Monday, 30 June 2008

Something's Burning

Well with Canada Day closing in I can’t help but be reminded of the Spy vs. Spy dream (April 16th, 2007) with its lone Canadian flag draped over a rather ornate pole in the middle of an equally striking dance floor. Nothing ever came from that dream, not even a personal message and that’s unusual for me. Purpleaura has the ability to see much further into the distance than I, so while her dreams sometimes take a year or more to transpire mine are usually within months or days. All I can surmise is:

A) That wasn’t a prophetic dream.
B) I had one of Purpleaura’s dreams (which has been known to happen), or
C) What I saw was a diversion.
A recent round of same-themed dreams brought this one to our attention again, well that and the fact that tomorrow’s Canada Day and the same feelings of foreboding have made their way to the forefront. Before I get to those dreams though I have to mention Purpleaura’s dream we believe might have been Tim Russert trying to show her something (what we don’t know) that may or may not relate to the other dreams but needs to be noted anyway.
Purpleaura ~ April 30th, 2008
I was at a restaurant serving as a waitress to a table with two males. The first male finished so I took his bill to the table. The other man was sitting on the opposite side and I knew he was reporter, he was very serious and had a political feel to him. I had already given him his cheque but then he ordered something else so I gave him a cheque for the food he just ate. I decided to tell him it was probably easier if I charge everything on one bill.

It jumps and I’m shutting down the restaurant for the night talking to the reporter the whole time. We end up outside the restaurant and although I had my car there we didn’t take it even though we had a long walk ahead of us. All the way home we chatted up a storm.

Suddenly we find ourselves riding an animal (a big dog comes to mind). We pass a garden and there are smaller animals that almost looked like sheep because of their coat but also felt like a goat and the weirdest thing is they were red. And they were nasty little buggers, they’d head-butt you like a goat and kept coming at us trying to head-butt us but I managed to keep them at bay with no problem just by using my hand to stop them. It’s at this stage I see a child and I tell the child to get a move on because this sheep could do some serious damage. The reporter was still with me the whole time and then I woke up. It makes me wonder whether a reporter is onto a big story.

The last time I dreamt of being in a restaurant, a waitress was showing me multitudes of frogs seeming to materialize out of thin air. Less than three weeks later the Sichuan earthquake hit with this story coming out shortly after:
Frog Migration: Omen to China Earthquake Disaster
On May 5th, many Chinese locals noticed thousands of frogs on the move. They were seen traveling without fear of traffic as they crossed streets in mass floods.
Many Chinese sensed the migration as a bad omen of a coming natural disaster, but the Chinese government told them that it was just a natural migration for the purpose of propagation. This calmed the people and no one took the omen very seriously.

June 15th I had the following dream which took place at a previous residence known as Harold’s since he was the owner. BWB and I both lived at this address but never at the same time. It’s been about 15 years since I lived there and is not a place I think of very often at all.

It starts out BWB and I are going to Harold's for what reason I don't know, I think we had to pick up something we left there because I heard on the radio he was doing major renovations and the road would be closed. We walked into our old suite expecting it to be empty because we knew nobody was living there but it was full of furniture. The furniture wasn't arranged or anything, it looked like whoever lived there was getting ready to move. There were no knick-knacks and nothing hanging on the wall, just furniture. One of the pieces was a wicker wall unit I used to have but lost in the divorce. I stood there looking at it wondering why it was still here, knowing that we moved that unit to our new house and the ex should have it. Then I realized it was a dream and none of this furniture was really here, we just thought it was.

I don't know what else we did but all of a sudden it was bedtime so we're lying in bed when BWB said something I didn’t hear. Then I said something but he didn't hear me so I said it again really loud. He said "shhhhh, I think they're out in the hall". I said “Who's out in the hall?” and he said a name I don't remember.
He got up out of bed and looked out the window then peered into the hallway and there were two guys approaching our bedroom door from either side. He shut the door and tried to keep them out but there were two of them and he couldn't hold them both back. I saw an ironing board on the floor and thought it would be a good idea to wedge it under the doorknob but then realized it was too long and wouldn't provide enough of a barrier.
The guys came into our bedroom, one I recognized as an old high school mate of BWB’s named David. He had a can of gas and a bunch of yellowish tubing, the same colour and texture as the stuff they use to tie your arm off to take blood and about a quarter of an inch in diameter. All of a sudden David dumps the can of gas all over BWB intending to burn him alive, apparently he’s had a long-standing beef with BWB since high school and is looking quite forward to watching him suffer.

