Saturday, 25 August 2007

159 Templar Ambassadors of the Eclipse

On August 19th Purpleaura sent me an email titled August 15-18 with a rundown of everything that had gone on during that time. The weird thing was every time she typed in 18 it changed to 28. She had to edit the subject line 3 times before it stayed put. On August 23rd she sent this email:

August 23, 2007

Cross of Blood Alignment Sparks Fear of Horrific August Cataclysm

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Though I rarely, if ever, publicly comment upon the research of our Sisters, I felt that a recent report by Sister Adriana-Maria from Belgium is worthy of your attention.

Sister Adriana-Maria is a theoretical linguist who for the past three years has been researching the works of the 19th Century Russian Seer Helena Petrovna Hahn, or as better known to the Western World as Madame Blavatsky, and who was the Co-Founder of the Theosophical Society which is accorded the status as creating the schism between Christianity and what is termed as 'New Age' thought in today's Western World.

In her report titled "Astrological Algorithms Contained in Isis Unveiled", Sister Adriana-Maria states her discovery of a polyalphabetic cipher contained in Madame Blavatsky's 1877 book, Isis Unveiled, that seemingly points to an horrific cataclysmic event occurring during this weekends Triple Conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Saturn.

According to Sister Adriana-Maria, Madame Blavatsky in 1877 foresaw the catastrophic volcanic explosion of the Island of Krakatoa, and which exploded with such force that it is believed to have been the loudest sound in recorded history, and which occurred on August 27, 1883.

But, not only did Madame Blavatsky foresee the 1883 Krakatoa event, she 'looked' further into the future, 130 years to be exact, to the year of 2007, and the date of August 27th, and which she 'foresaw' and even greater event which in her decoded cipher described as '.never before have these [humans] seen such horror and destruction'.

Of astronomical events to occurring during the time period that Madame Blavatsky indicates, between the dates of August 26-28, 2007, it is interesting to find the following:

1. As previously mentioned, this time period finds the Sun, Venus and Saturn in a Triple Conjunction.

2. At 0800 UT (3:00 AM US Eastern Seaboard) on August 27th the Planet Mars will rise in the Eastern sky alongside Aldebaran the giant red star located in the constellation Taurus and resembling 'two eerie, unblinking eyes'.

3. During the early morning hours of August 28th one of the longest lunar eclipses in recorded history will occur with our Moon becoming completely immersed for nearly 90 minutes, and which will be visible to the entire World.

It is more than interesting to note, according to Sister Adriana-Maria, the association of Aldebaran in both Madame Blavatsky's cipher prophecy and its upcoming paring with Mars as the kabalistic symbol [see top right image] for this ancient star of the Persians, known as the Bulls Eye, for its being located in the head of Taurus the Bull, in that all pasts associations of Aldebaran and Mars have seen great destruction and turmoil upon our Planet.

Greatly accentuating the conjoining of Aldebaran and Mars, in what the ancient kabbalists termed the "Cross of Blood", as evidenced by their symbol, is the nearly simultaneous Lunar occultation of almost historic time length, and which many researchers attribute to being the cause of great earthquakes.

Though firm scientific research on the linking of Lunar eclipses and earthquake activity is sorely lacking, their does remain abundant anecdotal evidence of an association as great earthquakes are known to occur within a short time period either immediately prior to, or immediately following, total Lunar eclipses, to include:

January 9, 2001 Total Lunar Eclipse: 7.6 magnitude earthquake in India killing nearly 20,000

May 16, 2003 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Turkey killing nearly 200/ 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Algeria killing nearly 2,500/ 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan with no deaths

November 9, 2003 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.1 magnitude earthquake in China destroying over 10,000 homes and killing 9

May 4, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse: Yellowstone Caldron earthquake swarm lasting 3 days and causing over 400 small quakes

October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Japan killing nearly 30

August 28, 2007 Total Lunar Eclipse: 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Peru killing nearly 600

Sister Adriana-Maria cautions in her report that though earthquake activity, or other such catastrophic natural disasters, does seem to be indicated in her research of Madame Blavatsky's ciphers, it by no means rules out other types of disasters, including those caused by war.

© August 23, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.


I’m not up on celestial happenings, I wish I were more knowledgeable in the field of astronomy. It’s not until an event is close upon us that I even know its going on, as is the case with the eclipse on August 28th.

A few weeks ago I had a dream of being in space and seeing what I thought were 2 planets perfectly aligned, then one started slowly moving away from the other or they were passing by each other. That was it. I forgot about this dream then remembered it again and thought about for a minute or two wondering what it meant. The emergence of a hidden planet crossed my mind, then when Purpleaura sent an email about the eclipse I pondered the thought it may have been exactly that. Now I wonder if it might be both.

I couldn’t help but think back on the time Purpleaura was in England attending her sister Lorraine’s funeral during the last total lunar eclipse. We both found it strange she just happened to be there at that time quite unexpectedly.


This name comes up in my life under peculiar circumstances. I know very few Nancy’s personally, 3 tops, but the people associated with this name have somehow been instrumental in my life.

Yesterday I emailed Purpleaura and started telling her a long story about a childhood friend named Nancy who came up the day before under mysterious circumstances I won’t get into, but then thought the story of no consequence so I deleted it all, but then Purpleaura recently met a new neighbour named Nancy so I had to wonder what was up with that. But that was to think about later, right now I had to look into August 28th.

Something told me to go back to some old emails around that date and back I went to August 26th 2005 to an email with the words Lorraine and Nancy in the subject line. I had been reading Holy Blood Holy Grail at the time and learned of some Templar history in Nancy, France, in the region of Lorraine. Having long forgotten all that it was a bit of a surprise. So off to search for Templars in Nancy whether I wanted to or not.

In the meantime, the local news reported yesterday morning that Thursday began the annual grape harvest in Champagne France, a place I was speculating on a couple of blogs ago. My knowledge of wine is zero, I did not know until yesterday morning there was an annual harvest or that it was such a significant event.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 2007 Champagne harvest officially began today with the picking of the first grapes. Following a process carefully developed and perfected over hundreds of years, the harvest will move across the 323 villages of the region over the next two weeks.

More than 100,000 workers and volunteers certified by the Comite Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC) from across Europe will pick all the grapes by hand. Machine-harvesting is strictly forbidden in Champagne, according to the quality regulations of the Champagne appellation.

So I start wondering what cities and towns occupy the Champagne region and how far are they from Nancy. The map that caught my eye showed 7 municipalities, Sedan, Rethnal, Reims, Valmy, Troyes, Chaumont and Langres. Even though the symbol denoting Reims was a little bit fancier than the others, my eyes were repeatedly drawn back to Sedan. To my knowledge I have never heard of the place.

Sedan was founded in 1424. In the 16th century Sedan was an asylum for Protestant refugees from the Wars of Religion.

Until 1651, the Principality of Sedan belonged to the La Tour d'Auvergne family. It was at this time a sovreign principality. Their most illustrious representative, Marshal Turenne, was born at Sedan on September 11, 1611.

During the Franco-Prussian War, on September 2, 1870 the French emperor Napoleon III was taken prisoner with 100,000 of his soldiers at the Battle of Sedan.

Due to this major victory, which also made the "Second Reich" of Germany possible, September 2 was declared "Sedan Day" (Sedantag) and a national German holiday in 1871. It remained a holiday until 1919.

During World War II the German troops first invaded neutral Belgium and crossed the Meuse River in Sedan. This allowed them to bypass the French fortification system, the Maginot Line.,_France

Boy Napoleon again and those 11’s. I suppose it would be hard to read about any history of France and not see the name Napoleon, but Purpleaura doesn’t dream about him every day so something is bringing him to our attention. 1919 also has a great deal of significance as well which I will get to later.

In any case Sedan was 89 miles from Nancy as the crow flies (the only way to go). Not a number that stands out for any particular reason so I closed Google Earth. I went back to the map and thought maybe I should see what’s up in Reims with its fancy marker.

Reims (alternative English spelling Rheims; pronounced /ʀɛ̃s/ in French) is a city of the Champagne-Ardenne région of northern France, standing 144 km (89 miles) east-northeast of Paris.

I guess 89 must mean something. The first place I look for numbers is, they have proven to be very helpful in the past. Only one symbol turned up in the search, 42:89.

42:89 • In genealogy is used to mean cremated. Compare with spades, the card suit associated with death.

Yikes was about all I could say to that, especially in light of Purpleaura’s dream leading to thoughts of fires in France.

My search of Templars in Nancy turned up little other than a list of supposed martyrs burned at the stake, one being Jacques DeMolay, Grand Master of the Templars, burned in France on March 22, 1312 and Poiret (first name unknown), burned at Nancy, France in 1620.

The second name would normally mean absolutely nothing other than the Nancy reference. If not for the fact that when I read it (yesterday) I had the name Peter Poirier written on my hand. Pretty freakin close. Why did I have that name on my hand? He is the man that used to own our house, I first found his name scrawled on a wall in the basement shortly after we moved in 8 years ago, then a friend in the planning department pulled some old blueprints and plans out of the archives filed under his name. Why he popped into my head on the way home from work I have no idea. I do know I was supposed to remember his name but I don’t do Blackberries or anything else like them so at the time my palm pilot and a pen is all I had.

