Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Don't Ask Alice, She's Pissed

I guess we’re not quite done with Project CERN. While writing the last blog I had a nagging feeling this experiment would open up a portal we may not want opened. As often as I kept shrugging it aside, for no other reason than it wasn’t the train of thought at the moment, it kept coming back.

After posting the blog I did some snooping around and found a forum conversation with a person who claims to work at CERN. (I have no idea the gender of this person but for the sake of ease we’ll say it’s a he). His thoughts were precisely the same although based on a slightly different rationale, that being lunchroom chatter and the trepidation in the eyes of the physicists. That could be your regular "Hope we don't blow up the world or our own asses", but this guy believes the goal is to access another dimension with the final outcome being an open invitation to an entity perhaps not welcomed by most. Namely satan. While I’m with him on the portal / dimension theory, a series of synchronicities and some awesome detective work on Purpleaura’s part are leading us in another direction. Maybe this guy works at CERN, maybe not, but the fact we were on the same wavelength was a little freaky.

For anybody who’s done any reading on the Rosicrucian’s or the Priory of Sion, you probably know satan is just not their bag. They know where the real power lies and it’s not in any male entity. Mary Magdalene, or more accurately what she represents, is the true foundation of their belief system. I’m not aiming to man-bash or anything of the sort, I’m simply basing my thoughts and ideas on history and the clues we’ve been given. Like the obvious one, the She-car…"she’s a beaut" "she hauls ass" etc. For way too many men their cars not only equal power, they literally define their existence. I suppose there’s some secret code amongst men or perhaps it’s one of those evolutionary things, but from what I see, as long as they’re in control of their wheels they’re in control of the world and their wheels equal girls. That vehicle represents far more than just a means of getting from point A to point B. And should those roles be reversed, well then you’ve got a full-blown Christine situation.

There’s a perfectly good reason why the men took over this planet and have systematically suppressed and restrained the feminine spirit for lo these many centuries. They know all too well what would happen should it be unleashed. Hell hath no fury and all.

I’m of the belief there is one and only one divine feminine spirit who’s been with us since the beginning of time. She’s known by many different names depending which version of history you want to believe or which millennium we happen to be circling. But no matter what you choose to call her, Mary Magdalene, Virgin Mary, Isis, Eve or something completely different, (we’re calling her Alice today), she symbolizes the sacred and divine feminine.

There are many who believe in numerous sacred entities, as they believe in the various not-so-sacred entities such as Lilith and Succubus. But what if it’s the same entity and how you perceive her just depends on what kind of day she’s having? Every woman on the planet has an instinctual drive towards kindness, compassion and nurturing, but along with that composition comes an equal determination to hunt and kill (in the most vicious way possible) anything that dare harm her cubs. Needless to say, with all that's gone on, Alice is not a happy camper.

As I envision the situation, she’s been held captive for who knows how long while forced to watch her home decimated and her children victimized by the most ghastly means possible. Over and over and over again. Picture A Clockwork Orange. How enraged would you be under those circumstances? Personally, I would have exploded into a million tiny little pieces by now. Parts all over the place. Luckily Alice is stronger than I so while she did not explode, she instinctually goes into a defensive state of hibernation. Unable to witness the atrocities any longer and being completely helpless to do anything about it, she simply shuts down. Until prodded again. Which brings us to sexual rituals.

When these rituals are performed, the female part of the equation acts as the conveyance to the source, Alice. If the female is a willing participant, great, if not, all the better. As long as the female is taken to a point of either pure ecstasy or utter anguish, she will in some way tap into the sacred feminine. When the coupling is mutual and passionate, the female willingly shares the force she’s tapped into with her mate and together they create a harmonious existence for themselves and those around them. When the union is violent, Alice gets pissed. Real pissed. But that’s good for the aggressor because he’s succeeded in stirring up emotions so fierce they cannot be withheld. The energy (emotion) is released and the antagonist bottles it up faster than all the Coke factories in the world.

While this approach has its merits, the big downfall is it’s short lived. Even if the female is a willing participant, you can’t keep her in a state of euphoria forever, same goes for the torment. As any successful businessman knows, the first order of business is to knock out the middle man. So to speak. The next order of the day is devising a means of capturing the source without all this effort and flower crap, while ensuring an unlimited supply of girl power. Lastly they do what they do best. They build a machine. Whether it be political, mechanical or religious, why do the work yourself when you can have the machine to do it for you? And get me a beer while you’re at it.

So let’s say they open this portal to the other dimension, pack up Alice and bring her back here. She’s been confined sure, but like a child in the womb, she’s had the comfort of familiar surroundings, and now she’s thrust into this bleak existence. Then what, are they going to poke her with a stick to wake her up? Yeah that’ll be the second big mistake. Here’s your hell in your face. Watching will seem like heaven compared to living it. The third and final blunder will be the first time they try to unleash that energy.

Our conclusion is, they’re not looking for any god particle, they’re trying to get into Pandora’s box.