewhat fresh. After our conversation, I handed the phone to BWB so they could discuss the race and of course talk about Dale.

I can no longer remember the circumstances, but BWB and I ended up getting in a scrap which lasted a few hours. He never did watch the race. Imagine our horror when we turned on the news later to find Earnhardt had been killed in that race. I called my brother back immediately, my nephew was taking the news very hard (being only 8 years old at the time), they were both devastated.

The irony of the date did not escape us. And tomorrow is again Sunday February 18th, and the Daytona 500 is ready to roll.
This is the link from Purpleaura:

User ID: 125263

2/15/2007 8:11 AM

In this article you will see several news stories that have elements that we have been dealing with for the last few weeks.

The first story is about a death in ORLANDO FL and appears to be a continuation of the currant messages being sent or transmitted out of that area during this time period.

A fast-food employee was shot and killed while making a deposit for his employer at an Orange County bank on Tuesday. The 32-year-old man was pronounced dead at
Orlando Regional Medical Center, WESH 2 News reported.

The victim was at the Bank of America on North Orange Blossom Trail between Cinderline Parkway and Winter Rose.

Investigators said he and a woman were in car in the bank's drive-through window at about 2:30 p.m. making a deposit for a fast-food restaurant when robbers confronted them.

She's right now our best witness," said Jim Solomons of the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Witnesses said as the robbers drove off, they heard another gunshot and a large, dark pickup truck sped off after the robbers.

"The mystery is: Why were these shots fired? This is a report from another witness that for some reason shots were exchanged as these cars fled the area. We don't know if they were shooting at each other," Solomons said.

Investigators said they aren't sure if the truck was with the robbers or if it was good Samaritans.

Police said the robbers got away in either a Crown Victoria or a Mercury Marquis our-door.

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First of all, this took place at the BANK OF AMERICA.....


Which is, we all know one of the central plans of the NWO, to bankrupt America and kill our economy. They cannot have a one world order while there is a financially stable, functional America.

So I found it interesting that someone is recently saying it in print, this writer is saying that to STOP the USA you must bankrupt or bring DEATH to the BANK OF AMERICA, which is also what many countries have been doing lately, following exactly this mans advice, I am not going to include the list here in this post as it is too long of a list but over the last three years MANY countries and central banks have sold off a lot and in some cases most of their American dollars, the whole world has been dumping the dollar slowly over the last few years trying to jump ship before it sinks, or possibly, trying to sink the American ship by pumping out what is holding it afloat, their support! So I have to wonder if this is a message that the Bank of America = the American economy is dead, we at least know for sure, it is lying, taking it's final breaths.

The World Can Halt Bush's Crimes By Dumping The Dollar

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ALSO: let's look at the banks location....

The victim was at the Bank of America on North Orange Blossom Trail between Cinderline Parkway and Winter Rose. Orange Blossom Trail is a major roadway through Orlando. Parts of it are also known as US-17 and US-92 which reminded me immediately of the score of the super bowl this year which was 29-17, in this case the 29 is mirrored.

I believe that the Orange Blossom Trail reference is going to be of more significance in the other article that I am working on

Next we have Cinderline... cinders are ash, volcanoes produce cinder, fire produces cinders, so I found it interesting that earlier the same day before this bank shooting there were a series of fires in DAYTONA BEACH, FL.

Cinderline would essentially translate to – fire line... or volcano line, so where is this symbolic cinder line pointing, where is the next explosive or hot event going to occur?

The fires happened in DAYTONA, is that where the cinder - line from the Orlando bank event is pointing to, with the Daytona 500 coming up, or if we continue on our "NORTHWEST OF ORLANDO" theme from events in the news last week, is the cinder line pointing to one of the volcanoes in the Northwestern US?

Here is some evidence that makes it a pretty good chance that the fires in Daytona and the shooting in Orlando are connected, BOTH stories use the words, good Samaritan in them, these stories came out within hours of each other, and this would not be such a big deal if, in fact, there had been helpful citizens in both instances, but that is not what happened here. In the Bank shooting story, police said there may have been a good Samaritan involved as a truck took off after the shooter when he left the scene. But in the Daytona fires story, it was a nursing home, named the "GOOD SAMARITAN Nursing Home". That is when you know there is a message being sent, when within hours of each other the same words are used to explain two totally different things and it just drives the point home better when it is in the same state or same geographic area on the globe. Both stories also have the common theme of ORANGE in them.

Here is the snip from that fires story....

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Authorities are worried about what could have happened after a series of fires this weekend in Daytona Beach.

