Wednesday, 25 April 2007

So Misunderstood


Well it sure can be simple in hindsight to tie a bunch of dreams and speculation to a particular incident. Now if we could only decipher the clues before hand then we’ll be getting somewhere. Not that I think much could be done on this plane to prevent a tragedy such as the Virginia Tech massacre, but perhaps on other planes it is a possibility. However, neither was the case in this instance. Clearly (to me at least) Purpleaura was dreaming of the tragedy in her Stalker Murderer dream and the Broccoli Men dream. But if nothing can be done, then why the dreams?

To recap:

Purpleaura’s Stalker Murderer Dream ~ March 27, 2007

The dream is set in a public place with many people around. I seem to be someone else and I’m sitting on a wooden bench or chair talking to a man who I apparently am involved with. He tells me his name is David Moranis.

I start off home and suddenly I notice him stalking me. I pretended to turn around and he says he is going into the "fish and chip shop", it’s on his way.

I figured that he was emmo. He gets involved, then when he feels like something is wrong, his rage and anger causes him to turn on them. I felt this is how he did it before. In the end he started to follow and stalk them and when the time was right he would murder them. This guy is definitely dangerous.

Okay I’m not up on the slang these days and had no idea what emmo was. Imagine my surprise to find its definition referring to fishing:

Often refers to losers who like to sit at home on the computer all day and look at fishing websites and play trout with their fishing buddies. These kids often tend to shave their chests and style their hair.

And his habitual stalking is no secret now:

BLACKSBURG, Va. -- The gunman blamed for the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history had previously been accused of stalking two female students at Virginia Tech and had been taken to a mental health facility in 2005 after an acquaintance worried he might be suicidal, police said Wednesday.

As I stated in the Virginia Tech blog I found it curious Rick Moranis’ birthday was the day after the massacre and he will come up yet again.
On April 18 Purpleaura dreams of a massacre of Broccoli Men by the hands of chainsaw wielding women. Then some more of the Cho story hits the news, this one particularily freaky:

Cho sold the books on the eBay-affiliated site They include "Men, Women, and Chainsaws" by Carol J. Clover, a book that explores gender in the modern horror film. Others include "The Best of H.P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre"; and "The Female of the Species: Tales of Mystery and Suspense" by Joyce Carol Oates -- a book in which the publisher writes: "In these and other gripping and disturbing tales, women are confronted by the evil around them and surprised by the evil they find within themselves.",0,4920267.story%3Ftrack%3Dmostemailedlink+Cho+Seung-Hui+men+women+and+chainsaws&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=ca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stephanie Derry, a senior English major, was in a playwriting class with Cho taught by acclaimed Professor Ed Falco this semester.

"His writing, the plays, were really morbid and grotesque," Derry said.

"I remember one of them very well. It was about a son who hated his stepfather. In the play the boy threw a chainsaw around

Virginia gunman wrote of chainsaw massacre
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Cho's crazed play in full: murder, rape, chainsaws

The gunman responsible for the Virginia college bloodbath left behind a trail of violent writings including a play about paedophiles and a chainsaw massacre.

Whenever a massacre such as this occurs or an assassination that makes no sense (such as John Lennon) we always turn to mind control as the true culprit, it seems to be the easiest way to explain away all the inconsistencies and mysteries. It appeared this case was no different right from the get-go.

Purpleaura has been busily looking into Monarch programming and I just had a chance yesterday to read the links. Since then Monarch is coming up everywhere I look it seems. This was last night’s episode of Malcolm in the Middle which I watched while having a dinner break in between investigating this situation:

An episode of Malcolm in the Middle simply entitled "Butterflies" has a plot with Reese raising hundreds of Monarch caterpillars. Eventually, they all become adult butterflies which flock Harrison Lenz's room and begin to cover up Reese, to his horror. Real caterpillars and butterflies were used, though the enormous fluttering flock near the end was done with computer-generated imagery.

This case was of particular interest and a little freaky how Purpleaura even came across it:

Purpleaura ~ April 23, 2007

Ok this is getting freaky, I was wondering about North Carolina and the military and pulled up Fort Bragg, I kid you not and swear on my life. Then I look up mountains and here’s Project Monarch again.

Blacksburg may seem like just a small town, but it isn't. Cathy O'Brien is a former victim of the US government mind-control operation known as MKULTRA and its elite offshoot, Project Monarch. She tells me that inside the nearby Blacksburg Mountain is one of the most important and secret centres for the government's 'human robotic mind control programming.

The Virginia Tech massacre is a textbook psychological warfare attack on the American psyche by the nexus of mind-control and special operations personnel. The headquarters for the US military's psychological warfare chiefs is Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where Michael Canavan, the head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration on 9/11, was Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command.

