Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Who's Kind of Town?

Well I just don’t know where my head is at sometimes. Thankfully I have those voices in the night who kindly point the way.

Purpleaura’s Vector 5 dream involved a man in a blue uniform and either Chicago or San Francisco. As she learned today, Baxter Pharmaceutical’s head office is in Deerfield. Close enough. And they have a subsidiary in Mexico.

Baxter Plant in Mexico Named Among IndustryWeek's Top 10 Best Plants

DEERFIELD, Ill., December 19, 2008 — Baxter’s manufacturing plant in Cuernavaca, Mexico has been named one of the 10 Best Plants in North America for 2008 by IndustryWeek magazine. Winners of the competition were selected based on key performance metrics, as well as dedication to continually improving people and processes.

The voices of the night reminded me that Chicago is known as the Windy City. It was a really weird night though and I don’t know if I heard it in a dream or just remembered it or what. All I know is I woke up at some obscure time with that thought in my head. I gotta say I felt like a moron for not connecting that detail. I was well aware of that fact and have been for quite some time.
Anyhoo, this might be a good time to talk about one of the recent Mary dreams since it featured a very well-known Chicago resident.

April 27, 2009

I'm in a summer-type room at my mom's that doesn't exist in this realm. It was in the back of the house and was made mostly of screens so I’m assuming the weather was nice. I was laying on a daybed, Mary was sitting on a couch and we were watching TV when Obama walks in the door dressed in a black pin-striped suit. There was something about his smile that was different. It was still gleaming white but nowhere near as charismatic. Quite ordinary.

He approached me and stepped up onto the daybed and I’m thinking WTF is he doing? He stumbled around a bit as he was having trouble keeping his footing on the mattress. It seemed like he was trying to position himself a certain way and kept asking me to do something but I didn’t understand what he was saying. A few times his crotch got a little too close to my face and I thought if he thinks he’s getting some of that he can just forget it.

Finally he put one of his feet near my face and I could see his pant cuff was all knotted up, it looked like a thread had gotten tangled in the cuff and it wasn’t hanging properly. I untangled his cuff and he promptly got off the daybed and went to sit beside Mary. His presence at our mom’s house did not seem at all unusual.

I decided to have a smoke and remembered that Obama was a smoker, wonder if he quit yet. Just then he asks if he can bum a smoke so I said sure as long as he didn’t mind Canadian menthol cigarettes. I opened the pack and held it towards him so he could grab one and noticed it had no markings. The lower two thirds of the pack was dark green and the upper third a lighter green stripe, but it was missing any brand name or any of the warnings or any text at all. I told him if he didn’t like menthol my mom also smoked and probably had some Peter Jacksons (she hasn’t smoked those for at least 20 years). He said he was ok with the menthol. I can’t recall if he hung around long enough to smoke it, next thing I know he got up and walked out the door. I said to Mary “That's the first time a president has ever bummed a smoke from me”. We went back to watching TV.
The dream then took a turn in another direction that I don’t think relates to this but who knows.

As far as San Francisco goes, it occurred to me that San Francisco is often referred to as SF. Funny how it shares the same abbreviation as the Swine Flu and the Spanish Flu.

Another funny thing is, while I was brushing my teeth this morning I wondered if Colgate had anything to do with all this (wonder what Obama uses to maintain that big shiny smile?) However, I totally forgot about that until I received an email from Purpleaura this evening (at 6:11 to be exact), and she stated it was probably nothing but she was looking through some old blogs and got to wondering if Colgate has anything to do with this. She found a couple of very interesting things:

A contaminant in a Chinese-produced blood thinner is believed to have caused the deaths of 81 Americans. Food and Drug Administration officials now suspect that a lethal substance was added to heparin deliberately. Poisoned pet food led to the death of many revered animals. Poison in toothpaste led to the need to destroy great quantities of the product.
The FDA has identified the source of the tainted drug as Changzhou SPL, a subsidiary of Scientific Protein Laboratories and the eventual supplier of contaminated heparin to Baxter International, the manufacturer and distributor of the product. David G. Strunce, CEO of Scientific Protein Laboratories, termed the discovery "an insidious act," adding that it "seems to us an intentional act upstream in the supply chain." Baxter's chief executive, Robert Parkinson, expressed alarm "that one of our products was used in what appears to have been a deliberate scheme to adulterate a life-saving medication."

So I guess I take back what I said earlier about the Russians being blamed, looks like China’s the fall guy this time.

This was even more interesting:

Report title: Colgate-Palmolive Co acquires Baxter Travenol Lab-Amer McCaw from Baxter International Inc

Just this very moment I wondered what got us on the subject of Colgate in the first place and it was dream Purpleaura had of a scientist being murdered.
Don’t know where all this is leading (in circles at the moment). If the plan is to wipe out millions again, what are we (humanity as a whole) to do about it? Is there a miracle cure? Is it deep dish pizza?

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

The Ants Are My Friends

So, is this the uber doom we’ve all been anticipating? Purpleaura’s been having dreams for years of another plague that will wipe out a good portion of humanity, Vector 5 delves into some of those dreams.
*Sigh* if only we could find the meaning of Vector 5. It’s been haunting us for four long years. Considering this latest “flu”, (and I use that term loosely), is a crazy concoction of four different viruses, viruses that would never intermingle naturally, I’m wondering if Vector 5 will be an even deadlier recipe with the addition of one more noxious ingredient. There is no doubt whatsoever in our minds this virus was manufactured. Try to imagine a pig, a horse, a bird and a human all copulating at the same time to produce one single offspring carrying the traits of its four parents. I’m no geneticist but that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.

So who’s in charge on Dr. Morreau’s island and how was this virus distributed? I hate to lay the blame on my own country, but WTF was the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory doing when they thought it would be a good idea to reconstruct the Spanish Flu of 1918? The one that killed 50 million people?

This article was published January 18 of this year. If you haven’t read any of the other blogs, I will reiterate 118 is a “pay attention” number for Purpleaura and me.

Lethal secrets of 1918 flu virus

Scientists who recreated "Spanish flu" - the 1918 virus which killed up to 50m people - have witnessed its remarkable killing power first hand.

The lungs of infected monkeys were destroyed in just days as their immune systems went into overdrive after a Canadian laboratory rebuilt the virus.

The reason for the lethal nature of the 1918 flu was never fully understood.

But the experts behind this test say they have found a human gene which may help explain its unusual virulence.

They are hoping to help control any future pandemic and believe that the strain may hold clues that will help them.

Despite the large number of casualties at the time, doctors had no way to preserve tissue samples taken from infected patients, so researchers used an ingenious method to overcome this.

The preserved body of a flu victim buried in Arctic permafrost was exhumed, and they painstakingly extracted the genetic material needed to work out the structure of the H1N1 virus.

Then, in a maximum "biosafety" facility at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory they reconstructed a fully functioning virus, and infected macaque monkeys to see what would happen.

More at link...

To see what would happen? What did they think would happen? IT KILLED 50 MILLION PEOPLE LAST TIME. What else do you need to know? Yeah yeah I read the part about looking for a cause and/or cure and I’m just not buying it. Some things are just better left in the frozen tundra forevermore. I’m tired of the excuse these experiments are being done to better humanity when in most cases they’re being done for the exact opposite reason.

The other possibility is the Baxter incident:

Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic

6 Mar 2009

It's emerged that virulent H5N1 bird flu was sent out by accident from an Austrian lab last year and given to ferrets in the Czech Republic before anyone realised. As well as the risk of it escaping into the wild, the H5N1 got mixed with a human strain, which might have spawned a hybrid that could unleash a pandemic.

Last December, the Austrian branch of US vaccine company Baxter sent a batch of ordinary human H3N2 flu, altered so it couldn't replicate, to Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, also in Austria. In February, a lab in the Czech Republic working for Avir alerted Baxter that, unexpectedly, ferrets inoculated with the sample had died. It turned out the sample contained live H5N1, which Baxter uses to make vaccine. The two seem to have been mixed in error.

Oh dear, we made a mistake. Silly us.

