Sunday, 7 December 2008


This dream from Friday night may or may not mean anything but it’s just too funny not to share.

I was in my home town on the main drag with a young woman from work that I don’t normally dream about, who we affectionately call Princess around the office. As far as I can recall I’ve had only one other dream about her and that had to do with her wedding. Since she’s currently not even dating anybody I guess that’s definitely a future scenario. She’s from Hong Kong which again may or may not be significant.

Anyway, we’re on the main drag a few doors down from a hotel called the McLeod, a place I’ve dreamt about many times. It was and still is a favourite watering hole for many generations...past, present and probably future. Back in the 60’s, (before women were considered people), the bar was divided into two sections. Men Only and Ladies & Escorts (women were not allowed in bars without a man back then).

Kitty-corner to the McLeod was what appeared to be a wheat field growing about 5 feet tall. It may have been something else, I’m guessing overgrown grass, but it was wheat coloured. In waking life this was the home of the Queen’s Hotel for many years then became the site of the local Brewers Retail. I hadn’t thought about that until just now and interestingly the Princess went to Queen’s University. My father worked at the Brewers Retail after he retired from the police force but that did cross my mind earlier.

We could see two people trudging through the grass looking lost and confused. As they began to emerge I could see it was George W and Waylon Smithers from the Simpsons. I asked the Princess if that was indeed George W and she replied, “Yes, he’s giving a speech at the McLeod today”.

You have to understand this is a very small town, population around 2,000. There’s no way in hell George W is ever going to give a speech in a local bar. But then again, with the way things are going I doubt many will fork over any cash to hear him speak, which has been the customary way in which most past presidents make their living after being evicted from the White House. In this case it may just be the only type of venue this particular president can fill.

I thought it strange he had no secret service around him. Even past presidents have that luxury and I wasn’t even sure if he was still the president or not. Judging by the weather and the looks of the grass it was spring or early summer.

We watched as Bush and Smithers finally found their way out of the field and as they did they checked something on a piece of paper, looked around, discussed who-knows-what, looked back at the paper and continued walking. I’m assuming it was a map or instructions. Once out of the field they carried on to the McLeod.

George wasn’t sure he had the right place so he stood on a ledge made of bricks that surrounded a garden bed. He opened the window to the former Ladies & Escorts side and poked his head in.

I was cracking up over this and mentioned to the Princess several times how hilarious it was for the people inside. Imagine sitting in a bar in small town Ontario minding your own business and seeing the president of the United States poking his head through the window.

George was dressed in a bright red baseball-type jacket (is he a Red Sox fan?) and had weird hair. He was bald on top but the rest of his hair was dirty blonde, very long and moussed back. Not quite a comb-over but close. Smithers was his usual cartoon self.

After he looked in the window he must have concluded he had the right place and they both went inside. The Princess and I decided we wouldn’t mind hearing his speech so we followed behind.

The room was small with a maybe 10 tables and few people. The tables had grey tops with chrome trim and black legs. Their accompanying benches were grey and black tweed. The tables were not all the same size and as we looked around for a place to sit we saw the biggest table in the place was the only one vacant. Some tables had people sitting at them and others had coats and drinks left behind to hold the spots. We sat down to take in the show where I promptly fell asleep and missed the whole thing.

After the speech was over I woke up to find GW at our table with a silver coin in his hand about the size of a quarter. I wasn’t too interested in the coin right about then, I was more concerned if I had been snoring or drooling in a public place and did I disrupt the speech.

He handed me the coin and said “Everybody thinks I want my face on the money but I don’t. Look at this coin and tell me what you see”. Well what I saw was his face on the coin and wondered WTF he was trying to pull. I also knew this was about more than the money and wasn’t a George Washington situation where he was to be forever commemorated with an icon minted in his honour. I got a vision of Queen Elizabeth and her face on the money and knew this had more to do with who’s ruling the country.

So I said, “This is your face”. He said “No, not that side, the other side. What do you see on the other side?” I flipped the coin over and could vaguely make out another face along with a bunch of symbols I don’t remember. I think one was a musical note and one a 45 RPM record and in amongst the symbols was the face of Elvis sporting a big shit-eating grin. Then I woke up.

While in the half-awake half-asleep state I tried to figure out the meaning and all I could come up with is Elvis’ birthday which is January 8th. This has always been a sore spot with me because I’m a huge Bowie fan and he was also born on January 8th. But we never hear about that because that day will always be dedicated to Elvis. Not that there’s anything wrong with Elvis, I just think they should share.

There’s scads of talk around the internet of a major catastrophe some time in January so that entered my mind. I think the rest is fairly self explanatory if you’re into the martial-law-Bush-forever theory.

Why all the queen stuff I don’t know unless she plans on playing an integral role in the whole affair or there’s simply a new monarchy in the making. I think I was being shown something’s brewing besides beer but I’m just not sure what.

I looked in the archives for other McLeod dreams and was a little shocked to find this considering the actual tables in the hotel are not grey but wood. At least in my day. Why I keep dreaming they’re grey and chrome is a mystery. Finding similar but older dreams on or near the date of the current one always freaks me out.

December 4th, 2006

I dreamt I was in the McLeod Hotel again only this time I was behind the bar. My dad was there and I was saying to him, "Yeah, this is just how it looks in my dreams". Then I looked to my left and pointed to what appeared to be a dance floor and said "That's where the posse hangs out and I'm usually on the other side of the bar". I think the floor was yellow and green tiles and the bar was that old fashioned grey marble looking stuff that everybody had in the 50's with the chrome trim. Like at a diner.
In most of the McLeod dreams I’m shown what I first thought were cowboys line dancing but later concluded they were a posse. Sometime after that I happened upon a website showing old photos from the town, including this one of the McLeod:

Looks like a posse to me.

Further research shows the McLeod was built by one John McLeod then sold to Percy Rice, son of Harry Rice. Funny how things connect.

Smithers of course is the devoted sidekick of the evil Mr Burns and appeared to play the same role for Mr Bush. I don’t recall having a lot of dreams of Bush specifically but one that stands out also involved the Simpsons. Purpleaura and I were at the White House and we resembled twins Sherri and Terri although we were invisible. We followed GW around the White House taunting and teasing and generally making him nuts since he didn’t know where the voices were coming from. We kept asking, “Whatta ya gonna do now? Start another war?” He kept trying to run but he couldn’t hide.

So that’s it. Not a lot of speculation or deep hidden meanings. Just one of those uber bizarro night time adventures.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

My Name is Neil

Where to begin. There’s been lots going on of late, too much for one blog that’s for sure. The new faces that have started showing up in dreams lately have me a bit concerned because they’re not friendly people. Others I’ve been dreaming about are perfectly wonderful people but come with certain forewarnings. On the whole things aren’t looking good.

For starters, I’ve had two dreams this week featuring the person at work of Pakistani origin who turned up in the dream on December 25th of last year. In that blog I stated something must be up in Pakistan, hope it’s nothing bad. Two days later Bhutto had her fatal encounter with the sunroof of her car. This person, who I will refer to as Grace, just happened to be in Pakistan on that fateful day. She also happened to be in Turkey during the worst earthquake that country’s ever seen. There’s a list of other close calls during her travels hence the unease when she makes an appearance in the astral.

On October 28th Grace and I were having a lovely chat about dreams and other things. She mentioned she had a dream that week about making a cake. I said, “uh oh, cake dreams aren’t good”. She asked why so I related Purpleaura’s dreams and experiences with cakes and earthquakes. Grace seemed a little sceptical or maybe just apprehensive as she was leaving for Vancouver the next day. I explained it’s become so commonplace with Purpleaura that I’ve started to refer to earthquakes as earthcakes.

I’ve had a fair share of cake dreams too and although I know there’s more to them that I haven’t quite figured out yet, to me they represent earthcakes first and foremost. And I can’t forget the very first dream I had about Grace, (within days of meeting her), involved her bringing me a piece of cake.

A half an hour after that conversation the 6.5 hit Pakistan.

The night of November 25th or the morning of November 26th, I dreamt Grace came to my house to borrow some allspice. In waking life I spent that entire day in the middle of nowhere Alberta, (at the request of Grace). I did not listen to the radio and heard no news. I decided instead to restart a book I began a while ago called the Delphi Oracle but after 20 or so pages never got back to. That seemed like a good day to read a book.

Part of the book deals with an autistic child who draws pictures of the future. This is of great interest to me because TabithaToo also draws pictures and at least one that I know if has turned out to be about the future. She drew some pics for BWB and me a short time ago and told her mum to make sure to tell us she wanted to draw us an elephant but didn’t know how. If it was important for TabithaToo to tell us that, then most assuredly something is up with elephants. As it turned out, the very next day a baby elephant died in the Calgary Zoo. However I still think there’s something more to it but haven’t quite deciphered what.