After that I Googled Numerology 89. The first site listed is called Prophet of Doom which appears to be a satirical look at the Qur’an. Another subject of which I know very little.


The Dawn

Qur'an 89:1

"I swear by the dawn, and the ten nights, and the even and the odd, and the night when it departs."

Qur'an 89:21

"Nay, when the earth is made to crumble and the Lord comes, His angels rank upon rank, and Hell is brought face to face, man will remember, but how will that avail him? For His Chastisement will be such as no other can inflict. None punishes as He will punish! None can bind as He will bind."

Since I was just reading about Templars I wondered if the passage shouldn’t read 10 knights.

This series of circumstances could relate to an incident in France or could be telling of a past life or may mean something else entirely. Purpleaura has lots of dreams of Templars and the like which began long before she even knew who they were. She was told specific names she had never heard of only to find they were instrumental with this group.


The number 19 came up in Purpleaura’s Broccoli Men dream. There were 19 women who had to kill 3 men each so she did a bit of research into that. When I re-read this last night I was a little freaked to see the Qur’an mentioned again having forgotten reading this in the first place. I recalled the part about 19 being important but not the Qur’an part. Purpleaura sent this April 25, 2007.


There is proof that one scripture is completely intact, and perfectly preserved. Unlike other known scriptures, this one still exists in its original, untranslated language-just as it was revealed 1400 years ago. It is known to be complete, with no loss of any of the original revelation.

Western access to this scripture has been limited by the fact that the people to whom it was originally delivered have all but buried it with their cultural tradition. They believe that it is the basis of their religious belief, when in fact, what they practice generally goes contrary to its teachings. This scripture is the Quran.

In a recent translation of the Quran, the translator emphasizes the role of the number nineteen as an authenticating code for the Quran. In 1968, through computer decoding, and totally independent of the work of Rabbi Judah the Pious, Dr. Rashad Khalifa discovered that an extremely intricate 19-based numerical structure encodes and guards every aspect of the Quran.

In the second edition of his translation QURAN: THE FINAL TESTAMENT (Islamic Productions, 1989), Khalifa refers to Rabbi Judah's work, and suggests that nineteen represents God's own signature on everything He created. He also provides the first plausible explanation for the prominence of the 19-based mathematical pattern throughout the scriptures, as well as the universe. In his appendix entitled "19: The Creator's Signature" (Ibid., p. 709) Khalifa writes:

The scriptures are not the only mathematically composed creations of God where the number 19 is the common denominator. It is profound indeed that Galileo made his famous statement: "Mathematics is the language with which God created the universe." A plethora of scientific findings have now shown that the number 19 represents God's signature upon certain creations. This divine stamp appears throughout the universe in much the same manner as the signatures of Michelangelo and Picasso identify their works. For example: 1.The sun, the moon, and the earth become aligned in the same relative positions once every 19 years (see the ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDAICA under "Calendar").

2.Halley's comet, a profound heavenly phenomenon, visits our solar system every 76 years, 19x4.

3.God's stamp on you and me is manifested in the fat that the human body contains 209 bones, 19x11.

4.LANGMAN'S MEDICAL EMBRYOLOGY, by T. W. Sadler, is used as a textbook in most of the Medical Schools in the U.S.A. On Page 88 of the Fifth edition, we read the following statement: "In general the length of pregnancy for a full term fetus is considered to be 280 days or 40 weeks after onset of the last menstruation, or more accurately, 266 days or 38 weeks after fertilization." The numbers 266 and 38 are both multiples of 19.

And this leads in another direction entirely, albeit connected, not only to this but the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis yet again.


Thursday night as I was falling asleep I started thinking about the origins of the universe. This is not something I do often as it hurts my head too much. If you believe the bible story then apparently there's this God dude who created earth. But where did he come from was my big question. Is he just in charge of this universe or planet? Are there others? Is there somebody that created him? What else, if anything, is out there? Then I was picturing our universe wondering how far it goes and wondering if there's something beyond even that. I asked for some answers before I fell asleep. I don't recall any dreams but I did hear this on the way to work yesterday morning.

Gaping "Hole" in the Sky Found, Experts Say

Mason Inman for National Geographic News

August 24, 2007

There is a yawning gap of sky nearly a billion light-years across that contains no matter, a new study suggests.

But some researchers aren't buying it, in part because it would be a monumental surprise to find a void that large.

"Not only has no one ever found a void this big, but we never even expected to find one this size," said study lead author Lawrence Rudnick of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

Now add to that the dream Purpleaura had last night, having not yet read the email I sent her regarding this story.

Purpleaura ~ August 25, 2007, 5:59am

In the dream I was talking to someone and I heard what sounded like a woman’s voice saying "there are 159 ambassadors on earth including yourself who are in contact with aliens". Then I felt like when things are going to start happening they will step in. Then I heard something about being descended from master teachers (don’t know whether it was me or the aliens) but I remember all of sudden I saw this glowing woman’s face. The only way to describe it is she was surrounded in a light blue and white light and she had long hair. She came up to me and said "Wake up Purpleaura".

LOL yep I woke up all right and could still hear her voice. I looked at the time and it was about 3:42am.

Very weird


I too was talking with a mysterious woman recently.

Miss Scarlet ~ August 22, 2007

Last night just as I was falling asleep I saw a little girl, maybe 5 years old, blonde and wearing a pink winter jacket with a hood trimmed in white fur. She asked if I wanted to play a game and I said sure, what are we playing? and she said Bamboo Ghost Tower. I did a little looking into it today but it’s got me baffled. I fell asleep again after forcing myself to get up and write it down when another vision came almost immediately. I was with a woman, don't know who, and I told her I was waiting for my sister. She said "Oh really? because the 2 sisters are sacred". Then I started waking up again and as I did I saw your (Purpleaura’s) head appear out of nowhere. That was it, I woke up again and had to force myself to get up and write it down. Both times I kept drifting off and then it was like something made me wake up so this was important to remember I'm guessing.


Later in the day….

I sent this blog to Purpleaura earlier today to get her go-ahead on publishing it and then decided to snoop around a bit. Keeping in mind Sorcha Faal is Russian and spoke of the eclipse as the Cross of Blood Alignment, this was rather startling. Again I went to and searched 159.

15:9 • This is the Russian cross, the Greek-Russian cross or the cross of the Russian Orthodox Church. It was first used by Byzantine artists. When the Roman Empire started to disintegrate the Goths (a Germanic people from south Sweden and the Baltic coast) migrated into the empire. This was one of the reasons why it split in A.D. 394 into West Rome and the Eastern Empire with Byzanthium or Constantinople (Istanbul) as its capital.

According to certain sources, the diagonal beam was meant to represent the robber who was crucified on the right side of Christ and ascended with Him to Heaven. Another interpretation suggests that the beam was added to the cross of the Greek-Orthodox Church, because it symbolized the main saint of Russia, St. Andrew, who was crucified on a torture rack in the form of diagonally crossed beams

I think that's all for now.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007


Chateau Montebello
Vincent Ethier ©2007

Highwire ~ Rolling Stones

We sell 'em missiles, We sell 'em tanks
We give 'em credit, You can call up the bank
It's just a business, You can pay us in crude
You’ll love these toys, just go play out your feuds
We got no pride, don't know whose boots to lick
We act so greedy, makes me sick sick sick

So get up, stand up, out of my way
I wanna talk to the boss right away
Get up, stand up, who's gonna pay
I wanna talk to the man right away

We walk the highwire
Sending men to the front line
And hoping they don't catch the hell-fire
Of hot guns and cold, cold lies

We walk the highwire
Send the men to the front lines
And tell 'em to hotbed the sunshine
With hot guns and cold, cold lies

Our lives are threatened, our jobs at risk
Sometimes dictators need a slap on the wrist
Another Munich we just can't afford
We're gonna send in the 82nd Airborne

Get up, stand up, who's gonna pay
I wanna talk to the boss right away
Get up, stand up, outta my way
I wanna talk to the man right away

We walk the highwire
Putting the world out on a dead lie
And hoping they don't taste the shell-fire
Of hot guns and cold, cold lies

We walk the highwire
Putting the world out on a dead lie
Catching the fight on the primetime
With hot guns and cold, cold lies

Get up! Stand up!
Dealer! Stealer!

We walk the highwire
Sending men to the front line
And hoping that we backed the right side
With hot guns and cold, cold lies

We walk the highwire
Sending men to the front line
And hoping they don't catch the hell-fire
With hot guns and cold, cold, cold, cold, cold lies

We walk the highwire
We walk the highwire
With hot guns and cold, cold, cold lies.


I’ve been writing this blog over the last 2 days, most of it written yesterday. I say this for no other reason than I like to keep records straight. Phrases like “this morning” mean yesterday morning.

Well I don’t even know where to begin. I guess with the owl. The long way round.

