Sunday, 7 December 2008


This dream from Friday night may or may not mean anything but it’s just too funny not to share.

I was in my home town on the main drag with a young woman from work that I don’t normally dream about, who we affectionately call Princess around the office. As far as I can recall I’ve had only one other dream about her and that had to do with her wedding. Since she’s currently not even dating anybody I guess that’s definitely a future scenario. She’s from Hong Kong which again may or may not be significant.

Anyway, we’re on the main drag a few doors down from a hotel called the McLeod, a place I’ve dreamt about many times. It was and still is a favourite watering hole for many generations...past, present and probably future. Back in the 60’s, (before women were considered people), the bar was divided into two sections. Men Only and Ladies & Escorts (women were not allowed in bars without a man back then).

Kitty-corner to the McLeod was what appeared to be a wheat field growing about 5 feet tall. It may have been something else, I’m guessing overgrown grass, but it was wheat coloured. In waking life this was the home of the Queen’s Hotel for many years then became the site of the local Brewers Retail. I hadn’t thought about that until just now and interestingly the Princess went to Queen’s University. My father worked at the Brewers Retail after he retired from the police force but that did cross my mind earlier.

We could see two people trudging through the grass looking lost and confused. As they began to emerge I could see it was George W and Waylon Smithers from the Simpsons. I asked the Princess if that was indeed George W and she replied, “Yes, he’s giving a speech at the McLeod today”.

You have to understand this is a very small town, population around 2,000. There’s no way in hell George W is ever going to give a speech in a local bar. But then again, with the way things are going I doubt many will fork over any cash to hear him speak, which has been the customary way in which most past presidents make their living after being evicted from the White House. In this case it may just be the only type of venue this particular president can fill.

I thought it strange he had no secret service around him. Even past presidents have that luxury and I wasn’t even sure if he was still the president or not. Judging by the weather and the looks of the grass it was spring or early summer.

We watched as Bush and Smithers finally found their way out of the field and as they did they checked something on a piece of paper, looked around, discussed who-knows-what, looked back at the paper and continued walking. I’m assuming it was a map or instructions. Once out of the field they carried on to the McLeod.

George wasn’t sure he had the right place so he stood on a ledge made of bricks that surrounded a garden bed. He opened the window to the former Ladies & Escorts side and poked his head in.

I was cracking up over this and mentioned to the Princess several times how hilarious it was for the people inside. Imagine sitting in a bar in small town Ontario minding your own business and seeing the president of the United States poking his head through the window.

George was dressed in a bright red baseball-type jacket (is he a Red Sox fan?) and had weird hair. He was bald on top but the rest of his hair was dirty blonde, very long and moussed back. Not quite a comb-over but close. Smithers was his usual cartoon self.

After he looked in the window he must have concluded he had the right place and they both went inside. The Princess and I decided we wouldn’t mind hearing his speech so we followed behind.

The room was small with a maybe 10 tables and few people. The tables had grey tops with chrome trim and black legs. Their accompanying benches were grey and black tweed. The tables were not all the same size and as we looked around for a place to sit we saw the biggest table in the place was the only one vacant. Some tables had people sitting at them and others had coats and drinks left behind to hold the spots. We sat down to take in the show where I promptly fell asleep and missed the whole thing.

After the speech was over I woke up to find GW at our table with a silver coin in his hand about the size of a quarter. I wasn’t too interested in the coin right about then, I was more concerned if I had been snoring or drooling in a public place and did I disrupt the speech.

He handed me the coin and said “Everybody thinks I want my face on the money but I don’t. Look at this coin and tell me what you see”. Well what I saw was his face on the coin and wondered WTF he was trying to pull. I also knew this was about more than the money and wasn’t a George Washington situation where he was to be forever commemorated with an icon minted in his honour. I got a vision of Queen Elizabeth and her face on the money and knew this had more to do with who’s ruling the country.

So I said, “This is your face”. He said “No, not that side, the other side. What do you see on the other side?” I flipped the coin over and could vaguely make out another face along with a bunch of symbols I don’t remember. I think one was a musical note and one a 45 RPM record and in amongst the symbols was the face of Elvis sporting a big shit-eating grin. Then I woke up.

While in the half-awake half-asleep state I tried to figure out the meaning and all I could come up with is Elvis’ birthday which is January 8th. This has always been a sore spot with me because I’m a huge Bowie fan and he was also born on January 8th. But we never hear about that because that day will always be dedicated to Elvis. Not that there’s anything wrong with Elvis, I just think they should share.

There’s scads of talk around the internet of a major catastrophe some time in January so that entered my mind. I think the rest is fairly self explanatory if you’re into the martial-law-Bush-forever theory.

Why all the queen stuff I don’t know unless she plans on playing an integral role in the whole affair or there’s simply a new monarchy in the making. I think I was being shown something’s brewing besides beer but I’m just not sure what.

I looked in the archives for other McLeod dreams and was a little shocked to find this considering the actual tables in the hotel are not grey but wood. At least in my day. Why I keep dreaming they’re grey and chrome is a mystery. Finding similar but older dreams on or near the date of the current one always freaks me out.

December 4th, 2006

I dreamt I was in the McLeod Hotel again only this time I was behind the bar. My dad was there and I was saying to him, "Yeah, this is just how it looks in my dreams". Then I looked to my left and pointed to what appeared to be a dance floor and said "That's where the posse hangs out and I'm usually on the other side of the bar". I think the floor was yellow and green tiles and the bar was that old fashioned grey marble looking stuff that everybody had in the 50's with the chrome trim. Like at a diner.
In most of the McLeod dreams I’m shown what I first thought were cowboys line dancing but later concluded they were a posse. Sometime after that I happened upon a website showing old photos from the town, including this one of the McLeod:

Looks like a posse to me.

Further research shows the McLeod was built by one John McLeod then sold to Percy Rice, son of Harry Rice. Funny how things connect.

Smithers of course is the devoted sidekick of the evil Mr Burns and appeared to play the same role for Mr Bush. I don’t recall having a lot of dreams of Bush specifically but one that stands out also involved the Simpsons. Purpleaura and I were at the White House and we resembled twins Sherri and Terri although we were invisible. We followed GW around the White House taunting and teasing and generally making him nuts since he didn’t know where the voices were coming from. We kept asking, “Whatta ya gonna do now? Start another war?” He kept trying to run but he couldn’t hide.

So that’s it. Not a lot of speculation or deep hidden meanings. Just one of those uber bizarro night time adventures.