“Coincidentally”, the girl in the book drew a picture of an elephant as well as a picture of the Taj Mahal. After arriving home from my trip the very first thing I did was email Purpleaura to tell her about the dream. I mentioned I thought Grace must be fixing to bake another cake and spices always make me think of India. I’ve since learned allspice does not come from India but that’s not really an issue. Unless something’s up in the West Indies, Mexico or Central America.

I then went on to tell her about the book and the pictures and some other freaky stuff I won’t get into now. After that I checked the news. So I’m shown a dream of the woman with Pakistani ancestry and relate it to India and now look what’s going on. Little freaky.

WASHINGTON – U.S. officials are worried about a possible surge in violence between India and Pakistan after the attacks in Mumbai. To ease tensions, intelligence officials are searching for clues that might identify the attackers even as Indian officials claim "elements in Pakistan" were involved.

As for elephants, according to Wikipedia there are three living species, the African Bush Elephant, the African Forest Elephant and the Asian Elephant also known as the Indian Elephant. I know I think of India first when I think of elephants so maybe that’s what TabithaToo was indicating as well. And again I can’t help but think of the animals fleeing for high ground just before the Boxing Day quake and tsunami, specifically the elephants. I distinctly remember thinking at the time I certainly wouldn’t want to be in the path of a herd of elephants running for their lives.

The phenomenon was also noted by media sources in Sri Lanka in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. It is possible that certain animals (e.g., elephants) may have heard the sounds of the tsunami as it approached the coast. The elephant’s reaction was to move away from the approaching noise—inland.

After emailing Purpleaura and checking out the news, I went to a forum where I saw this story:

updated 5:08 p.m. MT, Wed., Nov. 26, 2008

JAKARTA, Indonesia - A man was trampled to death and a home destroyed after sixteen wild elephants rampaged through a village on Indonesia's Sumatra island, officials said Wednesday.

Villagers in Aceh province's Cot Pangee tried for days to scare away the elephants, yelling and making loud noises, but the animals instead became more aggressive, said Andi Basrul, of the Conservation and Natural Resources Agency.

Over the weekend, one elephant trampled to death a 30-year-old man and a group of 15 animals destroyed a house and tore through several acres (hectares) of farmland Tuesday, he said.

In the same dream as Grace and the allspice, JC also made an appearance as he did in the Bhutto dream. His presence came with a coffee reference, also an indicator of earthcakes in my books. In the dream he came to our house and noticed a flyer rolled up in a coffee cup having to do with The Family of Man statues that tower over the lawn of our school board offices. Apparently I had given him a ride home and we got on the subject of the statues, then I got home and found this flyer in the mailbox which I rolled up and put in the coffee cup. He looked at me strangely when he saw it but said nothing. I said “I know, how weird is that?”

Just for the record, even though I’ve seen these statues a million times, and even though they are extremely cool, just as a person who lives in New York probably doesn’t even notice the Statue of Liberty anymore, these have pretty much the same effect on me. I do recall my aunt telling me about them when I first moved here and the controversy they caused being naked and all, but other than that they’re just statues. They do look a lot like some aliens I’ve seen in dreams though, which made me question why everything I read about them stressed they were human figures. Interestingly I just learned they originated in the UK which is where Purpleaura just happens to be at the moment.

Family of Man / Armengol Sculptures Description

Visitors to Calgary will be stopped in their tracks as they wander past 515 Macleod Trail East. The Aremengol sculptures - Family of Man, are towering, skinny figures of humans all holding hands that loom 6.5 m / 21 ft above.

The Armengol sculptures known as Family of Man by Mario Armengol was originally commissioned by the British Pavilion of Expo 67 for the celebrations and following the event was purchased by Robert Cummings on behalf of the City of Calgary. The sculptures are in front of the Calgary Board of Education buildings. The naked, raceless, expressionless figures are excellent subjects for photography and the lawns nearby are a pleasant place to relax.

Considering the terrorists in India targeted American and British residents, and Purpleaura has yet to get home from the UK to America, I’m a little concerned about that. She too has a long list of close calls while travelling which is why her and Grace should never ever travel together. Add my sister to that list as well. You want Armageddon? Send the three of them on a holiday together. Of course I don’t really believe they’re the cause of any catastrophes, more like their spirits are required when disaster strikes to guide the victims to where they need to be.

On to the next dream where the creepy blonde haired woman made her first appearance. I don’t think it really fits in with this theme but since she turned up again last night her origins should be noted. In this dream she was accompanied by an Asian woman who’s been featured in three fairly recent dreams so far, all equally quacky.

November 23, 2008

I was sitting in the back seat of my car in the parking lot at my place of employment doing some work. The parking lot wasn't the one at work now but a much bigger lot that appeared to be near another place I worked ages ago in an area called Bridgeland. I looked at the clock and it was 12:02 so I thought I should go back up to the office and see what was happening for lunch.

All of a sudden the Chinese woman from the other dreams was sitting in the front passenger seat. She was wearing a black and white striped shirt that reminded me of an old-fashioned mattress. I asked what she was doing there but she wouldn't answer, she just stared at me with a blank look on her face. Just then a tall blonde woman came to the car and was trying to get in the driver’s side so I got out and asked what she was doing. She said they had lunch in my car every day. I said WTF? You eat lunch in my car every day? She said yes. I said how long have you been doing this and she said about a year. I asked how they got in and she said her boyfriend owned a car dealership and he could get a key cut for any car he wanted. I was pissed and demanded she give me the key but she wouldn't. She walked away and headed for her own car. I yelled to her that she better tell her boyfriend I was going to call the police.

The Chinese woman disappeared and I took the car somewhere else. I went up to the office and thought I should talk to a work mate first before I called the police because he knows so much about cars. Next I'm in my office and decide to go for a smoke. I was walking down the stairs and met up with another work mate who was smoking in the stairwell and I thought that was strange since he doesn't smoke. I followed him down the stairs telling him what had happened and found I had gone too far down, (the basement of our building is not accessible without a key so nobody ever goes down there). But I had followed him to the basement anyway for some reason.

While talking to him I realized that if the blonde woman had her own car why did she say they were eating lunch in my car every day? Plus I usually go out for lunch in my car so this didn't make sense. I said to the man I found it weird that not once had I found any crumbs or any other sign that somebody had been in the car. You would think over a year's time they would have spilled something. That was when I decided they didn't eat lunch in my car but were there to plant a bug.

Next BWB and I are in the back seat waiting in traffic (don't know who was driving). I felt we were on a local road named Brisebois Drive. All of a sudden we see this big grey car, like a BMW sedan, backing up super fast. I said wow is he ever going fast for reverse, I hope nobody pulls out in front of him. Just then the car ahead of us pulled out and I thought uh oh, they're going to hit. The BMW clipped the car then spun around towards us and I thought again oh no, he's going to hit us. He did but just barely, I didn't think there was any major damage at all, maybe just a small dent at the most. It was weird though because I felt the movement of the car being hit in the dream.

I looked out the back window and saw another car full of people. It looked like a cartoon version of a VW Beetle but it was crammed with people who were all screaming and trying to get out of the car. BWB and I decided to get out and see what was going on.

I found myself beside another big car with an open trunk and a guy who looked like Scott Baio in his Happy Days days. He was getting things out of the trunk to take care of the accident. I assumed he was a mechanic since he was dressed in greasy coveralls and looking for tools. He also had a smoke in his mouth but I noticed it wasn't lit. It had been lit but had gone out, you could see the end was a little burnt. That's all I remember.

The very next day as I was leaving for work I heard a car coming down our street sounding like it was going a little too fast for a residential road. When I looked up and saw tail lights coming at me I thought WTF? Number one why is he going so far and so fast in reverse, and secondly why did I dream about this? Since I left for work earlier than usual that day to grab a car wash on the way, I can only surmise somebody was trying to show me if I had left at the regular time I may have been involved in a crash. And I still haven’t figured out why so many dreams lately involve me or somebody else smoking. Maybe they’re telling me it’s time to quit but why are people who don’t normally smoke, smoking?

Ok, now for this morning’s festivities.

It started out where the HR Coordinator at work, who I’ll call Bunny, asked me if I wanted to take a road trip with her to Vancouver. I said sure. Suddenly we're in an office and we have to fill out a bunch of ballots or something. There were little pink note pads about 5 x 4 inches (with writing on them that I don't recall), sitting on a receptionists-type desk. At the desk were 3 stools. I knew one was for Bunny and one for me but didn't know who the other was for. This is when I noticed the blonde woman who was planting the bug in my car sitting on a bench or a pew next to the desk.