Miss Scarlet ~ September 1, 2006

I was so tired today I had a little nap at my desk. While I was sleeping I had two very short dreams as it was a very short nap, less than 5 minutes. The first one was about a warehouse of some sort. It was a light colour, cream maybe or a very pale yellow, and it was divided into 3 sections. I was floating around up near the roof with somebody else, a woman, who was behind me, that means you lol. In the section to our right were two tanks with big guns pointed out the opening of a huge door. The section we were in was full of headstones, lots and lots of headstones, and it looked like trucks were bringing in more. That was all of that one.

In the second one I saw an owl, nothing else around it, just an owl. It was rotating slowly and when it turned sideways it suddenly was a rooster but its feathers were such bright colours and quite a bit bigger than in waking life. They looked like they were made of wooden biscuits and very, very bright. All colours too. Then I woke up again.


On March 31st I posted about a cabin I frequent in my dreams and on April 2 a dream about Smarties which led to talk of hexagons.

On April 4 I began writing a blog about Chateau Montebello and it has remained in the Blogs in Progress folder for the last 4 months. Although this place sounded like a location I needed to learn more about, I had gone as far as I could, nothing more was coming to me, other things came up, so there it sat. Until this morning.

August 20, 2007

Tensions rise in Montebello

Monday, 1:10 p.m. Riot police deployed, protestors push limits near summit site


Tensions are rapidly heating up around Montebello as noisy, agitated protesters continue to arrive and riot police have been deployed outside the summit site.

Increasingly noisy protesters are demanding their concerns be heard, and their petitions accepted, by North American leaders scheduled to begin meeting at the Chateau Montebello this afternoon.

I didn’t even know there was a summit meeting going on and I sure didn’t know it was going on at Montebello. Just last week I watched a You Tube video with a guy talking about the Amero and how it will dissolve the borders of North America. I have a very strong feeling this is exactly what is being discussed, the amalgamation of North America. On paper. Since it’s already happened.

This is how that whole story began.

Miss Scarlet ~ April 4, 2007

I'm in the middle of writing a blog about this hotel. BWB didn't know about the hexagon thing or that I recently posted about the cabin. This morning he just happens to see a show about this hotel in Quebec called the Montebello that is supposed to be the biggest log cabin in the world. He could hardly wait for me to get up to show me the pictures he found lol. It is a really cool place but the hexagon shaped fireplace in the hexagon shaped rotunda and the fact it's surrounded by 65,000 acres of forest really has me thinking. And since it's a hotel that means it has a lot of bedrooms. Then I read they had a bilderberg meeting there and said EEEEEEEKKK so I've been investigating this hotel lol. My conclusions are it's the bohemian grove of Canada.

It was built in 3 months right in the middle of the depression. There seemed to be no lack of money or resources to build this thing while everybody else was starving and killing themselves. Construction started in February of 1930 and the place was open by July 1st the same year. And not only is the fireplace a hexagon but the entire hotel is a 6-pointed star design. The rotunda is in the middle and six wings jut out from the centre portion so that's kind of odd.

Something big is coming here for us I fear. There's just too much coming up with Canada lately and especially July 1, it's popping up all over the place and keeps taking me back to the dream with the big Canadian flag. Maybe we're going to lose our flag?

And this is how the blog began:

April 4, 2007

I thought I was up on all my CP Hotel history but apparently not. Being some of the most magnificent and significant architecture in the country, and architecture being a fascination of mine, I really thought I had heard of them all. I’ve actually made it a mission to try and visit each one some day and so far I’m doing not too bad. I guess I better learn where they all are before I venture any further. A bit about the place:

The centerpiece of the new log-château was a hexagonal rotunda, containing a six-sided stone fireplace that rose more than 20 metres (66 feet) to the roof, soaring rafters featuring logs 18 metres (60 feet) long, and two mezzanines that completely encircled the rotunda. The 186 guest rooms were contained in four wings that fanned out from the rotunda, with additional wings for the dining room and the ballroom. The newly constructed buildings on the site contained 10,000 logs, 500,000 hand-slit cedar roof shakes and 166 kilometres of wooden moulding.

The club was an architectural marvel, and as intended, it drew a prestigious guest list, which included Prime Ministers and Governors General, Crown Prince Akihito of Japan, Harry S. Truman, Prince Ranier and Princess Grace of Monaco, Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Bette Davis, and Joan Crawford.

Bilderberg was last held in this region in 1983, when the conference came to the Chateau Montebello in West Quebec. Then, with Ronald Reagan occupying the White House and Yuri Andropov the Kremlin, the East-West divide was the top issue on the table.

And now President Felipe Calderon has to cut his visit short because of Dean. How convenient. I don’t know why that would be convenient, it just seemed like the right thing to say.

What makes this a little more peculiar is after posting the last blog, we literally hopped in the truck for a weekend in the wilderness of the Rockies. On the way home I got a notion to stop at Lake Louise, home of yet another magnificent CP Hotel, Chateau Lake Louise. And although I have been there many times, I can honestly say not one other trip equaled this one or even came close to the weirdness that went on this weekend.

One cool thing that happened is I had my second brush with greatness. My first was with Eddie Shack somewhere around 1970 to 1972 when he played with the Buffalo Sabres. I was due for another. On the path around the shore of Lake Louise we had the pleasure of meeting Jay Ingram.

One of Canada's best-known science popularizers, Jay Ingram is co-host and producer of Daily Planet, television's first daily science show.

He joined Discovery in November 1994 and was instrumental in helping shape the program format.

From September, 1979 to January, 1992, Jay hosted CBC Radio's science program Quirks And Quarks. During that time, he earned two ACTRA Awards, including one for Best Host.

During the '80s, Jay was also Contributing Editor to Owl Magazine.

And a weird thing that happened was my recent awareness of some of the names given to lakes, rivers, creeks and mountains in the neighbourhood. The last excursion brought my attention to Nixon Creek near Crook Mountain. Keep in mind Natives, explorers and adventurers named these places a long time ago. This most recent trip was a drive along Bush River Road. With the thought in mind that this river was named for its surroundings, since there’s deep thick bush a-plenty, until I came across Jeb lake did the other bush even occur to me. Then I started noticing other places all within the area we were traveling.

Bush Mountain
Ego Mountain
Goat Peak
Jeb Lake
Blackwater Creek
Rice Brook
Rice Glacier
Mount Columbia

And I swear there’s even a Camp David. Most likely a logging camp and not to be confused with the fortress of the same name.


Stage Left

Now I’m at work and a co-worker related a story of a woman killed by a tree this weekend in a nearby town. I’ve often thought that’s how I would go since I tend to waste a lot of paper. The co-worker was of the opinion that more likely a displaced owl will peck out my eyes and lead me to the edge of a cliff.

Later in the day I told him about Purpleaura’s crazy world of wild animals she has going on in her back yard. The common phrase from the animal control officers, “well never in my 20 years…” is getting a little tired. The latest incidents were last week when she was bitten by something that swelled her leg and foot up to several sizes larger than they should be. Today she and her wonder dog had a run-in with a nasty fox trying to get into the house. As I was leaving at the end of the day the same co-worker told me to tell Purpleaura to watch out for the owl. It wasn’t until I got home and could access my files that I was reminded of referring to the Montebello as Canada’s bohemian grove.

So back we go to bohemian grove and that creepy big–ass owl they all flounce around.

To top it all off, I received some more SPAM emails, one containing a word I did not recognize. I don’t recall the word but I did look it up and it refers to a depraved sexual preference, usually between a man and an unwilling young boy. I don’t mind at all that I didn’t recognize the word, I cannot convey how deeply that disturbs me and the feelings of complete and utter loathing and anger this behavior brings over me.

So between the owl and the fox all that was going through my head is “The fox is in the henhouse” which sounds like a code for the military. I Googled “fox code word” and this came up:

Fox is a term used in Western military aviation to signal the firing of an air to air weapons system.

There are four Fox codes:

Fox One - Indicates launch of a Semi-Active Radar Guided missile (such as the AIM-7 Sparrow)

Fox Two - Indicates launch of an Infrared Guided missile (such as the AIM-9 Sidewinder)

Fox Three - Indicates launch of an Active Radar Guided missile (such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM)

Fox Four - Indicates the firing of Guns/Cannons

I forgot to mention Purpleaura's fox was the second spotted near her house in 2 days.

When I re-read the dream of the owl turning into a rooster (forgot that part) I wondered if the rooster has awakened the owl. I don’t know what that means but it sounds ominous.


In the Hunter blog I mentioned his alleged ties with bohemian grove and a biography of him on the bookshelf falling over a few days after he passed, in turn knocking over Elvis and Me written by Priscilla Presley. The scientologist. Which leads to what happened Sunday night.

While having supper I turned on CNN to see what Dean was up to. They were showing a rerun of Larry King from last week which I hadn’t yet seen, Priscilla was giving Larry a tour of Graceland. King walks in the footsteps of The King. Interesting. Below that was a banner with Hurricane Dean written across it and to the right was the live storm tracker. So I guess we’re not done with Elvis yet either.

