On August 19th Purpleaura sent me an email titled August 15-18 with a rundown of everything that had gone on during that time. The weird thing was every time she typed in 18 it changed to 28. She had to edit the subject line 3 times before it stayed put. On August 23rd she sent this email:
August 23, 2007
Cross of Blood Alignment Sparks Fear of Horrific August Cataclysm
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Though I rarely, if ever, publicly comment upon the research of our Sisters, I felt that a recent report by Sister Adriana-Maria from Belgium is worthy of your attention.
Sister Adriana-Maria is a theoretical linguist who for the past three years has been researching the works of the 19th Century Russian Seer Helena Petrovna Hahn, or as better known to the Western World as Madame Blavatsky, and who was the Co-Founder of the Theosophical Society which is accorded the status as creating the schism between Christianity and what is termed as 'New Age' thought in today's Western World.
In her report titled "Astrological Algorithms Contained in Isis Unveiled", Sister Adriana-Maria states her discovery of a polyalphabetic cipher contained in Madame Blavatsky's 1877 book, Isis Unveiled, that seemingly points to an horrific cataclysmic event occurring during this weekends Triple Conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Saturn.
According to Sister Adriana-Maria, Madame Blavatsky in 1877 foresaw the catastrophic volcanic explosion of the Island of Krakatoa, and which exploded with such force that it is believed to have been the loudest sound in recorded history, and which occurred on August 27, 1883.
But, not only did Madame Blavatsky foresee the 1883 Krakatoa event, she 'looked' further into the future, 130 years to be exact, to the year of 2007, and the date of August 27th, and which she 'foresaw' and even greater event which in her decoded cipher described as '.never before have these [humans] seen such horror and destruction'.
Of astronomical events to occurring during the time period that Madame Blavatsky indicates, between the dates of August 26-28, 2007, it is interesting to find the following:
1. As previously mentioned, this time period finds the Sun, Venus and Saturn in a Triple Conjunction.
2. At 0800 UT (3:00 AM US Eastern Seaboard) on August 27th the Planet Mars will rise in the Eastern sky alongside Aldebaran the giant red star located in the constellation Taurus and resembling 'two eerie, unblinking eyes'.
3. During the early morning hours of August 28th one of the longest lunar eclipses in recorded history will occur with our Moon becoming completely immersed for nearly 90 minutes, and which will be visible to the entire World.
It is more than interesting to note, according to Sister Adriana-Maria, the association of Aldebaran in both Madame Blavatsky's cipher prophecy and its upcoming paring with Mars as the kabalistic symbol [see top right image] for this ancient star of the Persians, known as the Bulls Eye, for its being located in the head of Taurus the Bull, in that all pasts associations of Aldebaran and Mars have seen great destruction and turmoil upon our Planet.
Greatly accentuating the conjoining of Aldebaran and Mars, in what the ancient kabbalists termed the "Cross of Blood", as evidenced by their symbol, is the nearly simultaneous Lunar occultation of almost historic time length, and which many researchers attribute to being the cause of great earthquakes.
Though firm scientific research on the linking of Lunar eclipses and earthquake activity is sorely lacking, their does remain abundant anecdotal evidence of an association as great earthquakes are known to occur within a short time period either immediately prior to, or immediately following, total Lunar eclipses, to include:
January 9, 2001 Total Lunar Eclipse: 7.6 magnitude earthquake in India killing nearly 20,000
May 16, 2003 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Turkey killing nearly 200/ 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Algeria killing nearly 2,500/ 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan with no deaths
November 9, 2003 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.1 magnitude earthquake in China destroying over 10,000 homes and killing 9
May 4, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse: Yellowstone Caldron earthquake swarm lasting 3 days and causing over 400 small quakes
October 28, 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse: 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Japan killing nearly 30
August 28, 2007 Total Lunar Eclipse: 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Peru killing nearly 600
Sister Adriana-Maria cautions in her report that though earthquake activity, or other such catastrophic natural disasters, does seem to be indicated in her research of Madame Blavatsky's ciphers, it by no means rules out other types of disasters, including those caused by war.
© August 23, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.