The plan is to bombard the collective psyche with so many shocks, such as 'terrorist attacks' and 'lone nutter gunmen', that the public look to their government to protect them. In doing so, people will accept fundamental breaches of their civil and human rights in the cause of 'keeping us safe'. It is simple and devastatingly effective until the targets know what the game it.

That's our challenge, to inform ever-more people of their plight, because what happened at Virginia Tech this week is only the latest example of this terror technique. It is, of course, not the last.

'Mourning' the dead when he knows what really happened
And we even have proof in our own convoluted way to show Seung-Hui Cho was indeed a victim, but I still have to ask why? Those who have done any research on the subject and believe it to be a fact of life already know it happens, and we’re not here to convince anybody else of our beliefs or convictions. We’re just here to state the facts as we see them and try to decode why we see them in the first place.
Purpleaura’s Dream ~ June 19, 2006

I am coming back from vacation of some sort. Instead of the usual commercial big airplanes we are taken to what appears to be a small airport. When we enter the building it looks like a hangar and there's small jet planes in the hanger. There appears to be a line waiting for each small jet. The doors are open, suitcases are taken.

It jumps and I am looking outside at what looks like where the jets come out of the hanger onto a small runway, and I mean a small runway, it looks like a small square, surrounded by blue water. I thought this is a small takeoff area for these planes.

Now I am watching from above and I see one of these planes come out, then it does a U-turn and then suddenly lifts off. It reminded me of a super sonic plane. After that another plane comes out this but time it comes straight out, no U-turns, but speeds up and literally flies off.

It jumps again and I am watching people check these planes out. As I am looking it seems like a lot of African American faces, I was wondering if I am on tropical island, it had that feel about it.

Suddenly I am hearing a voice saying, “For each commercial airliner it costs the industry 19 million when it goes down. These are the smallest and safest planes out there. We affectionately call them Dr Peppers as they are red. When the big commercial jumbos hit the ground they explode with the force of a small atom bomb”. I thought, “Ok, just what I want to know”.

It jumps and I’m back in the hanger again waiting as people are getting on the planes, thinking it’s my turn but nope, for some reason I am bypassed. They put out the plane number on a metal stand, none of this electronic get up. The lines were small and there appeared to be a rope to segregate the small line of people getting on. I remember them calling our number, I am sure the number read "523" or "532". I heard them say, “Before you board you need your plane tickets and ID”.

I lined up, if you could call a line, I’m guessing not more than 15-20 people could fit on the jet. I hand over my ticket and nearly forgot about the ID so I dug in my handbag and I gave the lady what appeared to be a passport and something else (another ticket of some sort-boarding pass). The lady that was checking tickets and security was an African American lady. She took a long time with my ID and passport. It was then I noticed my passport and ticket not only had my picture but it had the kid’s photos with me, hubby wasn’t there on my passport. But then I remember thinking there are 3 of us on it, yet really me and kids would be 4. So she is taking long time looking at it, and she hands it back to me and she is smiling as I walk away. I think the reason she took so long was she admiring the kids especially TabithaToo
(Formerly Miss Kitty). I think what was weird when I was looking the picture of the kids was it was taken around Christmas, the boys and TabithaToo in middle and she looked about 1 year old I think. So I walked the 2 steps to the open door of the pane and then I woke up.

My feelings are I was somewhere tropical, African American looking people ran airport. The hanger had small jets and the people had been diverted back using these planes, there were few of jets in hanger or airport. The discussion about commercial planes costing 19 million and when they hit they hit with force of small atom bomb. The jets at the airport are known as "Dr Pepper" planes although couldn’t remember why apart from hearing they were red. The planes lead out to a small square runway and my plane flight number was either "523 or 532".

I don’t know if I’ve read this dream more than a couple of times since Purpleaura had it so the two references to 19 were a new surprise considering the appearance of 19 in the Broccoli Men dream. There’s a lot in this dream still unexplained but did we ever investigate Dr Pepper. And why this dream resurfaced now is this article Purpleaura came across regarding Cho:

The suite has three bedrooms of two students each. The suite is connected with one living room and a shared bathroom. Its living room has a burgundy couch and tan coffee table, and Tuesday it was littered with empty water bottles and Dr Pepper cans.

And this is what we discovered after the dream:

Mason Bottling Company (Mason Texas) has been family owned and operated for 69 years. The business more frequently called Mason Dr Pepper… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In the book, Conspiracy Of One (1990, The Summit Group), author Jim Moore presents a variety of reasons why he believes Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. One of those reasons is on page 53, detailing the period immediately after the assassination when Oswald was spotted in the lunchroom of the Texas School Book Depository:

Oswald...put a nickel in the soda machine and selected a Coca-Cola. It may be that this single action on Oswald's part holds the key to his guilt. Oswald habitually drank Dr Pepper. There can be only one realistic explanation for a miser like Oswald to failto select his soft drink of choice-he was nervous.
May 3rd, 2003


The "refreshing taste of Dr. Pepper" is being brought to you by people who build bombs and bury Tanzanian miners alive with bulldozers. A CALL TO BOYCOTT THE WARMONGERS.