Well whoever is responsible we may never know, but I’m sure the Russians will be blamed.
As far as how the virus is being distributed, the wind keeps blowing in time and again. This was a dream I had April 19th, 2009

It started out where I was at work talking to two co-workers. Their work area has big windows and as we conversed my attention was drawn to what was going on outside. The sky was very dark and ominous and the wind was unbelievable. All kinds of shit was flying by although I don't remember what. There was no rain or snow or anything, just this darkness and wind.

I went back to my office and was working away but somehow knew people were talking about the wind. I hoped we would be sent home but knew that was unlikely. I went outside for a smoke and all of a sudden people just started flooding out of the building due to an evacuation but for what reason I’m not sure.

All of a sudden I'm sitting at a little table outside with BWB and the owner of the company. BWB and I were having a smoke and the owner asked if he could have one which just floored me since he doesn't smoke. I surmised he was one of those people who like to have a smoke occasionally. He and BWB were having a conversation but my mind was elsewhere. I was worried because my purse was still upstairs and I figured if the building was caving in or something I really needed to get it. I got up to back upstairs but knew the elevators wouldn't be working so I took the stairs. The weird thing is I only had to go up one flight when in reality the company is on the third floor.

I got back to my office and it was full of stuffed animals. The only ones I remember were a black bear that looked like it had the hair of a poodle and a bright blue snake. Just then the power goes out but a few of us continued working with the emergency lighting. The two girls I had been talking to earlier came into my office to see how I liked the stuffed animals, where I replied I loved them and thanked them very much. I started naming the animals and who I thought gave them to me and they were getting pissed that I was getting them all correct.
At that point we were all told to leave the building so I gathered up my stuff and grabbed my purse, a big denim bag which I have in waking life but haven't used for years and years. I looked inside and saw a bunch of Christmas decorations so I showed one of the girls and said I guess it was time to clean out my purse since it was long past Christmas. Just then I heard a voice say "but remember what TabithaToo said about Christmas in July".

(Purpleaura’s daughter stated one day Christmas would be in July. We’re still not sure what she meant by that).

Next I'm driving down the road, apparently BWB and I are to meet in some town I don't remember. He was driving one car because he had to do something else on the way and I was driving another car. I got to this quaint little town and was just about to cross a bridge when I saw roadblocks. I got out of the car and a man was standing on the bridge, part of which was sinking into the water. The water was super blue like the colour you see in icebergs, although the weather was nice and it seemed like summer. The man on the bridge was yelling to somebody else who was standing on the road that the bridge was ready to fall. I walked away from where I could see the bridge and started talking to a lady who was sitting on the side of the road. A bunch of people had gathered, this was a big deal for this little town. Just as I was talking to the lady I heard a big explosion and a crash and knew the bridge had fallen in. I went back to see and sure enough half of it was gone and the man on the bridge had gotten into a boat.

I fetched a map out of the car to see where I could cross this river and the lady started laughing at me and said there were no other bridges for a long way and I was stuck in their town. I thought no way I was stuck in that town and didn't think she was being very nice considering the predicament I was in. I HAD to meet BWB and I had no phone to call him and let him know I would be late. I thought I could use a pay phone but he had no phone either so I was getting flustered as to what to do. I looked at the map and even though the shortest route was straight north, I would now have to detour and find another way across the river. Then I woke up.

I knew immediately upon waking that the wind was not weather related but a metaphorical wind, bringing with it a great darkness.

I had been on holidays when that dream occurred, I returned back to work April 21st. On my way back from lunch that day there was an overabundance of people heading into the office. I assumed they had all just returned from lunch too although it was unusual to run into that many people. I knew a lot of them bring their lunch to work and remain in the office. As I got to the elevator a co-worker informed me I had missed all the excitement, the fire alarms went off for unexplained reasons and the building had been evacuated.

When one portion of a dream comes true, especially that quickly, it makes us look at it more closely. That wind part was really nagging at me as is the bridge. Since that dream the town pops into my head at the darndest times for no apparent reason. I can see it quite vividly but many hours spent on Google Maps Street View has turned up zilch so far.

The blue snake was another portion that stood out, it was a bright turquoise colour. I searched the web for blue snakes and found this picture which is the exact colour of the snake I saw in the dream:

It’s known as a blue-tailed skink and is common to Christmas Island. Just a few minutes ago I read the article on the recreation of the 1918 Spanish Flu, picture included, and couldn’t help but notice the similarity in the colour of the virus:

I’m sure the blue is some sort of dye but still it kinda weirded me out.

On April 25th I was reading GLP and came across this post (slightly edited for clarity):

Question to Gaia Man : What virus plagues the US? When does it appear? When do the borders close?"

Answer : A Virus like you can already find in some parts of Afrika. From the city of the wind it departs.

It appears after the Great War has started.

The thread was originally posted on May 16th, 2005 by a poster who goes by Gaia Man. Purpleaura’s Vector 5 dream was May 30th, 2005. Neither of us had seen the contents of this thread until they were re-posted recently. This is the original 300-page epic:

In the same thread, this:

I see many soldiers in blue across the USA. The great virus will make Martial Law a fact.

The Camps will be full, many people will die.

The old President will work together with the With House.

1 State will be total empty, leaving behind the Golden Sun.

Gaia Man
User ID: 154 (OP)
5/16/2005 11:31 AM

Purpleaura’s Vector 5 dream:

I had a weird dream of man in a blue government uniform with medals on his chest. I can’t seem to remember his name but it had something to do with Chicago or San Francisco and vector 5. Vector 5 keeps on coming up and I haven’t a clue what the frig vector 5 is.

In the new thread, speculation arose as to which state’s flag includes a sun, and it was determined to be New Mexico. Nothing too weird ever goes on there.

Dream from January 2, 2009:

This morning just before I woke up I saw a woman on a newscast I knew to be from New Mexico, a congresswoman or some other politician. She exclaimed, "OMG New Mexico is a complete disaster and so is the rest of the world". I have no idea who she was and I don't recall ever dreaming of New Mexico before.

Speaking of the sun, I was painting the other day and can always count on the fumes to conjure up some whacky brainwave or another. I don’t know if this is related to the subject at hand, but I had several waves all related to the mystery flu except this one. It just rolled in out of nowhere. Because of that and the fact the sun came up that time too, makes me think it’s worth a mention. I mentioned the entire dream in the Mothers, Daughters and the Zoo of Life blog, this is the portion that pertains to the sun:

Next I’m in an office/storage room with the same young man I was with in the car, he was sitting at a grey metal desk doing paperwork. A colleague from work was sitting in a chair behind the young man, the same colleague I was discussing freemasons with, in the bagpipe dream. I was sitting to the left of the young man but in the opposite direction. Straight ahead of me were a bunch of those grey metal industrial-type storage shelves. The shelves I think were empty but there was a stack of boxes sitting on the floor in front of them. To my right was a matching storage cabinet with a box on top of it. The colleague was going back and forth from the box to where he was sitting looking for some old marketing information. I asked him if he used the Sun, implying the local newspaper of the same name but he didn’t answer. I asked again rather loudly, “DO YOU USE THE SUN” and he reluctantly answered “Yes”.

I will refer to the colleague looking for the marketing brochure as Bill from this point on.

I went to work that day and shortly after arriving, another colleague I’ll call Garry, asked me to design a cover for the marketing brochure. I didn’t even know we had a marketing brochure at the time, but Garry was the guy in charge of that sort of thing while Bill was head of engineering. That dream took place April 22, 2008. On April 21, 2009 I learned that Garry was taking over engineering and Bill would be the new head of marketing. So I guess that explains why he was looking for the marketing information.

One more peculiarity on that subject, Purpleaura had been talking to her mum last Friday about the family tree and found the tartan and family crest of one particular branch. She recalled I had talked about tartans in a previous blog and did a search to find Mothers, Daughters and the Zoo of life to be the blog in question. When the marketing dream came back to me the next day I too did a search and found the same blog. Why we both came across the same commentary for two entirely different reasons is a mystery. Apparently the sun is involved somehow, could be the New Mexico reference, or maybe April 22 was the emphasis. Those who like to play these types of games are all about the numbers. 4-22-11 (2+0+0+9) has got to mean something. And if your mind is that twisted, what better day to cause chaos and anarchy across the globe than the day we celebrate the earth. Hmmm, Gaia was the Greek Goddess of the earth. Interesting.