The first blaze erupted just before 3 a.m. Monday, officials said. It burned two large trash receptacles in the parking lot of a thrift store on Orange Avenue.

Less than 45 minutes later, Daytona Beach firefighters said they saw flames leaping from a large Dumpster two blocks away on Seagrave Street. The Dumpster was full
of flammable materials and just 10 feet from the Good Samaritan nursing home

A few hours later, a third fire started behind a row of stores that front Beach Street.

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Here is why I highlighted the dumpsters in the above story and the major reason that I feel that there is something to the story about fires being set in dumpsters in Daytona.

The other day, over at Drudge, was a picture of a car full of trash and the story that went with the picture said... "Mountains of TRASH" in the headline. I kept it because I think that the pictures there are pointing to an event, an event that involves a mountain and or a canyon which is an article and an event that I am still researching.

but here is the picture that pointed to a "TRASH MOUNTAIN" possibly being the cause of an event....

[link to]

and now here is an event that is involving FIRE and TRASH, and when you add in the CINDER LINE from the bank shooting story well it seems to be a VOLCANIC theme going on... FIRE on a MOUNTAIN that produces CINDERS.

Now if you consider and add in the map graphic that I posted last week that seemed to be pointing to something in the NORTHWEST or at least NW of Orlando and lady lake, FL. that could be pointing to the volcanoes in northwestern US. but... there is more.

If you will remember the other corner of the triangle on the map was pointing toward DAYTONA BEACH, exactly where these fires occurred today two hours prior to the bank robbery that happened near CINDERLINE rd.

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And... there is another possible connection between what seemed to be an innocent little story on Drudge and these two events... here is the complete headline that went with the picture of the "trash car"... "MOUNTAINS of TRASH inside CAR blamed for CRASH"

and here we have two stories on the 13th both taking place in areas that were highlighted by points on the triangle on the map that we originally got the idea for from drudge, it was there that I saw the pointing pictures that seemed to be signaling NW, and by coupling that idea with the THREE biggest recent events coming out of Florida gave us the triangle area on the map of Florida.

So in that headline above that was with the car full of garbage picture, we find elements of both the events that took place on the 13th of Feb in Florida.

1) Trash = burning dumpsters 2) car and crash = if the theory that the shooting at BOA was a signal pointing to the death of the American economy it is essentially pointing to a CRASH! or with the Daytona 500 this weekend it could be signaling a "CAR CRASH"

the car could turn out to be symbolic and important in another way as well as there are even more elements to the bank story that seem to be pointing to the master plan.

They pointed out what kind of car was used in the killing and said that it was either a CROWN VICTORIA or a MERCURY MARQUIS.

First we will talk about the Crown Victoria, of course CROWN takes the mind right to royalty which has been one of the major themes that we have discussed a lot recently.

Victoria means victory, so essentially a CROWN VICTORY is one thing that this could be pointing to.

If we go further with the theory that this bank shooting was to send the message that the American economy is under attack, then a 'crown victory' in that light would fit quite nicely as we know the central banks control the economies of almost every
country in the world and those banks are located in the City of London. It is also said that is where the true Crown lies, and often it is referred to simply as "THE CROWN" so in that light a "crown victory" would make perfect sense.

However, digging even deeper, I sense that there is more meaning to be found here...

Did you know that there was a GODDESS VICTORIA? I found this very interesting, the was the goddess of victory. She presided over athletic as well as military contests.

Here are some occurrences of her in literature.... Nike and Victoria are different names for the same goddess......

"O powerful Nike, by men desired, with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fired, thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell contending rage and molestation fell. 'Tis thine in battle to confer the crown, the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown; for thou rulest all things." - Orphic Hymn 33 to Nike

"The fate of war hung in the balance, and on doubtful wings long hovered Victoria (Victory) between each side." - Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.12

I just want to briefly mention here that Anna Nicole Smith's real name at birth was Vickie which of course is a form of Victoria. I am not sure how or if that ties in right now but I did want to mention it as she has been used to send several of the major messages and communicate many of the major themes we have been focusing on for the last few weeks.

But here is what I think I found most fascinating,

With the introduction of the Greek gods, Victoria became merged in Nike . She always had a firm hold over the Roman mind, and her popularity lasted till the end of paganism . Special games were held in her honour in the Circus and generals erected statues of her after a successful campaign."

Guess what took place at the circus? Chariot races! The circus at Rome was the Nascar of it's day.

...." At one time crowds of over a quarter million Romans would gather to witness the largest sporting events in Western Civilization, but now nearly all that remains is a lonely dirt track on a grassy field. The Roman Circus Maximus overlooked a variety of sporting events and religions processions - but the most famous of these were the wildly popular chariot races.