I sat down and tried to fill out the ballots but my pencil lead kept breaking and I couldn't. I thought they all said the same thing but I looked at a few under the first one and realized they all said something different. Again I was smoking away, there were a couple of ashtrays on the desk and I wondered if it was ok to smoke in BC. I asked Bunny if smoking was allowed and she didn't know, she said there's ashtrays there so it must be ok. I saw the room filling with smoke and thought the other people (where they came from I’m not sure) would not be happy about it so I stopped.

Next we're in a big hall that looked like a church. There were a group of seats in the middle slightly tiered and full of people. Out of nowhere came a parade of hundreds of people walking around the seats in a circle. They weren't saying anything, just walking around and around like some sort of ritual. They resembled zombies, not creepy looking movie type zombies but the type of being with nothing in their eyes. Soulless.

I asked Bunny what we were doing here and she got the creepiest smile and said "Don't you know? This is the night of the dead". I could see the blonde lady standing off in the distance and knew she could hear us. She had the same creepy smile. I thought to myself that must be the woman Bunny discusses the paranormal with (in waking life I couldn’t tell you if she discusses the paranormal with anybody).

I wondered if she meant All Souls Day which is November 1st but I knew it was past November 1st. I was thinking it was the 2nd but I don’t know what month. I decided this felt too cult-like and even a bit satanic. I think the people walking around created some kind of vortex where the spirits could come in. They then inhabited the empty shells of the soulless.
I didn't think summoning all these spirits was at all a good idea. Somebody was surely going to be possessed by an evil demon. I didn't want that person to be me so I got the heck out of there.

Next I'm in a big building by the ocean. I don't know what type of business it was but apparently I worked there. One whole wall was missing and that side of the building faced the ocean. Purpleaura was behind me telling me things I don’t remember. I said to her “we work here?” She said “yep”. I said, “Do you realize we could have been going for a swim and catching some rays on the beach on our lunch break all this time?” I had no idea we were so close to the ocean until she showed me. At that point I got a quick flash of my bathing suit which is navy blue and fuchsia.

There was a rock formation that began at the building and jutted out over the ocean. It was like a long ramp with an arrow-shaped tip at the end, which I somehow knew was pointing west. I walked out onto the point and noticed a crack just before the tip so I jumped on it to see if it was sturdy. It was. I looked down into the water which was crystal clear trying to see if I could find a shark. I could see all the way to the bottom and although I didn't see any sharks I spotted some cube shaped structures under the water.

Next we're on the beach and people are running out of the water towards the building. It was weird because they were all saying something and I could see their mouths move but no voices were coming out. It wasn't because it was noisy or anything, they just had no voices. One girl, who reminded me of person I know from Australia, was running on what looked like the top of the water which had me a bit confused but then I saw there was another one of those structures underneath. This one wasn’t a cube but more like a long thin walkway made of concrete. She was very blonde and very pale, her skin was almost translucent and she wore a pale pink bikini. I looked right at her making eye contact and she mouthed "the point broke". Apparently that's what everybody was saying and the reason why they were all running out of the water towards the shore. I said to Purpleaura, "Oh crap, I shouldn't have jumped on it, now I've broken the point". She replied, "No you didn't, it was ready to go anyway and you jumping on it had nothing to do with it".

Somewhere along the way somebody asked me if I'd been in both oceans and I said, “yes I have, I was in the Atlantic some years ago”, so I knew this was the Pacific.

We went back to the building and now it has a wall and two people were folding some red carpet over what was remaining of the rock ramp. It's like the carpet was always there for this purpose as they were expecting the point to break some day. The carpet wasn't seamed though, one side overlapped the other side by a couple of inches and you could see the underlay which I thought was shoddy workmanship.

Next I'm walking home and go past a house that doesn’t exist in our neighbourhood that's quite big but fairly dilapidated and made of nothing but wood. No siding or bricks or anything else, just wood. I saw a guy in the back yard who played Dr Joel Fleischman in the TV show Northern Exposure. I yelled to him “Hey Dr Joel, I didn't know you lived in this neighbourhood. It must be popular for TV stars because (somebody who I don't remember) lives up the street”. He said he loved it here, he got treated well. Then he said his name wasn't Dr Joel, it was Neil. (In waking life his name is Rob Morrow).

We went inside the house and it was also in a state of disrepair and construction. He was building something in the kitchen, I have no idea what because it was just bare framework, standard 2 x 4's. He was on one side of the frame and I was on the other and he was going on and on about his manager and how he never got him any other roles than Northern Exposure and now he was broke. He seemed really pissed at the guy and had some sort of vendetta against him. I got the feeling he didn't really want any company and here I just barged into his house so I thought I better leave.

All of a sudden Grace is there and I said to her "did you know Dr Joel lives in our neighbourhood?" He said again, “I'm not Dr Joel, my name is Neil”.

I told him I would stop bothering him and got ready to leave and that's when he handed me some weed and papers to roll a joint. Although he didn't say anything, I knew this was his way of telling me he enjoyed my company and wanted me to stay. Up until now he had been pretty much living like a hermit and nobody came to visit. I looked at the pot and it kind of looked like weed but was shaped like a mushroom cap covered in fur. I wondered if it was really peyote.

Grace starts freaking out asking us what we're going to do and I said we're going to smoke a joint. She said you can't do that and she got all agitated and pulled her jacket over her head so as not to take in any of the fumes. It was a light windbreaker in pink and blue. I said to Dr Joel maybe we should go outside so this doesn't affect Grace and he agreed. I told her I don't do this on a regular basis but obviously Dr Joel is distressed so I'm going to partake with him to make him feel better, and I would appreciate it if she didn't tell anybody at work about this.

We went outside and sat on the lawn in the back yard which also had a slight downhill slope. Dr Joel didn’t want anybody else to see him so he wrapped a quilt around his head and body to hide his face, similar to the manner of Middle Eastern women’s wear. I don't know if we ever did smoke the peyote because now we're in Grace’s car, all three of us in the front seat. I said to her, "I didn't know this was your car". I thought she had a white Toyota but this was a brand new blue car.

It felt a bit cramped with all three of us in the front seat so I suggested I sit in the back. Now we're in a white truck and Dr Joel is in the back seat still wrapped in his quilt. We drove down a country road and all of a sudden these wild and exotic animals come into view. There was a drinking hole and some of them were gathered around that, others were lying in the sun, some were eating the grass. I don't remember what kind of animals they were but I think there was a giraffe and maybe some emus. What stood out was the gigantic golden lion with a mane like I’ve never seen before. Definitely his crowning glory. He was huge and just roaming around checking everything out, obviously the one in charge of this zoo. I kept saying to Dr Joel, "check out all the animals, look at that lion, isn't he cool?", in an attempt to cheer him up.

We kept driving and went past a person who had a bunch of puppies and I was looking out the window at them. One of the puppies jumped at the truck and somehow latched onto the passenger window. I don't know if it was partially open and he was hanging onto the glass or if he just stuck to it. At first I tried to push him off, for some reason I thought it was pitbull puppy and he was going to attack us. Nothing I did could knock him off the window and that's when I realized he was really a pug dog. Then I asked myself why I was trying to knock this dog off, it would surely be killed as we were going pretty fast and I didn't want to kill him. I grabbed hold of him and brought him into the truck and was cuddling with him and showing him to Dr Joel and that's when I woke up.

In the Bhutto dream there was also a man smoking a joint so that was kind of weird.

I looked up Dr Joel and the first listing takes you to a MySpace page of a person who has India and the UK listed. Not sure if that’s where people put their location or what but that’s what it says.

I wondered when I woke up if the 2nd referred to November or December, all I knew is it was past All Souls Day so I wondered what they were celebrating. It wasn’t until I started putting this blog together did I realize the time in the blonde woman bugging my car dream was 12:02. As I’ve stated in earlier blogs, I don’t like to try and foresee any precise time or date for anything but odd that date or a representation of it came up in two different dreams so close together. Scott Baio and his wife had a baby on November 2nd, 2007. The pregnancy started out as twins but one was miscarried and the other born prematurely. She was due in December. Maybe that has something to do with something.

After emailing Purpleaura this morning I did a little looking around and found this post on a forum. Having read this particular poster for a few years I can verify her hit rate is fairly high:

Date: November 29, 2008 at 12:41:20
Subject: lion attacking vision

Vision of large male lion making vocal threat and then attacking. Usually means Tr'st attack in my visions. It appeared to be close at hand, in the next few weeks.

Not sure what’s up with Chachi. Does he love Joanie or not? One interesting thing is he allegedly belonged/s to the Young Americans for Freedom.



About 90 young people at the Sharon, Connecticut estate of William F. Buckley, Jr. gathered to lay the groundwork for a new national conservative youth organization. It is here that Americans for Freedom is born and our statement of principles, the Sharon Statement, is drafted.

"Adopted in Conference, at Sharon, Connecticut, on September 11, 1960."

IN THIS TIME of moral and political crises, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths.