According to the Associated Press, this outbreak began back in back in December, but on April 22 things really started to heat up:

April 22: CDC confirms three additional cases of swine flu in California and two in Texas, near San Antonio. (San Antonio will come up again later).

April 22: The Oaxaca Health Department indicates that 16 employees at the Hospital Civil Aurelio Valdivieso have contracted respiratory disease.

By the 24th it was a near panic situation for the people of Mexico City.

OK, back to the Canada connection. April 15th I dreamt about going to a city south of here called Lethbridge. It involved Purpleaura and I looking for a lost suitcase and also had an ominous feel to it. I’ve had a lot of suitcase dreams lately and can’t help but think they represent malicious intent. Whether it be suitcase bombs or something else transported by suitcase, they just don’t feel good and the word terrorism has entered my thoughts more than once. I won’t get into how many times Lethbridge has come at me every which way lately but the number is growing daily. I’ve been there exactly twice in the 30+ years I’ve lived in Alberta, so I began to wonder why. It’s very close to the US border, as the crow flies less than 50 miles. April 17th I read this prediction which really hit a nerve for some reason:

Terror Attack on the US


Same prediction I've made for a while. A small cell of guys are going to use rifles and grenades to shoot into crowds in a large US city. Very much like a Mumbai style attack. Two of the guys are already located in the United States in NYC. They are under surveillance but they are such low key people that no especially attention is being paid to them, and they really aren't "hanging around" with people that would be defined as radical. One of them has an affectation that would make him immediately identifiable to the people assigned to observe him. The other one is less identifiable but by his association with the other could be recognized.

Before the attack, at least three other men will come into the US through Canada. One of them is a short, balding rotund fellow...middle aged. Their attack will likely succeed based mostly on its rapidity and simplicity.

So hope for a big ole failure on their part. And hope of course that I'm just nuts and completely wrong.

After the epidemic broke on April 24th, this one:

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Scene I, Act II

By A. True Ott, PhD, ND

On March 20, 2009, this researcher outlined a peculiar "PANDEMIC VACCINE TRAINING" exercise in Texas scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 2, 2009. See complete article at [link to]

I thought it very strange that a rather obscure Texas county would see fit to conduct such a "training exercise" involving Texas National Guard Troops involving "drive-thru vaccination clinics". I also thought it exceedingly strange that these rather obscure county officials would make the public declarations that emergency "pandemic vaccination programs would mean a line of cars 41 miles long" in Guadalupe County, but that San Antonio's drive-thru vaccine's line would stretch from "San Antonio to Calgary, Alberta Canada" --- strange, because this just happens to be the planned route of the AMERO FREEWAY -- connecting the late-great U.S.A. with Mexico and Canada.

Well that’s hitting a little too close to home.

San Antonio brings up another subject, Mary. While contemplating writing this blog the last couple of days, I can’t seem to get the song The Wind Cries Mary out of my head (there’s more to do with wind coming up shortly). As I’ve mentioned in the past, we have a lot of Mary’s in our lives. There’s a popular dreamer we know from several forums who doesn’t hide the fact her name is Mary or that she lives in San Antonio. In the last two weeks I’ve dreamt about my sister Mary twice, (unusual), as well as a long-passed neighbour named Mary, (right out of left field). Coincidentally my sister’s birthday is April 22. Perhaps this is directing us to pay attention to this Mary. If what she’s saying is even remotely true, we’re all in big trouble:

Now back to the wind portion of the program. This was more from the Gaia Man thread:

Gaia Man, if you don´t mind one more question. You mentioned war fought in the USA, and foreign troops come to help. Who will the U.S. be fighting? And what kind of "event time markers" can we look for to prepare for the killer virus and war?

Dear Soul,
The U.S. will be fighting the unseen.
It will come as the wind.


When the Virus comes from the City of the wind and will travel by air, people have to close windows and doors. People should have fresh water and food in their homes. To many people for the vaccine. The camps will be fuel. The blue helmets will rule the streets. From abroad more vaccine will come. For many to late. Gaia Man

Another thought the paint fumes summoned up was the fact Lethbridge is known as Alberta’s windy city.

On average, Lethbridge has 116 days with wind speed of 40 km/h (25 mph) or higher, ranking it as the second city in Canada for such weather

Just 50km east of Lethbridge is one of the world’s largest wind farms so it comes by its reputation honestly.

And the city that is home to the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory is Winnipeg. If you know anybody from that city or call yourself a Canadian, you would have heard at some point in your life the intersection of Portage and Main has the claim to fame of being the windiest corner in Canada if not the world. The CNML is located at 275 Portage.

Maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on Canada, after all this isn’t the first time there’s been an outbreak of swine flu.

1976 U.S. outbreak

On February 5, 1976, an army recruit at Fort Dix said he felt tired and weak. He died the next day and four of his fellow soldiers were later hospitalized. Two weeks after his death, health officials announced that swine flu was the cause of death and that this strain of flu appeared to be closely related to the strain involved in the 1918 flu pandemic. Alarmed public-health officials decided that action must be taken to head off another major pandemic, and they urged President Gerald Ford that every person in the U.S. be vaccinated for the disease. The vaccination program was plagued by delays and public relations problems, but about 24% of the population had been vaccinated by the time the program was canceled.

There is "enough evidence to suggest that" about 500 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, resulting in death from severe pulmonary complications for 25 people, were caused by an immunopathological reaction to the vaccine in some people. Other influenza vaccines have not been linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Odd it originated on an army base. Or not.

As if all that wasn’t freaky enough, this was posted on April 26th :

Re: Super Bowl steve said Pandemic flu 2009 outbreak planned by NWO

he said it would be at time of big usa football event

nfl draft is a big football event it was yesterday when this flu stuff started to go crazy

super bowl steve

is half right again

remember steve was told this stuff by an NWO insider who was reseraching how the winds carried stuff at a PA university... back in 1988

that PA professor was NWO man and a satan worshiper

who was gloating over the NWO illuminati masonic plans for the usa 20 years ago

And of course we can’t have an incident like this without remembering up all the dead microbiologists. Apparently this is where the “suicides” began:

The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists

It all began with Don Wiley.

On November 15th, Harvard Professor Don Wiley left a gathering of friends and colleagues some time after 10:30 PM. The next morning, Memphis police found his rental car stopped on a bridge, with a full tank of gas and keys still in the ignition. There was no financial or family trouble. Indeed Wiley was supposed to meet his family at the Memphis airport to continue on to an Icelandic vacation. Neither was there any history of depression or mental illness.

In the report printed in the New York Times on November 27th, the FBI's Memphis office distanced itself from the case saying that the available facts did not add up to a suspicion of foul play. I guess at the FBI it's a perfectly everyday occurrence for a Harvard Professor to stop his rental car on a bridge in the middle of the night before he is supposed to leave for Iceland and just walk away into the Tennessee dark.

Considering the last blog, I couldn’t help but wonder if Purpleaura’s Peabody dream somehow fit into the puzzle. Her mum needed a flight to Spain...Memphis has the General Dewitt Spain Airport...Spanish flu...and the last item listed in the AP’s Timeline is “Spain reports its first confirmed swine flu case”.

Just for fun I Googled Don Wiley + Peabody and holy crap Batman, look what I find:

Don Wiley was John L. Loeb Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Harvard's Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and examined dangerous viruses including AIDS, Ebola, Herpes Simplex and Influenza, and was widely known for his work in X-ray crystallography. When Wiley vanished on November 16th 2001, he was one of the most famous specialists of Structural Biology of Viruses and the Human Immune System. However the FBI didn't examine his case on possible terrorist links or a hijack. Later, the Memphis Police found Wiley's car on a bridge and came to the conclusion, that he committed suicide.

On the day when he vanished, he had been at a banquet for the board at the Peabody Hotel, a short drive from the bridge, where his car was found.,DonC.shtml

I don’t know what else to say. That Memphis thing seemed like a long shot when it first entered my mind but now I’m gobsmacked. Think what you will and enjoy some Jimi.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Suns and Ducks

The official name of the Pyramid is "The Great American Pyramid."