I got up and since we didn't have a phone I went to the neighbours and rang the doorbell twice. I don't know why I remember that but I knew it was the middle of the night and they would be sleeping so I thought I had to ring it twice and if nobody answered I would have to ring it twice again. Our current next door neighbour Warren answered the door and I asked if I could use his phone and he says “Sure, what's going on?” I said I didn't have time to explain, I had to call 911. I called and got a recording that said they were busy and I would have to wait on hold but I didn't have time to wait on hold, BWB was covered in gas and I didn't know when David was going to get the lighter out. I called 911 again and got through this time and told the lady we had intruders in our house and they covered my husband in gasoline. She asked who my husband was so I told her his name. She asked if he was from Calgary and I said yes, born and raised. Then she asked what colour he was and I said white. I got the feeling that people who were not from here or any other colour but white would not be helped and this was now a standard question before any assistance was administered.

I left to go back to our suite but now I'm in the house next door to Harold’s and see all these red flashing lights coming down the street and felt happy they didn't take very long to get here. Then I saw two cops, I think one of them was a woman, both dressed in black pants and bright red sweaters. They were facing each other and discussing their plan of action and were kind of side-stepping towards the back of the building. They managed to get the two guys before any serious damage was done. I found BWB alive and well although drenched in gasoline and in a bit of shock.

Next it's later in the day, he's all cleaned up and I asked him if David knew where we really live and he said yes. I then asked “Then how did they know we'd be here when we didn't even know we'd be here?” He didn't know the answer but I was a little freaked about them getting out of jail and coming back and decided we better get a dog or a gun or something.

I then went next door to thank Warren for letting me use the phone but he was all curled up in a light blue blanket sleeping on the couch that was in their hallway. I said something to him but don't remember what, then I called BWB’s brother to tell him what happened and he started laughing and said David would never do anything like that. I was getting mad and telling him this was very serious, we very nearly lost BWB and David is nuts, but the brother insisted he would never have lit a match.
I woke up with the song Another Man’s Gun playing by Canadian artists Ray Lyell and the Storm. I’ve heard the song lots but had no idea who performed it until I tried finding the lyrics that morning, up until then I thought it was Bon Jovi.

June 19th I started reading a new book called The Last Templar. In it a thug tries to murder a shifty art dealer by pouring gasoline over his head and lighting him on fire. Kinda freaky.

June 27th Purpleaura had these dreams having completely forgotten the gasoline dream (her life is quite mental at the moment):

In the first dream I see something big is going down. I was watching two young males discussing something to do with the government or military who thought they had destroyed the men but in fact it was a distraction. They seem to be running parallel plans together, one a distraction and one the real plan. One of the men turned around and said, "They had attacked distraction as planned”. One of the men’s faces was really red, it looked like he had been in a fire or his face was painted. He had pus and boils peeling off him but he was quite happy that whoever/whatever had taken the bait. Then I heard “it’s nearly ready” as they had built something about to be released. The internet and teenagers and people in their early 20’s also seemed to be involved somehow.

The other dream was about women soldiers in Iraq. I saw a piece of paper that said “Local people send MSM to MIMS”. I was thinking maybe they’re lacking sanitary towels, tampons etc. and this was an SOS for the women soldiers in Iraq. Then I woke up.

The same night I had the following dream, again at Harold’s:

This time we were living there but I think we were in the process of moving out. Something was going on inside the place, I don't know what but there were lots of people around. Two guys had left a U-Haul trailer in our driveway (that place doesn't have a driveway) and I don't know if it was the same two guys who broke in last time but if so I'd sure like to know who they are. I was wondering how this thing got there and were they coming back for it and what nerve they had leaving it in our driveway. I got the feeling they had gone to a conference or meeting somewhere nearby, a hotel that was up the road called the Highlander comes to mind.

Next I was packing things up in the trailer, all I remember is small box of ladies underwear. I remember seeing some other things that belonged to the men, there were 3 suitcases all with airport tags but I don't recall what airports, I saw bar codes but didn't see any letters and don't remember any of the other things. Then all of a sudden BWB, Warren and I were sitting in lawn chairs in the driveway, the back of the trailer was still open and I think we were having a barbeque. Attached to the building at the end of the driveway was a small portable kitchen with a sink and the barbeque.
The men were sitting around chatting while I was doing something in the sink and getting supper ready when I heard some noise but didn't know where it was coming from. All of a sudden I notice the trailer is gone and I'm thinking WTF??? How did those guys come back and take it and we didn't notice when we were sitting right there beside it? They would have had to hook up a truck to it and close the back door and all kinds of noisy things. I asked BWB and Warren if they saw anything but they didn't, then I asked if they knew what kind of trailer it was, I wasn't really sure if it was actually a U-Haul and I wanted to call the company and tell them these guys took our stuff. I did see a logo on the side but it looked like a shield, not the usual U-Haul logo, and it was mostly orange and black.