Larry mentioned on the show that Warner had released all of Elvis’ DVD’s in early August to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death. I had a dream last week about seeing the Warner shield fly up towards me with something other than Warner written across the banner that I don’t remember. This led me to check out the DVD’s at Warner’s site and it opens with a video of Jailhouse Rock. I noticed a number on the cell door behind Elvis, 1313, which I thought was odd. I don’t think jail cells have addresses for one and I would like to know who chose that number and why. I have seen the video before but never noticed the numbers. Guess I was paying too much attention to Elvis.

The site has this blurb:

On 13th August, Warner Home Video will commemorate the 30th anniversary of "The King's" passing with a collector's Limited Edition boxset and four Special and Deluxe Edition DVD releases.

Voted the Third Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Artist of All Time by Rolling Stone Magazine (after the Beatles and Bob Dylan)

And around we go again to Bob Dylan. WTF?????


Until I watched this episode of Larry King I had totally forgotten Elvis’ mother’s name was Gladys, which is a name Purpleaura dreamt of recently regarding coffins. I had also forgotten his father’s name was Vernon, so I looked him up and was surprised to find Vernon was born within 4 days of my ex and died the same date we were married. Did I mention his name is Vernon too?

After Larry King was over they went to the weather. The announcer stated that while we were all busy watching Dean we had overlooked Erin who was doing a lot of damage too. I didn’t see Erin spelled out, I only heard it, but after just watching a show about Elvis Aaron Presley that was more than a bit freaky. Especially since the flooding was primarily in Oklahoma and Minnesota.

When I looked into that story I found not only was Minnesota flooded, they had to call in the national guard and 13 people were dead so far.

13 Die in Midwest Flooding

By SCOTT BAUER 08.20.07, 1:11 AM ET

WINONA, Minn. -

Rivers swollen by as much as a foot of rain lifted houses off their foundations and washed away roads, killing at least 13 people in three states, authorities said Sunday.

Hundreds of people in southeastern Minnesota and southwestern Wisconsin were evacuated, some by boat off rooftops.

"I cannot describe the terror of it all. I'm just glad to be alive," said Sean Wehlage, 29, who climbed onto the roof of his one-story home in Stockton to wait out the storm.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty ordered 240 National Guard soldiers to the area to help with flood-relief and provide security, and the Red Cross set up emergency shelters. Six deaths were reported in Minnesota, and six more in Oklahoma.

"This is the worst disaster that's hit southeast Minnesota in a lifetime," state Sen. Sharon Erickson Ropes said.

I went to bed thinking among other things, Elvis, 1313, 13 dead. I woke up the next morning to the news BWB was already watching when I heard 13 people died in the heat wave in Memphis.


12th heat-related death in Memphis pushes state toll up 13

The Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. --Authorities in Memphis reported two more heat-related deaths Saturday, bringing the toll in Tennessee to 13.


And one last note before I head off to bed. I was waiting in our reception area today for somebody, leaning on the counter just looking around. A piece of mail caught my eye, it was a big manila envelope addressed to the accountant (the same one from the Terrorists and Teapots dream) from North Star excavating. I guess I better look into that.

So here’s what we’ve got so far

Saturday, 18 August 2007

Minnesota Continued, Hurricane et al

I’m not sure if these things are connected or not, but this is the weirdness going on the last few days.

Minnesota caught my attention several years ago for reasons unknown, then all the magnet / Hennepin / Tesla stuff came up, then Purpleaura’s dream, then the bridge. I was under the impression we were done with Minnesota but apparently not.

1. Patient from Minnesota

On Wednesday (August 15th) I was undergoing some medical tests at EFW Radiology. The woman in the change pod next to me was talking with a nurse, she was from the U.S. I overheard her say it didn’t matter where she had the treatment, she didn’t have insurance in the U.S. and would have to pay either way. I do not know her status, she may be living and working here or the treatment she needs may be less expensive. I don’t think it has anything to do with the level of care between the two countries. So the nurse goes away to make a phone call regarding the patient and I overheard her tell the person on the other end that the patient had been receiving treatment at the University of Minnesota.

2. Train to Minnesota

On the local news this morning there was a story about a steam engine about to embark on a very special journey. Their words not mine. Somebody from the U.S. has brought some passenger cars here and 50 lucky people will be departing on an excursion from Calgary to Minneapolis. I don’t know who the 50 people are, I don’t know how this event came about, I don’t know when the train leaves. I do know Frank Sinatra used to travel in these very passenger cars and they don’t serve airline food. The whole story can be seen at the following link under Global Videos, Steam Train. For how long I don’t know.

3. North Stars

In the early 70’s Buffalo’s WKBW employed a sports announcer named Clip Smith. Clip often stumbled over his words and one newscast in particular always stands out in my head, the night he called the hockey team Minnenona Nort Nars. I still call them that to this day. I still say Minnenona.

About 15 years ago I was visiting somebody whose home I had never been to. Either that person or the neighbours were undergoing renovations by a company called North Star Renovations as displayed by the sign on the front lawn. I noticed they used the exact same logo as the hockey team and wondered how it is they got away with that. I then related the Clip Smith story to the person I was with.

For the last week or so I have been detoured from my normal route to work by construction. As I passed by the street this morning, I just happened to look down the road to see if they were done yet, and the first thing that caught my eye was a barrier with the name of the construction company stamped on it, North Star Construction. Not sure if it’s the same company or not.

On further investigation I learned the North Stars moved to Dallas in 1993 and are now called just the Stars. The Dallas area will come up again.

So within the first hour and a half of being awake this morning Minnesota makes an appearance twice. I wonder if that mysterious North Star has anything to do with anything.

Hurricane Carter

In 1976 Bob Dylan released the album Desire containing the song Hurricane. For those who don’t know the story, Reuben (Hurricane) Carter was a boxer falsely accused and convicted of murder in 1966. Bob was trying to bring this injustice back into the limelight. It worked for me, I was so hooked on this whole album and that song in particular I set out to find all I could about Reuben Carter.

Around the same time the movie Helter Skelter was aired on television. I vaguely remembered the actual crimes but again I was hooked and immediately after seeing the movie I read the book. That is one weird and creepy guy. The author of the book and prosecutor in the case, Vincent Bugliosi, was born in the same town as Bob Dylan, Hibbing Minnesota.

So, when my high school English teacher put the task upon his class to write a ballad, I incorporated these two biggest things in my life at the moment. I used the style of the song Hurricane and the story of Charley and his gang. It was pretty lame when I think back on it, what I can remember, but the teacher liked it and read it aloud to the class as an example of exactly what he was looking for. Since I didn’t have a lot of scholastic achievements this was a high point in my academic career and one I never forgot.

Yesterday, August 16th, the anniversary of Elvis’ death, was also the anniversary of the raid at Spahn Ranch.

On August 16 (1969), the sheriff’s office raided Spahn Ranch and arrested Manson and twenty-five others, “suspects in a major auto theft ring” that had been stealing Volkswagens and converting them into dune buggies. Weapons were seized, but because the warrant had been misdated the group was released a few days later.[118]

I have a fairly new boss and we really don’t know each other very well at all on a personal level. The other day we chatted a bit about TV and he offered to lend me his season 3 of the Simpson’s. He brought the DVDs in this morning along with the movie Hurricane. I asked him why he did that, and he replied he didn’t know, he was going through his movies last night (August 16th) and thought I might like to see that one. Absolutely nothing I have ever said to him would lead him to think I would like this movie or had any other connections to it.

Besides these two August 16th happenings, that date in 1969 is also very important to Purpleaura, which made this find rather bizarre, considering she lived in L.A. at the time. I had been busily mapping underground tunnels, suspected bases, caves of interest, etc.

Miss Scarlet ~ January 8th, 2006

I came across some info that says Charles Manson spent some time looking for the cave entrance to Devil's Hole so that got me thinking about him again and one thing led to

He was arrested for the Tate & LaBianca murders at Spahn Ranch on August 16, 1969.

These are the directions I found to get there:

Off the 118, exit Topanga Canyon Blvd and go south (the only way you can go). Drive to "Santa Susana Pass Road" and go right (West). Drive about 1/8 - 1/3 mile on Santa Susana Pass Road

Longitude & Latitude = 118.36 x 34.16

This is maybe explaining why you are where you are. There are so many bad vibes and nastiness going on around there they need you to counteract it all lol.

Which reminds me, today is David Bowie's birthday but we never hear about it because it's also Elvis's.

Sounds like something might be up in Memphis.

How Charles Manson fits into all this is another mystery other than August 16th being a date of interest. If I had to hazard a guess, the U of M has their magnets all fired up again in order to navigate Dean. Or maybe Dean is referring to the head of a university. Or maybe none of the above, anybody’s guess is as good as mine at this point. I even tried to draw a flow chart but it ended up looking like spaghetti.