The Pyramid is 321 feet tall, or 32 stories -- the third largest pyramid in the world.

The Memphis, Tennessee pyramid is a 60 percent replica of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

A 20 foot statue of Ramses the Great stands guard at the Pyramid's entrance.

Purpleaura had a dream last night that at first doesn’t seem too freaky but upon further investigation has turned up a few interesting items.

My mum’s best friend (also a family friend) went to a travel agency to look into a vacation. For some reason Spain comes to mind. The friend couldn’t afford much but wanted to look into it anyway, and she didn’t want a hotel any further than 9 miles away from the airport. The travel agent said the flight would cost $149 which she thought was a bit pricey. The travel agent mentioned a hotel called the Peabody so I looked on the computer to check the distance between it and the airport and found it was a little over 9 miles. The friend said it looked bigger on the map (blue and white with a scale in miles underneath), and appeared to be within the 9-mile radius. I knew this wouldn’t do because she had to get around without a car, then I woke up.
The first freaky thing is the Peabody in Memphis is at 149 Union Avenue. I can guarantee neither of us knew that prior to this dream. Purpleaura measured the distance from the Peabody to the Memphis International Airport and found, just like in her dream, it is a little over 9 miles (11.4 according to Google Earth). I did a search for Peabody + Spain and found the General Dewitt Spain Airport near downtown Memphis, which is only 4.2 miles from the Peabody.

U.S. Airways flight 149 departs today from Phoenix and arrives in Columbus Ohio at 4:44pm. If you measure the distance between Phoenix and Columbus on Google Earth you will find it takes you directly through Memphis. Maybe the flight path is different but that’s the most efficient route by ground. If you want to fly from Atlanta to Memphis you can find a good deal at this site,

where you can get a flight for $149.

Another thing not so freaky but more peculiar was walking into work yesterday behind a co-worker. Along the way another girl joined the parade and stated “It’s the march of the ladies”, where I immediately began walking like a penguin. The first thing I did this morning is check out the Peabody in Memphis and the introducktory paragraph at Wikipedia is:

The Peabody Hotel is a luxury hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. The hotel is well known for the famous "Peabody Ducks" that live on the hotel rooftop, but which make daily treks to the hotel's lobby in a daily "March of Ducks" celebration.

That jogged my memory because my mom and sisters were in Memphis not too long ago and made a trek to the Peabody specifically to watch the March of the Ducks. Before that I had never heard of the place or the duck attraction but mom was pretty hepped up about it. Interesting to note my mother is crazy about penguins (at last count there were well over 300 in her collection), so that connection was kind of weird. Then again maybe march is referring to something else like say a month of the year. If so then also weird that Purpleaura saw 149 in her dream and today is March 14th, 2009.

Also relating to the Peabody and March 14th is Joe Biden’s speaking engagement at the Little Rock Peabody tonight:

America's second-in-command is scheduled to make a stop in Little Rock. Vice President Joe Biden is expected to visit Arkansas Saturday evening at the Peabody hotel.

It should also be noted that the Mississippi River was allegedly discovered by Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto, just south of Memphis.

Now a bit about the man for which the Peabody was named, George Peabody:

George Peabody (February 18, 1795 – November 4, 1869) was an entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the Peabody Institute. He was born in what was then South Danvers, Massachusetts (now Peabody, Massachusetts), to a family with Puritan antecedents in the state, but that was solidly middle class. His birthplace at 205 Washington Street in Peabody is now the George Peabody House Museum, a museum dedicated to preserving his life and legacy. One of George Peabody's longtime business associates and friends was renowned banker and art patron William Wilson Corcoran.

In 1816, Peabody moved to Baltimore, where he would live for the next 20 years. And in 1837, Peabody settled in London, where he would spend the rest of his life.

George Peabody never married. He died in London on November 4, 1869, aged 74. At the request of the Dean of Westminster and with the approval of the Queen, Peabody was given a temporary burial in Westminster Abbey.

His will provided that he be buried in the town of his birth, Danvers, Massachusetts, and Prime Minister Gladstone arranged for Peabody's remains to be returned to America on HMS Monarch (interesting name), the newest and largest ship in Her Majesty's Navy. He is buried in Salem, Massachusetts, at Harmony Grove Cemetery. Peabody's death and the pair of funerals were international news, with hundreds of people participating in the ceremonies and thousands attending.

The town of South Danvers, Massachusetts, changed its name to The City of Peabody, Massachusetts in honor of its favorite son. Peabody is a member of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans located at the Bronx Community College, at the former site of New York University.

A statue of him stands next to the Royal Exchange in the City of London, unveiled in 1869 shortly before his death. There is a similar statue of him next to the Peabody Institute, in Mount Vernon Park, part of the Mount Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland.

In 1851 he founded George Peabody and Company to meet the increasing demand for securities issued by the American railroads and three years later went into partnership with Junius Spencer Morgan (father of J. P. Morgan) to form Peabody, Morgan and Co., where the two financiers worked together until Peabody’s retirement in 1864. On his retirement, the firm was renamed J. S. Morgan & Co. The former UK merchant bank Morgan Grenfell (now part of Deutsche Bank), international universal bank JPMorgan Chase and investment bank Morgan Stanley can all trace their roots to Peabody's bank.

February 18 is a big date for us so this looks like it might be a head’s up.

Seems Mr. Peabody was quite an influential figure in the U.S. (and the one who maybe started this whole mess?) Considering Purpleaura’s dreams are often multilayered, I have to wonder if this is stock market related. Can we look for wheels to completely fall off in 9 days? She’s had some pretty hinky vibes for a major event this month. Could be personal or maybe not. Also kind of weird is her mum lives in the UK as did Mr Peabody.

Purpleaura did some snooping around for Peabody and Freemasons and came up with a few interesting things.

Their main funding came from the British Freemasonic banker and Rothschild frontman called George Peabody and he appointed J. P. Morgan senior to handle the funds in America. Morgan, you’ll recall, was a stooge for Daniel Payseur. See how the same names keep coming up wherever you look.
The little White House in Warm Springs was given to FDR by Banker, Communist and New World Order adherent George Foster Peabody. George Foster Peabody was also in the heavily communist infiltrated League Against Armaments.

That’s interesting since the other Spain-related Peabody thing I found today is a gun called the M1868 Spanish Peabody:

In the same article is a reference to the Memphis pyramid. To learn more about Memphis and Egypt, read the article:

A Brief Introduction to the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim or Egyptian Masonry

at the following link:

As far as General DeWitt goes, he sure doesn’t sound like a very nice guy:

John Lesesne DeWitt was an American Army general, best known for his role in the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. In the course of carrying out policy, he issued military proclamations that applied to American men, women and children who happened to have Japanese ancestry, restricting their civil rights and directing that they be moved from their homes and to government-operated detention camps.

I’m sure if he were alive today he’s be the head of FEMA, what with all the rumoured camps just waiting for occupants:

In April 1984, President Reagan signed Presidential Directorate Number 54 that allowed FEMA to engage in a secret national "readiness exercise" under the code name of REX 84. The exercise was to test FEMA's readiness to assume military authority in the event of a "State of Domestic National Emergency" concurrent with the launching of a direct United States military operation in Central America. The plan called for the deputation of U.S. military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement. These units would be assigned to conduct sweeps and take into custody an estimated 400,000 undocumented Central American immigrants in the United States. The immigrants would be interned at 10 detention centers to be set up at military bases throughout the country. REX 84 was so highly guarded that special metal security doors were placed on the fifth floor of the FEMA building in Washington, D.C. Even long-standing employees of the Civil Defense of the Federal Executive Department possessing the highest possible security clearances were not being allowed through the newly installed metal security doors. Only personnel wearing a special red Christian cross or crucifix lapel pin were allowed into the premises. Lt. Col. North was responsible for drawing up the emergency plan, which U.S. Attorney General William French Smith opposed vehemently.

There’s a bunch more to read about at the link below but I found this of particular interest:

The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby.