Cadbury Schweppes plc and The Carlyle Group of Washington DC today confirmed that they have completed the acquisition of the Dr Pepper Bottling Company of Texas.

The Dr Pepper Bottling Company of Texas will be combined with The American Bottling Company, owned by Cadbury Schweppes and The Carlyle Group, to form the largest independent soft drinks bottler in the US...

... Cadbury Schweppes will hold approximately 40% of Dr Pepper/Seven Up Bottling Group, Inc. (DPSUBG), The Carlyle Group 53%, with the remainder held by Jim Turner, Chief Executive Officer and President of DPSUBG, and management. John Brock, Managing Director of Cadbury Schweppes Beverages Stream, is Chairman of DPSUBG...[Click here for MORE]

(Please NOTE: Not ALL Dr Pepper has been taken over. THE DUBLIN, TEXAS CO with the Original Recipe has NOT Merged with The Carlyle Group and should not be Boycotted.)
In case the Carlyle Group is not familiar:

The Ex-Presidents' Club

Oliver Burkeman and Julian Borger
Wednesday October 31, 2001
The Guardian

It is hard to imagine an address closer to the heart of American power. The offices of the Carlyle Group are on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, midway between the White House and the Capitol building, and within a stone's throw of the headquarters of the FBI and numerous government departments. The address reflects Carlyle's position at the very centre of the Washington establishment, but amid the frenetic politicking that has occupied the higher reaches of that world in recent weeks, few have paid it much attention. Elsewhere, few have even heard of it.

This is exactly the way Carlyle likes it. For 14 years now, with almost no publicity, the company has been signing up an impressive list of former politicians - including the first President Bush and his secretary of state, James Baker; John Major; one-time World Bank treasurer Afsaneh Masheyekhi and several south-east Asian powerbrokers - and using their contacts and influence to promote the group. Among the companies Carlyle owns are those which make equipment, vehicles and munitions for the US military, and its celebrity employees have long served an ingenious dual purpose, helping encourage investments from the very wealthy while also smoothing the path for Carlyle's defence firms.

But since the start of the "war on terrorism", the firm - unofficially valued at $3.5bn - has taken on an added significance. Carlyle has become the thread which indirectly links American military policy in Afghanistan to the personal financial fortunes of its celebrity employees, not least the current president's father. And, until earlier this month, Carlyle provided another curious link to the Afghan crisis: among the firm's multi-million-dollar investors were members of the family of Osama bin Laden.

Last year, George Bush Sr and John Major travelled to Riyadh to talk with senior Saudi businessmen. In September 2000, Carlyle hired speakers including Colin Powell and AOL Time Warner chair Steve Case to address an extravagant party at Washington's Monarch Hotel.,1300,583869,00.html

And this I just discovered today. I was hoping to find the lyrics to the Dr Pepper ad campaign that always stands out first and foremost in my head, “Dr Pepper, so misunderstood”. Boy I’ll say.

Arguably the most famous of Dr Pepper's advertising campaigns was their "Be a Pepper" series. These commercials referred to fans of Dr Pepper as "Peppers," and often featured crowd dance scenes with elaborate, over-the-top choreography. One popular ad included the jingle:

“I'm a Pepper, He's a Pepper
She's a Pepper, We're a Pepper
Wouldn't You Like to be a Pepper, Too?”

This became grist for a number of pop culture references and parodies. One of the first was a sketch on the program SCTV, in which an overly-excited injured man (Eugene Levy) extols the work of a "Dr. Shekter" (Rick Moranis) who's been treating him.
In the sixties, Dr. Pepper was a fringe product, almost a cult beverage. They took advantage of that public ambiguity by marketing the drink in the seventies as, "so misunderstood" and, "the most original soft drink ever in the whole wide world."

Don’t like that word cult at all.

One of the conclusions I came to last year regarding Purpleaura’s Dr Pepper dream was this:

I wonder if Dr Pepper is some sort of code name? Maybe this is Operation Dr Pepper? Pepper spray? They couldn't name it Operation Coca Cola,that would be too obvious lol.

BLACKSBURG, Va. - Computer files, cell phone records and e-mails have yielded no evidence about what triggered Seung-Hui Cho’s massacre at Virginia Tech ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I’m gonna go with Dr Pepper for a thousand Alex. Whether it’s the actual drink or a code word used to trigger a response, Dr Pepper turns up in the strangest places.

And speaking of triggers, Seung-Hui Cho’s birthday was January 18th…118.