I was so mad at myself for not realizing these guys would come back for their trailer and why did I put all our stuff in it and why didn't I get the license plate or even the name of the company? I was just about to go in the house to call U-Haul when I thought there's no way they're going to be able to figure out which trailer it was when I had zero information so I resigned myself to the fact our stuff was probably gone forever. At one point I saw the trailer closed up but the bottom of it was touching the ground and cottage cheese oozing out from under it, then I woke up.

I guess at this point it should be noted that in late May in another dream I saw a pair of ladies undies sitting on a desk at work with maple leaves printed all over the butt.

So there seems to be a few commonalities in these dreams. Number one who the heck are the two men and why do they keep showing up in our dreams? Red sheep (wool) and red sweaters may be connected. People being burned by a volatile substance is making itself known and in the course of investigation Milwaukee and nuclear were coming up again and again.

I have to wonder if parts of these dreams weren’t showing events that have already happened. My first thought with the U-haul was the Ryder truck used in the Oklahoma City bombing. Shortly after Purpleaura’s goat dream I heard on the news about the two girls who were found dead in rural Oklahoma. One of them wanted to be a vet and was known to have a parade of animals trailing behind her wherever she went, including her pet goat.

The reference to female underwear and/or toiletries in Iraq could be pointing to the pregnant soldier who just returned and was found dead under seriously mysterious circumstances. As was reported, she turned up for roll call and never showed her face again. Several days later she’s found dead and decomposing in a motel room and not only did the staff not seem to notice but the army had no clue she was even missing? And here I thought the armed forces kept good track of their people. Really good track. Yup, definitely something up with that.

Purpleaura looked up MSM and MIMS and found a few interesting acronyms:


Meritorious Service Medal
Militant Socialist Movement (Mauritius)
Marine Safety Manual
Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre
Military Service Medal
Minesweeper, River
Mission Services Manager
Major System Mode
Move & Store Material
Movimiento de los Sin Miedo (Bolivia, Movement Without Fear)
Munition Service Magazine

My favourite is this:

Matrix Switch Module.

Prepare for time warp.

MIMS can mean:

Missile Maintenance Squadron
Multiple Independent Manoeuvring Submissile
Mission Information Management System
Magnetic-Field Induced Mixing of Sublevels
Molecules in Medical Science (Cambridge)

Or a series of surface to air missiles including MIM-23 Hawk, MIM-72/M48 Chaparral and MIM-104 Patriot.

I don’t think I need to get into what goats can refer to, especially evil red goats. Danger all over the place in that symbology.

The logo I saw on the U-Haul did not look like the U-Haul logo but more like Harley Davidson. This is where Milwaukee first came to mind. I thought maybe the Harley logo showed up because I was in Red Deer, Alberta last Tuesday undertaking a study and spent the entire day beside a Harley dealer. Not until after this latest dream did I recall it sits on a section of road known as Gasoline Alley. Another locally well known business on Gasoline Alley is Glenn’s Restaurant. Its claim to fame used to be the gigantic teapot sign visible from miles away. It still has a giant teapot but not nearly as impressive as the original. Along with your usual restaurant fare they also peddle teapots and tea related items. Another dream that has remained on the back burner is the Terrorists and Teapots. I just happen to come across this article a short time ago that maybe explains it:

Operation Teapot was a series of fourteen nuclear test explosions conducted at the Nevada Test Site in the first half of 1955.

Another series of events that keeps us mystified is Purpleaura’s dream referring to Cambridge which led to the Boston Baked Bridge blog and the gasoline tankers in Boston Harbour, also home to the Boston Tea Party. Cambridge came up again in the MIMS acronyms.

I’ve been racking my brain the last few days wondering what the cottage cheese was all about and just a few minutes ago it occurred to me Milwaukee is in Wisconsin, cheese capital of the world. Which brings me to the DC Packers. Back in January I dreamt I was sitting in my car contemplating finding a new job. All of a sudden a logo started appearing all around me in the air for a company named DC Packers. I sensed they were a meat packing plant and didn’t think I’d be able to work at a place with a killing floor even if I was a mile away in an office. I wondered when I woke up if Green Bay was planning a move to Washington or what exactly the scoop was. That one still remains a mystery as well but if anything goes down in Wisconsin I know where I’ll be looking first. This was the logo I saw, Purpleaura pointed out how similar it looked to the Russian flag.