As far as 149 in symbology goes:

14:9 • A basic element in Western ideography, the clockwise spiral (starting from the middle) is strongly associated with water, power, independent movement, and migrations of tribes. The sign's association with water may rather focus recurring rainy seasons, than water in general.

Well in accordance with the law of the polarity of meanings of elementary graphs also often seems to denote the sun. But maybe not the ordinary sun, but the eclipsed sun.

As isolated ideograms on rock carvings most probably means the sun, but it might also have been used for recurring migrations or tribal wanderings.

I don’t think the Egyptians had much to do with the sun did they? And what the heck was the name of the label Elvis recorded with?

Apparently TabithaToo has gotten into the game as well. Purpleaura didn’t read the email I sent her about the 14:9 symbology right away because she was busy helping TabithaToo paint up a t-shirt. They made some flowers and some suns with spirals inside them. As TabithaToo explained, after that dried they had to turn it over and make some stars and moons.

I think that’s it for now. Here’s hoping flight 149 (and all other flights) make it to their destination safely and without incident. And maybe it’s time to get all our ducks in a row.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Not Happy Valentines Day

(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

Fling you out into orbit
No one's going to hear you shout
And fools aren't going to follow
You don't need to sleaze about
Now you're sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
But you're gonna be fine
The elephant's in the bedroom
Throwing all his weight about
And I'm locked in the bathroom
Your screaams are gonna drown me out
Now you're sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
But you're gonna be fine
I got a cold chill I get a cool thrill
Are you ready for the gilded cage
Are you ready for the tears of rage
Come on baby, don't let them drown you out
Now you're sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
Sad sad sad
But you're gonna be fine
You're gonna be fine
You're gonna be fine.....

I guess it’s a blogging kind of week. This was Purpleaura’s dream from February 4th, 2009:

I had a dream that I was talking on the cell phone to my mum which I never do. I seem to be in a major city, don’t know if it’s in the US or UK. So as I’m walking and talking people are looking up in the sky (including myself), because there’s this weird noise as a passenger plane makes this horrible choking sound. It was strange because as we’re watching, the plane changed directions from anti-clockwise and then suddenly the plane’s nose was facing us. We knew it was coming down and they couldn’t do anything about it. The plane was blue and had a red stripe on the tail. I turned around and notice a fireball coming at me then the plane crashed and then nothing.

February 13, 2009

A commuter aircraft crashed into a house near Buffalo, N.Y., on Thursday night, sending flames shooting into the sky and killing 49 people on board and one on the ground.

It was originally thought that there were only 48 people were on the flight — 44 passengers, two pilots and two flight attendants. But Colgan Air Inc., a regional carrier for Continental, said another off-duty pilot had also boarded the flight.

While residents of the neighbourhood where the plane went down were used to planes rumbling overhead, witnesses said this one sounded louder than usual, sputtered and made some odd noises.

The plane's tail section and rear fuselage were largely intact and burning at the scene.

Yep, sounds like the same incident all right. Our hearts go out to all those involved.

So besides that major weirdness, there are few other things to note as there seems to be more to this crash than meets the eye. Yes there may be a conspiracy involved.

Purpleaura lives in Florida and it seems everywhere I look Florida is being mentioned regarding this disaster. I thought Colgan sounded a lot like Colgate so I began to wonder who may have been on board the fateful flight.

A Sept. 11 widow and activist named Beverly Eckert was among the 50 people killed in the Continental Flight 3407 crash near Buffalo.

Eckert had been part of a small group of Sept. 11 widows, mothers, and children who became amateur lobbyists on Capitol Hill following the terrorist attacks. Her team ultimately forced lawmakers in 2004 to pass sweeping reforms of the U.S. intelligence reform law.

As co-chair of the "9-11 Family Steering Committee," she pushed for a 9-11 Commission. She pushed the Bush administration to provide more information to the commission, and when the commission's work was over, she pushed Congress to adopt their recommendations.

Last week, Eckert met Obama in the White House with other relatives of the victims of Sept. 11 and the bombing of the USS Cole to discuss the new administration's fight against terror.

Eckert’s parents are currently vacationing in Florida. She was returning to her home town of Buffalo to celebrate what would have been her late husband’s 58th birthday.

My Silence Cannot Be Bought

by Beverly Eckert

I’ve chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with terrifying ease. I want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue options were so limited.

I am suing because unlike other investigative avenues, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers to compel evidence.

The victims fund was not created in a spirit of compassion. Rather, it was a tacit acknowledgement by Congress that it tampered with our civil justice system in an unprecedented way. Lawmakers capped the liability of the airlines at the behest of lobbyists who descended on Washington while the Sept. 11 fires still smoldered.

And this liability cap protects not just the airlines, but also World Trade Center builders, safety engineers and other defendants.

The caps on liability have consequences for those who want to sue to shed light on the mistakes of 9/11. It means the playing field is tilted steeply in favor of those who need to be held accountable. With the financial consequences other than insurance proceeds removed, there is no incentive for those whose negligence contributed to the death toll to acknowledge their failings or implement reforms. They can afford to deny culpability and play a waiting game.

By suing, I’ve forfeited the “$1.8 million average award” for a death claim I could have collected under the fund. Nor do I have any illusions about winning money in my suit. What I do know is I owe it to my husband, whose death I believe could have been avoided, to see that all of those responsible are held accountable. If we don’t get answers to what went wrong, there will be a next time. And instead of 3,000 dead, it will be 10,000. What will Congress do then?

So I say to Congress, big business and everyone who conspired to divert attention from government and private-sector failures: My husband’s life was priceless, and I will not let his death be meaningless. My silence cannot be bought.

Beverly Eckert, whose husband died at the World Trade Center, is the founder of Voices of September 11th, a victims advocacy group.

Ellyce Kausner, a second-year student at Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville, was traveling home to Buffalo, N.Y., to be her 4-year-old nephew's date at a Valentine's Day party at his school today.

Chris and Laura Kausner reminisce about their sister who was aboard Flight 3407."I have a son in kindergarten and they are doing a Valentine's Day lunch and you bring somebody special and Ellie was going with him," Ellyce Kausner's sister Laura Kausner told "Good Morning America's" Chris Cuomo in an exclusive interview today.

Ellyce Kausner never made it to the kindergartner's party. She was one of 50 people killed on Continental Express flight 3407 when it crashed moments before its scheduled landing at 10:25 p.m. Thursday.

Weirder yet is the co-pilot was Rebecca Shaw. Purpleaura has always loved that name, she often thought if she ever had a daughter she would be named Rebecca. Well she did have a daughter but was told in a dream to name her something else so Rebecca was out. Shaw was the surname name of her grandparents.

As far as the plane goes, this is a picture of a Colgan Air Saab-340B. Having already read the flight number was 3407, I had to do a double take when I read the model of the plane.

This is a Continental airliner as it sits on a runway in Newark. I’m not sure what it’s all decked out for but if you look just above the nose you can see the World Trade Centre towers in the background.
On my end, I don’t talk to my mom a lot, who just happens to live 15 miles from the crash site (as the crow flies). Often the conversations leave me extremely drained so I tend to avoid those kinds of situations. Christmas day was the last time we spoke, but today, Friday the 13th, being her birthday and all I will have to make a call. I’m certain the crash will be a main topic of conversation.

The scariest flight I was ever on was from Buffalo to Newark. Never have I been so close to crashing. The friend I was flying with hasn’t flown since that day and that was in 1985. The plane hit some major wind on the descent and one of the wings very nearly hit the ground. We landed with such an impact all the oxygen masks fell out of their compartments.

At least one Canadian was among the crash victims. Don McDonald of Fort Erie, Ont., a worker with Pharmetics, Inc., was on the flight, confirms his family.
Fort Erie would be the town my mom lives in.
Not sure where all this is leading but it seems to be going somewhere. My first thoughts are this is a harbinger of bigger things to come considering the WTC connections. Another time stamp perhaps.

Oval Office Eight

I’m not sure what the latest weirdness is supposed to mean. Maybe a time stamp, perhaps a couple of random dreams come true or more of those incessant dots.