I don’t know about anybody else but this looks to me more like a blueprint or recipe for the future than a mission statement.

IN THIS TIME of moral and political crises, it is the responsibility of the youth of America to affirm certain eternal truths.

WE, as young conservatives believe:

THAT foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force;

THAT liberty is indivisible, and that political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom;

It’s hardly a secret the economy’s in the crapper, and so shall go the rights and freedoms?

THAT the purpose of government is to protect those freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice;

So what’s internal order? I interpret it to be a following of rules amongst those in power. Fair enough, good thing to defend.

To protect the money (which according to the first point equals freedom), you damn well better have one whoop ass army. And if you have to employ the most horrific and gruesome torture imaginable in the name of justice, so be it. As long as we have those three things we feel safe and content.

Well Young Americans for Freedom, it’s been over 40 years since you began the crusade, have you accomplished what you set out to accomplish? Is there internal order? No there is not. There is internal fellowship but it’s not the same thing. You’ve definitely got your whoop ass army, do you feel safe? Did you feel safe on the 41st anniversary of your club? What exactly did your army do for you on that day?

But wait, the next point provides for a government gone wild:

THAT when government ventures beyond these rightful functions, it accumulates power, which tends to diminish order and liberty;

"Tends to diminish". Yes, that’s a delightful way of putting it.

THAT the Constitution of the United States is the best arrangement yet devised for empowering government to fulfill its proper role, while restraining it from the concentration and abuse of power;

Ya think? How ‘bout “It’s just a goddamn piece of paper”

THAT the market economy, allocating resources by the free play of supply and demand, is the single economic system compatible with the requirements of personal freedom and constitutional government, and that it is at the same time the most productive supplier of human needs;

All hail the money. So how’s that market economy working out for you now?

THAT when government interferes with the work of the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral and physical strength of the nation, that when it takes from one to bestow on another, it diminishes the incentive of the first, the integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy of both;

Can you say bailout?

File this under nothing will ever change. Those goddamn pinko commies always have been and will always be enemy number one so don’t even try to get along with them.

THAT the forces of international Communism are, at present, the greatest single threat to these liberties;

THAT the United States should stress victory over, rather than coexistence with this menace

Well some of the intentions sound honourable and I’m really not ragging on this group’s members. If they could protect some of these concerns it would be a wonderful world indeed. Still I can’t help but feel somebody saw this coming, (more like planned it), and put it out there for the world to see like they always do. Except we don’t notice until after the fact.

I don’t know why I was shown Chachi in the dream but he led to this and really this is not all that interesting. It’s not the first political group for youngsters and won’t be the last. And it’s not the only group with similar ideologies. It’s mildly intriguing their mission statement mentions all that financial market stuff and how important it is to keep the government separate from that. And it’s interesting I just happened upon it when the market is taking a dive and the government is intervening. The date of their inception coinciding with the very same date that changed the US forever is a little more captivating, but since nothing can be done about any of it, why the dream?

Also interesting is being shown Chachi as a youth, not the middle-aged man he is now. I think that’s what bothers me the most. Political youth groups. What was the name of that really famous one? Hitler Youth? No worries then I guess.

On the other hand Chachi was cleaning up the mess in the dream but from what I’ve read about him these days he’s not much interested in anything other than bagging famous actresses. Maybe he needs to reverse his current lifestyle and get back to trying to save the world.

While we’re talking about actors, I haven’t a clue where Dr Joel came from or why he wanted to be called Neil. I did watch Northern Exposure on a regular basis and it was a favourite to be sure, (although Dr Joel was not the most endearing character). It could be pointing to Alaska or maybe his current role on Numb3rs as FBI Special Agent Don Eppes.

NUMB3RS (pronounced Numbers) is an American television show produced by brothers Ridley and Tony Scott. It follows FBI Special Agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow) and his mathematical genius brother, Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), who helps Don solve crimes for the FBI.

I’ve never seen the show but I did like this quote. I don’t know who it’s attributed to or if it’s merely a line from the show:

We all use math every day; to predict weather, to tell time, to handle money. Math is more than formulas or equations; it’s logic, its rationality, it’s using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.

I would not be averse to smoking peyote. Anything that our indigenous people use in healing is perfectly fine with me. I don't know why we stopped using natural products in our health care in the first place but if TPTB took it away you can be guaranteed it is nothing short of a miracle cure. Plus a doctor prescribed it so what the hey. Perhaps this was a personal message and I should be looking at what it heals.

In addition to psychoactive properties, Native Americans used the plant for its curative properties as well. They employed peyote for treating such varied ailments as toothache, pain in childbirth, fever, breast pain, skin diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, colds, and blindness.

Peyote is known to have been used since the middle of the Archaic period in the Americas by the people of the Oshara Tradition. Two specimens of peyote buttons found in archaeological digs from a site called Shumla Cave No. 5 on the Rio Grande in Texas were examined with radiocarbon dating and alkaloid analysis in 2005. The results dated the specimens to between 3780 and 3660 BC, while alkaloid extraction yielded approximately 2% of the alkaloids including mescaline in both samples. This indicates that native North Americans were likely to have used peyote since at least five and a half thousand years ago.
I told BWB the dream this morning but forgot to mention the girl from Australia or anything to do with Australia. While I was typing that part of the blog he blurted out something like “Wow that is one weird looking rock”. He had been touring around Google Earth and was drawn to Ayres Rock for some reason. And although he’s seen it a million times he’s still fascinated by it. He said he measured it from the tip of the arrow and it was so many metres. I said what arrow? He showed me that if you turn it around it looks just like an arrow head.

Now that I’ve speculated on some of the other aspects of these dreams, the last thing on the list was looking up December 2 in history.

While thinking about coffee and tsunamis the Napoleon blog came back to mind as I mentioned those things in that blog. I also spoke about it in the December 25th blog because I was shown in that dream to look at the Napoleon blog again. The main theme of Purpleaura’s Napoleon dream was martial law. And December 2 was quite an important date for the little guy. In 1804 he crowned himself Emperor of the French and in 1805 was the battle of Austerlitz, one of his greatest victories when he defeated those aforementioned Ruskies.

On December 2 in 1930, under the category Great Depression, Hoover asks congress for $150 million to stimulate the economy.

In 1942 the Manhattan Project initiates the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.

In 1943 a Luftwaffe bombing raid on the harbour of Bari, Italy, sinks an American ship with a mustard gas stockpile. Numerous fatalities (though the exact death toll is unresolved as the bombing raid itself caused hundreds of deaths too).

That sounds suspiciously like the chemical tanker that was hijacked by Somali pirates just yesterday.

In 1976 Castro became president of Cuba

1988 Bhutto is sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan

Also in 1988 Bangladesh saw the worst cyclone in 20 years, killing thousands.

In 2001 Enron filed for bankruptcy on December 2nd.

Interesting day indeed in the annals of history. Or did this just happen? Did we do the time warp again? Man am I messed up.

Pass the peyote please.

Friday, 24 October 2008

A Curious Affair

Purpleaura experienced a dream September 28, 2005 that has been a perplexity ever since. A dream I had yesterday caused her to re-examine it and some interesting stuff is turning up.

Yesterday morning, in between a throbbing migraine and semi-sleep, I had a couple of short dream vignettes. I’m not sure if the first one has anything to do with her dream or the other dream I had, but it was a bizarre situation nonetheless and merits a mention.

I saw a word I don’t want to disclose or I may as well draw a map to Purpleaura’s house. That may sound a little paranoid but if your computer got hacked as often as mine does or you experienced some of the wackiness we do, you’d understand.

The word, (unbeknownst to either of us until yesterday) led to a company specializing in advanced laser technology. If you read the blog “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” (April 5, 2008), you’ll see why lasers weird me out.

The website had a scrolling window on the side of the page, and while I could see it moving in my peripheral vision I didn’t pay much attention to it. When I did decide to take notice it was displaying a press release not only in precisely the same city in which Purpleaura lives, but also on her birthday (which was a couple-few months ago). It’s not like it had up-to-date articles and her birthday was yesterday or anything because that wouldn’t be all that unusual. And she doesn’t live in a well known city like New York or Palm Beach. The fact it had many articles from many dates, and my eyes just happened upon it at the time, is also a little more than a routine occurrence. Turns out her house is less than 3 miles away as the crow flies.

Another topic that’s come up and may or may not be related (but feels like it might be), is Saranac Lake and Lake Placid. Apparently there’s a big pow-wow going down in Lake Placid this weekend:

SARANAC LAKE - Powerful generals and admirals from some of the most powerful nations on Earth are reportedly meeting somewhere in the local area this weekend after flying into the Adirondack Regional Airport in Lake Clear on Friday.