I’m not up on celestial happenings, I wish I were more knowledgeable in the field of astronomy. It’s not until an event is close upon us that I even know its going on, as is the case with the eclipse on August 28th.
A few weeks ago I had a dream of being in space and seeing what I thought were 2 planets perfectly aligned, then one started slowly moving away from the other or they were passing by each other. That was it. I forgot about this dream then remembered it again and thought about for a minute or two wondering what it meant. The emergence of a hidden planet crossed my mind, then when Purpleaura sent an email about the eclipse I pondered the thought it may have been exactly that. Now I wonder if it might be both.
I couldn’t help but think back on the time Purpleaura was in England attending her sister Lorraine’s funeral during the last total lunar eclipse. We both found it strange she just happened to be there at that time quite unexpectedly.
This name comes up in my life under peculiar circumstances. I know very few Nancy’s personally, 3 tops, but the people associated with this name have somehow been instrumental in my life.
Yesterday I emailed Purpleaura and started telling her a long story about a childhood friend named Nancy who came up the day before under mysterious circumstances I won’t get into, but then thought the story of no consequence so I deleted it all, but then Purpleaura recently met a new neighbour named Nancy so I had to wonder what was up with that. But that was to think about later, right now I had to look into August 28th.
Something told me to go back to some old emails around that date and back I went to August 26th 2005 to an email with the words Lorraine and Nancy in the subject line. I had been reading Holy Blood Holy Grail at the time and learned of some Templar history in Nancy, France, in the region of Lorraine. Having long forgotten all that it was a bit of a surprise. So off to search for Templars in Nancy whether I wanted to or not.
In the meantime, the local news reported yesterday morning that Thursday began the annual grape harvest in Champagne France, a place I was speculating on a couple of blogs ago. My knowledge of wine is zero, I did not know until yesterday morning there was an annual harvest or that it was such a significant event.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The 2007 Champagne harvest officially began today with the picking of the first grapes. Following a process carefully developed and perfected over hundreds of years, the harvest will move across the 323 villages of the region over the next two weeks.
More than 100,000 workers and volunteers certified by the Comite Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC) from across Europe will pick all the grapes by hand. Machine-harvesting is strictly forbidden in Champagne, according to the quality regulations of the Champagne appellation.
So I start wondering what cities and towns occupy the Champagne region and how far are they from Nancy. The map that caught my eye showed 7 municipalities, Sedan, Rethnal, Reims, Valmy, Troyes, Chaumont and Langres. Even though the symbol denoting Reims was a little bit fancier than the others, my eyes were repeatedly drawn back to Sedan. To my knowledge I have never heard of the place.
Sedan was founded in 1424. In the 16th century Sedan was an asylum for Protestant refugees from the Wars of Religion.
Until 1651, the Principality of Sedan belonged to the La Tour d'Auvergne family. It was at this time a sovreign principality. Their most illustrious representative, Marshal Turenne, was born at Sedan on September 11, 1611.
During the Franco-Prussian War, on September 2, 1870 the French emperor Napoleon III was taken prisoner with 100,000 of his soldiers at the Battle of Sedan.
Due to this major victory, which also made the "Second Reich" of Germany possible, September 2 was declared "Sedan Day" (Sedantag) and a national German holiday in 1871. It remained a holiday until 1919.
During World War II the German troops first invaded neutral Belgium and crossed the Meuse River in Sedan. This allowed them to bypass the French fortification system, the Maginot Line.
Boy Napoleon again and those 11’s. I suppose it would be hard to read about any history of France and not see the name Napoleon, but Purpleaura doesn’t dream about him every day so something is bringing him to our attention. 1919 also has a great deal of significance as well which I will get to later.
In any case Sedan was 89 miles from Nancy as the crow flies (the only way to go). Not a number that stands out for any particular reason so I closed Google Earth. I went back to the map and thought maybe I should see what’s up in Reims with its fancy marker.
Reims (alternative English spelling Rheims; pronounced /ʀɛ̃s/ in French) is a city of the Champagne-Ardenne région of northern France, standing 144 km (89 miles) east-northeast of Paris.