It all started yesterday while chatting with a couple of co-workers. As we all admired a map of earthquake zones in Greece cascading from the new plotter, one of the workmates mentioned his wife had an opportunity to work in Algeria. I didn’t think I heard right so I asked, “Algeria”? No answer. I asked again a little louder, “Did you say Algeria”? Still no answer. One more time, a lot louder, “DID YOU SAY ALGERIA”? He finally answered yes.

This seemed strange for many reasons and I made a mental note to look up Algeria when I got back to my desk. I’ve known lots of people who’ve lived and worked in exotic and faraway places, but Algeria was a new one for me.
As usual by the time I made it back to my desk Algeria was all but forgotten. Until just now when BWB read me this local and current news story:
Feb 12, 2009 09:15 PM

CALGARY – Bystanders in downtown Calgary looked on in horror Thursday as a man doused himself with a flammable liquid, then set himself on fire.

An ambulance that was transporting another patient happened to drive by and attendants jumped out with extinguishers and put out the flames.

They called another ambulance to take the man to hospital.

"Our paramedics worked very aggressively to treat him on the way to hospital," said EMS spokesman Stuart Brideaux.

"About 40 per cent of his body had been burned with second-degree burns along his back."

He was listed in serious but stable condition.

Witnesses said the man appeared to be upset and said something about being deported before he set himself alight.

A source told CTV Calgary he was about to be deported to Algeria.

So that was freaky enough, then he read this one:

Former president George W. Bush is coming to Calgary for his first confirmed speaking event since leaving office last month.

The private event, which is being called “A conversation with George W. Bush,” will be held March 17 at the Telus Convention Centre.

Bush will share his “thoughts on his eight momentous years in the Oval Office” and will discuss “the challenges facing the world in the 21st century,” according to the event invitation.

BWB’s never read one of our blogs. Often it’s not until an occasion such as this that I even mention what a blog was about. That’s why him reading me two news stories back-to-back, sounding remarkably similar to the last two blogs, is weirding me out a bit. I was half expecting to hear “...will be accompanied by Waylon Smithers”.

BWB gets his news from the CBC which allows for readers comments. Almost all have the same opinion...WTF???? Here’s the consensus so far:

  • I'd love to hear the guy. I might not agree with him but I still think that, like this forum, exposure to other points of view expands your horizons or at least clarifies your own points of view.
  • Well, how about that. Bush is on tour with his comedy act. (I wonder if Smithers will join him?)
  • Throw your shoes at him en masse.
  • How can Bush come to Canada, he is a convicted felon in his country? He should not be allowed across the border, or is this law for a select few?
  • What? Canada is inviting one of the BIGGEST TERRORIST the world has ever seen to cross its border?

I am dumbfounded. Never in a million years would I have ever thought George W. Bush would come to Calgary for a speaking engagement (or any other reason). We’re hardly small town but on the world stage we would certainly be considered just that. You don’t see stickers on suitcases saying Paris, London, New York, Calgary. And not only is he coming here, it’s the first stop on the Oval Office Eight Tour ’09. Freakin bizarre.

Just thinking out loud, but the scientist in the last blog died on Elvis’s birthday. The blog before that was inspired by a dream of Bush who showed me a coin imprinted with Elvis’s head and some 45’s. I tried to find a date when production on 45’s began and all that came up was February, 1949. Other things that happened in 1949:

All the King’s Men swept the Academy Awards with an Oscar for best picture, best actor (Broderick Crawford) and best supporting actress (Mercedes McCambridge). It won golden globes for best picture, best director (Robert Rossen) and best actor.

The rise and fall of a corrupt politician, who makes his friends richer and retains power by dint of a populist appeal.


All The King's Men is the story of the rise of politician Willie Stark from a rural county seat to the spotlight. Along the way, he loses his initial innocence, and becomes just as corrupt as those who he assaulted before for this characteristic. Also included is the romance between one of his "right hand women" and the up-and-coming journalist who brings Stark to prominence.

Another thing that happened is James Forrestal died in 1949. He was the first Secretary of Defense but that only lasted two years.

“The decline and death of Forrestal is an unresolved problem of history. There is no question that he suffered from a spectacular mental breakdown during 1948 and 1949. Exactly why he did so is less certain, but the answer may have relevance to American national security – and the pesky topic of UFOs.”

There’s an interesting account of the death of James Forrestal at the link above, which contains all the basic elements of the phenomenon known as “being suicided”. Government employee goes mad, finds himself locked up and administered questionable treatments, dies under mysterious circumstances deemed to be suicide.

60th anniversaries being celebrated this year are the founding of the People’s Republic of China, NATO and Australian Citizenship. They’ve even minted a coin for the occasion:

The 2009 $1 Citizenship coin design features the smiling faces of the very first Australian citizens in 1949, each as individual as the country they originate from. Their raised hands symbolises their pride in becoming an Australian citizen, now linked symbolically to create the star of Federation.

And finally George Orwell’s 1984 was published in 1949:

Winston Smith is a middle-aged, unhealthy character, based loosely on Orwell's own frail body, an underling of the ruling oligarchy, The Party. The Party has taken early 20th century totalitarianism to new depths, with each person subjected to 24 hour surveillance, where people's very thoughts are controlled to ensure purity of the oligarchical system in place. Figurehead of the system is the omnipresent and omnipotent Big Brother.

So there’s just a few things that went on in 1949. Gee you’d almost think that year was psychic.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Scientism May Cause Death

Mind Control ~ Stephen Marley

I’ve been working on a blog for a couple of weeks now mostly focusing on scalar weaponry, Russians and Yellowstone. Just when I think I have most of the pieces, something else comes up making it difficult to keep track of the many components and how they relate. Writing it down in a comprehensible manner is harder still, so I’m going to take a break from that one and switch to a dream Purpleaura experienced recently. Although to add to my confusion it also appears to include even more dots longing to be connected. I’m going to try and forget those for now and stay fixed on the dream at hand.

February 5th, 2009
I seem to be watching a scene, there’s a couple in their late 30's to early 40s. The man is dark-haired (for some reason Asian features came to mind). I’m in a corridor watching the scene take place.
As they enter their home they’re suddenly attacked by men with knives who grab them from behind and kill them. I know they have a child and the men seem to be debating whether or not to kill the child too. (I can’t remember if the child was with them or had stayed somewhere else). The man who was killed happens to be a chief scientist (I don’t know what he’s the chief of, but I know he’s in charge of a big project).
The dream jumps and now I’m watching another scene the same day and the same thing happens again. This time a lone male is murdered by the same group that murdered the scientist.
It jumps again and I’m in an office building at a management meeting. The group is waiting for the second murdered man to see what he has to say. They are unaware that this man, who I believe to be the head or owner of this company, has been killed. I approach the man in charge of the meeting and state that both the head of the company and the chief scientist have been murdered today, and in fact this company is a front for something big involving the government. The man in charge of the meeting looks at me as if I am nuts. I tell him again that the owner has been murdered, so he says he’s going to get a hold of the chief scientist and ask him. I say to him again he’s dead, both him and his wife were murdered by the same group of men that killed the owner of this company, and this company is a front for something major about to happen (for some reason electronic warfare came to mind which could be all or part of it).