At the height of the Roman Empire, these races were a manifestation of the riches of the time – anywhere between 20 and 60 days a year were devoted to them.

These were not simply sporting events, however. This was Rome, after all, and no one was going to accuse them of keeping things understated. From sunrise to sunset, Romans from every corner of the empire would travel to witness a combination of religious ceremonies, public gatherings and an average of 25 races per day."

[link to]

So, ok before I comment on that too much I want to talk about the other car that they pointed out in the article as there are some common themes here, it was a MERCURY MARQUIS....

First of all Mercury in Roman mythology was a god that served as messenger to the other gods and was himself the god of commerce, thievery and trade and profit.

If the bank incident was done to send a message that the American economy is a goner, I find it very interesting that it is the god MERCURY who is known as a MESSENGER as well as the god of COMMERCE and TRADE.

And guess what else the god mercury is associated with?

Mercury's temple was in the Circus Maximus, between the Aventine and Palatine hills, was built in 495 BC. This was a fitting place to worship a swift god of trade and travel, since it was a major center of commerce as well as a racetrack.

So again here is a deity reference that we found in the Bank of America story that is associated with the circus, which was a racetrack, again... an ancient version of what Nascar is today.

I find all these references to gods and goddesses of the circus, the biggest race in the world before the Nascar of today, and references to Daytona and "CARS" all on the week leading up to the Daytona 500 weekend a little unsettling.

As a side note, the race weekend starts on FEB 16th and FEB. 16th just happens to be the goddess Victoria's feast day... frankly all of this is a little too coincidental for me.

Now, MARQUIS is interesting here as well.

A MARQUIS is a nobleman ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count.

So we have two common elements found in each of the car references listed above... Crown Victoria" & "Mercury Marquis"

We have a title of royalty or nobility: CROWN and MARQUIS and we have the name of a god or goddess: VICTORIA and MERCURY

It is like someone is putting their signature on these events and any upcoming events that may happen to manifest out of this symbolism. Someone who is connected to "THE CROWN - CITY OF LONDON or THE ROYAL FAMILY" or who is NOBILITY, a MARQUIS.

Now interestingly enough there is a racing connection to marquis as well. It just so happens that there are only 39 Marquis alive today and one of them just happens to be a very famous formula one race car driver... readers of RMN will see the significance in the fact that they are known as F1 drivers.

He is John Colum Crichton-Stuart, 7th Marquess of Bute the Earl of Dumfries and raced under the name Johnny Dumfries. I just thought that was an interesting 'coincidence'.

An interesting twist in the connections of these events to the upcoming Daytona 500 is that I also discovered that Bank of America became the official bank of Nascar, for the 2007 season.....

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Also, Daytona is located in Volusia County. You might recognize that name as it is one of the four counties that President Bush and the new Governor of Florida, Gov. Crist, declared a federal disaster zone after the recent tornadoes that touched down in the first week of Feb, 2007. Remember, the "surgical strike" comment that Gov. Crist made in relation to storms?

So here is my question.... is the area that will be holding the Daytona 500 still under federal jurisdiction, in the hands of FEMA and Homeland Security?

There are other elements of symbolism being transmitted here but for now I will end with this, which is probably the most important part of this article....

The first-century CE satirist Juvenal wrote, "Long ago the people shed their anxieties, ever since we do not sell our votes to anyone. For the people-who once conferred imperium, symbols of office, legions, everything-now hold themselves in check and anxiously desire only two things, the grain dole and chariot races in the Circus" (Satires 10.77-81).

Juvenal's famous phrase, panem et circenses ("bread and circuses") has become proverbial to describe those who give away significant rights in exchange for material pleasures.

Juvenal has put his finger on two of the most important aspects of Roman chariot races-their immense popularity and the pleasure they gave the Roman people, and the political role they played during the empire in diverting energies that might otherwise have gone into rioting and other forms of popular unrest.

This is such an important point, the big sporting events of today, The Super Bowl, the Daytona 500 etc... are designed for one sole purpose, to keep us distracted and "happy" so that we don't care to take our eyes off of our entertainment long enough to see what they are up to while they are playing god with our lives.

The above says it so well, that these things that entertain us divert our energies from the truly important things going on around us, like the fact that our country is most likely about to actually attack ANOTHER country and kill and maim thousands of it's citizens on top of the atrocities that are already taking place all over the globe as we speak.