Among the passengers of a large Boeing 757 airplane with "United States of America" printed on its fuselage were top members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and their counterparts from France, Germany and another country, possibly Great Britain, according to Barry DeFuria, a town of Harrietstown councilman and Airport Committee member who was there when the plane landed. A top military delegation from Italy flew in on a separate Falcon airplane, DeFuria said.

Town Supervisor Larry Miller, also on the Airport Committee, was also there and confirmed which nations' officials were on which planes, but he said he did not know what kind of officials they were or where they were going from the airport. He said he and DeFuria had to get security clearances to be present and that soldiers were guarding the 757 around the clock at the airport.

More at link...

I had the opportunity to visit those two places some years back with my parents. My dad and I (now deceased), were never really close but that trip seemed to mend any differences we my have had and formed a bond never before known to either of us. Our day-to-day lives and interactions didn’t change much, but something was different. After he passed I had several dreams of being with him again in Lake Placid. We walked down the main drag chatting although I have no idea what we chatted about.

Concerning Saranac Lake, we stayed overnight there on the same trip. I woke early that morning and looked out the window to behold one of the most spectacular sites I’ve ever had the pleasure of being witness to. The fall colours were at 97% (according to the local news station), and there were wisps of intermittent fog scattered atop the glass-like surface of the lake. I grabbed the camera and snapped a picture which became one of my greatest treasures.

Understand that I have never owned a camera until a few years ago, (the one I had that day was borrowed) and knew zero about photography (that hasn’t changed much), but this photo was worthy of a National Geographic cover. I was surprised and professional photographers were surprised, yet I did nothing but point and click. Sadly the ex got custody of it.

Anyway, I was on my way to work a few weeks ago and the fog blanketing the local school sports field looked much the same as that Saranac Lake picture, which nudged my memory back to that trip and again I was a tad melancholy over the loss of the picture (as the memory bank quickly purges data these days). However I have a feeling that’s one of those things that will always remain in the hard drive.

Back in upstate New York, after we got mobile we took a walk around the lake to admire the beauty first hand, and again I felt a peculiar vibe with my father. There wasn’t much talking but a great deal of communication occurred between us.

So all this time I thought those dreams were nothing more than an after-hours reunion with a few words of wisdom tossed in to be used as needed. However, Purpleaura sent me the news of the impromptu summit on October 21, where I immediately did a search for the Lake Placid dreams to see if there was something that needed re-hashing. I found I had spoken to another person about these recurring dreams on October 21st, 2004. Just three days before Purpleaura and I met (Happy Anniversary!). There was nothing in those emails other than a mention of having this recurring dream. I’m not even sure when or why they stopped.

If I had the ambition, I could dig up some old mementos from the excursion and find it was probably this exact same time of year. It was definitely October, that I know for sure.

Even though this sounds like nothing more than a trip down memory lane, we’re guessing the dignitaries aren’t meeting there for the colours or maple syrup.

I believe I’ve mentioned the WTC dreams in another some blog somewhere, but I don’t know if I relayed the significance of that event for me (besides the tragedy that it was). To recount, for a year before the fateful day, I had a recurring dream of seeing an airplane fly into a skyscraper, then tried to call 911 to report it to the authorities. Every time I woke up I had my father on my mind. I assumed this was due to his fear of flying which I knew nothing about until we gained that closeness.

That disaster turned out to be part of my awakening. I had suspected a hint of psychic ability prior to September 11th but always shrugged off the peculiarities as coincidence (or was too freaked to think about it). Watching the same scene unfold before my eyes, that I had witnessed many times for a year before, was nothing I could ignore any longer. But still the only connection I made to my father was his fear of flying and what would he think about this event if he were here to talk about it. I’m guessing he would say something like “I told you it’s not safe to fly”.

That opinion changed after another incident involving some family members and my subsequent plea to dad for help. That would take another 10 pages to explain so I won’t right now. The main thing is I learned at that time my father did indeed play a significant role in those dreams. He was the projectionist and the feature presentation was a future presentation.

So now I’m wondering what he was trying to show me in Lake Placid.

And back to the beginning of the blog and the vision yesterday morning. It was quick and to-the-point. A map of Russia with a big red jagged circle strategically placed on the northern coast. I wondered in the dream if it meant earthquake and if so, this would be one mother of a quake (I don’t think the USGS has a box big enough to represent a quake that size). But it wasn’t a box, it was a circle so that had me a bit confused. The marker sat near a distinct land formation, kind of a nodule looking thing is as best as I can describe it.

Purpleaura’s first impression of the picture I sent:

When I look at that symbol it always reminds me of an explosion symbol (a bloody big one), or the start of something big. Very weird.

Naturally, the second thing I did was fire up Google Earth. I must not have had any features turned on (even though it says I did), because not a single town or place of interest presented itself, however that didn’t appear out of the ordinary for Siberia.

This is a close-up view of the land formation:

And the overall perspective. I observed the scene from the sky a fair distance south and west.

I just placed a marker in the approximate location I appeared to be viewing the jagged circle and it was a little north of Samarkand:

Samarkand is the second-largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital of Samarqand Province. The city is most noted for its central position on the Silk Road between China and the West, and for being an Islamic centre for scholarly study. The Bibi-Khanym Mosque remains one of the city's most famous landmarks. The Registan was the ancient centre of the city. It is located at the altitude of 702 meters. In 2001, UNESCO inscribed the 2750-year-old city on the World Heritage List as Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures.

Samarkand derives its name from the Old Persian asmara, "stone", "rock", and Sogdian kand, "fort", "town".

Purpleaura also fired up Google Earth but her results were very different. A little to the southeast (167 kilometres) is a town called Tiksi which has a very noticeable claim to fame:

Tiksi Airport

Tiksi Aerodrome is located 1 km (0.6 mi) northeast of Tiksi, Russia and was built in the 1950s as a staging base for Soviet bombers to reach the United States. It is used regularly by Tupolev Tu-95 aircraft in military exercises, including one in 1999, in which bombers practice travelling to the Canadian arctic. Two airfields known as Tiksi North and Tiksi West no longer appear to exist, according to satellite imagery. According to, a total of 50 daily seats are flown into Tiksi Airport every day. This equates a total capacity of 18,250 seats annually, however, with a rough industry average of a 70% load factor on the plane, it is safe to say that Tiksi Airport receives around 12,775 passengers a year.

Airport type : military

Operator : Russian Air Force

More on the area:


Water transport ranks first for cargo turnover. There are six river ports, two sea ports (Tiksi and Zelyony Mys). Four shipping companies, including the Arctic Sea Shipping Company, operate in the republic. The republic's main waterway is the Lena River, which links Yakutsk with the rail station of Ust-Kut in Irkutsk Oblast.
Air transport is the most important for transporting people. Airlines connect the republic with most regions of Russia. Yakutsk Airport has an international terminal.

Two federal roads pass the republic. They are Yakutsk–Bolshoy Never and Yakutsk–Magadan. However, due to the presence of permafrost, use of asphalt is not practical, and therefore the roads are made of clay. When heavy rains blow over the region, the roads often turn to mud, sometimes stranding hundreds of travellers in the process.

This might be a good time to relate the volcano dream from October 16th :

Purpleaura and I were at the top of a mountain, not sure how we got there but I don't think we climbed. We were holding on to the edge of the mountain peeking over the top, she was to my right. It seems I was familiar with this mountain from the ground but was under the impression it was solid all the way up to the top peak. When we looked at it from a birds-eye view we could see it was hollow in the middle about half way down. I exclaimed "Holy crap, I never knew this mountain looked like this".

There was an unknown man hovering over the hollow part explaining something to us. He was pointing out various items I don’t recall but focused on the west side of the mountain which looked a lot different than the rest of it. For the most part the it consisted of your regular jagged peaks. The west side was comprised of quite round and smooth rocks resembling various sized blobs of light brown mud stacked randomly on top and around each other.

The man must have told us the mountain was going to blow because suddenly I had a vision of that section exploding causing big huge boulders or blobs to fall out of the sky. I knew it would do a great deal of damage and felt horrified at the destruction it was going to cause. I asked Purpleaura if this was the volcano she dreamt of and she replied “yes”.

Again I remarked at how different the mountain looked from the air as opposed to the view from the ground.

Natural resources

Sakha is well endowed with raw materials. The soil contains large reserves of oil, gas, coal, diamonds, gold, silver, tin, tungsten and many others. 99% of all Russian diamonds are mined in Sakha, accounting for over 25% of the world's diamond production.

Communities in Sakha threatened by the Siberia Pacific Pipeline

When Transneft announced that the Siberia-Pacific pipeline would be rerouted 400 km away from Lake Baikal, it was considered a huge victory. However, this rushed and risky project will now threaten communities in the Republic of Sakha with oil spills and other potentially negative consequences. Furthermore, community voices are not being heard even though they will bear the brunt of damage done by hasty development projects – including potentially devastating oil spills.

