Saturday, 14 April 2007

Coming Out of the Closet

Originally Posted February 7, 2007
Purpleaura's Dream ~ February 7, 2007

It starts out I seem to be climbing through a cupboard or closet. I felt to the back of it and pushed it, and walked through it. It felt like I was in a different dimension, it had a doorway feel to it. I am talking to a man in the dream, it had a married feel to it. I seem to know this man very well in the dream. As I am talking to him he suddenly says "I am going to kill him". I’m thinking “Oh God, I have to warn him”. I clearly recognized the other guy on the other side of the doorway as well".

I'm thinking “I can’t let either one of these men get hurt”. There seemed to be something going on, I don’t know what the reason for the man wanting to kill the other man, but either way I was in the middle of it.

The next minute I go into a closet/wardrobe and climb through it and I am suddenly aware of looking down at the land underneath me. In a way I knew I was in a glass see-through tube leading out to the “other side”. I was thinking to myself as I’m walking along the tube, “This looks like the Golden Gate Bridge view”, with the water and lay of the land.

I carry on and suddenly I’m at the designation point and I start to push personal items from in front of me, outwards. At the same time I’m looking, I’m pushing what appear to be toiletries in a bathroom cabinet. Then when I pushed them out I started to climb from back of the bathroom cabinet and into the bathroom. Again I knew I was in a different time or dimension.

I called out this mans name; I cant for life of me remember what it was, except I knew him very well. So he comes over and doesn’t seem surprised to see me, although he did think it funny I managed to climb through the small doorway of the bathroom cabinet. I said to him, "you need to leave; he is coming after you to kill you". He doesn’t seem to be concerned about this. At this time I woke up.

1) I seem to be climbing through doorways to different dimensions

2) I knew both guys involved in the dream really well. Now that I think about it, both men were aware of the time/dimension travel and were aware of each other in the dream.

3) It seems that you can get through any doorway the size of bathroom cabinet.

Well, this brings up some questions. The men could be anybody, but it seems Purpleaura was sent to prevent a nasty situation. Whoever the men are need to both be here in this time and place (wherever that was).

I find it very curious that both men knew they were time traveling and were both aware of each other. I wonder if these men were sharing a dream and wondered who the heck the woman was that showed up?

I’m also fascinated by the means in which we travel through dimensions. Is the destination determined by the method of transport, or is it a personal preference? For instance, Purpleaura was traveling through a bathroom cabinet in this dream. I have found myself many times in a house that has a bathroom in the wall beside a staircase. I can feel when I enter it, I am not in the same place I was prior to going through the door. Does it lead to the same place for both of us?

The whole idea behind the background picture on this blog was Purpleaura’s fondness for archways and my apparent fancy for the forest. Purpleaura often finds herself in rooms with many arches and I find myself in the forest a lot. Either bouncing between different parts of it, or emerging from it to a whole new scene, time or place. Purpleaura has also been in this glass tube in the past.
Do others go to these places or are they our own individual means of travel? I have always found solace amongst the trees. Does another who finds peace on the ocean travel through waves?

Happy Dreams

Miss Scarlet