Is something going to happen this weekend in Daytona? I honestly don't know, but here is one thing that you can count on, if Americans do not stop expanding so much of their energy and free time and income on these things that the controllers freely admit are used by them to keep us too busy to notice or give a damn, then we will see hell on this earth before most of us die of old age. That, you can take to the bank
Purpleaura and I seem to have a lot in common with this poster. The first thing I noticed was the posting time, 8:11, one of our favorite numbers.

Never_Surrender mentions the circus, Purpleaura dreamt about circus freaks.

We had the Superbowl and all the 3’s going on last week, which Purpleaura believes may have had something to do with Lisa Nowak, a timeline perhaps, when looked at in conjunction with the UFO crash dream.

We’ve been talking about volcanoes a lot.

Purpleaura dreamt of 3 and 13 last night, and this poster mentions February 13th a couple of times. I also have a lot going on with that date. It’s my mother’s birthday, a very dear friend from high school died that day, I have friend with a handicapped child who touched my heart, whose birthday is that day, as well as BWB’s brother in law.

Then there’s the orange thing from the Casablanca blog
And the Anna Nicole thing which I haven’t gotten around to talking about yet, so now is as good a time as any.

For as long as Anna Nicole has been in the news, I had much the same opinion as a lot of the rest of the world, gold digging trash. The night before she died, I got into bed and turned on the TV. Entertainment Tonight was on, and they were discussing Anna Nicole’s paternity suit. For the first time ever, I actually felt sorry for her. I really had a lot of compassion, and I was a little confused as to where these feelings came from suddenly.

That night I had a dream where I was preparing a yellow door for somewhere or somebody. I had pulled it out of storage, saw it needed some touching up, and that’s what I was doing when I woke up.

Who is this baby? Why do so many men want to claim paternity? I know there’s a lot of greedy people out there, but all these men already have a lot of wealth. There’s got to be more to it.
In the meantime, Purpleaura also sent a link regarding Lisa Nowak and the possibility she may be pregnant with a child conceived in space. There are a lot of people that would be interested in such a child. This really struck a chord with me due to the fact I recall asking BWB once when they were going to send a couple into space to study sex and perhaps conceive a child.

Now remember back to the tower dream which ended with Purpleaura, BWB and I in a bathtub with 3 babies. Purpleaura had a thought that perhaps if she’s looking after Suri, then maybe these other two babies were also in need of care.

That idea sounded intriguing. I thought if that were the case, then BWB, the “would-have-been-an-astronaut-if-given-the-opportunity”, would certainly be in charge of the space baby, and perhaps I was in charge of Anna Nicole’s.
The poster also mentioned Circus Maximus. On March 8th, 2005, Purpleaura had a dream where she heard “Maximus Billious”. That one’s still a bit of a mystery, but some research turned up a few interesting ideas. This was one link we came across which was a review on a show called Up Pompeii:

“…with a scroll detailing Pro-consul Prosperous Maximus’s plot to assassinate the Emperor Nero. I can't tell you how heroic I was, what with the vendetta of Maximus’s sidekick Bilious and his guards, my prison escape, becoming the Emperors champion, assassinations, and volcanic eruptions…"
Miss Scarlet ~ March 9, 2005

This one gave me goose bumps with all that you've had going on with volcanoes in the past. This is from a November 9th email from you when we were discussing Olivieri (a word I heard in a dream one night). I thought it might have been referring to Lawrence Olivier and then looked up some of his movies and one of them was called The Last Days of Pompeii.

Purpleaura ~ Funny I was going over it today. Does Lawrence Olivier point to a volcano in Italy blowing? The only reason I wonder is, I went through my journal and I had written about a volcano in Italy blowing. Its top it covered the town, Pompeii would definitely do it.
Miss Scarlet ~ March 9, 2005

I came across the Circus Maximus this morning while investigating Maximus Bilious and pretty much dismissed it, as a circus was not ringing any bells. Then I found this website and clicked on Pompeii and then on the amphitheatre and found they used to hold circuses there.
As far as Florida goes, a search of our emails turned up over 250 files. It’s 4:29 am and I don’t think I’m going to go through them. Take my word for it, we talk about Florida a lot.
And finally, there was this quote which I included in the blog Philadelphia Experiment regarding Purpleaura’s ship dream:

MANY countries and central banks have sold off a lot and in some cases most of their American dollars, the whole world has been dumping the dollar slowly over the last few years trying to jump ship before it sinks, or possibly, trying to sink the American ship
I just now looked for a picture of Dale Earnhardt, I had no conscious recollection whatsoever his number was 3.
Let's hope all goes well.
Happy Dreams
Miss Scarlet