The construction of the pipeline in Sakha (Yakutia) began in April of 2006, and there have been numerous violations reported since then. Large sections of trees are being trampled by bulldozers without appropriate permits. Furthermore, miles and miles of welded pipes being exposed to severe weather conditions – causing rust and weakening of the links - while workers are struggling to build trenches in rock laden subsoil and permafrost. As the pipeline is already running through an area with a high likelihood of earthquakes, this weakening of the pipeline could allow oil leaks or it could break more easily causing a massive oil spill.

The pipeline also crosses several important rivers, including the Amga, Aldan and Lena - the 10th longest river in the world (2,800 miles). Initially, Transneft suggested the micro-tunneling method, which is considered environmentally safer and less damaging to the river bed. Now the company unilaterally decided to use open cut river crossing, causing serious damage to the river and its fish. Furthermore, local people are concerned about the pipeline’s proximity to drinking water sources in case of an oil spill.

In addition, there have been serious violations in regards to the environmental impact review process before the beginning of the project. Local environmental and public groups have been filing suits based on the following grounds - limited participation of local constituencies, lack of inclusion of public suggestions made during community hearings, limited access to relevant project documents and overall transparency issues. More specifically, representatives of local organizations were not permitted to sign any protocols resulting from the hearings as the federal law requires, and the public could not access the final version of the environmental impact review. In addition, no community hearings took place during the technical and economic feasibility evaluation of the project.

Purpleaura wondered what a large quake would do to the pipeline or could the circle represent an attack of some sort. Interestingly enough we’ve had our fair share of pipeline shenanigans here in Western Canada:

DAWSON CREEK, B.C. - It's the question on everyone's lips here in this remote northern B.C. town: Who's waging war on the oil industry?

In less than a week, two explosive devices have erupted under sour-gas pipelines owned by EnCana outside the town, 590 kilometres northwest of Edmonton. In both cases, the pipelines did not rupture and no one was injured, but the level of violence involved - and the wording of threatening letters sent to local news outlets last week - has everyone in the region on edge.

"This scares the hell out of me and my family," said Eric Kuenzl, a resident of neighbouring Tomslake, which is about 30 kilometres south of Dawson's Creek.
The RCMP's anti-terrorism Integrated National Security Enforcement Team has now taken over leading the investigation from local officers.

Without anymore delay, this is Purpleaura’s dream from September 28, 2005 which made itself to the forefront yesterday. It was included in another blog April 14th, 2007 (the first time we tried to decipher it).

Seems I am attending a funeral. As I reach the location I am aware of a huge estate, a big white building. It jumps and a group of people are being greeted by an African male who looks like he’s around his late 20's to early 30's. He’s organizing his father’s funeral. I approached and said, "I need to speak to you about something". He looked at me and says he hasn’t got time, he needs to go to the ? (a word that wasn’t English and I couldn’t hear). I reply, “You mean you have to go to the bathroom?” He says, "Yes, really quick", and dashes off to the restroom where a group of people are milling about talking. I got annoyed and decided to go find a place to sit for the funeral and walked around the side of the house.

It jumps again and people are trying to sit down on what looked like the tiered stands you’d see at a stadium. They were packed in like sardines and I’m trying to find a place to sit. I see some family members in the top tier but there wasn’t any way to reach them. I didn’t want to be at this funeral but out of respect I went. I gathered the funeral was for an older African American male.

I finally spotted a place as there were several tiered stands in the room. The room was made of stone and had a medieval or gothic feel to it with carved archways and the like. I noticed nothing but African Americans sitting on the other side of the room who appeared to be family members. I found my place with a group of people near the arch that was next to a passageway.

Next, I see through the arches is an older African American male, he looked like he was in his 60's or 70's, being carried on a stretcher. He had an oxygen mask on his face and he looked serious. A younger African American lady sticks her head out of one of the arches and says, "Is my grandfather ok, is it bad?" Now I’m pissed because it suddenly hit me. We’re having the funeral for this older African American gentleman who was supposedly dead, yet he’s still alive. Granted he was gravely ill but still alive.

Suddenly one of the African American ladies comes over and asks, "Could you kindly move? This place is reserved for family". Now I’m really pissed because I knew this wasn’t the truth. They wanted us out of this room and they wanted us out now.

I decided to leave and was looking around at the stands filled to the brim, then figured I may as well have a wander around the outside of the white building. I went around to the part where I was at the beginning of the dream and it was painted white. As I make my way to the front of the house I suddenly noticed that the bricks were not painted white but were in fact bare bricks and there was loads of scaffolding all over the place.

It jumps again and all the staff in the building were coming out, they looked very busy. The scenery changed as I came around from the front of the house, it had started snowing. I was dressed in only a white shirt yet was not cold. The people in the dream were wearing white shoulder wraps with red fur trim. One of them came over and offered me a shoulder wrap to keep warm while telling me it was too cold. I thanked them and said I was okay. They thought I was crazy and by this time the snow was falling heavily yet I still did not feel the cold. For some reason I felt the people exiting the building were Russian.

It jumps one last time and suddenly I’m watching as another Russian group comes out and approaches the other group and tells them all to go back into the building to work. A woman steps forward and says “No”. The other Russian party repeats the statement to get back in the building and work. Again she replies “No”. It’s at this stage that both the Russian groups step forward, and one of the group that demanded the other group go back in the building, suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots the other group’s woman leader in the right leg. I noticed again the ground full of snow. The lady leader who had been shot gets up from the ground and carries on walking. As she gets up I notice there is a big crater of melted snow that is now water. I see her approaching the other group, and it’s at this point I awoke from the dream.

We concluded at the time that the big white house was (obviously) the big White House. Who knew 3 years ago there’d be an African American vying for residency? Purpleaura also felt at the time the man on the stretcher had a Nelson Mandela vibe.

Today she’s wondering why she used the word crater to describe the void of melted snow.

My first thoughts after re-reading her dream today went directly to the recent news of Obama suspending his campaign to be with his ailing grandmother:

October 23, 2008

ABC News' Robin Roberts reports: Barack Obama said his ailing grandmother has been "inundated" with get-well wishes from strangers since he announced that he is leaving the campaign trail for a day to spend time with her.

Obama is flying to Honolulu, Hawaii today to visit his grandmother Madelyn Dunham, 85, who is gravely ill.

Purpleaura did some checking into a Mandela / Obama connection.

NYT's Keller compares Obama and Mandela

The executive editor of The New York Times, Bill Keller, sees "unmistakable" similarities between the campaigns of Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela, he said in a podcast interview on the paper's website.

The interview, done for the New York Times Book Review, is on the subject of Keller's young adult biography of Nelson Mandela, whom he covered. Asked about Obama, Keller calls him "fascinating."

Keller said Obama and Mandela share a rhetorical style, not always riveting, but always "appealing to the higher sense of purpose and history."

And he said both "somehow rose above race while still clearly being black."

She also looked into Obama senior and discovered he died in a car crash in 1982. Junior Obama would have been 21 (that’s between 20 and 30 by my math)

I dreamt of Obama last night. Not sure if I was picking up on Purpleaura’s revelations or something else. I vaguely recall seeing him hunched over holding on to his abdomen with both hands. It looked like he was in a dim spotlight with darkness all around. The picture was black and white and appeared older than it should have been.

Another dream of Obama from September 24th:

This morning before I woke up it was like I was overhearing a conversation between two people. One said "Obama will need an arsenal to get out of this one" and the other person said "and McCain gets the ticket".

So what’s it all mean. I’m not even sure why we’re trying to tie the different aspects together as Purpleaura’s dreams have proven to be multi-faceted. This one does seem connected though.

There’s a lot of talk and speculation concerning Obama’s loyalties and lineage. He and communism have been linked more than once. We’re fairly certain now the black man at the funeral in the big white house was connected to Obama and the young man was indeed Obama. Whether he has links to communism or Mandela has links to communism is not the topic of debate. Perhaps he’s simply a time stamp for an event concerning Russia. That seems like an overabundance of pomp and ceremony for a time stamp though.

There were two factions in the dream, not unlike what’s been plastered in our faces the last year and more. Interesting the leader of one of those factions may very well be a woman before we know it. A woman very close to Russia, geographically speaking if nothing else.

Besides the selection, the second most important thing in the news these days is Tina Fey’s now infamous portrayal of Sarah Palin on SNL. Especially her quote on foreign policy, “I can see Russia from my house!”.

That all reeks of diversion though. There’s rumours the Lake Placid delegation has gathered to discuss an incident surrounding aliens and their ships. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least considering the UFO dreams of late. Another is a world war or an incoming near earth object. Whatever it is, there’s been some mighty strange vibes in the air.