After we analysed the latest dreams for a bit, I went back to read the Spy vs. Spy dream again and had completely forgotten the nuclear references in that dream. That prompted a search for nuclear power plants in Wisconsin where I learned about the Point Beach facility which in turn got me wondering if Point Place, Wisconsin, the town where That 70’s Show takes place, was loosely based on Point Beach. Before reading about that I have to mention how often I’ve been hearing Baba O’Reily (Teenage Wasteland) lately. And every time I hear it I keep trying to remember which blog I used that song in but couldn’t remember and kept forgetting to look it up. Not until I read this did I decide it was time to check it out:

That '70s Show is the brainchild of 3rd Rock From the Sun creators Bonnie and Terry Turner and writer Mark Brazill. The working title for the series was Teenage Wasteland'70s_Show

The song was used in the Boston Baked Bridge blog which also contained a segment on Harley’s and bikers. In the Spy vs. Spy dream I met up with one of the actors from the show.

After that Purpleaura decided to get her ghost box out and see what it had to say. She connected to a voice claiming to be a soldier who died in a war and was under the impression Purpleaura was military too. She heard Reuben, Mark, and Code 8. Code 8 in police lingo means a bathroom break so I’m not sure what that’s about. I looked up Reuben Mark and found he was the CEO of Colgate Palmolive. Before I even typed that into Google I thought to myself “now watch, the company was probably started in Milwaukee”. I was half right:

In 1806, William Colgate, himself a soap and candle maker, opened up a starch, soap, and candle factory on Dutch Street in New York City under the name of "William Colgate & Company". In the 1840s, the firm began selling individual bars in uniform weights. In 1857, William Colgate died and the company was reorganized as "Colgate & Company" under the management of Samuel Colgate, his son. In 1872, Colgate introduced Cashmere Bouquet, a perfumed soap. In 1873, the firm introduced its first toothpaste, aromatic toothpaste sold in jars. His company sold the first toothpaste in a tube, Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream, in 1896. By 1908 they initiated mass selling of toothpaste in tubes.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the B.J. Johnson Company was making a soap entirely of palm and olive oil, the formula of which was developed by B.J. Johnson in 1898. The soap was popular enough to rename their company after it - "Palmolive". At the turn of the century Palmolive, which contained both palm and olive oils, was the world's best-selling soap. A Kansas based soap manufacturer known as the Peet Brothers merged with Palmolive to become Palmolive-Peet. In 1928, Palmolive-Peet bought the Colgate Company to create the Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. In 1953 "Peet" was dropped from the title, leaving only "Colgate-Palmolive Company", the current name.

And he went to Harvard which also came up in the Boston Baked Bridge blog in conjunction with the biker.

Purpleaura also heard “Courtney, Bravo, Dean” which has not yet been deciphered, then heard the name Frank and “One guy in two got him”. Another voice appeared who said "there’s a war you know what I mean, makes you sick, bad one, many people more" and "add, would we for now gone, from another?” She asked about Boston and heard “41” then “Alvenus”. They also mentioned “this morning computer” so whether that refers to what we had been discussing we’re not sure.

I looked up Alvenus and was a little shocked to read this since neither of us has ever heard of it:

On July 30, 1984, the British tanker Alvenus hit the soft bottom of a channel 11 miles off the Louisiana coast and buckled hard enough to crack open its main deck, spilling 2.8 million gallons of Venezuelan crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. This was due to the tanker being grounded in an offshore ship channel. The giant petroleum puddle streamed westward with the Gulf current into Texas, where it came ashore on the Galveston beach four days later and 70 miles from its vessel. Oil washed ashore in Galveston for two weeks. The TAM Oil Spill Response Vessel "QUEST" with Dr Hann was present at the spill site to perform response activities.

This morning before waking I was shown the famous picture of Thích Quảng Đức, he’s the Bhuddist monk who self immolated himself as an act of protest in 1963. I recall the uproar that incident caused but not from the monk’s point of view, that was politics I didn’t understand at the time. The clamour I recall was over the photographer, does he get the picture or does he try to help save the man’s life? He took the picture. Maybe that was a turning point in our “progress” as a species or perhaps we should turn our focus to Burma again.

Ok I think those are the latest pieces of the latest puzzle. A lot is pointing to gas and/or oil, perhaps a spill but the three different references to people being burned make me think otherwise. All the nuclear stuff turning up doesn’t make us feel very good at all and with the latest tensions in the world on that front you can almost taste the plutonium in the air. Nobody much likes plutonium so we’ll pass on that thanks very much. In the meantime keep your cheese helmets intact and nearby.

Happy Canada Day!