118 usually means a heads-up for us. It could be of a personal nature or a concern involving many, we’re still not sure on that. We just feel we need to be on a high alert and really pay attention when this number starts popping up. Besides the references above, the footnote number in the Wikipedia excerpt is 118. And on top of that, since Purpleaura lived so close to Spahn ranch I thought I would see how far it was exactly, presuming one could fly. Exactly 11.18 miles

Purpleaura wasn’t quite as obsessed with the story as I was, but she was far too familiar with the area in question:

Purpleaura ~ January 9, 2006

EEEEEK I have traveled in this area and it gives me the willies especially in Topanga Canyon. Very weird vibes, there’s something in the mountains, I always feel compelled to look over at them.


For the last week or so the letters EW have been coming at me in all directions. Something told me another letter belonged with them, and something made me feel that letter was an F. When I got a call to remind me of my appointment at the lab I figured that must have been why I kept seeing it. But it took me a day to figure out what EFW was as I missed the call and only saw those letters on the call display. Not until I looked again at the paperwork to be certain of the time did I realize that was the name of the lab. Then I got freaked about the tests, but they turned out good and EW / EFW or some combination thereof kept turning up. So I went to our good friend the interweb to see what it had to say.

From the Swedish Institute of Space Physics

EFW: Electric Field and Wave Experiment on CLUSTER Spacecraft

The four Cluster satellites were launched in summer 2000, commissioned in autumn 2000 and have been fully operational since February 2001. The mission is now extended through 2009. The EFW instruments on all four spacecraft all work well.
Satellite names:

SC2 (Salsa) and SC3 (Samba) launched 16 July 2000,
SC1 (Rumba) and SC4 (Tango) launched 9 August 2000.

There's a bunch of projects listed at this site but it all sounds like HAARP to me.

We plan to use the CLUSTER wave observations to build global/statistical environmental models for the spatial distribution of VLF and ELF waves in the magnetosphere (mean intensities versus frequency, polarisation, propagation directions (!?), etc ...). These observations will be complemented with those from the DE mission already analysed at LPCE, Orleans, and Viking (currently under development at IASB).

And a different EFW:

EFW is a fully accredited U.S. Department of Defense supplier currently producing high quality, cost effective, complex military electronics for General Dynamics, Boeing Helicopters Division, Boeing Military Aircraft and Missile Systems, Lockheed Martin, United Defense LP, and other U.S. and international defense contractors and governments.

They're based in Fort Worth and they're slogan is:

In battle there is no room for error. No time for mistakes. No second chances. At EFW this reality is at the heart of every project.

Some other interesting acronyms

Emergency Feedwater
Exercise First Wave (NATO simulation exercise)
Evanescent Floquet Wave

I didn't know what that last one meant. Evanescent means vanishing like vapour. Gaston Floquet was a scientist but it’s beyond me what any of the sites explaining the Floquet Theory are talking about lol. Some kind of vanishing wave I guess.

So there’s my weird week.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Napoleon and Others

Purpleaura’s Dream ~ August 5, 2007

In the dream I am watching out a window when I hear what appears to be a bell of some sort "ting". I also see rows of homes.

It jumps and there seems to be a re-enactment of how many people had died through war, disease etc., but a man was talking about the government causing it, all their problems were aimed at the people in the government.

Each time a bell rang a row of people from each home would come out and they would play their part of the re-enactment. Some of them didn’t want to, they would come out to see what the noise was and were then rounded up by the army and were directed to their own rows, not given a choice and pushed into it. They would sit down in their rows and would be labeled as to what happened to them. Suddenly I am looking at this man standing on what appears to be a stage. He is in his 30's with jet-black straight shoulder length hair. His face was long and his nose was long and thin. Then I looked at his clothes which were bit weird, the only way to describe it is white frilly shirt, black business jacket and hanging off his other shoulder he had a jacket and it had a gold braid. God knows why it came to me but it was a jacket from the Napoleonic wars, LOL maybe Napoleon himself. I told you don’t ask me where that came from lol.

There was a guy at the back of him, a butler or servant. I’m watching this scene of the bell tinging, and each occupant of the row houses would come out. I saw the man tell the people who were working for him (his army) to make sure that no one, but no one was hiding in the homes. They were to go inside the homes and check.

I remember thinking “Well I’m on the row”, but for some reason I stood there and they didn’t even see me. No one was left inside the homes, they were to play their part. So I’m watching this and suddenly see a row of people inside a building. The butler was there and the people, both men and women, were dressed in pink and white diner waitress dresses with fake pink wigs. The butler was giving instructions on making sure they knew how to serve, they all had trays in their hands with drinks on them.

I’m thinking something is off here and I seem to enter a scene, I am in 2 places, walking at the side of the butler and floating above the people. I went outside and it looked like a field or maybe a stadium, but I saw all these rows of people and they were not themselves. They were sitting down at what appeared to be old typewriters and they were all dressed in the same garb, diner waitress uniforms of pink and white and the fake pink hair. They didn’t talk, there was no sound like they were in their own little world. It’s at this time woke up and thought something is really weird.

The feeling I had of this was that someone is coming on the scene big time. He is going to start talking about all the problems the government has caused, wars, disease etc. He is going to sound as if he cares for all these people and people are going to believe him. But the weirdest part is that no matter what part they play in this re-enactment and what package he wraps them in, the feeling is they will be servants to him. The feeling was because of this man telling his army no one is to be left in their homes, (they were like the Gestapo going in homes and dragging people out).

All these people were dressed in their uniforms and later I saw them all, I mean men, women, children, everybody was dressed in this uniform and something was definitely not right. He says it is in the name of love, but he uses this form when in realty he is not who he says he is. I didn’t feel anything coming from this man. The feeling was of nothing about him. He had very pale skin, he looked like a movie vampire, pale skin and no feelings is the best way to describe it.
Purpleaura’s Dream ~ August 7, 2007

In this dream my mum, sister and brother go visiting my grandmother Mary who was alive in a nursing home in England. I happened to miss that visit but we decided to go again and we took a big gift-wrapped basket with us, containing what looked like a cup, a box of coffee, and a bottle of alcohol that I think was champagne and a few other bits and pieces.

As we enter the nursing home one of the ladies who worked there came out and said to mum, "I’m sorry but your mum died”. We looked at each other just as they wheel my grandmother’s body into another room. We wondered what we were going to do with the basket and someone said something about taking the items out and putting them in the casket. I started laughing and said "Mum, in a funny way I’m glad we didn’t give the basket to grandma because on the cup it says something like “Last granddad”, this basket is for granddad. Mum was freaked and said “oh no”.

So I was looking at the basket and someone says “Who wants this coffee?” I said “I would like it as I like to drink coffee". It’s at this point people start coming into the room where we are talking, it seems to be a gathering of some sort. I asked the lady what was going on and she said “We are having weddings, funerals and sermons all taking place at the same time”. I looked up and see there is a balcony all around, a second layer, and I’m hearing a man give a sermon.

It’s at this stage they wheel my grandmother Mary’s body in to the same room and we do our thing. Whilst we are doing this I notice my brother and sister aren’t there, just my mum and myself stood near grandmother’s body. As we turn to walk away suddenly my grandmother sits up and starts slowly talking to us. For some reason this didn’t faze us or freak us out. Grandmother starts talking to my mum and says, “Do you remember (the name of a person I don’t recall), a female who lived down the road?” Mum said "yes" so grandmother talks more. She said “It wasn’t her real name” (it sounded like Ray-Arlington? Acington? Acton?). I said to grandma “Why is this important enough to come back and mention and who are they and why?” Grandmother said, "Because of the big fire". It’s at this stage I woke up thinking ok weird again.

August 6th Purpleaura had a dream about a woman named Gladys she worked with at a place called Casket Coat 20 or so years ago. I speculated on whether she dreamt about Gladys because of Gladys or was this dream trying to point out caskets since she lost touch with this woman almost as many years ago. A lot of that dream was of a personal nature but the part that wasn’t, which I found the most unsettling, was Purpleaura telling Gladys she needed to book a vacation at the last minute within a week. Purpleaura’s grandmother died when she was 17/18 years old and she hasn’t seen nor heard from Gladys in 17 or 18 years. I had some hinky vibes concerning August 17 a few days earlier however I had not told Purpleaura about that yet. So this was her second reference to caskets in as many days and 17 is coming up for both of us.

These are the words and ideas that stood out for me in these dreams:

Napoleon (France)
Mind Control
Row Homes
Martial Law
Champagne (France Again)

Napoleon & Typewriters

Well first off Napoleon was born August 15th and that could have significance. I guess we wait until August 15th and see what happens.

Neither of us were familiar with the picture of young Napoleon above but Purpleaura had a bit of a start when she first saw it:

Ok this is frigging weird, nearly creeped me out. Thought I would have a nosy to look at Napoleon and nearly fell of my chair when I came across this painting of a young Napoleon, I kid you not the guy I saw looked exactly like him. I swear I have never seen a picture of him younger, I really don’t know much about him. So why was I given Napoleonic wars etc.?