Purpleaura, two of her children and myself have been plagued by migraines since last weekend. We’ve both been feeling generally like crap and last night neither of us could sleep. Out of the many times I woke up I looked at the clock only once and it was 2:22. The internal heat for both of us has been operating at maximum temperatures. I’m surprised our heads haven’t exploded yet.

When Purpleaura went to check on TabithaToo before turning in herself, she woke up long enough to say “loads of blood mum”, then turned over and fell right back asleep. That’s the third time in two weeks she’s been dreaming of loads of blood.
In the animal kingdom, people all over the planet are reporting strange animal behaviour and I think most know they have senses far superior to ours, as was displayed during the Boxing Day tsunami:

Somehow the animals also seemed to know that disaster was imminent. Many people reported that they saw animals fleeing for high ground minutes before the tsunami arrived. Very few animal bodies were found afterwards.

Before giant waves slammed into Sri Lanka and India coastlines ten days ago, wild and domestic animals seemed to know what was about to happen and fled to safety.

According to eyewitness accounts, the following events happened:

Elephants screamed and ran for higher ground

Dogs refused to go outdoors

Flamingos abandoned their low-lying breeding areas

Zoo animals rushed into their shelters and could not be enticed to come back out

On various forums, pet and farm owners are stating their animals have become either unusually aggressive or extremely clingy. Some are acting just plain mental. We had a woodpecker going at the stucco of the house the other day, that’s a first. Not nearly as entertaining though as the armadillo Purpleaura encountered trying to dig a hole in her sidewalk. Or her Wonder Dog Max barking at things nobody else can see or hear (except Purpleaura). Then there’s the kamikaze opossum that ran out in front of her car and stopped to stare her down before it decided to move on. And the bird in the garage that was dive-bombing her while she tried to charge yet another dead car battery.

In her dream last Sunday she found Max barking in the front yard, a place he rarely frequents. When she went to see what all the uproar was about, a ginormous black mass passed in front of her. She sees these a lot, sometimes while dreaming and sometimes awake. They usually preclude an event and this one was so big she exclaimed in her sleep “arrghh it’s huge!”

In a dream I had on the 13th, animals were mysteriously and rapidly disappearing off the face of the earth to the point of extinction. Like one day all the elephants were just gone. Apparently Steve Fossett was playing Noah and gathering up all living things deemed worthy and whisking them off to his ship.

The electrical anomalies have been many and not just with us. In the last few weeks Purpleaura has had 2 car batteries conk out, numerous light peculiarities such as bulbs that remain lit even thought the switch is in the off position, as well as lights blinking off and on of their own free will. Her phone, internet and cable are all through the same company yet her cable was working fine but not the internet or phone. A call to the provider from a cell phone showed this was happening only at her house. Funny thing, a few weeks ago the same thing happened to us and while it was not just our house, our neighbourhood was the only one affected. A work mate joked it was probably just our house and how close he was, he just got the residence confused.

Purpleaura’s alarm system for the septic tank refused to shut off so she had to wrap it in padding in order to remain in the house without taking a hammer to it. And the Xbox crapped out. That would be the major catastrophe with youngsters in the house.

At our house, we had a floor lamp start flickering and I lay there thinking “Just burn out already” but it never did. It just continued to flicker and I finally had to unplug it. I then turned on the table lamp and it stayed lit for about a millisecond before burning out so I gave up and spent the rest of the evening in the glow of the television. Thanksgiving weekend, late Saturday night, BWB was making a snack in the oven and thought the element had burnt out. Since the only store that supplies this particular element is not open Sundays, I began to wonder how I was going to cook a turkey in the fire place. As it turned out he had activated the broiler, not the oven. The element didn’t actually burn out until 3 days later.

The batteries in the toothbrush wore out a week after changing them, same with the mouse.

Here’s a few more occurrences from others in the last week or so:

~Any one having batteries die on them like mass suicide?

This just happened to me recently, I've had three wall clock die and two remote controls.

For them all to go at the same time is really unusual.

~In the past two weeks I've had a car battery die, a laptop and battery backup fail, and an assortment of very inconvenient times of phone and camera battery deaths. Weird stuff.

~My car battery and my phone today. Both unusual. Weird...

~I had a post about this very thing about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Both of my wall clocks, my cell phone, and my flashlights all went on the same time frame. What's up??? My daughter's car battery as well.

~omg mother just complained to me the other day how her tv remote died so she went to the store, bought new batteries and they were dead within days.

a week later same thing happens to cordless mouse and keyboard stopped working on the same day. i replaced the batteries on both and low and behold two days later the ones in the keyboard went on me again!

To top it off Purpleaura is again hearing that incessant humming noise that’s becoming more popular every day:

Mysterious humming noise returns

Finding the source of the hum is proving difficult

A mysterious humming noise which kept residents of a Suffolk town awake at night for weeks has struck up again.

For seven weeks in the summer people in Sudbury were plagued by the sound of a low drone, but then it stopped.

The source of the noise was never identified despite an investigation by Babergh District Council.

Now the humming noise is back and louder than before. Residents have heard the sound but there is still no clue to what is causing it.

So what’s up? HAARP? UFO’s? EMP’s? HAARP trying to shoot down UFO’s thus creating EMP’s? The Advanced Laser Technology place? E-bombs?

An electromagnetic bomb or E-bomb is a weapon designed to disable electronics with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that can couple with electrical/electronic systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges by electromagnetic induction. The effects are usually not noticeable beyond the blast radius unless the device is nuclear or specifically designed to produce an electromagnetic pulse.

To Conclude, as usual, I’m not really sure what’s happening out there. These are but a few pieces to the puzzle and all indications point to a curious affair.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Boston Revisited

Looks like Boston is making its way to forefront again and merits a discussion.

It all started last week with Purpleaura’s feeling of imminent martial law. I had been wavering on the idea of another “terrorist attack” which would in turn cause a need for martial law which in turn would cause a need for George to declare himself king of the world. What actually happens with the US Selection is not at all clear in my mind but I’m still leaning towards the dictatorship. If I could predict the outcome of any competition I’m certain I’d have a serious gambling problem so whoever is in charge doesn’t tell me things like that. However, there are many who feel the same way and Purpleaura’s dreams and visions are certainly leading in that direction. She also has very strong feelings Obama won’t make it to November and will be met with the same fate as JFK.

So last week I had a dream about hearing the word BINGO very loudly. I used to be quite the Bingo fan but it’s been years since I attended a game. I assumed the dream was telling me I should go again, then last night I dreamt of a friend I haven’t seen or dreamt of in ages and again we were discussing going to Bingo. More on this later.

When Purpleaura first told me about her martial law premonitions I replied they will need an event to pull that off. Then I went to a forum and saw this post:

Date: September 16, 2008 at 21:19:52
URL: "i have to get the hell out of boston..."

i have obtained a 200 pill supply of potassium iodide. This should be enough to ride out the limited nuclear attack on what i have dreamed will be boston, onan nfl game night. if you click on the picture of nastia liukin, it will take you to the nfl schedule.

there are 2 dates that stick out: 10-20 and 11-13 on 10-20, the new england patriots play a Monday night game at home against denver. on 11-13, the pats play a thursday night game at home against the jets.

at first glance, the 11-13 game has the most occultic significance. however, if you know that the illuminate keep time according to umt/gmt time, then at the same time of the 8:15pm EST kick-off 10-21, it will be early am 10-21 in london. if you ignore the zero 10-21 can be seen as 121 or 11x11.

thus, the 10-20 pats night game does have an occultic signature to it and i would invite any astrologers to examine this exact time and location for any further occultic clues.

i have to believe that the nwo will move for a limited nuke attack on a major american city before the november election. based on the presidential candidates proffered by the nwo, it is as if they don't care because the nwo knows there will be no elections, so i don't know why you people on the national board are expending so much bandwidth on an election that's not going to happen...

once more, i urge anyone reading this is get your supply of potassium iodide pills before 10-20. do not worry about an all-out nuclear war because that is not in the illuminati plan. you will only need a supply for 14 days for you and your loved ones and even your pets. i got mine for $25. you can buy online from amazon or ki4u.

After that I decided to play some online billiards. Normally I play only against the computer but this time for reasons unknown decided to play a real person. This is how the conversation went (I’m assuming my opponent was male):

Him: hi
Me: Hello
Him: Where from
Me: Canada, you?
Him: Boston
Him: Why won’t you tell me where you’re from? Are you afraid we’re going to invade you if we know where you are?
Me: Calgary. I’ve driven through Boston, nice city.
Him: Disconnects

Not sure what was up with that. It’s not like I was beating him or anything.

I was also a little freaked about the poster’s reference to a football game because of the DC Packers dream. While I felt it had something to do with a meat packing plant, and we’re in the midst of a dilemma caused by Maple Leaf Packers, I also still feel there was something much more ominous about it. Not that the people who have died from listeriosis isn’t tragic enough, but this concerns many more people and our planet as a whole.