I guess 89 must mean something. The first place I look for numbers is Symbols.com, they have proven to be very helpful in the past. Only one symbol turned up in the search, 42:89.
42:89 • In genealogy is used to mean cremated. Compare with spades, the card suit associated with death.
Yikes was about all I could say to that, especially in light of Purpleaura’s dream leading to thoughts of fires in France.
My search of Templars in Nancy turned up little other than a list of supposed martyrs burned at the stake, one being Jacques DeMolay, Grand Master of the Templars, burned in France on March 22, 1312 and Poiret (first name unknown), burned at Nancy, France in 1620.
The second name would normally mean absolutely nothing other than the Nancy reference. If not for the fact that when I read it (yesterday) I had the name Peter Poirier written on my hand. Pretty freakin close. Why did I have that name on my hand? He is the man that used to own our house, I first found his name scrawled on a wall in the basement shortly after we moved in 8 years ago, then a friend in the planning department pulled some old blueprints and plans out of the archives filed under his name. Why he popped into my head on the way home from work I have no idea. I do know I was supposed to remember his name but I don’t do Blackberries or anything else like them so at the time my palm pilot and a pen is all I had.
After that I Googled Numerology 89. The first site listed is called Prophet of Doom which appears to be a satirical look at the Qur’an. Another subject of which I know very little.
The Dawn
Qur'an 89:1
"I swear by the dawn, and the ten nights, and the even and the odd, and the night when it departs."
Qur'an 89:21
"Nay, when the earth is made to crumble and the Lord comes, His angels rank upon rank, and Hell is brought face to face, man will remember, but how will that avail him? For His Chastisement will be such as no other can inflict. None punishes as He will punish! None can bind as He will bind."
Since I was just reading about Templars I wondered if the passage shouldn’t read 10 knights.
This series of circumstances could relate to an incident in France or could be telling of a past life or may mean something else entirely. Purpleaura has lots of dreams of Templars and the like which began long before she even knew who they were. She was told specific names she had never heard of only to find they were instrumental with this group.
The number 19 came up in Purpleaura’s Broccoli Men dream. There were 19 women who had to kill 3 men each so she did a bit of research into that. When I re-read this last night I was a little freaked to see the Qur’an mentioned again having forgotten reading this in the first place. I recalled the part about 19 being important but not the Qur’an part. Purpleaura sent this April 25, 2007.
There is proof that one scripture is completely intact, and perfectly preserved. Unlike other known scriptures, this one still exists in its original, untranslated language-just as it was revealed 1400 years ago. It is known to be complete, with no loss of any of the original revelation.
Western access to this scripture has been limited by the fact that the people to whom it was originally delivered have all but buried it with their cultural tradition. They believe that it is the basis of their religious belief, when in fact, what they practice generally goes contrary to its teachings. This scripture is the Quran.
In a recent translation of the Quran, the translator emphasizes the role of the number nineteen as an authenticating code for the Quran. In 1968, through computer decoding, and totally independent of the work of Rabbi Judah the Pious, Dr. Rashad Khalifa discovered that an extremely intricate 19-based numerical structure encodes and guards every aspect of the Quran.
In the second edition of his translation QURAN: THE FINAL TESTAMENT (Islamic Productions, 1989), Khalifa refers to Rabbi Judah's work, and suggests that nineteen represents God's own signature on everything He created. He also provides the first plausible explanation for the prominence of the 19-based mathematical pattern throughout the scriptures, as well as the universe. In his appendix entitled "19: The Creator's Signature" (Ibid., p. 709) Khalifa writes:
The scriptures are not the only mathematically composed creations of God where the number 19 is the common denominator. It is profound indeed that Galileo made his famous statement: "Mathematics is the language with which God created the universe." A plethora of scientific findings have now shown that the number 19 represents God's signature upon certain creations. This divine stamp appears throughout the universe in much the same manner as the signatures of Michelangelo and Picasso identify their works. For example: 1.The sun, the moon, and the earth become aligned in the same relative positions once every 19 years (see the ENCYCLOPEDIA JUDAICA under "Calendar").
2.Halley's comet, a profound heavenly phenomenon, visits our solar system every 76 years, 19x4.