The typewriters immediately produced an image of a sweatshop. I wondered if Napoleon was trying to re-write history where he wins at Waterloo. Then the ABBA song Waterloo popped into my head and when I looked up the lyrics these lines jumped right out at me:

The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself

I was also reminded of a song taught in French class as a youngster

Napoléon avait cinq cents soldats,
Marchant du même pas.

That translates into:

Napoleon had 500 soldiers
Walking of the same step

And Purpleaura found this most intriguing piece of information:

Divided By One

L.C. Thomas

It is now December of the year 2000, and as I watch the spin cycle on the nightly news, the words of Jesus above in Matthew 12:25 should be taking on significant meaning to the people of the United States. An open attempt has been underway to hijack the White House since the news media was duped into giving Florida's electoral votes to Al Gore on election night. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but it only takes one or two strategically placed operatives in a situation like this to spook a herd of animals into a stampede, and that is exactly what happened in this case. The news media afraid of being scooped by the competition took bad information and ran with it. It's an age old tactic that still works very well, even on those who think they could never be fooled.

History's first success at having the masses do the bidding of an elite group of men was the French Revolution, which resulted in the rise of Napoleon. Its second was The Fall of the Eagles (see America Be Warned), which resulted in the rise of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. The Antichrist will rise to power the same way these men did, by manipulating the masses.

Napoleon was a master at manipulation in his own time but Hitler took it to a new level and was able to do so because of a development in technology called the radio. With it he seduced an entire nation, and with television, the Antichrist will seduce the world. As our society becomes more reliant on the technical advancements made in the field of communications, it will become ever easier for the Antichrist to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of the masses. If you think not, then watch what happens every time there is shooting in one of our schools. The first shooting is always followed by a series of others because the copycat shooters saw the first shooting on the nightly news.

With that being said, on the Ancient Prophecies television special that I keep bringing up, there appeared a group of Rabbi's that study a form of mysticism that originated at the tower of Babel called Kabbalah. Of their studies the Rabbi's said, "Our prophecies teach us that America will not fall to anoutside enemy, but will fall to racial rioting from within." It should be pretty obvious by what is taking place in Florida right now that these Rabbi's are on to something. Just look to the past and you can see it coming in events like the riots that took place over the first Rodney King verdict. Then there was the O.J. Simpson trial that polarized the country along racial lines as well. And finally there is Waco, which resulted in the mistrust of our government and the Oklahoma City bombing.

Separately these events are just that. Events that happened at different times in different parts of the country. However, if I am correct about the Blue Star in One If By Land, Two If By See, these events may very well be connected. For instance, Napoleon's star as he called it, began rising after he invaded Egypt where he spent an hour alone in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Giza. They say that when he emerged from the pyramid he was pale and disoriented because of something he had seen, but he refused to tell anyone what it was he saw. On his deathbed several years later he wanted to tell a friend what it was, but then at the last minute decided against it. What Napoleon saw while in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, in my opinion, was an apparition from the Blue Star. It is my belief as well, that these same dark angels influenced Adolf Hitler because it has been said that he shot himself in the bunker, not because the Russians were closing in on one side and the Americans on the other, but because he came to the sudden realization in those last days that he wasn't the One foretold in his studies of the occult. The One he thought himself to be was yet to come, and as I pointed out in my first two articles, he will not just receive help from the angels of the Blue Star he will be the One leading them.

More at link: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bluebeam, Blue Book, BluRay, Bluetooth and now Blue Star.

Typewriters conjured up another thought, the Infinite Monkey Theorem:

The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type or create a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.


Molson Canadian beer used this idea in a commercial a few years back where the monkeys came up with various ads using the slogan “I Am”. I couldn’t help but think “I Am” and “The One” spawn similar frightening images. In any case, monkeys now symbolize one thing and one thing only for me. The biggest monkey on the planet, our old friend Curious George.

There’s a fair bit of speculation on GW’s height on the web, anywhere from 5’10” to 6 feet but “official” sources say 5’11”. He appears to me as rather diminutive but I wouldn’t exactly call 5 eleven short. However, apparently George feels that way:

In office his medical released that he was measured at 5ft 11.75 and now 5ft 11.5 for his latest physical. That is the official party line. From the rather old documentary, 'Journeys with George', he reveals that "I'm a little guy. Have you noticed that I'm about 5'11”, my brother is 6'3"? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Napoleon Complex

In the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis, Napoleon complex (or Napoleon syndrome) is a colloquial term used to describe a type of inferiority complex suffered by people who are short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This behavior can sometimes go as far as acts of violence or will to dominate those who are taller than the short person.

Alfred Adler pioneered the psychological work on inferiority complexes and used Napoléon Bonaparte as an example of someone whom he considered driven to extremes by a psychological need to compensate for the perceived handicap of being short (although there is debate regarding the common assumption that he was of below average height).


Arlington & Mind Control

I searched Google for Ray Acington and Google wanted to know if I meant Ray Arlington. Yes I suppose I do then Mr. Smarty Pants Google, so Arlington it is. Glad we got that straight.

My first thought on Arlington was of JFK’s eternal flame in Arlington National Cemetery, as it always is. The second theory came after I inadvertently happened upon a long forgotten email about Arlington while searching for coffee. Interesting the email was from August 2, 2006. The name Arlington came up then too because of the movie Arlington Road, which I have yet to see. Not sure I want to now:

The Power Elite has a special message for you in "Arlington Road."

No matter what they show you on the evening news, you'll never know the real story.

By disguising traumatic events like the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Ruby Ridge Shootout, the film subverts them in a mind-bending conclusion, to wit, the Power Elite is always in control.

In the movie, the mad bomber-terrorist tricks the patsy-chump, who just happens to be the protagonist, into doing the dirty deed for him.

Arlington Road is mass mind control at its classiest.

And just to solidify the notion it was definitely Arlington Purpleaura heard, on Friday she received a piece of junk mail concerning her son with no indication where it was from other than the email address, which will direct you to the University of Texas, Arlington. Yup, pretty freaky. And even freakier? The most southeastern point on the campus is the university daycare centre. According to Google earth, as the crow flies, the centre of the building is a little over 600 feet from the intersection of Ray & Centre Streets.

I’m sure being from Texas himself George would have a fair number of dealings in Arlington.

George W. Bush becomes Managing Partner (of Texas Rangers Baseball Team)

Meanwhile, in April of 1989, the Rangers' owner, Eddie Chiles, sold the team to an investment group headed by future President of the United States George W. Bush. Bush would serve as the Rangers' managing partner until he was elected Governor of Texas in 1994. During this time, the Rangers and the City of Arlington decided to construct a new stadium to replace the aging Arlington Stadium. Ground was broken on October 30, 1991 on what would become The Ballpark in Arlington (now named Rangers Ballpark in Arlington). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I would think the president of the United States would have a good deal of clout over the other Texas Rangers too, say to use as an army?


Row Homes, Fire, Coffee & Champagne

If Grandma Mary came back from the dead to tell Purpleaura something we’re thinking it has to be pretty important. What fire? was the biggest question. I’ve been pondering this for a few days and nothing at all was clicking. Then this morning something about the row housing was nagging at me. I always equate row houses to the UK but wasn’t sure on their origin.

In England, the first streets of houses with uniform fronts were built by the Huguenot entrepreneur Nicholas Barbon in the rebuilding after the Great Fire of London, but Paris had led the way in the Place des Vosges (1605 – 1612). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And there’s France yet again.

A quick search of Great Fire of London + Arlington turned up this:

Samuel Pepys' diary contains the most popular eyewitness account of the Great Fire of London. His detailed account mixes reports of his actions when safeguarding his possessions and combating the fire – he carried information to the king and organised firefighting teams - with observances made as he toured around London to see what was happening.

The following excerpts are the complete texts of the second to the sixth of September, with selected passages from the seventh. The text is from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, by Samuel Pepys, transcribed by Mynors Bright and edited by Henry Wheatley, London, 1893. Paragraphing was added in 2005 by your Guide to facilitate an easier online read.

… So I was called for, and did tell the King and Duke of Yorke what I saw, and that unless his Majesty did command houses to be pulled down nothing could stop the fire. They seemed much troubled, and the King commanded me to go to my Lord Mayor from him, and command him to spare no houses, but to pull down before the fire every way. The Duke of York bid me tell him that if he would have any more soldiers he shall; and so did my Lord Arlington afterwards, as a great secret.


The coffee and champagne led me in a slightly different direction at first, before the discovery of the Great Fire of London:

Miss Scarlet ~ August 7th, 2007

Well it always makes me a little nervous when you dream about coffee, I'm just glad there was no birthday cake involved lol. I wonder about the champagne though, along with the reference to the fire does it have something to do with a volcano or maybe a place famous for wines or maybe even the region Champagne in France? There's been a lot of fires over there too this year.

August 2, 2007

"It shows that July 2007 was one of the worst months on record and the worst July we have experienced since we started keeping and pooling information at European level," EU spokeswoman Antonia Mochan told reporters.

Forest fire records for Spain, Italy, France and Greece date back to 1985.

The commission said the second half of July saw a sharp increase in fires and burned areas in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Italy. Satellites images show 861 square miles of burnt land in those countries alone.