Then last night not only did Purpleaura and I have dreams with some similar themes, BWB seems to have gotten into the game as well and the three of us shared similar dreams. Parts of Purpleaura’s dealt more with attacks so I’ll get to that first.

Well I had a bad dream this morning. I am walking on a street path and suddenly a car comes around the corner fast. There is a woman on cell phone talking away with only one hand on the wheel. I was flaming mad because she took the corner wide and the back door of the car opened and a small child was hanging out but had caught itself on the edge of the open door and was swinging like a flag in the wind. The woman didn’t seem to care in the least.

She stopped and I approached the car and told her that she nearly killed me because of being on her damn phone and has a small child she couldn’t be bothered with and just left it hanging on the door with it wide open. So she gets out and starts cursing me and going on and on. While she is facing me at an angle I’m doing my best to ignore her and look forward and right in front of me I am watching an event take place.

This is the weird part, it was like I was looking at a small square arena and everything was in this arena. There were ships almost like large shipping tankers that dock at the port. I overheard some men talking in a foreign language and heard “It’s their fault, they caused it”. I don’t know whether this is separate accident or whether this is the cause of the main thing to happen.

I saw the ships underneath and then suddenly saw a big plane (a passenger plane like a 747 or 777) take off and as it takes off there comes another plane from a different direction at same time and it slams into the plane taking off. As its burning up it hits the water and I get a glimpse of the ships underneath.

What else was weird is the way it blew up which looked familiar and I finally found a picture and realized it was the Hindenburg. As I’m watching I’m thinking “Holy crap, my god” when suddenly another plane comes and explodes then another and another. As I’m watching I’m thinking "why are they just sending these planes out for them to explode?" It was like they were on a conveyor belt one after the other.

Then I woke up.

Purpleaura has some pretty scary dreams but she mentioned this one has her really freaked out.

In the dreams BWB and I had there were also children and a car out of control and I too was watching something in an arena but I don’t know what.

Ok back to Boston. The very first thing that entered my mind after reading Purpleaura’s dream was the manner in which Joe Kennedy Jr. died. I read this years ago and ever since have been wondering if they still do this and if not, would they try it again. I guess the WTC catastrophe points to yes.

After previous US Army Operation Aphrodite missions first conceptualized on July 23, 1944, Kennedy and Lt. Wilford John Willy (born May 13, 1909 in New Jersey) were the crew - Lt Wilford J. Willy had pulled rank over Ensign FNU Simpson (who was the regular co-pilot with Joe Kennedy Jr) in order to be on this mission - in a modified version of the B-24 Liberator (code name Anvil) in the US Navy's first Aphrodite mission. After the two Lockheed Ventura mother planes and a navigation plane had taken off, the BQ8 "robot" aircraft completed take-off from RAF Fersfield, England loaded with 21,170 pounds (9,600 kg) of Torpex to use as a guided missile on the V-3 cannon site in Mimoyecques, France. Following approximately 300 feet behind the drone was Colonel Elliott Roosevelt in a de Havilland Mosquito to film the mission. Kennedy and Willy remained on board while the BQ8 completed its first remote-control turn. Approximately two minutes later and ten minutes before the planned crew bail out, the Torpex detonated and destroyed the drone - the plane came down near to the village of Blythburgh in Suffolk.

Kennedy's body was never recovered, and he was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross; the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. Lt. Willy was also posthumously awarded the Navy Cross, and both men's names are listed on the Tablets of the Missing at the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial.,_Jr.

Ok that kind of blew me away because part of BWB’s dream that was emphasized involved a man cooking chicken on a barbeque and people often use BQ as a short form.

And Boston and Kennedy’s are interchangeable as far as I’m concerned.

Also a little freaky is I just decided to look up the user ID of the person I played pool against the other night and found him replying to a Boston newspaper article regarding Obama:

Hi, I would like to present some 'opinions' I got playing an online game with this individual calling himself fisher_rider04:

interblava> hi
fisher_rider04> hi
interblava> where from
fisher_rider04> north florida
interblava> boston
interblava> how old
fisher_rider04> 21
interblava> did u vote
fisher_rider04> for what
interblava> prez candidate
fisher_rider04> no, technically i am undecided so I cant
interblava> technically you can, but you don't want to
fisher_rider04> hey were voting for a nigger or a woman for president!
fisher_rider04> therefore mccain is going to win

Glad he disconnected, I wouldn’t have wanted to get into that conversation with him.

As I said to Purpleaura this morning after reading her dream:

“I dunno but I'm feeling this is leading to Boston again especially after reading the article you came across about that clock at Cambridge”.

The clock was unveiled by Stephen Hawking at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.

CAMBRIDGE, England - Most clocks just tell time, simply and reliably. Not the $1.8 million time eater" formally unveiled Friday at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.

The masterpiece, introduced by famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking, challenges all preconceptions about telling time. It has no hands or digital numbers and it is specially designed to run in erratic fashion, slowing down and speeding up from time to time.

Inventor John Taylor used his own money to build the clock as a tribute to John Harrison, the Englishman who in 1725 invented the grasshopper escapement, a mechanical device that helps regulate a clock's movement.

Making a visual pun on the grasshopper image, Taylor created a demonic version of the insect to top the gold-plated clock where it devours time.

The beast — with its long needle teeth and barbed tail rocks back and forth, ultimately inserting its talons in notches at the top of the clock to move it forward. Halfway through the minute the grasshopper's jaws begin to open, snapping shut at 59 seconds.

"Time is gone, he's eaten it," said Taylor, who calls the oversize grasshopper "Chronophage," which translates to "time eater."

"My object was simply to turn a clock inside out so that the grasshopper became a reality," Taylor said.

At the unveiling, Hawking predicted the creature atop the clock would become "a much-loved, and possibly feared, addition to Cambridge's cityscape."

What else occurred to me just this morning is I read years ago Bingo was invented in Boston and beans were used to mark the squares. That is not what I’m reading today however but in my mind Bingo also equals Boston. Even freakier yet is something just told me to look up Operation Bingo:

The memorandum outlines Operation Bingo, a plan to, in its words, "create an incident which has the appearance of an attack on U.S. facilities (GMO) in Cuba, thus providing an excuse for use of U.S. military might to overthrow the current government of Cuba."

This is all a tad unnerving as we approach the anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis in which the other Kennedy was instrumental. And speaking of October, I was asked to be the official photographer at a company soiree. It happens October 7th and the minute I heard that date was filled with hinky vibes. I have a cousin who I was quite close to (more like a brother to me) whose birthday is that day and I told the person who asked me I wouldn’t forget that date. Then I checked out another forum when I got home that night and find no less than 3 threads all stating October 7 is the date of doom:

The webbots are saying October 7th and beyond is serious.

The Cuban Missile Crisis began October 8th, pretty darn close. The 14th doesn’t look good either and that’s my brother’s birthday.

Purpleara decided to lookup the history of Bingo (invented in Atlanta) and one thing led to another and here's what she came up with. This came up while searching Operation Bingo and sounds chillingly like another historical date quite familiar to us all. Since it seemed to work the first time, why not use it again?

Journalist James Bamford summarized Operation Northwoods in his April 24, 2001 book Body of Secrets:Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.

This operation is especially notable in that it included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on foreign governments.The plan states, "The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere." Operation Northwoods was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by then-Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense.Several other proposals were listed, including the real or simulated actions against various U.S military and civilian targets. Operation Northwoods was part of the U.S. government's Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative. It was never officially accepted or executed.

Sure it wasn't. Maybe not as far as Cuba's concerned...

And the author of that book, James Bamford, was born and raised in a town called Natick, 15 miles west of Boston.

Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1

3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army

The command is at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo., but the soldiers with 1st BCT, who returned in April after 15 months in Iraq, will operate out of their home post at Fort Stewart, Ga., where they’ll be able to go to school, spend time with their families and train for their new homeland mission as well as the counterinsurgency mission in the war zones.

This is a post regarding the software TimeWaveZero:

Following a brief plateau period of a little more than week, is a small plateau just before the first shaded bar that roughly corresponds to this month’s tension-filled dithering of the global political-economic scene. The values then rapidly shift around 10-05 and continue to change rapidly until 12-10. It is more than passing interest that HPH has specifically identified the early hours of 10-7 as a point that marks a rapid change in the human operating environment. Furthermore, the end point of 12-10 or 12-12 is one they have identified as marked by one or two very major earthquakes, one of them perhaps in the PNW.;topicseen#msg3289

In conclusion, something is up. It may not be Boston, it may not be missiles but many across the globe are getting the same bad vibes of impending doom and martial law with the end result a new American Monarchy. I'm not usually one for predicting dates but so many things are leading to October and if they're going to pull off this dictatorship thing it will have to be soon.

The clock is ticking grasshopper.