3.God's stamp on you and me is manifested in the fat that the human body contains 209 bones, 19x11.
4.LANGMAN'S MEDICAL EMBRYOLOGY, by T. W. Sadler, is used as a textbook in most of the Medical Schools in the U.S.A. On Page 88 of the Fifth edition, we read the following statement: "In general the length of pregnancy for a full term fetus is considered to be 280 days or 40 weeks after onset of the last menstruation, or more accurately, 266 days or 38 weeks after fertilization." The numbers 266 and 38 are both multiples of 19.
And this leads in another direction entirely, albeit connected, not only to this but the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis yet again.
Thursday night as I was falling asleep I started thinking about the origins of the universe. This is not something I do often as it hurts my head too much. If you believe the bible story then apparently there's this God dude who created earth. But where did he come from was my big question. Is he just in charge of this universe or planet? Are there others? Is there somebody that created him? What else, if anything, is out there? Then I was picturing our universe wondering how far it goes and wondering if there's something beyond even that. I asked for some answers before I fell asleep. I don't recall any dreams but I did hear this on the way to work yesterday morning.
Gaping "Hole" in the Sky Found, Experts Say
Mason Inman for National Geographic News
August 24, 2007
There is a yawning gap of sky nearly a billion light-years across that contains no matter, a new study suggests.
But some researchers aren't buying it, in part because it would be a monumental surprise to find a void that large.
"Not only has no one ever found a void this big, but we never even expected to find one this size," said study lead author Lawrence Rudnick of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
Now add to that the dream Purpleaura had last night, having not yet read the email I sent her regarding this story.
Purpleaura ~ August 25, 2007, 5:59am
In the dream I was talking to someone and I heard what sounded like a woman’s voice saying "there are 159 ambassadors on earth including yourself who are in contact with aliens". Then I felt like when things are going to start happening they will step in. Then I heard something about being descended from master teachers (don’t know whether it was me or the aliens) but I remember all of sudden I saw this glowing woman’s face. The only way to describe it is she was surrounded in a light blue and white light and she had long hair. She came up to me and said "Wake up Purpleaura".
LOL yep I woke up all right and could still hear her voice. I looked at the time and it was about 3:42am.
Very weird
I too was talking with a mysterious woman recently.
Miss Scarlet ~ August 22, 2007
Last night just as I was falling asleep I saw a little girl, maybe 5 years old, blonde and wearing a pink winter jacket with a hood trimmed in white fur. She asked if I wanted to play a game and I said sure, what are we playing? and she said Bamboo Ghost Tower. I did a little looking into it today but it’s got me baffled. I fell asleep again after forcing myself to get up and write it down when another vision came almost immediately. I was with a woman, don't know who, and I told her I was waiting for my sister. She said "Oh really? because the 2 sisters are sacred". Then I started waking up again and as I did I saw your (Purpleaura’s) head appear out of nowhere. That was it, I woke up again and had to force myself to get up and write it down. Both times I kept drifting off and then it was like something made me wake up so this was important to remember I'm guessing.
Later in the day….
I sent this blog to Purpleaura earlier today to get her go-ahead on publishing it and then decided to snoop around a bit. Keeping in mind Sorcha Faal is Russian and spoke of the eclipse as the Cross of Blood Alignment, this was rather startling. Again I went to Symbols.com and searched 159.
15:9 • This is the Russian cross, the Greek-Russian cross or the cross of the Russian Orthodox Church. It was first used by Byzantine artists. When the Roman Empire started to disintegrate the Goths (a Germanic people from south Sweden and the Baltic coast) migrated into the empire. This was one of the reasons why it split in A.D. 394 into West Rome and the Eastern Empire with Byzanthium or Constantinople (Istanbul) as its capital.
According to certain sources, the diagonal beam was meant to represent the robber who was crucified on the right side of Christ and ascended with Him to Heaven. Another interpretation suggests that the beam was added to the cross of the Greek-Orthodox Church, because it symbolized the main saint of Russia, St. Andrew, who was crucified on a torture rack in the form of diagonally crossed beams
I think that's all for now.