Then I woke up thinking WTF am I dreaming of this for, jeesh I got better things to do with myself than dream this.
The first order of business was searching for recently deceased scientists. There’s no shortage of dead scientists, the subject has become quite a topic of conversation in the conspiracy circles. Here’s just one article that Purpleaura discovered a couple of years ago:
Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - Master List
Compiled by Mark J. Harper 2-5-5
Marconi Scientists Mystery
In the 1980's over two dozen science graduates and experts working for Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died in mysterious circumstances, most appearing to be suicides., The MOD denied these scientists had been involved in classified Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in any way connected. Judge for yourself...
I won’t list all the deaths as it would be lengthy but the details can be read at the following link:
Note the date of the article was February 5th.
Under the recently deceased scientists category all I could find was this man:
India-born US nuclear physicist Shiva Subramanya dead
February 6th, 2009 - 5:10 pm ICT by IANS
Washington, Feb 6 (IANS) India-born US nuclear physicist Shiva Subramanya is dead. He was 76, a family member said Friday. Subramanya, who was a space scientist and a management consultant, was twice nominated to the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board.
Born April 8, 1933 in Holenarasipura, Hassan District of Karnataka, he died Jan 8, 2009 in California, US.
He went to the US to pursue PhD in nuclear physics from Clark University and went on to study MBA from California State University and did Doctor of Business Administration from Nova University, Florida. He also held numerous special diplomas.
Subramanya was the chairman of the military-industry committee, which draws-up the policy, procedures and operations concepts for the US military including USAF Space Command until his retirement in 1998.
He was national president of Indian Professional Forum, US - an organisation of scientists and engineers of Indian origin. He was also the vice-president of Viswa Hindu Parishad (America).
He may not be the guy Purpleaura dreamt about, but there are a few oddities surrounding Subramanya’s demise. Firstly, this story was just published yesterday, February 6th, yet the man died January 8th. Why the delay in reporting? Secondly, I can’t find any mention of his death in any other news source other than those coming from India. He was a U.S. citizen and held a fairly important job being the chairman of Space Command and all, so why no mention in North American news? (Maybe it has been by now but last night it hadn’t and I’m not looking at anything else today until I get this finished). There is no cause of death but that’s not necessarily out of the ordinary. However, unless it was something like AIDS or suicide the cause of death of important people is usually noted.
And lastly, Subramanya’s date of birth, April 8th, is also Purpleaura’s wedding anniversary and has become a date of interest over the years for various reasons. One incident that comes to mind is the nuptials of Charles and Camilla. They were originally slated to be married April 8th but moved it forward a day due to the death of Pope John Paul II whose funeral took place April 8th. January 8th is of course the birthday of David Bowie and Elvis. This tells me more investigation is required.
The next thing I did was try and determine what exactly is the purpose of the Military-Industry Committee but almost everything that turned up had to do with Russia. One link that caught my eye was called The Seventh Meeting (sounds ominously like the seventh seal). That was a summit between the Belarusian-Chinese Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation which took place in November of 2005.

Not knowing what Belarusian was I had to look that up. Turns out Belarus is an Eastern European country bordered by Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Belarusian is the language spoken there. They used to be part of Russia and the capital is Minsk. That I have heard of.
I scrolled through the page containing the details of the Seventh Meeting and its attendees and one name stood out, Zhidko Vitaliy, Vice-Chairman of the concern “Belneftekhim”. Well not so much the name but the concern Belneftekhim. I thought maybe they were the company Purpleaura dreamt about the head being killed, and perhaps they are, but trying to find information on their U.S. subsidiary turned out to be the proverbial needle in a haystack. They’re in Massachusetts and that’s all I know.
What I did find is Belnetekhim is also known as The Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry. Their headquarters are in Minsk and they have offices in Moscow, Kiev and Frankfurt. Something told me to look for a connection between them and our good friends at Bechtel. There's a directory in Alberta that is the bible of any oilfield or drilling company and as I discovered the US has a similar publication. Bechtel is listed directly above Belneftekhim. That was the only connection I found which I admit isn’t much but something is telling me there's more of a connection than simple alphabetical order.
The Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (Concern Belneftekhim) comprises largest enterprises that substantially influence the economic potential of the Republic of Belarus and to some extent the world market. The petrochemical complex is an important sector of the economy of the Republic. The concern is composed of 84 enterprises with the total number of employees over 100,000.
The most important directions of the concern's activities is production of mineral fertilizers, chemical fibers and yarns, glass fabrics, paint and varnish materials, plastics that is almost the entire range of chemical and petrochemical products. Enterprises of the concern produce the full range of potassium, nitric and phosphoric fertilizers.

I see the word fertilizer and my brain automatically goes to the Ryder truck that obliterated the Federal Building in Oklahoma. Belneftekhim also transports oil and gas which made me think of the TV show about the gas tankers in Boston Harbour that could set off a blast rivalling a nuclear bomb. Seeing’s how they’re based in Massachusetts and all.
I also found this article concerning the concern Belneftekhim (I’m certain CERN’s involved in all of this somehow too):
Bush Administration Froze Belneftekhim Accounts
The U.S. administration has frozen accounts of Belarus state consortium Belneftekhim.
From now on, the U.S. residents are banned from clinching any deals and having business with Belneftekhim offices in Germany, Ukraine, Latvia, Russia and China as well as with its U.S. subsidiary, Belneftekhim USA, the U.S. Treasury Department announced.
No mention of why the accounts were frozen but this happened almost two years to the day after the Seventh Meeting.

Back to Belarus, the name comes from the term white rus or white Russian. Other than the tasty drink I had no idea what a white Russian really was.
White Russians, name given to members and supporters of the counterrevolutionary White armies, which fought against the Bolshevik Red Army in the Russian Civil War (1918-1921). Following the 1917 Russian Revolution that overthrew the monarchy, resistance was quickly organized against the Bolshevik forces commanded by Leon Trotsky. The White forces were initially led by former imperial officers, General Lavr Kornilov and General Anton Denikin, and was supported by socialist revolutionaries and right-wing social democrats. Fearful of the spread of Communism, Britain, the United States, Italy, and Germany intervened on the White side, supplying military and financial support.
Despite this combined force, the White forces were unable to gain victory over the Red Army. Kornilov was killed in April 1918, and following major defeats under Denikin the leadership of the White forces passed to General Pyotr Wrangel, in April 1920. Further defeats followed, and during 1920 the Red Army took the Caucasus, Ukraine, and the Baltic states. The Whites were finally defeated in 1921, due to their own lack of unity and because the Red Army had ruthlessly implemented the policy of “War Communism,” which included seizing food from the peasantry and other property important to the war effort without payment. After the defeat of the Whites, the Bolsheviks established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
While working on the Yellowstone blog I was referring back to the blog A Curious Affair as the Yellowstone saga appeared to be an extension of that. A Curious Affair focused on Purpleaura’s dream of the black man’s funeral in the white house. Purpleaura was dressed in a white shirt and there were a group of people she felt were Russian wearing white and red shoulder wraps. This group was staging some sort of rebellion against other more antagonistic (black) Russians. Now that I know what White Russians are, that explains that. Sort of. Was Purpleaura seeing another uprising of the white army? We can only hope. (White is meant strictly in the spiritual sense and has nothing at all to do with the colour of skin). Or was she seeing the beginnings of another U.S. Civil War between blacks and whites that we and many others have been sensing for some time? (This time I do mean the colour of skin). And will it be instigated by the murder of the white female leader as was the case in her dream?

Next on the agenda was trying to figure out what the company is and who is the person to be done in. That seemed like an overwhelming task.
Before looking into Purpleaura’s dream I had been doing some reading and three recent news stories caught my eye. One was about a stripper who had been doused with gasoline and lit on fire outside a nightclub somewhere in California. Another was about some incidents at various nuclear power plants in the last few days, one being in Milwaukee. And the last was a story about a city in Ohio accidentally dumping hydrochloric acid into the water supply instead of fluoride. The jury’s still out on which is more dangerous but I’m leaning towards fluoride.
I recalled having mentioned a Milwaukee nuclear power plant in a blog once so I made a mental note to look that up. I also dreamt of BWB being doused with gasoline and lit on fire so I made another note to check into that. Then there was the dream of the U-haul (inciting thoughts of the Ryder truck), which took place at the same location as the gasoline dream, but I wasn’t sure if it was the same dream or not. It was not but all these things: Milwaukee, nuclear, tankers in Boston, BWB being doused in gasoline and the Ryder truck were all part of the same blog. And here they are all blending together yet again. Six months later under entirely different circumstances.

