Originally Posted March 12, 2007
Something is very hokey about daylight savings time and doesn’t sit well with me at all. Never has. I can recall back in grade school asking my teachers what was the point. I was told it was for the farmers. That made zero sense then as it does now. I said to the teacher, there are just as many hours of sunlight in the day no matter what time it is, so what difference did it make to the farmers? I wasn’t trying to be a smart ass, as I said, this held no logic to me whatsoever. The teacher said it was so the farmers didn’t have to get up so early, and then made it clear that was the end of the discussion. Oh well then, thank you for your informative answer. Maybe you should go back to slinging burgers now.
I don’t know why this angered me so much but it did. And the more I thought about it, the more pissed I got. I asked teachers all through school why this was as the farmer story was quite dicey. But they all stuck with it. I can even remember in later years trying to get a discussion going in the smoking area of the high school, and just became further frustrated when nobody else seemed to care about what I thought was one of the biggest lies the teachers were telling us. I just could not believe for a second a federal law was passed to please one interest. I know how important agriculture is in this country, but so are mining and coal and oil exploration and fisheries and tourism and everything else. No sense at all. When I watched Senator McConnell on the news this morning stating all the reasons why we should be doing this now, all that went through my head was, “Did you practice this on a bunch of 5-year-olds or something? And did they believe you”? Holy crap.
And every single year, twice a year, I still get pissed at the hassle of it all. It doesn’t help that the Fall change usually happens on or near my birthday, and my mother has always called to wish me a happy “Change your clocks day”. Happy? HAPPY? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I don’t know how many others had a particularly weird weekend, but I sure did. I’ll get to that later, but one of the dreams I had Saturday night was about flying around in space looking at the earth and watching it being tilted or shifted. Then I read a few different reports on GLP about people’s compasses not reading properly this weekend:
User ID: 187401
3/11/2007 8:31 PM
My compass is changing direction!
I bought a compass and its been in my bedroom on my nitetable pointing at the tree outside. This morning it was pointing at my neighbors birdbath. Can the earths magnetics have changed a few feet?
User ID: 86022
3/11/2007 8:38 PM
Re: My compass is changing direction! Quote
I have a compass in the living room. No metal objects near..... it has moved also! NO BS!
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?messageid=357220&mpage=5&showdate=3/12/07&forum=1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
And now they want to change the calendar?
Washington, D.C. - Americans still reeling from the earlier Daylight Savings Time change this year, will have to deal with a more radical change next year if a bill proposed by Republican Senator Mitch McConnell from Kentucky becomes law.
Under the Families Work Less Act, clocks would spring forward 25 hours on the second Saturday in March, and fall back 25 hours the first Wednesday of November. The effect would be one less weekend day in Spring and one more working day in the Fall. Consequently March would become a 30-day month and November would become a 31-day month.
http://bbspot.com/News/2007/03/daylight-savings-day.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Okay, I’m no rocket surgeon, but how exactly does creating one more work day, and one less weekend day, fall under the Families Work Less Act? Mr. McConnell can you explain that one please?
I don’t know what these jokers are up to, but they are definitely up to something.