It warned of worse ahead, saying the conditions in southwest Europe had worsened particularly in southern Spain, Portugal and Spain's Canary Islands.

"These two areas are experiencing increased fires ... and continued heightened risk," it said.
In the Canary Islands, some 14,000 people were evacuated Wednesday from homes, hotels and camp grounds on Tenerife, one of Europe's top tourist areas. The local government blamed arsonists for the fires, the worst on the islands in 50 years.


Any reference to the Canary Islands always makes me edgy. See:

Then I read this news last Friday (August 10), having never heard of Fire Volcano:

GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (Reuters) -- Guatemala's Fire Volcano erupted Thursday, spewing lava, rock and ash near the colonial city of Antigua and some of the Central American country's most famous coffee farms.

Guatemala's volcanology service said seven families were evacuated from their homes near the volcano, about 27 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Guatemala City. The villagers were unharmed, an official said.

"Last night, the situation was quite serious, and we declared an orange alert," said Benedicto Giron, a spokesman for Guatemala's emergency response service. "We will remain in the area to monitor the situation."

The volcano looms behind Antigua, one of Guatemala's top tourist attractions and home to some of the country's best coffee farms.

No damage was reported to the plantations, where coffee beans are beginning to mature.

Fire Volcano is about 12,300 feet (3,760 meters) high and part of a chain of active volcanoes along the edge of Guatemala's Maya Indian highlands


And why do I get nervous when Purpleaura dreams of coffee? She posted this on the old Syzygy Dream Forum

Date: September 12, 2004 at 11:29:18
From: Purpleaura,
Subject: birthday cake, tsunami and showers

I dreamt I was in a town and people are running around, they are expecting a tsunami anytime. For some reason I'm suddenly in front of these cubicles which are off the ground, they have folding doors in front. I looked inside and see they are showers and there are lines of people waiting to take them. I remember thinking “You’re bothered about taking a shower to look nice when a tsunami is about to hit anytime?”

The next moment I am with another person although I can’t remember who. I saw a rectangle birthday cake that was lying on cardboard and I was told by a spirit to cut the cake and the cardboard it was laying on into 3 pieces. I was told to use 1 of the pieces of birthday cake and cardboard, and to get it out and use when I could see the tsunami coming in. I had the feeling this was going to be used as a life jacket or surf board. The spirit said I will be safe. The 2nd piece was supposed to be used by the person that was with me, and the 3rd piece I was supposed to give to someone who was worthy to be safe (very weird).

Next I am outside, for some reason it felt like an old Wild West town but it wasn’t. All of a sudden people are running everywhere again and I felt a rumble and saw an avalanche of what looked liked mud and earth coming towards all the people, including myself, I was afraid as it was burying us waist deep. When I looked at it, it wasn’t mud and earth but was in fact whole coffee beans. Someone asked me “Is this the end”, and I said "Nah, this is only the beginning" and we all managed to free ourselves from the coffee beans.

The next minute I am looking at the cubicles again, I saw a policeman about to go into one. Then I look up and told the person to go and get the birthday cakes as it was nearly time. I looked up and see the water, it was a huge absolutely massive wave. Then I awoke. I don’t remember whether I gave a piece of cake to the 3rd person.

I’ve never really tried to analyze this dream, to me it was about the Boxing Day tsunami and that was that. Sumatra is famous for coffee beans, what else could it mean? However I was always intrigued by the Wild West aspect of the dream and just decided to look into that. A Search of Sumatra Wild West turned up a direct shipping coffee bean company called Wild West Express-O. Among their many flavours including the Sumatra Decaf, their signature coffee bean is called Day of the Dead. Kinda creepy. The part that still disturbs me are the showers. They sound like decontamination showers to me. On the less paranoid side they could represent a final cleansing before the tragedy.

On August 8 I received a spam email from one Sandy Stubbs with the subject line "Relief of pain may come at lower doses of each champaign".

Purpleaura has this weird thing going on with universities which is a whole other story in itself. The only reference I could find on the word champaign was a county and city in Illinois as well as the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Didn’t see much there but who knows what goes on inside those hallowed halls. One item caught my eye for unknown reasons, The Tower at 3rd just has an ominous ring to it.

The Tower at 3rd

The newly-renamed Tower at 3rd (formerly Champaign Hilton, Century 21, Quality Inn, University Inn, Presidential Tower) is located in the Campustown district and is over twenty stories high. A hotel until 2001, it currently houses student apartments and several University of Illinois offices, including the Office of Continuing Education. The Tower and a massive art-deco apartment complex a few blocks away form a scenic duo in the central of Campustown with a city feel to it.,_Illinois ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And speaking of towers. On August 11, Purpleaura sent me the news story about Big Ben shutting down for restorations and repairs. I couldn’t help but feel that was somehow related to her hearing the bongs the same time the bongs are shut down. When she read the story she calculated the six weeks required for restorations falls on September 21. The first time Big Ben was closed was in 1934, so for fun Purpleaura looked up September 21, 1934 and found it was the date of a massive Typhoon in Japan which killed more than 4,000 people.

Back to Curious George

I heard on the radio today (August 14th), an ad for Curious George playing at a local theatre on August 16th, 17th & 18th. Since I can find no evidence anywhere of actually having heard this, I couldn’t say if it’s the movie or the punk rock band playing but that was a bit odd I thought. The search under “news” turned up 3 obituaries and a story on the hedge funds meltdown.

In Conclusion

I could literally go on and on with a myriad of synchronicities and bizarre occurrences relating to the subjects in this locomotion of notions. The obituaries alone led me to the Juan de Fuca fault in 2 easy steps which was totally unexpected but yet another curiosity.

We don’t know what’s going on quite frankly, information is coming at us from every direction. I’ve been working on this blog for 5 days and searing headaches keep preventing me from doing that. All I can say is something is up and these are the themes, words and dates being thrown at us repeatedly.

August 15, 16, 17 & 18
President (specifically George)
Dictator (kinda redundant)
Major weather, almost certainly manipulated, perhaps in a place that hasn’t seen major weather for a long time (Juan de Fuca? New Madrid?)
Many caskets required
Martial law

There’s a wide-open generic prediction if I ever heard one.

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Excuse Me, Has Anybody Seen the Bridge?

Excuse me
Oh will you excuse me
I'm just trying to find the bridge

Has anybody seen the bridge?
Have you seen the bridge?
I ain't seen the bridge!

Where's that confounded bridge?

Wow, where does the time go.

Whilst skulking around conspiracy sites yesterday 2 stories in particular caught my eye.

August 2, 2007

Police want DNA from speeding drivers and litterbugs on database

Police are seeking powers to take DNA samples from suspects on the streets and for non-imprisonable offences such as speeding and dropping litter.

The demand for a huge expansion of powers to take DNA comes as a government watchdog announced the first public inquiry into the national DNA database.

NYC Man Cited for 1775 Submarine

Authorities Responded After Antique Replica Drifted Too Close to Cruise Ship

A man in a Revolutionary War-era submarine was cited by the U.S. Coast Guard for drifting into a security zone, and for unsafe sailing in New York's East River near the Queen Mary 2 luxury liner, the Coast Guard and New York City Police Department said Friday.

And of course the Minneapolis disaster continues to occupy my thoughts. And of course I think there’s a conspiracy going on.

The DNA story caught my eye because every DNA story catches my eye. As stated in an earlier blog, I believe the PTB are attempting to collect the DNA of every single person on the planet to find whatever it is they’re looking for, which we and many others believe are the descendant(s) of a particular bloodline. For what purpose I’m not exactly sure, but I am fairly certain it’s underhanded and devious in some way.

The Queen Mary story caught my eye because Purpleaura had a dream about the Queen Mary not too long ago. I didn’t recall the details of that dream but after reading it again I was little freaked to see a reference to all three of these recent events. This dream was originally posted on March 25, 2007 on the first blog, then re-posted on this blog under Captain Valentine on April 21, 2007.

Purpleaura’s Dream ~ March 25th, 2007, 12:22 (2:22 her time)

Not much happening here apart from another ship dream. The ship reminds me of the Queen Mary, a 1920’s old-fashioned elegant ship and it seems it’s been sailing on the sea for quite some time. I was not the only one on the ship and for some reason we (you and I) decided to sail/swim in front of the ship. And this is the weird part, we had no problem changing direction. Now to change the direction of the huge ship, there seemed to be a ramp connected to the bridge that went up from the sea which would slightly change direction, then the ramp went back to the sea.

The bridge appeared to be made wooden logs, like a wooden bridge which we could see beneath. The ship would go slightly up the ramp of the bridge, change direction then come back down. I knew we were whizzing in front of ship and we could see where it needed to be directed to. We did this a couple of times using the ramp and bridge.

It jumps and we are back on board ship. For some reason we have been on this ship for months. I think part of the reason we were whizzing in front of it was to have a break from steering the ship. I got the feeling that everyone on board the ship had been on board for months. They were getting a bit tired, as if it was a never ending feeling of sailing.