What else emerged from that blog was Colgate Palmolive. That came about after Purpleaura sparked up her talking ghost box which told her the name Reuben Mark. At the time he was the head of Colgate Palmolive. Palmolive soap was created by the B.J. Johnson company of Milwaukee which later became the Palmolive company. I decided to look further into Colgate Palmolive.
Interestingly enough Reuben Mark is no longer with the company. He retired on December 31st, 2008 and January 1st 2009 Ian Cook took his place as president, director, CEO and chairman of the board.
Quite a varied and eclectic bunch this board encompasses.
  • Ian M. Cook has been with the company since 1976 and since March of 2008 sits on the board of directors of PepsiCo.
  • John T. Cahill is the former chairman and CEO of the Pepsi Bottling Group. He was also the CFO for RKO Pictures Inc., a member of George W. Bush for President and belongs to the US-Russia Business Council. Their goal is “Working to expand and enhance the U.S. – Russian Commercial Relationship”. Maybe Obama will lift the sanctions against Belneftekhim so they can return to peddling their delightful yarn which we can knit into cute little mittens, and their deadly chemicals.
  • Jill K. Conway is a visiting scholar at MIT and was president of Smith College from 1975 to 1985. She is or was a member of the board of Merrill Lynch and Nike as well as the Council on Foreign Relations. I won’t get into a detailed explanation of the CFR, I think this sums them up nicely:

The Council has been the subject of many conspiracy theories, as shown in the 2007 documentary Zeitgeist, the Movie. This is partly due to the number of high-ranking government officials in its membership, among world business leaders, its secrecy clauses, and the large number of aspects of American foreign policy that its members have been involved with, beginning with (Woodrow) Wilson's Fourteen Points. The John Birch Society believes that the CFR plans a one-world government.

  • Ellen M. Hancock has quite a resume. President and COO of Aquicor Technology, president and CEO of Exodus Communications, CTO and executive VP of research and development at Apple, executive VP and COO at National Semiconductor, senior VP at IBM and a member of the board at Aetna, Siemens and Watchguard Technologies. She belongs or belonged to Bush-Cheney ’04, George W. Bush for President, John McCain 2008 and the Pacific Council on International Policy. Here’s what and who they are:
Powerful forces are transforming the world and the place of the United States in it. The economic and demographic center of gravity is moving west in North America and towards the Pacific Rim globally. Islamic extremism is destabilizing international security. The Cold War’s nuclear non-proliferation regime is unraveling. International relations are affected as much by business action as by government policy. Globalization is moving from low-cost production to innovation in emerging markets, exacerbating social dislocations and political backlashes. Rising demand for energy and control of resources is threatening not only the global economy but also the environment and international security.
The mission of the Pacific Council on International Policy is to confront these global transformations through giving more effective voice to West Coast perspectives on them, by:
  • Building a network of globally-oriented business, civic and government leaders
    Convening exchanges with global policy makers and opinion leaders
  • Generating fresh ideas, timely research and innovative proposals on the key issues shaping the global agenda
  • Partnering with organizations around the world to promote mutual understanding and coordinated action
  • Informing policy elites and the public about global challenges and opportunities


The Pacific Council on International Policy is a non-partisan organization headquartered in Los Angeles with members and activities throughout the West Coast of the United States and internationally. The Council is governed by a Board of Directors co-chaired by John E. Bryson, Chairman and CEO of Edison International, and Warren Christopher, former U.S. Secretary of State. Jerrold D. Green is the President and CEO of the Pacific Council. Founded in 1995 in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Pacific Council is a 501c(3) not-profit organization whose work is made possible by financial contributions and in-kind support from individuals, corporations, foundations and other organizations. .

  • David W. Johnson was chairman emeritus of the Campbell’s Soup Company which I found weird since I just had a dream about Campbell’s soup last week. He was also chairman and CEO of Gerber and a VP at General Foods.
  • Richard J. Kogan has been president, CEO, COO and executive VP at Schering-Plough as well as holding key positions at Ciba-Geigy, both pharmaceutical companies. He sits on the board at the Bank of New York Mellon and the Bank of New York. He is or was a member of Bush-Cheney '04, Business Roundtable, George W. Bush for President, John McCain 2008 and the Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Delano E. Lewis was the U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, held various top positions at Bell Atlantic, Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone (they service Washington DC among other places) and National Public Radio. He is or was a board member of Apple, Black Entertainment Television, Chase Manhattan Bank, Geico, Halliburton and Kodak.
  • J. Pedro Reinhard has been with DOW Chemical for quite some time as executive VP, CFO, VP Finance and treasurer. He was or is a member of the board of Coca Cola and the Royal Bank of Canada.
There’s very little information about Stephen I. Sadove other than he was chairman and CEO of Saks, held key positions at Bristol-Myers Squibb and is a board member of the restaurant chain Ruby Tuesday.
This is a really cool website. Type in the name of any person and it gives you a full rundown of their career and associations:
Yep looks like Colgate Palmolive have all the bases covered. Pharmaceuticals, computers, radio, television and movies, communications, food supplies, money, presidents and killer chemicals. Now let’s revisit Purpleaura’s dream from June 27th, 2008, as posted in the same blog as all the previously mentioned stuff:
In the first dream I see something big is going down. I was watching two young males discussing something to do with the government or military who thought they had destroyed the men but in fact it was a distraction. They seem to be running parallel plans together, one a distraction and one the real plan. One of the men turned around and said, "They had attacked distraction as planned”. One of the men’s faces was really red, it looked like he had been in a fire or his face was painted. He had pus and boils peeling off him but he was quite happy that whoever/whatever had taken the bait. Then I heard “it’s nearly ready” as they had built something about to be released. The internet and teenagers and people in their early 20’s also seemed to be involved somehow.
Now to just figure out what the plan is. Poisoning the masses is certainly an option and simple to initiate when you’ve got a guy who’s a specialist in every deadly chemical on the planet making toothpaste. Mind control through the media and education system is another uncomplicated alternative with such experts at hand. I couldn’t figure out the Saks connection until I learned they sold cosmetics. Maybe batshit isn’t the worst thing people are smearing all over their faces in the name of beauty. There are also rumours of cotton being the root of Morgellons so there’s that to think about. Or maybe all of the above and some. Since we’re not sure at the moment I will leave it at that for now. Maybe if I can ever get that other blog completed we’ll have some more tangible answers.
A couple of final peculiarities. I thought an old Colgate or Palmolive ad would make a good picture for this blog, and much to my surprise I found a few featuring the Dionne quintuplets (for both Colgate toothpaste and Palmolive soap). I had quite a fascination with the fivesome as a youngster, read the Pierre Burton book and loved and hated the stories my mother told of visiting the Dionne “zoo” when she was a youngster. Fascinated she saw them live and in person but dismayed at their plight. Funny thing, while I haven’t thought of them in years I was just yesterday telling the story to a person who had never heard of them. How the government ripped them from their home and family to fulfill the monetary needs of those in greed. How they lived tragic and miserable lives and were nothing more than an advertising tool for everything from toothpaste to typewriters. A government-appointed doctor became their guardian so whatever the quints were doing, every parent in the nation was mimicking. If it was good enough for the quints it was good enough for them. RKO even used them so it seems not much has changed.

What still bothers me is what went on behind the scenes that caused at least one of them to commit suicide. Or was it suicide? Were they the original guinea pigs? Why was I so enamoured of them and what they represented at such a young age?

Another really odd thing is Purpleaura just emailed this:

Belarus, the former Soviet state ruled by strongman Alexander Lukashenko, doesn't usually top lists of favourite places to do business. Flat, marshy, and landlocked, the nation of 10.3 million between Poland and Russia has had trouble attracting foreign investment, the CIA World Factbook says, in part because of the government's habit of arresting business people it deems "disruptive."
Yet for Lawrenceville (N.J.)-based EPAM Systems, Belarus has been the key to growth of 30% or more a year. The company, founded by Belarus native Arkadiy Dobkin, has tapped a ready supply of well-trained software engineers in that country, as well as Russia, Ukraine, and other places in the region, to become one of the top providers of outsourced software services operating from Central and Eastern Europe.
EPAM's 2,400 employees in cities such as the Belarussian capital of Minsk or the Russian city of St. Petersburg supply tailor-made software for corporate customers including Colgate-Palmolive.
Dobkin, who worked for Colgate-Palmolive and SAP in the U.S. before founding EPAM in 1993, acknowledges that there is some risk doing business in Belarus or Russia, where the company also has operations.
And the final odd thing (in this chapter anyway, it feels like there may be more) is I just looked up Colgate’s head office and was quite surprised to discover it’s in Mumbai India. That opens up a whole other can of worms but also takes us full circle to what began this madcap web in the first place, the mysterious Shiva Subramanya.