Suddenly I hear someone shouting and I remember looking over the railing of the ship to below us and suddenly I knew why. There were bodies that were dead and literally floating into the ship propellers. The bodies seem to have been in the water some time. I remember diving in the water and we find this woman alive. This woman starts shouting about how her mother-in-law shot her in the face, and you could see the side of her neck heavily bleeding. She said that her mother-in-law wanted her out, she wanted her son to marry someone else and that she wanted a grandchild.

The woman looked like she was in her 40's, I remember her teeth were crooked and her hair was dark but graying. I’m thinking this is strange, how the heck is she alive when she has been in the water with all the bodies for some time? She had been obviously shot.

Suddenly it jumps again and I am looking whilst they pull a body out of the water, the body of a woman. And this woman is alive. Don’t ask but here’s the weird thing, she is dead the same as the other woman yet both woman were found to be alive, even though they had been in the water for some time.

It jumps again and there is a man I am listening to and he is very excited. It seems he had worked out an experiment (I’m sure it was government, he said the name of it but I can’t for the life of me remember what the experiment was called). He said that they had experimented with bringing men back after a couple of minutes of being dead in the water. He was very excited about this woman’s DNA because of her being dead and suddenly coming back to life by herself

It’s at this time I woke up.

First things are:

(1) Seem to be on same ship for months on end (the Valentine dream came to mind)

(2) There were dead bodies that had been in the water for some time, floating into the ship’s propellers (they reminded me of airplane jets)

(3) For some reason 2 women were part of the dead people lying in the water that had come alive

(4) the 2nd woman seem to be of great importance to the man who was discussing the experiment ie what the government seemed to have done on men (navy?)
Well this has me thinking. I’ve only heard of one person in history who had the ability to die and come back to life again. And with Easter coming? Hmmmmm.

This also brings back a memory of a conversation I had with JC a while back regarding religious discoveries. I can’t recall if I was going on about Operation Bluebeam or how the conversation came up, but it had to do with a huge archaeological find revealing everything we ever thought about religion is wrong sending the world into a tailspin. He commented, “WHAAAAAT???? You mean Jesus was a woman??????

That would about do it
There’s a couple of reasons I believe Purpleaura was dreaming about the Minneapolis disaster, one because of the bridge and the bodies in the water and two because of the equipment used to direct the ship. Not until after the disaster and my subsequent visit to Google Earth did I have any idea there were locks in the Mississippi, which of course are used to direct ships.

So does the other segment of the dream connect? Does the person with the unique DNA live in Minneapolis? Or is this a timeline of bigger things to come? Why I wonder that is due to the location of the bridge, Hennepin County. I did a fair bit of research into Father Louis Hennepin a few years ago after BWB and I watched a movie about the history of Niagara Falls, and learned it was Hennepin who has been given credit for discovering them. From that point on we referred to Father Hennepin as Father Henny Penny, as in the sky is falling.


Two great waterfalls were brought to the world's attention by Louis Hennepin: Niagara Falls, with the most voluminous flow of any in North America, and the Saint Anthony Falls in what is now Minneapolis, the only waterfall on the Mississippi River.

The Hennepin Avenue Bridge is the series of spans that have carried Hennepin Avenue across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota at Nicollet Island. Officially, it is the Father Louis Hennepin Bridge, in honor of the 17th-century explorer Louis Hennepin, who discovered the Saint Anthony Falls a short distance downriver. Three of the structures have been suspension bridges, while a fourth—which survived nearly a century—was composed of steel arch spans. The original crossing, which opened as a toll bridge in on January 23, 1855, is believed to have been the first permanent span across the Mississippi at any point. Other bridges were completed in 1876, 1891, and most recently 1990. Today, the bridge's main span is 625 feet (190 meters) in length, making it rather small by modern standards.

Recently I read speculation on the cause of the bridge collapse being scalar weaponry. That makes sense to me. This collapse was definately peculiar and as far as I can tell the only logical explanation is all the ground below the entire bridge was manipulated in some way. Since there’s no data or confirmation of a quake, no hard evidence of an explosion, the repeated reminder on the news to discontinue cell phone use (which appeared more important than anything else for some odd reason), and a bridge collapsing in a way it shouldn’t have, earth manipulation is all that makes sense to me.

And how did Hennepin lead to scalar weaponry? Tesla. Who else. Mr. Niagara Falls.

While researching Hennepin back in 2004 I came across an article about the University of Minnesota and their advanced research in the field of MRI. This is when I learned magnets are measured in Tesla’s. So I’m thinking an advanced research centre on the use of MRI would be a good cover for maybe some other type of magnetic research and deployment, say scalar research and deployment? It sounds to me like perhaps there’s some genetics research going on as well:

Our Center

CMRR was established in 1991 as a result of the rapidly growing and successful in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) research effort at the University of Minnesota.

CMRR is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research laboratory that provides state-of-the-art instrumentation, expertise, and infrastructure to carry out biomedical research utilizing the unique capabilities provided by high field MRI and MRS methodology. The central aim of the research conducted in CMRR is to non-invasively obtain functional, physiological, and biochemical information in intact biological systems, and use this capability to probe biological processes in health and disease.

Funded by NCRR/NIH as a Biotechnology Research Resource for High field Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy, and supported by numerous governmental and private foundations, CMRR core faculty have made significant and pioneering contributions in biological applications of magnetic resonance techniques, and possess unique expertise in very high field uses of this methodology.

CMRR Faculty conducts research in a variety of areas including:

High field functional brain mapping in humans; methodological developments, mechanistic studies, and neuroscience applications

Metabolism, bioenergetics, and perfusion studies of human pathological states (tumors, obesity, diabetes, hepatic encephalopathy, cystic fibrosis, and psychiatric disorders)

Cardiac bioenergetics under normal and pathological conditions

Automated magnetic field shimming methods that are critical for spectroscopy and ultrafast imaging at high magnetic fields

Development of high field magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy techniques for anatomic, physiologic, metabolic, and functional studies in humans and animal models

Radiofrequency (RF) pulse design based on adiabatic principles

Development of magnetic resonance hardware for high fields (e.g. RF coils, pre-amplifiers, digital receivers, phased arrays, etc.)

Development of software for data analysis and display for functional brain mapping.

Phased Arrays?
Radio Frequency Pulse Designs?
Brain Mapping???????

I have no idea how old the following article is, as far as I can tell the site has no data past 2004. It’s from the Institute of Technology, IT Board of Publications, University of Minnesota.

In addition, the building will house state-of-the-art equipment to stimulate and facilitate research. An example of such equipment is the 800 MHz (18.8 Tesla) NMR magnet scheduled to be delivered to the Basic Sciences and Biomedical Engineering Building in August. Because of foresight on the part of Gerald Bratt, the NMR lab's designer, this breakthrough in technology that wasn't even available when the lab was planned will fit snugly in the building, said Professor Ian Armitage, director of the new NMR lab. Armitage said that, because of the immense size of 750 and greater MHz NMR magnets, these magnets often require a building of their own. Higher MHz magnets provide stronger magnetic fields, which "enable us to extend the size of the biological macromolecules that we can study, and that's important," Armitage said.

The 800 MHz magnet coming to the University is the first of its kind and is one of perhaps three or fewer 800 MHz magnets in North America, Armitage said. "It's actually referred to in conversation with manufacturers as 'the Minnesota Magnet,'" said Armitage, who will be one of several faculty to use the new magnet.

I guess the only question now is, was it planned or accidental?

Another popular feeling these days is another major stock market crash. The other place Hennepin turned up in my files was a theory on the Federal Reserves. There are 12 Federal Reserve Districts and the one in Minneapolis is located on Hennepin Avenue. I came to the conclusion at the time each Federal Reserve houses the DNA of each of the 12 original tribes. I also had these thoughts:

September 13, 2005

I don't know what is going on exactly but I think we can look at the cities where the Federal Reserves are for future disasters for one, and for two I feel the US economy is on the brink of complete ruin.

China owns more than US$230 billion in US government securities, meaning the US pays it billions of dollars in interest each year.

In the quote at the top it said China owns more than $230 billion in US government securities. And there's $263 in circulation? And they don't know where all that is? China owns almost all of the securities? That's pretty scary.

So if China and Japan call in all their Treasury Bonds, then what? There goes the US economy. A crash like no other crash that has ever crashed before.

When the third seal is broken, the black horse of commerce appears. Toil and labour and greed consume the nations in the wake of its hoofbeats. Confronting one another, the red horse of war and the black horse of commerce battle for supremacy over the earth, setting the stage for the fourth horseman of the apocalypse to make his appearance. See Rev. 6:5

Has the third seal been broken?

And what of the women in the water? For those of us who believe Mary Magdalene carried the child of Jesus, what if she didn’t? What if she couldn’t have children? I can’t imagine the Virgin Mary would have shot her in the face, but this part of the dream is certainly trying to tell us something. Perhaps whoever was suspected of carrying on this bloodline is not the person who indeed carried on this bloodline? For whatever reasons that person was taken out and replaced with the other woman, who also had the ability to die and return to life.

So many mysteries.